Redesign SourceWindow around start + space

Originally, SourceWindow was built around a start and an end point.
It turns out, this was a bad idea as it caused update issues when
switching files.

Now we keep around the extent information.
This commit is contained in:
CrystalSplitter 2024-03-17 12:26:07 -07:00 committed by Jordan R AW
parent 040e7bce79
commit 46ca959f51
6 changed files with 98 additions and 65 deletions

View File

@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ data AppConfig = AppConfig
-- ^ Command to run to initialise the interpreter.
, getStartupCommands :: ![T.Text]
-- ^ Commands to run in ghci during start up.
} deriving (Show)
deriving (Show)
defaultConfig :: AppConfig
defaultConfig =

View File

@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ data AppInterpState s n = AppInterpState
, _cmdHistory :: ![[s]]
, historyPos :: !Int
-- ^ Current position
} deriving (Show)
deriving (Show)
-- | Lens accessor for the editor. See '_liveEditor'.
liveEditor :: Lens.Lens' (AppInterpState s n) (BE.Editor s n)

View File

@ -173,14 +173,27 @@ selectedLine s = fromMaybe 1 (s ^. sourceWindow . SourceWindow.srcSelectedLineL)
selectPausedLine :: (Ord n) => AppState n -> B.EventM n m (AppState n)
selectPausedLine s@AppState{interpState} = do
s' <- setSelectedFile ourSelectedFile s
newSrcW <- SourceWindow.setSelectionTo ourSelectedLine (s' ^. sourceWindow)
pure $ Lens.set sourceWindow newSrcW s'
ourSelectedLine :: Int
let ourSelectedLine :: Int
ourSelectedLine =
(selectedLine s)
(selectedLine s')
(Loc.startLine . Loc.fSourceRange =<< interpState.pauseLoc)
newSrcW <- SourceWindow.setSelectionTo ourSelectedLine (s' ^. sourceWindow)
. ( \s'' ->
( "replacing source window. new line: "
<> Util.showT (s'' ^. sourceWindow . SourceWindow.srcSelectedLineL)
<> " should be "
<> Util.showT ourSelectedLine
<> ", window start "
<> Util.showT (s'' ^. sourceWindow . SourceWindow.srcWindowStartL)
. Lens.set sourceWindow newSrcW
$ s'
ourSelectedFile = maybe (selectedFile s) (Just . Loc.filepath) interpState.pauseLoc
-- | Write a debug log entry.

View File

@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ data AppName
| BindingViewport
| ModulesViewport
| TraceViewport
| SourceList
| -- | Source Window Name.
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

View File

@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ handleEvent :: B.BrickEvent AppName e -> B.EventM AppName (AppState AppName) ()
handleEvent (B.VtyEvent (V.EvResize _ _)) = B.invalidateCache
handleEvent ev = do
appState <- B.get
updatedSourceWindow <- SourceWindow.updateSrcWindowEnd (appState ^. AppState.sourceWindow)
updatedSourceWindow <- SourceWindow.updateVerticalSpace (appState ^. AppState.sourceWindow)
let appStateUpdated = Lens.set AppState.sourceWindow updatedSourceWindow appState
let handler = case appStateUpdated.activeWindow of
B.put appStateUpdated
let handler :: B.BrickEvent AppName e -> B.EventM AppName (AppState AppName) ()
handler = case appStateUpdated.activeWindow of
AppState.ActiveCodeViewport -> handleSrcWindowEvent
AppState.ActiveLiveInterpreter -> handleInterpreterEvent
AppState.ActiveInfoWindow -> handleInfoEvent

View File

@ -16,16 +16,17 @@ module Ghcitui.Brick.SourceWindow
, ScrollDir (..)
, scrollTo
, srcWindowScrollPage
, updateSrcWindowEnd
, srcWindowMoveSelectionBy
, srcWindowReplace
, setSelectionTo
, updateVerticalSpace
-- * Lenses
, srcElementsL
, srcNameL
, srcSelectedLineL
, srcWindowStartL
, srcWindowVerticalSpaceL
-- * Misc
, srcWindowLength
@ -48,7 +49,8 @@ data SourceWindow name elem = SourceWindow
, srcWindowStart :: !Int
-- ^ The starting position of the window, as a line number (1-indexed).
-- No lines before this line number is rendered.
, srcWindowEnd :: !(Maybe Int)
, srcWindowVerticalSpace :: !(Maybe Int)
-- ^ The maximum amount of visible lines at any point in time.
, srcName :: !name
-- ^ The name of the window.
, srcSelectedLine :: !(Maybe Int)
@ -59,12 +61,23 @@ data SourceWindow name elem = SourceWindow
[ ("srcElements", "srcElementsL")
, ("srcWindowStart", "srcWindowStartL")
, ("srcWindowEnd", "srcWindowEndL")
, ("srcWindowVerticalSpace", "srcWindowVerticalSpaceL")
, ("srcName", "srcNameL")
, ("srcSelectedLine", "srcSelectedLineL")
-- | The difference between the last rendered line and the first rendered line.
srcWindowLineDiffCount :: SourceWindow name elem -> Maybe Int
srcWindowLineDiffCount SourceWindow{srcWindowVerticalSpace = Just sWVS} = pure $ sWVS - 1
srcWindowLineDiffCount _ = Nothing
-- | The line number of the last viewable line in the window.
getLastRenderedLine :: SourceWindow name elem -> Maybe Int
getLastRenderedLine srcW@SourceWindow{srcWindowStart} = do
diffCount <- srcWindowLineDiffCount srcW
pure $ diffCount + srcWindowStart
-- | Render a 'SourceWindow' into a Brick 'B.Widget'.
:: (Ord n)
@ -103,23 +116,27 @@ renderSourceWindow func srcW = B.reportExtent (srcName srcW) (B.Widget B.Greedy
srcWindowLength :: SourceWindow n e -> Int
srcWindowLength = Vec.length . srcElements
-- | Set the source window end line inside of the given 'EventM' Monad.
updateSrcWindowEnd :: (Ord n) => SourceWindow n e -> B.EventM n m (SourceWindow n e)
updateSrcWindowEnd srcW@SourceWindow{srcWindowStart, srcName} = do
mExtent <- B.lookupExtent srcName
let end = case mExtent of
{- | Set the source window end line inside of the given 'EventM' Monad.
This is primarily for internal consistency, and is cheap. It should be called any time
the srcWindowStart changes.
updateVerticalSpace :: (Ord n) => SourceWindow n e -> B.EventM n m (SourceWindow n e)
updateVerticalSpace srcW@SourceWindow{srcName {- , srcContainerName -}} = do
mSrcNameExtent <- B.lookupExtent srcName
let mSpace = case mSrcNameExtent of
Just extent ->
-- -1 offset since the end is inclusive.
Just $ (snd . B.extentSize $ extent) + srcWindowStart - 1
Just . snd . B.extentSize $ extent
_ -> Nothing
pure (Lens.set srcWindowEndL end srcW)
pure (Lens.set srcWindowVerticalSpaceL mSpace srcW)
-- | Scroll to a given position, and move the source line along the way if needed.
scrollTo :: Int -> SourceWindow n e -> SourceWindow n e
scrollTo pos srcW@SourceWindow{srcWindowEnd = Just windowEnd} =
scrollTo pos srcW@SourceWindow{srcWindowVerticalSpace = Just vSpace} =
srcW{srcWindowStart = clampedPos, srcSelectedLine = newSelection}
clampedPos = Util.clamp (1, srcWindowLength srcW - renderHeight) pos
-- Clamp between start line and one window away from the end.
clampedPos = Util.clamp (1, srcWindowLength srcW - vSpace) pos
| -- Choose the starting line if we're trying to go past the beginning.
isScrollingPastStart =
@ -128,13 +145,13 @@ scrollTo pos srcW@SourceWindow{srcWindowEnd = Just windowEnd} =
isScrollingPastEnd =
Just $ srcWindowLength srcW
| otherwise = newClampedSelectedLine
renderHeight = windowEnd - srcWindowStart srcW
isScrollingPastStart = pos < 1
isScrollingPastEnd = pos >= srcWindowLength srcW -- Using >= because of a hack.
newClampedSelectedLine =
(clampedPos, clampedPos + renderHeight)
<$> srcSelectedLine srcW
newClampedSelectedLine :: Maybe Int
newClampedSelectedLine = do
ssl <- srcSelectedLine srcW
diffCount <- srcWindowLineDiffCount srcW
pure $ Util.clamp (clampedPos, clampedPos + diffCount) ssl
scrollTo _ srcW = srcW
-- | Direction to scroll by.
@ -142,18 +159,16 @@ data ScrollDir = Up | Down deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Scroll by a full page in a direction.
srcWindowScrollPage :: (Ord n) => ScrollDir -> SourceWindow n e -> B.EventM n m (SourceWindow n e)
srcWindowScrollPage dir srcW = srcWindowScrollPage' dir <$> updateSrcWindowEnd srcW
srcWindowScrollPage dir srcW = srcWindowScrollPage' dir <$> updateVerticalSpace srcW
-- | Internal helper.
srcWindowScrollPage' :: ScrollDir -> SourceWindow n e -> SourceWindow n e
srcWindowScrollPage' dir srcW =
srcWindowScrollPage' dir srcW@SourceWindow{srcWindowStart} =
case dir of
Up ->
let renderHeight = windowEnd - srcWindowStart srcW
in scrollTo (srcWindowStart srcW - renderHeight) srcW
Down -> scrollTo windowEnd srcW
Up -> scrollTo onePageUpPos srcW
Down -> scrollTo (fromMaybe srcWindowStart (getLastRenderedLine srcW)) srcW
windowEnd = fromMaybe 1 $ srcWindowEnd srcW
onePageUpPos = srcWindowStart - vSpace + 1 -- Plus one to preserve the top line.
vSpace = fromMaybe 0 (srcWindowVerticalSpace srcW)
-- | Set the selection to a given position, and scroll the window accordingly.
@ -163,14 +178,20 @@ setSelectionTo
-> SourceWindow n e
-- ^ Source window to update.
-> B.EventM n m (SourceWindow n e)
setSelectionTo pos srcW@SourceWindow{srcSelectedLine = Just sl, srcWindowEnd = Just end} =
if pos < srcWindowStart srcW || pos > end
setSelectionTo pos srcW = do
srcW' <- updateVerticalSpace srcW
case (getLastRenderedLine srcW', srcSelectedLine srcW') of
(Just end, Just oldSelectedLine) -> do
let delta = pos - oldSelectedLine
if pos < srcWindowStart srcW' || pos > end
then srcWindowMoveSelectionBy delta srcW
else do
pure $ srcW{srcSelectedLine = Just pos}
delta = pos - sl
setSelectionTo _ srcW = pure srcW
_ -> setSelectionToFallback pos srcW'
-- | Fallback function for setting the source window selection line, when we can't set it properly.
setSelectionToFallback :: Int -> SourceWindow name elem -> B.EventM name m (SourceWindow name elem)
setSelectionToFallback pos srcW = pure $ srcW{srcSelectedLine = Just pos, srcWindowStart = pos}
-- | Move the selected line by a given amount.
@ -181,23 +202,17 @@ srcWindowMoveSelectionBy
-- ^ Source window to update.
-> B.EventM n m (SourceWindow n e)
srcWindowMoveSelectionBy amnt sw = do
srcW' <- updateSrcWindowEnd sw
case srcWindowEnd srcW' of
Just end -> do
let start = srcWindowStart srcW'
let mSLine = srcSelectedLine srcW'
let renderHeight = end - start
pure $ case mSLine of
Just sLine
| newSLine < start ->
scrollTo newSLine srcW'{srcSelectedLine = Just newSLine}
srcW <- updateVerticalSpace sw
case (getLastRenderedLine srcW, srcWindowLineDiffCount srcW, srcSelectedLine srcW) of
(Just end, Just renderHeight, Just oldSLine)
| newSLine < srcWindowStart srcW ->
pure $ scrollTo newSLine srcW{srcSelectedLine = Just newSLine}
| newSLine > end ->
scrollTo (newSLine - renderHeight) srcW'{srcSelectedLine = Just newSLine}
| otherwise -> srcW'{srcSelectedLine = Just newSLine}
pure $ scrollTo (newSLine - renderHeight) srcW{srcSelectedLine = Just newSLine}
| otherwise -> pure $ srcW{srcSelectedLine = Just newSLine}
newSLine = Util.clamp (1, Vec.length (srcElements srcW')) $ sLine + amnt
_ -> srcW'
Nothing -> pure srcW'
newSLine = Util.clamp (1, Vec.length (srcElements srcW)) $ oldSLine + amnt
_ -> pure srcW
{- | Replace the contents of a given source window, and reset the pseudo-viewport's position
to the top.
@ -215,13 +230,13 @@ mkSourcWindow
-> T.Text
-- ^ Text contents of the source window (to be split up).
-> SourceWindow n T.Text
mkSourcWindow name text =
mkSourcWindow sourceWindowName text =
{ srcElements = lineVec
, srcWindowStart = 1
, srcSelectedLine = Just 1
, srcName = name
, srcWindowEnd = Nothing
, srcName = sourceWindowName
, srcWindowVerticalSpace = Nothing
lineVec = Vec.fromList (T.lines text)