Chocobozzz 66357162f8
Migrate to $localize
* Remove i18n polyfill to translate things in components
 * Reduce bundle sizes
 * Improve runtime perf
 * Reduce a lot the time to make a full client build
 * Reduce client build complexity
 * We don't need a service to translate things anymore (so we will be able to translate title pages etc)

Unfortunately we may loose some translations in the migration process.
I'll put a message on weblate to notify translators
2020-08-14 10:28:30 +02:00

402 lines
12 KiB

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"PeerTube": {
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"baseHref": "/client/vi-VN/"
"kab": {
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"baseHref": "/client/kab/"
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"PeerTube-e2e": {
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