Kyle Altendorf 3b084a165b
configure isort to add the future annotations import (#13327)
* configure isort to add the future annotations import

* apply the new isort setting

* remove type ignores for new mypy (#13539)

* another
2022-09-30 03:40:22 -05:00

244 lines
12 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from chia.consensus.constants import ConsensusConstants
from chia.protocols import timelord_protocol
from chia.timelord.iters_from_block import iters_from_block
from chia.timelord.types import Chain, StateType
from chia.types.blockchain_format.classgroup import ClassgroupElement
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.types.blockchain_format.slots import ChallengeBlockInfo
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sub_epoch_summary import SubEpochSummary
from chia.types.end_of_slot_bundle import EndOfSubSlotBundle
from chia.util.ints import uint8, uint32, uint64, uint128
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class LastState:
Represents the state that the timelord is in, and should execute VDFs on top of. A state can be one of three types:
1. A "peak" or a block
2. An end of sub-slot
3. None, if it's the first sub-slot and there are no blocks yet
Timelords execute VDFs until they reach the next block or sub-slot, at which point the state is changed again.
The state can also be changed arbitrarily to a sub-slot or peak, for example in the case the timelord receives
a new block in the future.
def __init__(self, constants: ConsensusConstants):
self.state_type: StateType = StateType.FIRST_SUB_SLOT
self.peak: Optional[timelord_protocol.NewPeakTimelord] = None
self.subslot_end: Optional[EndOfSubSlotBundle] = None
self.last_ip: uint64 = uint64(0)
self.deficit: uint8 = constants.MIN_BLOCKS_PER_CHALLENGE_BLOCK
self.sub_epoch_summary: Optional[SubEpochSummary] = None
self.constants: ConsensusConstants = constants
self.last_weight: uint128 = uint128(0)
self.last_height: uint32 = uint32(0)
self.total_iters: uint128 = uint128(0)
self.last_challenge_sb_or_eos_total_iters = uint128(0)
self.last_block_total_iters: Optional[uint128] = None
self.last_peak_challenge: bytes32 = constants.GENESIS_CHALLENGE
self.difficulty: uint64 = constants.DIFFICULTY_STARTING
self.sub_slot_iters: uint64 = constants.SUB_SLOT_ITERS_STARTING
self.reward_challenge_cache: List[Tuple[bytes32, uint128]] = [(constants.GENESIS_CHALLENGE, uint128(0))]
self.new_epoch = False
self.passed_ses_height_but_not_yet_included = False
self.infused_ses = False
def set_state(self, state: Union[timelord_protocol.NewPeakTimelord, EndOfSubSlotBundle]):
if isinstance(state, timelord_protocol.NewPeakTimelord):
self.state_type = StateType.PEAK
self.peak = state
self.subslot_end = None
_, self.last_ip = iters_from_block(
self.deficit = state.deficit
self.sub_epoch_summary = state.sub_epoch_summary
self.last_weight = state.reward_chain_block.weight
self.last_height = state.reward_chain_block.height
self.total_iters = state.reward_chain_block.total_iters
self.last_peak_challenge = state.reward_chain_block.get_hash()
self.difficulty = state.difficulty
self.sub_slot_iters = state.sub_slot_iters
if state.reward_chain_block.is_transaction_block:
self.last_block_total_iters = self.total_iters
self.reward_challenge_cache = state.previous_reward_challenges
self.last_challenge_sb_or_eos_total_iters = self.peak.last_challenge_sb_or_eos_total_iters
self.new_epoch = False
if (self.peak.reward_chain_block.height + 1) % self.constants.SUB_EPOCH_BLOCKS == 0:
self.passed_ses_height_but_not_yet_included = True
self.passed_ses_height_but_not_yet_included = state.passes_ses_height_but_not_yet_included
elif isinstance(state, EndOfSubSlotBundle):
self.state_type = StateType.END_OF_SUB_SLOT
if self.peak is not None:
self.total_iters = uint128(self.total_iters - self.get_last_ip() + self.sub_slot_iters)
self.total_iters = uint128(self.total_iters + self.sub_slot_iters)
self.peak = None
self.subslot_end = state
self.last_ip = uint64(0)
self.deficit = state.reward_chain.deficit
if state.challenge_chain.new_difficulty is not None:
assert state.challenge_chain.new_sub_slot_iters is not None
self.difficulty = state.challenge_chain.new_difficulty
self.sub_slot_iters = state.challenge_chain.new_sub_slot_iters
self.new_epoch = True
self.new_epoch = False
if state.challenge_chain.subepoch_summary_hash is not None:
self.infused_ses = True
self.passed_ses_height_but_not_yet_included = False
self.infused_ses = False
# Since we have a new sub slot which is not an end of subepoch,
# we will use the last value that we saw for
# passed_ses_height_but_not_yet_included
self.last_challenge_sb_or_eos_total_iters = self.total_iters
assert False
reward_challenge: Optional[bytes32] = self.get_challenge(Chain.REWARD_CHAIN)
assert reward_challenge is not None # Reward chain always has VDFs
self.reward_challenge_cache.append((reward_challenge, self.total_iters))"Updated timelord peak to {reward_challenge}, total iters: {self.total_iters}")
while len(self.reward_challenge_cache) > 2 * self.constants.MAX_SUB_SLOT_BLOCKS:
def get_sub_slot_iters(self) -> uint64:
return self.sub_slot_iters
def can_infuse_block(self, overflow: bool) -> bool:
if overflow and self.new_epoch:
# No overflows in new epoch
return False
if self.state_type == StateType.FIRST_SUB_SLOT or self.state_type == StateType.END_OF_SUB_SLOT:
return True
ss_start_iters = self.get_total_iters() - self.get_last_ip()
already_infused_count: int = 0
for _, total_iters in self.reward_challenge_cache:
if total_iters > ss_start_iters:
already_infused_count += 1
if already_infused_count >= self.constants.MAX_SUB_SLOT_BLOCKS:
return False
return True
def get_weight(self) -> uint128:
return self.last_weight
def get_height(self) -> uint32:
return self.last_height
def get_total_iters(self) -> uint128:
return self.total_iters
def get_last_peak_challenge(self) -> Optional[bytes32]:
return self.last_peak_challenge
def get_difficulty(self) -> uint64:
return self.difficulty
def get_last_ip(self) -> uint64:
return self.last_ip
def get_deficit(self) -> uint8:
return self.deficit
def just_infused_sub_epoch_summary(self) -> bool:
Returns true if state is an end of sub-slot, and that end of sub-slot infused a sub epoch summary
return self.state_type == StateType.END_OF_SUB_SLOT and self.infused_ses
def get_next_sub_epoch_summary(self) -> Optional[SubEpochSummary]:
if self.state_type == StateType.FIRST_SUB_SLOT or self.state_type == StateType.END_OF_SUB_SLOT:
# Can only infuse SES after a peak (in an end of sub slot)
return None
assert self.peak is not None
if self.passed_ses_height_but_not_yet_included and self.get_deficit() == 0:
# This will mean we will include the ses in the next sub-slot
return self.sub_epoch_summary
return None
def get_last_block_total_iters(self) -> Optional[uint128]:
return self.last_block_total_iters
def get_passed_ses_height_but_not_yet_included(self) -> bool:
return self.passed_ses_height_but_not_yet_included
def get_challenge(self, chain: Chain) -> Optional[bytes32]:
if self.state_type == StateType.FIRST_SUB_SLOT:
assert self.peak is None and self.subslot_end is None
if chain == Chain.CHALLENGE_CHAIN:
return self.constants.GENESIS_CHALLENGE
elif chain == Chain.REWARD_CHAIN:
return self.constants.GENESIS_CHALLENGE
elif chain == Chain.INFUSED_CHALLENGE_CHAIN:
return None
elif self.state_type == StateType.PEAK:
assert self.peak is not None
reward_chain_block = self.peak.reward_chain_block
if chain == Chain.CHALLENGE_CHAIN:
return reward_chain_block.challenge_chain_ip_vdf.challenge
elif chain == Chain.REWARD_CHAIN:
return reward_chain_block.get_hash()
elif chain == Chain.INFUSED_CHALLENGE_CHAIN:
if reward_chain_block.infused_challenge_chain_ip_vdf is not None:
return reward_chain_block.infused_challenge_chain_ip_vdf.challenge
elif self.peak.deficit == self.constants.MIN_BLOCKS_PER_CHALLENGE_BLOCK - 1:
return ChallengeBlockInfo(
return None
elif self.state_type == StateType.END_OF_SUB_SLOT:
assert self.subslot_end is not None
if chain == Chain.CHALLENGE_CHAIN:
return self.subslot_end.challenge_chain.get_hash()
elif chain == Chain.REWARD_CHAIN:
return self.subslot_end.reward_chain.get_hash()
elif chain == Chain.INFUSED_CHALLENGE_CHAIN:
if self.subslot_end.reward_chain.deficit < self.constants.MIN_BLOCKS_PER_CHALLENGE_BLOCK:
assert self.subslot_end.infused_challenge_chain is not None
return self.subslot_end.infused_challenge_chain.get_hash()
return None
return None
def get_initial_form(self, chain: Chain) -> Optional[ClassgroupElement]:
if self.state_type == StateType.FIRST_SUB_SLOT:
return ClassgroupElement.get_default_element()
elif self.state_type == StateType.PEAK:
assert self.peak is not None
reward_chain_block = self.peak.reward_chain_block
if chain == Chain.CHALLENGE_CHAIN:
return reward_chain_block.challenge_chain_ip_vdf.output
if chain == Chain.REWARD_CHAIN:
return ClassgroupElement.get_default_element()
if reward_chain_block.infused_challenge_chain_ip_vdf is not None:
return reward_chain_block.infused_challenge_chain_ip_vdf.output
elif self.peak.deficit == self.constants.MIN_BLOCKS_PER_CHALLENGE_BLOCK - 1:
return ClassgroupElement.get_default_element()
return None
elif self.state_type == StateType.END_OF_SUB_SLOT:
if chain == Chain.CHALLENGE_CHAIN or chain == Chain.REWARD_CHAIN:
return ClassgroupElement.get_default_element()
assert self.subslot_end is not None
if self.subslot_end.reward_chain.deficit < self.constants.MIN_BLOCKS_PER_CHALLENGE_BLOCK:
return ClassgroupElement.get_default_element()
return None
return None