Kronus91 d5a56f756e
Add type filter for get_transactions (#15196)
* Add type filter for get_transactions

* Resolve comments

* Improve unit test

* Resolve comments

* Resolve comments
2023-05-15 10:19:06 -05:00

351 lines
16 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import sqlite3
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set
from chia.types.blockchain_format.coin import Coin
from chia.types.blockchain_format.sized_bytes import bytes32
from chia.util.db_wrapper import DBWrapper2, execute_fetchone
from chia.util.hash import std_hash
from chia.util.ints import uint8, uint32, uint64
from chia.util.lru_cache import LRUCache
from chia.util.misc import UInt32Range, UInt64Range, VersionedBlob
from chia.util.streamable import Streamable, streamable
from chia.wallet.util.query_filter import AmountFilter, FilterMode, HashFilter
from chia.wallet.util.wallet_types import CoinType, WalletType
from chia.wallet.wallet_coin_record import WalletCoinRecord
class CoinRecordOrder(IntEnum):
confirmed_height = 1
spent_height = 2
class GetCoinRecords(Streamable):
offset: uint32 = uint32(0)
limit: uint32 = uint32(uint32.MAXIMUM_EXCLUSIVE - 1)
wallet_id: Optional[uint32] = None
wallet_type: Optional[uint8] = None # WalletType
coin_type: Optional[uint8] = None # CoinType
coin_id_filter: Optional[HashFilter] = None
puzzle_hash_filter: Optional[HashFilter] = None
parent_coin_id_filter: Optional[HashFilter] = None
amount_filter: Optional[AmountFilter] = None
amount_range: Optional[UInt64Range] = None
confirmed_range: Optional[UInt32Range] = None
spent_range: Optional[UInt32Range] = None
order: uint8 = uint8(CoinRecordOrder.confirmed_height)
reverse: bool = False
include_total_count: bool = False # Include the total number of entries for the query without applying offset/limit
class GetCoinRecordsResult:
records: List[WalletCoinRecord]
coin_id_to_record: Dict[bytes32, WalletCoinRecord]
total_count: Optional[uint32]
class WalletCoinStore:
This object handles CoinRecords in DB used by wallet.
db_wrapper: DBWrapper2
total_count_cache: LRUCache[bytes32, uint32]
async def create(cls, wrapper: DBWrapper2):
self = cls()
self.db_wrapper = wrapper
self.total_count_cache = LRUCache(100)
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await conn.execute(
"coin_name text PRIMARY KEY,"
" confirmed_height bigint,"
" spent_height bigint,"
" spent int,"
" coinbase int,"
" puzzle_hash text,"
" coin_parent text,"
" amount blob,"
" wallet_type int,"
" wallet_id int)"
# Useful for reorg lookups
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS coin_confirmed_height on coin_record(confirmed_height)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS coin_spent_height on coin_record(spent_height)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS coin_spent on coin_record(spent)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS coin_puzzlehash on coin_record(puzzle_hash)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS coin_record_wallet_type on coin_record(wallet_type)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS wallet_id on coin_record(wallet_id)")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS coin_amount on coin_record(amount)")
await conn.execute("ALTER TABLE coin_record ADD COLUMN coin_type int DEFAULT 0")
await conn.execute("ALTER TABLE coin_record ADD COLUMN metadata blob")
await conn.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS coin_record_coin_type on coin_record(coin_type)")
except sqlite3.OperationalError:
return self
async def count_small_unspent(self, cutoff: int, coin_type: CoinType = CoinType.NORMAL) -> int:
amount_bytes = bytes(uint64(cutoff))
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
row = await execute_fetchone(
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM coin_record WHERE coin_type=? AND amount < ? AND spent=0",
(coin_type, amount_bytes),
return int(0 if row is None else row[0])
# Store CoinRecord in DB and ram cache
async def add_coin_record(self, record: WalletCoinRecord, name: Optional[bytes32] = None) -> None:
if name is None:
name =
assert record.spent == (record.spent_block_height != 0)
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await conn.execute_insert(
"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO coin_record ("
"coin_name, confirmed_height, spent_height, spent, coinbase, puzzle_hash, coin_parent, amount, "
"wallet_type, wallet_id, coin_type, metadata) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
None if record.metadata is None else bytes(record.metadata),
# Sometimes we realize that a coin is actually not interesting to us so we need to delete it
async def delete_coin_record(self, coin_name: bytes32) -> None:
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await (await conn.execute("DELETE FROM coin_record WHERE coin_name=?", (coin_name.hex(),))).close()
# Update coin_record to be spent in DB
async def set_spent(self, coin_name: bytes32, height: uint32) -> None:
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await conn.execute_insert(
"UPDATE coin_record SET spent_height=?,spent=? WHERE coin_name=?",
def coin_record_from_row(self, row: sqlite3.Row) -> WalletCoinRecord:
coin = Coin(bytes32.fromhex(row[6]), bytes32.fromhex(row[5]), uint64.from_bytes(row[7]))
return WalletCoinRecord(
None if row[11] is None else VersionedBlob.from_bytes(row[11]),
async def get_coin_record(self, coin_name: bytes32) -> Optional[WalletCoinRecord]:
"""Returns CoinRecord with specified coin id."""
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = list(await conn.execute_fetchall("SELECT * from coin_record WHERE coin_name=?", (coin_name.hex(),)))
if len(rows) == 0:
return None
return self.coin_record_from_row(rows[0])
async def get_coin_records(
offset: uint32 = uint32(0),
limit: uint32 = uint32(uint32.MAXIMUM_EXCLUSIVE - 1),
wallet_id: Optional[uint32] = None,
wallet_type: Optional[WalletType] = None,
coin_type: Optional[CoinType] = None,
coin_id_filter: Optional[HashFilter] = None,
puzzle_hash_filter: Optional[HashFilter] = None,
parent_coin_id_filter: Optional[HashFilter] = None,
amount_filter: Optional[AmountFilter] = None,
amount_range: Optional[UInt64Range] = None,
confirmed_range: Optional[UInt32Range] = None,
spent_range: Optional[UInt32Range] = None,
order: CoinRecordOrder = CoinRecordOrder.confirmed_height,
reverse: bool = False,
include_total_count: bool = False,
) -> GetCoinRecordsResult:
conditions = []
if wallet_id is not None:
if wallet_type is not None:
if coin_type is not None:
for field, hash_filter in {
"coin_name": coin_id_filter,
"coin_parent": parent_coin_id_filter,
"puzzle_hash": puzzle_hash_filter,
if hash_filter is None:
entries = ",".join(f"{value.hex()!r}" for value in hash_filter.values)
f"{field} {'not' if FilterMode(hash_filter.mode) == FilterMode.exclude else ''} in ({entries})"
if confirmed_range is not None and confirmed_range != UInt32Range():
conditions.append(f"confirmed_height BETWEEN {confirmed_range.start} AND {confirmed_range.stop}")
if spent_range is not None and spent_range != UInt32Range():
conditions.append(f"spent_height BETWEEN {spent_range.start} AND {spent_range.stop}")
if amount_filter is not None:
entries = ",".join(f"X'{bytes(value).hex()}'" for value in amount_filter.values)
f"amount {'not' if FilterMode(amount_filter.mode) == FilterMode.exclude else ''} in ({entries})"
if amount_range is not None and amount_range != UInt64Range():
f"amount BETWEEN X'{bytes(amount_range.start).hex()}' AND X'{bytes(amount_range.stop).hex()}'"
where_sql = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(conditions) if len(conditions) > 0 else ""
order_sql = f"ORDER BY {} {'DESC' if reverse else 'ASC'}, rowid"
limit_sql = f"LIMIT {offset}, {limit}" if offset > 0 or limit < uint32.MAXIMUM_EXCLUSIVE - 1 else ""
query_sql = f"{where_sql} {order_sql} {limit_sql}"
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = await conn.execute_fetchall(f"SELECT * FROM coin_record {query_sql}")
total_count = None
if include_total_count:
cache_hash = std_hash(bytes(where_sql, encoding="utf8")) # Only use the conditions here
total_count = self.total_count_cache.get(cache_hash)
if total_count is None:
row = await execute_fetchone(conn, f"SELECT COUNT(coin_name) FROM coin_record {where_sql}")
assert row is not None and len(row) == 1, "COUNT should always return one value"
total_count = uint32(row[0])
self.total_count_cache.put(cache_hash, total_count)
records: List[WalletCoinRecord] = []
coin_id_to_record: Dict[bytes32, WalletCoinRecord] = {}
for row in rows:
coin_id_to_record[bytes32.fromhex(row[0])] = records[-1]
return GetCoinRecordsResult(
async def get_coin_records_between(
self, wallet_id: int, start: int, end: int, reverse: bool = False, coin_type: CoinType = CoinType.NORMAL
) -> List[WalletCoinRecord]:
"""Return a list of coins between start and end index. List is in reverse chronological order.
start = 0 is most recent transaction
limit = end - start
query_str = "ORDER BY confirmed_height " + ("DESC" if reverse else "ASC")
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = await conn.execute_fetchall(
f"SELECT * FROM coin_record WHERE coin_type=? AND"
f" wallet_id=? {query_str}, rowid LIMIT {start}, {limit}",
(coin_type, wallet_id),
return [self.coin_record_from_row(row) for row in rows]
async def get_first_coin_height(self) -> Optional[uint32]:
"""Returns height of first confirmed coin"""
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = list(await conn.execute_fetchall("SELECT MIN(confirmed_height) FROM coin_record"))
if len(rows) != 0 and rows[0][0] is not None:
return uint32(rows[0][0])
return None
async def get_unspent_coins_for_wallet(
self, wallet_id: int, coin_type: CoinType = CoinType.NORMAL
) -> Set[WalletCoinRecord]:
"""Returns set of CoinRecords that have not been spent yet for a wallet."""
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = await conn.execute_fetchall(
"SELECT * FROM coin_record WHERE coin_type=? AND wallet_id=? AND spent_height=0",
(coin_type, wallet_id),
return set(self.coin_record_from_row(row) for row in rows)
async def get_all_unspent_coins(self, coin_type: CoinType = CoinType.NORMAL) -> Set[WalletCoinRecord]:
"""Returns set of CoinRecords that have not been spent yet for a wallet."""
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = await conn.execute_fetchall(
"SELECT * FROM coin_record WHERE coin_type=? AND spent_height=0", (coin_type,)
return set(self.coin_record_from_row(row) for row in rows)
# Checks DB and DiffStores for CoinRecords with puzzle_hash and returns them
async def get_coin_records_by_puzzle_hash(self, puzzle_hash: bytes32) -> List[WalletCoinRecord]:
"""Returns a list of all coin records with the given puzzle hash"""
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = await conn.execute_fetchall("SELECT * from coin_record WHERE puzzle_hash=?", (puzzle_hash.hex(),))
return [self.coin_record_from_row(row) for row in rows]
# Checks DB and DiffStores for CoinRecords with parent_coin_info and returns them
async def get_coin_records_by_parent_id(self, parent_coin_info: bytes32) -> List[WalletCoinRecord]:
"""Returns a list of all coin records with the given parent id"""
async with self.db_wrapper.reader_no_transaction() as conn:
rows = await conn.execute_fetchall(
"SELECT * from coin_record WHERE coin_parent=?", (parent_coin_info.hex(),)
return [self.coin_record_from_row(row) for row in rows]
async def rollback_to_block(self, height: int) -> None:
Rolls back the blockchain to block_index. All coins confirmed after this point are removed.
All coins spent after this point are set to unspent. Can be -1 (rollback all)
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
await (await conn.execute("DELETE FROM coin_record WHERE confirmed_height>?", (height,))).close()
await (
await conn.execute(
"UPDATE coin_record SET spent_height = 0, spent = 0 WHERE spent_height>?",
async def delete_wallet(self, wallet_id: uint32) -> None:
async with self.db_wrapper.writer_maybe_transaction() as conn:
cursor = await conn.execute("DELETE FROM coin_record WHERE wallet_id=?", (wallet_id,))
await cursor.close()