Early development work

This commit is contained in:
CrystalSplitter 2023-06-03 19:35:54 -07:00
parent cde9f0a7e8
commit 40276514d3
2 changed files with 222 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -1,35 +1,233 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module BrickUI (launchBrick) where
import qualified Control.Monad (void)
module BrickUI
( launchBrick
, AppState (..)
) where
import qualified Brick.Main as BM
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Core as BC
import qualified Brick.Types as BT
import qualified Brick.AttrMap as BA
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import Brick.Widgets.Center (center)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Brick as B
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border as B
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as B
import Brick.Widgets.Core ((<+>), (<=>))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text, append, pack)
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import Safe
data AppName = GHCiTUI deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
import qualified Daemon
splash :: Text
splash = Data.Text.unlines [
data AppName = GHCiTUI | CodeViewport deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data AppState = AppState
{ interpState :: Daemon.InterpState ()
, sourceMap :: Map.Map FilePath Text
, appStateConfig :: AppStateConfig
updateSourceMap :: AppState -> IO AppState
updateSourceMap s =
case s.interpState.filepath of
Nothing -> pure s
(Just filepath) -> updateSourceMapWithFilepath s filepath
updateSourceMapWithFilepath :: AppState -> FilePath -> IO AppState
updateSourceMapWithFilepath s filepath
| Map.member filepath s.sourceMap = pure s
| otherwise = do
contents <- Data.Text.IO.readFile filepath
let newSourceMap = Map.insert filepath contents s.sourceMap
pure $ s{sourceMap = newSourceMap}
appDraw :: AppState -> [B.Widget AppName]
appDraw s =
[ B.borderWithLabel
(B.txt ("Source: " `append` maybe "?" pack (s.interpState.filepath)))
( B.withVScrollBars
( B.viewport
( B.padRight B.Max (makeCodeViewportBoxes s)
<=> B.borderWithLabel
(B.txt "Interpreter")
(B.padRight B.Max (B.txt ">>> "))
theApp :: BM.App Text e AppName
theApp = BM.App { BM.appDraw = \s -> [center $ BC.txt s]
, BM.appChooseCursor = BM.neverShowCursor
, BM.appHandleEvent = const BM.halt
, BM.appStartEvent = pure ()
, BM.appAttrMap = const $ BA.attrMap V.defAttr []
prefixLine :: Int -> B.Widget n -> (Int, B.Widget n) -> B.Widget n
prefixLine digitWidth prefix (idx, lineWidget) =
(B.attrName "line-numbers")
(B.txt (formatDigits digitWidth idx))
<+> prefix
<+> lineWidget
makeCodeViewportBoxes :: AppState -> B.Widget AppName
makeCodeViewportBoxes s =
case (s.interpState.filepath >>= (s.sourceMap Map.!?) :: Maybe Text) of
Nothing -> B.txt "No source file loaded"
Just sourceData ->
splitSourceData = Data.Text.lines sourceData
prefixLine' = prefixLine (getNumDigits (length splitSourceData))
originalLookupLineNo = fromMaybe (-1) s.interpState.lineno - 1
-- Original Line of Interest
originalloi =
Data.Text.lines sourceData `atMay` originalLookupLineNo
theLineWidget :: Maybe (B.Widget AppName)
theLineWidget =
( \x ->
let lineWidget = makeLineWidget x s.interpState.colrange
in prefixLine' (B.withAttr (B.attrName "stop-line") $ B.txt " > ") (originalLookupLineNo + 1, lineWidget)
<$> originalloi
-- Surrounding lines in the viewport
beforeLines =
case s.interpState.lineno of
Nothing -> mempty
Just lineno ->
prefixLine' (B.txt " ")
<$> zip
[1 ..]
(B.txt <$> take (max 0 (lineno - 1)) splitSourceData)
afterLines =
case s.interpState.lineno of
Nothing -> B.txt <$> Data.Text.lines sourceData
Just lineno ->
prefixLine' (B.txt " ")
<$> zip
[originalLookupLineNo + 2 ..]
(B.txt <$> drop lineno splitSourceData)
composedTogether =
case theLineWidget of
Nothing -> B.vBox afterLines
Just w ->
B.vBox beforeLines
<=> w
<=> B.vBox afterLines
makeLineWidget :: Text -> (Maybe Int, Maybe Int) -> B.Widget AppName
makeLineWidget lineData (Nothing, _) =
B.withAttr (B.attrName "stop-line") (B.txt lineData)
makeLineWidget lineData (Just startCol, Nothing) =
makeLineWidget lineData (Just startCol, Just (startCol + 1))
makeLineWidget lineData (Just startCol, Just endCol) =
let (lineDataBefore, partial) = Data.Text.splitAt (startCol - 1) lineData
(lineDataRange, lineDataAfter) = Data.Text.splitAt (endCol - startCol + 1) partial
in B.withAttr
(B.attrName "stop-line")
( B.txt lineDataBefore
<+> B.withAttr (B.attrName "underline") (B.txt lineDataRange)
<+> B.txt lineDataAfter
-- Return the number of digits in a given integral
getNumDigits :: (Integral a) => a -> Int
getNumDigits 0 = 1
getNumDigits num = truncate (logBase 10 (fromIntegral num) :: Double) + 1
:: Int
-- ^ Number of spaces
-> Int
-- ^ Number to format digits of
-> Text
-- ^ Formatted Text
formatDigits spacing num = pack (replicate left ' ') `append` pack (show num)
left = spacing - getNumDigits num
handleEvent :: B.BrickEvent AppName e -> B.EventM AppName AppState ()
handleEvent ev =
case ev of
B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey key ms)
| key == V.KChar 'q' -> do
appState <- B.get
_ <- liftIO $ Daemon.quit appState.interpState
| key == V.KChar 's' -> do
appState <- B.get
newState <- liftIO $ do
interp <- Daemon.step appState.interpState
pure $ appState{interpState = interp}
newState <- liftIO $ updateSourceMap newState
B.put newState
pure ()
| key == V.KDown -> do
let scroller = B.viewportScroll CodeViewport
B.vScrollBy scroller 1
pure ()
| key == V.KUp -> do
let scroller = B.viewportScroll CodeViewport
B.vScrollBy scroller (-1)
pure ()
| key == V.KPageDown -> do
let scroller = B.viewportScroll CodeViewport
B.vScrollPage scroller B.Down
pure ()
| key == V.KPageUp -> do
let scroller = B.viewportScroll CodeViewport
B.vScrollPage scroller B.Up
pure ()
| key == V.KChar 'x' && ms == [V.MCtrl] -> do
pure ()
_ -> pure ()
brickApp :: B.App AppState e AppName
brickApp =
{ B.appDraw = appDraw
, B.appChooseCursor = B.neverShowCursor
, B.appHandleEvent = handleEvent
, B.appStartEvent = pure ()
, B.appAttrMap =
const $
[ (B.attrName "stop-line", B.fg V.red)
, (B.attrName "line-numbers", B.fg V.cyan)
, (B.attrName "underline", V.currentAttr `V.withStyle` V.underline)
type Command = String
data AppStateConfig = AppStateConfig
{ startupSplashPath :: FilePath
makeInitialState :: AppStateConfig -> Command -> IO AppState
makeInitialState config cmd = do
interpState <-
Daemon.startup cmd "."
>>= flip Daemon.load "app/Main.hs"
>>= flip Daemon.stepInto "fibty 10"
pure $
{ interpState
, sourceMap = mempty
, appStateConfig = config
launchBrick :: IO ()
launchBrick = do
let initialState = "Welcome to GHCiTUI!"
finalState <- BM.defaultMain theApp initialState
let commandType = "cabal" :: Command
let cmd = case commandType of
"cabal" -> "cabal v2-repl ghcitui"
_ -> error "Not a supported command type"
initialState <- makeInitialState (AppStateConfig "assets/splash.txt") cmd
finalState <- B.defaultMain brickApp initialState
pure ()

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import qualified Daemon as D
import Tui (getSurroundingSrc, loadFileSrc)
main :: IO ()
main = launchBrick
main = launchBrick
launch :: IO ()
launch = do
@ -52,9 +52,4 @@ fibty 2 = 1
fibty n =
let left = fibty (n - 1)
right = fibty (n - 2)
in left + right
--> fib 5
Stopped in Main.fib, app/Main.hs:22:9-33
in left + right