Kyle Altendorf 3b084a165b
configure isort to add the future annotations import (#13327)
* configure isort to add the future annotations import

* apply the new isort setting

* remove type ignores for new mypy (#13539)

* another
2022-09-30 03:40:22 -05:00

190 lines
7.7 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
from chia.consensus.block_record import BlockRecord
from chia.consensus.default_constants import DEFAULT_CONSTANTS
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.types.full_block import FullBlock
from chia.util.config import load_config
from chia.util.path import path_from_root
def db_validate_func(
root_path: Path,
in_db_path: Optional[Path] = None,
validate_blocks: bool,
) -> None:
if in_db_path is None:
config: Dict[str, Any] = load_config(root_path, "config.yaml")["full_node"]
selected_network: str = config["selected_network"]
db_pattern: str = config["database_path"]
db_path_replaced: str = db_pattern.replace("CHALLENGE", selected_network)
in_db_path = path_from_root(root_path, db_path_replaced)
validate_v2(in_db_path, validate_blocks=validate_blocks)
print(f"\n\nDATABASE IS VALID: {in_db_path}\n")
def validate_v2(in_path: Path, *, validate_blocks: bool) -> None:
import sqlite3
from contextlib import closing
import zstd
if not in_path.exists():
print(f"input file doesn't exist. {in_path}")
raise RuntimeError(f"can't find {in_path}")
print(f"opening file for reading: {in_path}")
with closing(sqlite3.connect(in_path)) as in_db:
# read the database version
with closing(in_db.execute("SELECT * FROM database_version")) as cursor:
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row is None or row == []:
raise RuntimeError("Database is missing version field")
if row[0] != 2:
raise RuntimeError(f"Database has the wrong version ({row[0]} expected 2)")
except sqlite3.OperationalError:
raise RuntimeError("Database is missing version table")
with closing(in_db.execute("SELECT hash FROM current_peak WHERE key = 0")) as cursor:
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row is None or row == []:
raise RuntimeError("Database is missing current_peak field")
peak = bytes32(row[0])
except sqlite3.OperationalError:
raise RuntimeError("Database is missing current_peak table")
print(f"peak hash: {peak}")
with closing(in_db.execute("SELECT height FROM full_blocks WHERE header_hash = ?", (peak,))) as cursor:
peak_row = cursor.fetchone()
if peak_row is None or peak_row == []:
raise RuntimeError("Database is missing the peak block")
peak_height = peak_row[0]
print(f"peak height: {peak_height}")
print("traversing the full chain")
current_height = peak_height
# we're looking for a block with this hash
expect_hash = peak
# once we find it, we know what the next block to look for is, which
# this is set to
next_hash = None
num_orphans = 0
height_to_hash = bytearray(peak_height * 32)
with closing(
f"SELECT header_hash, prev_hash, height, in_main_chain"
f"{', block, block_record' if validate_blocks else ''} "
"FROM full_blocks ORDER BY height DESC"
) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
hh = row[0]
prev = row[1]
height = row[2]
in_main_chain = row[3]
# if there are blocks being added to the database, just ignore
# the ones added since we picked the peak
if height > peak_height:
if validate_blocks:
block = FullBlock.from_bytes(zstd.decompress(row[4]))
block_record = BlockRecord.from_bytes(row[5])
actual_header_hash = block.header_hash
actual_prev_hash = block.prev_header_hash
if actual_header_hash != hh:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Block {hh.hex()} has a blob with mismatching " f"hash: {actual_header_hash.hex()}"
if block_record.header_hash != hh:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Block {hh.hex()} has a block record with mismatching "
f"hash: {block_record.header_hash.hex()}"
if block_record.total_iters != block.total_iters:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Block {hh.hex()} has a block record with mismatching total "
f"iters: {block_record.total_iters} expected {block.total_iters}"
if block_record.prev_hash != actual_prev_hash:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Block {hh.hex()} has a block record with mismatching "
f"prev_hash: {block_record.prev_hash} expected {actual_prev_hash.hex()}"
if block.height != height:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Block {hh.hex()} has a mismatching " f"height: {block.height} expected {height}"
if height != current_height:
# we're moving to the next level. Make sure we found the block
# we were looking for at the previous level
if next_hash is None:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Database is missing the block with hash {expect_hash} at height {current_height}"
expect_hash = next_hash
next_hash = None
current_height = height
if hh == expect_hash:
if next_hash is not None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Database has multiple blocks with hash {hh.hex()}, " f"at height {height}")
if not in_main_chain:
raise RuntimeError(
f"block {hh.hex()} (height: {height}) is part of the main chain, "
f"but in_main_chain is not set"
if validate_blocks:
if actual_prev_hash != prev:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Block {hh.hex()} has a blob with mismatching "
f"prev-hash: {actual_prev_hash}, expected {prev}"
next_hash = prev
height_to_hash[height * 32 : height * 32 + 32] = hh
print(f"\r{height} orphaned blocks: {num_orphans} ", end="")
if in_main_chain:
raise RuntimeError(
f"block {hh.hex()} (height: {height}) is orphaned, " "but in_main_chain is set"
num_orphans += 1
if current_height != 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"Database is missing blocks below height {current_height}")
# make sure the prev_hash pointer of block height 0 is the genesis
# challenge
raise RuntimeError(
f"Blockchain has invalid genesis challenge {next_hash}, expected "
if num_orphans > 0:
print(f"{num_orphans} orphaned blocks")