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<h1 id="support"><a class="toclink" href="#support">Support</a></h1>
<h2 id="official-support"><a class="toclink" href="#official-support">Official support</a></h2>
<p>bottom <em>officially</em> supports the following operating systems and corresponding architectures:</p>
<li>macOS (<code>x86_64</code>)</li>
<li>Linux (<code>x86_64</code>, <code>i686</code>, <code>aarch64</code>)</li>
<li>Windows (<code>x86_64</code>, <code>i686</code>)</li>
<p>These platforms are tested to work (with caveats, see below) and issues on these platforms will be fixed
if possible.</p>
<p>Furthermore, binaries are expected to be built and tested using the most recent version of stable Rust -
if you are manually building
bottom from the repo/source, then please try that as well.</p>
<h3 id="known-problems"><a class="toclink" href="#known-problems">Known problems</a></h3>
<h4 id="windows"><a class="toclink" href="#windows">Windows</a></h4>
<li>The temperature widget seems to require elevated access in some cases to get data.</li>
<li>The battery widget seems to have issues with dual battery systems, like some Thinkpads.</li>
<li>If you run on WSL/WSL2, you may have issues with getting memory data.</li>
<li>WSL and WSL2 (as far as I know) cannot correctly report temperature sensors.</li>
<li>WSL2 will not match Windows' own Task Manager in terms of data.</li>
<h4 id="macos"><a class="toclink" href="#macos">macOS</a></h4>
<li>The process widget may require elevated access (ex: <code>sudo btm</code>) to gather all data in some
cases. <em>Please note that you should be certain that you trust any software you grant root
<h2 id="unofficial-support"><a class="toclink" href="#unofficial-support">Unofficial support</a></h2>
<p>Systems and architectures that aren't officially supported may still work, but there are no guarantees on
how much will work. Furthermore,
while it will depend on the problem at the end of the day, <em>issues on unsupported platforms are likely
to go unfixed</em>.</p>
<div class="admonition note">
<p class="admonition-title">Note</p>
<p>bottom is tested to build on other ARM and PowerPC architectures through <a
but since they are not officially tested to work on a sample platform, they are only unofficially
<h3 id="known-problems_1"><a class="toclink" href="#known-problems_1">Known problems</a></h3>
<li>M1-based macOS devices may have issues with temperature sensors not returning anything.</li>
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