2021-04-24 22:33:26 -07:00

327 lines
12 KiB

import os
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import yaml
from chia import __version__
from chia.consensus.coinbase import create_puzzlehash_for_pk
from chia.ssl.create_ssl import generate_ca_signed_cert, get_chia_ca_crt_key, make_ca_cert
from chia.util.bech32m import encode_puzzle_hash
from chia.util.config import (
from chia.util.ints import uint32
from chia.util.keychain import Keychain
from chia.util.path import mkdir
from chia.wallet.derive_keys import master_sk_to_pool_sk, master_sk_to_wallet_sk
private_node_names = {"full_node", "wallet", "farmer", "harvester", "timelord", "daemon"}
public_node_names = {"full_node", "wallet", "farmer", "introducer", "timelord"}
def dict_add_new_default(updated: Dict, default: Dict, do_not_migrate_keys: Dict[str, Any]):
for k in do_not_migrate_keys:
if k in updated and do_not_migrate_keys[k] == "":
for k, v in default.items():
ignore = False
if k in do_not_migrate_keys:
do_not_data = do_not_migrate_keys[k]
if isinstance(do_not_data, dict):
ignore = False
ignore = True
if isinstance(v, dict) and k in updated and ignore is False:
# If there is an intermediate key with empty string value, do not migrate all descendants
if do_not_migrate_keys.get(k, None) == "":
do_not_migrate_keys[k] = v
dict_add_new_default(updated[k], default[k], do_not_migrate_keys.get(k, {}))
elif k not in updated or ignore is True:
updated[k] = v
def check_keys(new_root: Path) -> None:
keychain: Keychain = Keychain()
all_sks = keychain.get_all_private_keys()
if len(all_sks) == 0:
print("No keys are present in the keychain. Generate them with 'chia keys generate'")
config: Dict = load_config(new_root, "config.yaml")
pool_child_pubkeys = [master_sk_to_pool_sk(sk).get_g1() for sk, _ in all_sks]
all_targets = []
stop_searching_for_farmer = "xch_target_address" not in config["farmer"]
stop_searching_for_pool = "xch_target_address" not in config["pool"]
number_of_ph_to_search = 500
selected = config["selected_network"]
prefix = config["network_overrides"]["config"][selected]["address_prefix"]
for i in range(number_of_ph_to_search):
if stop_searching_for_farmer and stop_searching_for_pool and i > 0:
for sk, _ in all_sks:
encode_puzzle_hash(create_puzzlehash_for_pk(master_sk_to_wallet_sk(sk, uint32(i)).get_g1()), prefix)
if all_targets[-1] == config["farmer"].get("xch_target_address"):
stop_searching_for_farmer = True
if all_targets[-1] == config["pool"].get("xch_target_address"):
stop_searching_for_pool = True
# Set the destinations
if "xch_target_address" not in config["farmer"]:
print(f"Setting the xch destination address for coinbase fees reward to {all_targets[0]}")
config["farmer"]["xch_target_address"] = all_targets[0]
elif config["farmer"]["xch_target_address"] not in all_targets:
f"WARNING: using a farmer address which we don't have the private"
f" keys for. We searched the first {number_of_ph_to_search} addresses. Consider overriding "
f"{config['farmer']['xch_target_address']} with {all_targets[0]}"
if "pool" not in config:
config["pool"] = {}
if "xch_target_address" not in config["pool"]:
print(f"Setting the xch destination address for coinbase reward to {all_targets[0]}")
config["pool"]["xch_target_address"] = all_targets[0]
elif config["pool"]["xch_target_address"] not in all_targets:
f"WARNING: using a pool address which we don't have the private"
f" keys for. We searched the first {number_of_ph_to_search} addresses. Consider overriding "
f"{config['pool']['xch_target_address']} with {all_targets[0]}"
# Set the pool pks in the farmer
pool_pubkeys_hex = set(bytes(pk).hex() for pk in pool_child_pubkeys)
if "pool_public_keys" in config["farmer"]:
for pk_hex in config["farmer"]["pool_public_keys"]:
# Add original ones in config
config["farmer"]["pool_public_keys"] = pool_pubkeys_hex
save_config(new_root, "config.yaml", config)
def copy_files_rec(old_path: Path, new_path: Path):
if old_path.is_file():
shutil.copy(old_path, new_path)
elif old_path.is_dir():
for old_path_child in old_path.iterdir():
new_path_child = new_path /
copy_files_rec(old_path_child, new_path_child)
def migrate_from(
old_root: Path,
new_root: Path,
manifest: List[str],
do_not_migrate_settings: List[str],
Copy all the files in "manifest" to the new config directory.
if old_root == new_root:
print("same as new path, exiting")
return 1
if not old_root.is_dir():
print(f"{old_root} not found - this is ok if you did not install this version")
return 0
print(f"\n{old_root} found")
print(f"Copying files from {old_root} to {new_root}\n")
for f in manifest:
old_path = old_root / f
new_path = new_root / f
copy_files_rec(old_path, new_path)
# update config yaml with new keys
config: Dict = load_config(new_root, "config.yaml")
config_str: str = initial_config_file("config.yaml")
default_config: Dict = yaml.safe_load(config_str)
flattened_keys = unflatten_properties({k: "" for k in do_not_migrate_settings})
dict_add_new_default(config, default_config, flattened_keys)
save_config(new_root, "config.yaml", config)
return 1
def create_all_ssl(root: Path):
# remove old key and crt
config_dir = root / "config"
old_key_path = config_dir / "trusted.key"
old_crt_path = config_dir / "trusted.crt"
if old_key_path.exists():
print(f"Old key not needed anymore, deleting {old_key_path}")
if old_crt_path.exists():
print(f"Old crt not needed anymore, deleting {old_crt_path}")
ssl_dir = config_dir / "ssl"
if not ssl_dir.exists():
ca_dir = ssl_dir / "ca"
if not ca_dir.exists():
private_ca_key_path = ca_dir / "private_ca.key"
private_ca_crt_path = ca_dir / "private_ca.crt"
chia_ca_crt, chia_ca_key = get_chia_ca_crt_key()
chia_ca_crt_path = ca_dir / "chia_ca.crt"
chia_ca_key_path = ca_dir / "chia_ca.key"
if not private_ca_key_path.exists() or not private_ca_crt_path.exists():
# Create private CA
print(f"Can't find private CA, creating a new one in {root} to generate TLS certificates")
make_ca_cert(private_ca_crt_path, private_ca_key_path)
# Create private certs for each node
ca_key = private_ca_key_path.read_bytes()
ca_crt = private_ca_crt_path.read_bytes()
generate_ssl_for_nodes(ssl_dir, ca_crt, ca_key, True)
# This is entered when user copied over private CA
print(f"Found private CA in {root}, using it to generate TLS certificates")
ca_key = private_ca_key_path.read_bytes()
ca_crt = private_ca_crt_path.read_bytes()
generate_ssl_for_nodes(ssl_dir, ca_crt, ca_key, True)
chia_ca_crt, chia_ca_key = get_chia_ca_crt_key()
generate_ssl_for_nodes(ssl_dir, chia_ca_crt, chia_ca_key, False, overwrite=False)
def generate_ssl_for_nodes(ssl_dir: Path, ca_crt: bytes, ca_key: bytes, private: bool, overwrite=True):
if private:
names = private_node_names
names = public_node_names
for node_name in names:
node_dir = ssl_dir / node_name
if not node_dir.exists():
if private:
prefix = "private"
prefix = "public"
key_path = node_dir / f"{prefix}_{node_name}.key"
crt_path = node_dir / f"{prefix}_{node_name}.crt"
if key_path.exists() and crt_path.exists() and overwrite is False:
generate_ca_signed_cert(ca_crt, ca_key, crt_path, key_path)
def init(create_certs: Optional[Path], root_path: Path):
if create_certs is not None:
if root_path.exists():
if os.path.isdir(create_certs):
ca_dir: Path = root_path / "config/ssl/ca"
if ca_dir.exists():
print(f"Deleting your OLD CA in {ca_dir}")
print(f"Copying your CA from {create_certs} to {ca_dir}")
copy_files_rec(create_certs, ca_dir)
print(f"** Directory {create_certs} does not exist **")
print(f"** {root_path} does not exist **")
print("** Please run `chia init` to migrate or create new config files **")
return chia_init(root_path)
def chia_version_number() -> Tuple[str, str, str, str]:
scm_full_version = __version__
left_full_version = scm_full_version.split("+")
version = left_full_version[0].split(".")
scm_major_version = version[0]
scm_minor_version = version[1]
if len(version) > 2:
smc_patch_version = version[2]
patch_release_number = smc_patch_version
smc_patch_version = ""
major_release_number = scm_major_version
minor_release_number = scm_minor_version
dev_release_number = ""
# If this is a beta dev release - get which beta it is
if "0b" in scm_minor_version:
original_minor_ver_list = scm_minor_version.split("0b")
major_release_number = str(1 - int(scm_major_version)) # decrement the major release for beta
minor_release_number = scm_major_version
patch_release_number = original_minor_ver_list[1]
if smc_patch_version and "dev" in smc_patch_version:
dev_release_number = "." + smc_patch_version
elif "0rc" in version[1]:
original_minor_ver_list = scm_minor_version.split("0rc")
major_release_number = str(1 - int(scm_major_version)) # decrement the major release for release candidate
minor_release_number = str(int(scm_major_version) + 1) # RC is 0.2.1 for RC 1
patch_release_number = original_minor_ver_list[1]
if smc_patch_version and "dev" in smc_patch_version:
dev_release_number = "." + smc_patch_version
major_release_number = scm_major_version
minor_release_number = scm_minor_version
patch_release_number = smc_patch_version
dev_release_number = ""
install_release_number = major_release_number + "." + minor_release_number
if len(patch_release_number) > 0:
install_release_number += "." + patch_release_number
if len(dev_release_number) > 0:
install_release_number += dev_release_number
return major_release_number, minor_release_number, patch_release_number, dev_release_number
def chia_minor_release_number():
res = int(chia_version_number()[2])
print(f"Install release number: {res}")
return res
def chia_full_version_str() -> str:
major, minor, patch, dev = chia_version_number()
return f"{major}.{minor}.{patch}{dev}"
def chia_init(root_path: Path):
if os.environ.get("CHIA_ROOT", None) is not None:
f"warning, your CHIA_ROOT is set to {os.environ['CHIA_ROOT']}. "
f"Please unset the environment variable and run chia init again\n"
f"or manually migrate config.yaml"
print(f"Chia directory {root_path}")
if root_path.is_dir() and Path(root_path / "config" / "config.yaml").exists():
# This is reached if CHIA_ROOT is set, or if user has run chia init twice
# before a new update.
print(f"{root_path} already exists, no migration action taken")
return -1
print("To see your keys, run 'chia keys show'")
return 0