Add docs to Parser

This commit is contained in:
Chris Penner 2020-11-07 14:01:08 -06:00
parent 5b8a48ffca
commit efbf996f8d
4 changed files with 92 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ cabal-version: 1.12
-- see:
-- hash: 0a966560be78a0a2c37da436b51cb78bd3cce5d7e8b629d4372b13ad6276280f
-- hash: e5b08a527598792e672b6d6e4bffb7ed2604523824e1e1bd705d0be80bb53a4b
name: json-to-haskell
@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ library
executable json-to-haskell-exe
main-is: Main.hs

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@ -21,12 +21,10 @@ import JsonToHaskell.Internal.Parser
import Data.Aeson (Value)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Bimap as BM
import Control.Monad.State
json2Haskell :: Options -> Value -> T.Text
json2Haskell opts v = do
let struct = analyze v
allStructs = flip execState mempty $ normalize (nameRecord "model") struct
namedStructs = nameAllRecords allStructs
let allStructs = analyze v
namedStructs = canonicalizeRecordNames allStructs
referencedStructs = BM.mapR (fmap (dereference namedStructs)) namedStructs
in buildAllStructs opts referencedStructs

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@ -4,35 +4,38 @@
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module JsonToHaskell.Internal.Parser where
import JsonToHaskell.Internal.Options
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Aeson (Value)
import Data.Aeson.Extra.Recursive (ValueF(..))
import Data.Char (isAlpha, isAlphaNum)
import Data.Functor.Foldable (cata)
import Data.Functor.Foldable (cataA)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Text.Casing (toPascal, toCamel, fromAny)
import Text.Casing (toPascal, fromAny)
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Bimap as BM
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set.NonEmpty as NES
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Set as S
type StructName = T.Text
-- a DataKind for tracking whether a structure contains nested structs or Record Names
data RecordType = Ref | Structure
-- | The representation of a record's field types
type RecordFields r = HM.HashMap T.Text (Struct r)
-- | The recursive representation of the "type" of a JSON value
data Struct (r :: RecordType) where
SArray :: Struct r -> Struct r
SRecord :: (RecordFields 'Structure) -> Struct 'Structure
SRecordRef :: StructName -> Struct 'Ref
SRecordRef :: T.Text -> Struct 'Ref
SMap :: Struct r -> Struct r
SBool :: Struct r
SNumber :: NumberType -> Struct r
@ -43,81 +46,96 @@ deriving instance Show (Struct r)
deriving instance Eq (Struct r)
deriving instance Ord (Struct r)
-- Need to track the structs we "invent" along the way
analyze :: Value -> Struct 'Structure
analyze = cata alg
type AnalyzeM a =
ReaderT T.Text
(State (M.Map (RecordFields 'Structure)
(NES.NESet T.Text)))
-- | Convert a 'Value' into a Typed representation of its structure, tracking reasonable names
-- for each subrecord along the way
analyze :: Value
-> M.Map (RecordFields 'Structure) (NES.NESet T.Text)
analyze value =
flip execState mempty . flip runReaderT "Model" $ cataA alg value
alg :: ValueF (Struct 'Structure) -> Struct 'Structure
-- Algebra for reducing a JSON ValueF from the bottom up.
alg :: ValueF (AnalyzeM (Struct 'Structure))
-> AnalyzeM (Struct 'Structure)
alg = \case
ObjectF m -> SRecord m
ArrayF v -> case (v V.!? 0) of
Just s -> SArray s
Nothing -> SArray SValue
StringF _ -> SString
NumberF n ->
SNumber $ if (ceiling n == (floor n :: Int)) then Whole
else Fractional
BoolF _ -> SBool
NullF -> SNull
ObjectF m -> do
m' <- flip HM.traverseWithKey m
$ \fieldName substructM -> do
-- Pass down the current field name as a heuristic for picking a
-- reasonable name for records encountered at the lower levels
local (const fieldName) substructM
nameRecord m'
pure $ SRecord m'
ArrayF itemsM -> do
items <- sequenceA itemsM
pure $ case (items V.!? 0) of
Just s -> SArray s
Nothing -> SArray SValue
StringF _ -> pure SString
NumberF n -> pure . SNumber
$ if (ceiling n == (floor n :: Int))
then Whole
else Fractional
BoolF _ -> pure SBool
NullF -> pure SNull
type Normalizer a = State (M.Map (HM.HashMap T.Text (Struct 'Structure)) (NES.NESet T.Text)) a
-- Pair the given record with the name in scope
nameRecord :: RecordFields 'Structure -> AnalyzeM ()
nameRecord record = do
name <- asks toRecordName
modify . flip M.alter record $ \case
Nothing -> Just $ NES.singleton name
Just s -> Just $ NES.insert name s
nameAllRecords :: M.Map (RecordFields 'Structure) (NES.NESet T.Text) -> BM.Bimap T.Text (RecordFields 'Structure)
nameAllRecords m =
-- | Given a mapping of structures to name candidates, pick names for each record, avoiding
-- duplicates
canonicalizeRecordNames :: M.Map (RecordFields 'Structure) (NES.NESet T.Text) -> BM.Bimap T.Text (RecordFields 'Structure)
canonicalizeRecordNames m =
flip execState BM.empty $ do
-- Pick names for those with the fewest candidates first
-- This helps give everything a "good" name
for_ (L.sortOn (NES.size . snd) . M.toList $ m) $ \(struct, names) -> do
existingNames <- get
let bestName = chooseBestName (NES.toList names) existingNames
let bestName = chooseBestName names (S.fromAscList . BM.keys $ existingNames)
modify (BM.insert bestName struct)
dereference :: BM.Bimap T.Text (RecordFields 'Structure) -> Struct 'Structure -> Struct 'Ref
dereference m =
-- | Choose a "fresh" name given a list of candidates and a map of names which have already
-- been chosen.
chooseBestName :: NES.NESet T.Text -> S.Set T.Text -> T.Text
chooseBestName candidates takenNames =
case S.lookupMin $ S.difference (NES.toSet candidates) takenNames of
Nothing -> makeUnique (NES.findMin candidates) takenNames
Just name -> name
-- | Given a name candidate, make it unique amongs the set of taken names by appending
-- the lowest number which isn't yet taken. E.g. if "name" is taken, try "name2", "name3"
-- ad infinitum
makeUnique :: T.Text -> S.Set T.Text -> T.Text
makeUnique candidate takenNames =
-- construct an infinite candidates list of ["name", "name2", "name3", ...]
let candidates = (candidate <>) <$> ("" : fmap (T.pack . show) [(2 :: Int)..])
-- Get the first unique name from the list.
-- The list is infinite, so head is safe here.
in head . filter (not . flip S.member takenNames) $ candidates
-- | Switch literal struct definitions with their "names"
addReferences :: BM.Bimap T.Text (RecordFields 'Structure) -> Struct 'Structure -> Struct 'Ref
addReferences m =
SNull -> SNull
SString -> SString
SNumber t -> SNumber t
SBool -> SBool
SValue -> SValue
SMap s -> SMap (dereference m s)
SArray s -> SArray (dereference m s)
SMap s -> SMap (addReferences m s)
SArray s -> SArray (addReferences m s)
SRecord s -> SRecordRef . fromRight (error "Expected record name but wasn't found") $ BM.lookupR s m
chooseBestName :: Ord a => NE.NonEmpty T.Text -> BM.Bimap T.Text a -> T.Text
chooseBestName (x NE.:| y : ys) m =
case BM.lookup x m of
Nothing -> x
Just _ -> chooseBestName (y NE.:| ys) m
chooseBestName (x NE.:| []) m =
head . catMaybes . fmap (go . (x <>)) $ ("" : fmap (T.pack . show) [(1 :: Int)..])
go k = case BM.lookup k m of
Nothing -> Just k
Just _ -> Nothing
nameRecord :: T.Text -> RecordFields 'Structure -> Normalizer ()
nameRecord (toRecordName -> name) record = do
modify $ \m -> M.alter (Just . maybe (NES.singleton name) (NES.insert name)) record m
-- | Clean a name into a valid Haskell record name
toRecordName :: T.Text -> T.Text
toRecordName = T.filter (isAlphaNum) . T.pack . toPascal . fromAny . T.unpack . T.dropWhile (not . isAlpha)
toFieldName :: T.Text -> T.Text
toFieldName = T.filter (isAlphaNum) . T.pack . toCamel . fromAny . T.unpack . T.dropWhile (not . isAlpha)
normalize :: (RecordFields 'Structure -> Normalizer ()) -> Struct 'Structure -> Normalizer (Struct 'Structure)
normalize register = \case
SRecord m -> do
m' <- flip HM.traverseWithKey m $ \k v -> do
normalize (nameRecord k) v
register $ m'
return $ SRecord m'
SArray s -> SArray <$> normalize register s
SMap m -> do
SMap <$> normalize register m
SBool -> pure SBool
SNumber t -> pure $ SNumber t
SNull -> pure SNull
SString -> pure SString
SValue -> pure SValue

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@ -16,9 +16,15 @@ import qualified Data.Bimap as BM
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Casing (toCamel, fromAny)
import Data.Char (isAlpha, isAlphaNum)
import Lens.Micro.Platform (view, (+~), (<&>))
toFieldName :: T.Text -> T.Text
toFieldName = T.filter (isAlphaNum) . T.pack . toCamel . fromAny . T.unpack . T.dropWhile (not . isAlpha)
type StructName = T.Text
parens :: MonadWriter T.Text m => m a -> m a
parens m =
tell "(" *> m <* tell ")"