Add module panel event handling/opening

This adds the new feature of being able to access the Modules panel
This commit is contained in:
CrystalSplitter 2023-12-30 14:36:35 -08:00 committed by Jordan R AW
parent 9b632cb00d
commit 53c3be7c9a
4 changed files with 158 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -6,12 +6,15 @@ module AppState
, AppState (..)
, WidgetSizes
, changeInfoWidgetSize
, changeReplWidgetSize
, getInfoWidth
, getReplHeight
, changeReplWidgetSize
, getSelectedModuleInInfoPanel
, changeSelectedModuleInInfoPanel
, appInterpState
, getSourceContents
, getSourceLineCount
, filePathOfInfoSelectedModule
, listAvailableSources
, liveEditor'
, makeInitialState
@ -23,7 +26,7 @@ module AppState
) where
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Edit as BE
import Control.Error (fromMaybe, lastMay)
import Control.Error (atMay, fromMaybe, lastMay)
import Control.Exception (IOException, SomeException, catch, try)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
@ -40,7 +43,10 @@ import qualified Ghcid.Daemon as Daemon
import qualified Loc
import qualified Util
data ActiveWindow = ActiveCodeViewport | ActiveLiveInterpreter | ActiveInfoWindow
data ActiveWindow
= ActiveCodeViewport
| ActiveLiveInterpreter
| ActiveInfoWindow
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data MaxState = NoMaxState | Maximised | Minimised
@ -77,7 +83,9 @@ data AppState n = AppState
, selectedFile :: !(Maybe FilePath)
-- ^ Filepath to the current code viewport contents, if set.
, selectedLine :: !Int
-- ^ Currently selected line number. Resets back to 1.
-- ^ Currently selected line number. One indexed. Resets back to 1.
, _infoPanelSelectedModule :: !Int
-- ^ Currently selected module in the info sidebar, zero indexed.
, sourceMap :: Map.Map FilePath T.Text
-- ^ Mapping between source filepaths and their contents.
, _currentWidgetSizes :: WidgetSizes
@ -168,17 +176,25 @@ updateSourceMapWithFilepath s filepath
eContents <- try $ T.readFile adjustedFilepath :: IO (Either IOException T.Text)
case eContents of
Left err -> do
pure $ writeDebugLog (T.pack $ show err) s
pure $
( "failed to update source map with "
<> T.pack filepath
<> ": "
<> T.pack (show err)
Right contents -> do
let newSourceMap = Map.insert filepath contents s.sourceMap
pure s{sourceMap = newSourceMap}
let logMsg = "updated source map with " <> T.pack filepath
pure (writeDebugLog logMsg s{sourceMap = newSourceMap})
listAvailableSources :: AppState n -> [(T.Text, FilePath)]
listAvailableSources = Loc.moduleFileMapAssocs . Daemon.moduleFileMap . interpState
-- | Return the potential contents of the current paused file location.
getSourceContents :: AppState n -> Maybe T.Text
getSourceContents s = s.selectedFile >>= (s.sourceMap Map.!?)
getSourceContents s = selectedFile s >>= (sourceMap s Map.!?)
{- | Return the number of lines in the current source viewer.
Returns Nothing if there's no currently viewed source.
@ -202,6 +218,13 @@ changeReplWidgetSize amnt s =
(Util.clamp (1, 80) (getReplHeight s + amnt))
changeSelectedModuleInInfoPanel :: Int -> AppState n -> AppState n
changeSelectedModuleInInfoPanel amnt s =
s{_infoPanelSelectedModule = _infoPanelSelectedModule s + amnt}
getSelectedModuleInInfoPanel :: AppState n -> Int
getSelectedModuleInInfoPanel = _infoPanelSelectedModule
-- | Return the info box's desired width in character columns.
getInfoWidth :: AppState n -> Int
getInfoWidth = _wsInfoWidth . _currentWidgetSizes
@ -210,6 +233,14 @@ getInfoWidth = _wsInfoWidth . _currentWidgetSizes
getReplHeight :: AppState n -> Int
getReplHeight = _wsReplHeight . _currentWidgetSizes
filePathOfInfoSelectedModule :: AppState n -> Maybe FilePath
filePathOfInfoSelectedModule AppState{interpState, _infoPanelSelectedModule} =
fmap snd
. flip atMay _infoPanelSelectedModule
. Loc.moduleFileMapAssocs
. Daemon.moduleFileMap
$ interpState
-- | Initialise the state from the config.
:: AppConfig
@ -253,6 +284,7 @@ makeInitialState appConfig target cwd = do
, interpLogs = mempty
, selectedFile
, selectedLine = 1
, _infoPanelSelectedModule = 0
, sourceMap = mempty
, _currentWidgetSizes =

View File

@ -7,4 +7,7 @@ data AppName
| CodeViewportLine Int
| LiveInterpreter
| LiveInterpreterViewport
| BindingViewport
| ModulesViewport
| TraceViewport
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as B
import Brick.Widgets.Core ((<+>), (<=>))
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Edit as BE
import Control.Error (headMay)
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
@ -118,54 +119,94 @@ appDraw s =
$ logDisplay
else B.emptyWidget
-- | Draw the info panel.
infoBox :: AppS -> B.Widget AppName
infoBox appState =
B.borderWithLabel (B.txt "Info")
B.borderWithLabel infoLabel
. B.hLimit (AppState.getInfoWidth appState)
. B.padRight B.Max
. B.padBottom B.Max
$ bindingBox
<=> B.hBorderWithLabel (B.txt "Modules")
<=> B.hBorderWithLabel modulesLabel
<=> moduleBox
<=> B.hBorderWithLabel (B.txt "Trace History")
<=> traceBox
<=> drawTraceBox appState
wrapSettings =
{ Wrap.preserveIndentation = True
, Wrap.breakLongWords = True
, Wrap.fillStrategy = Wrap.FillIndent 2
isActive = activeWindow appState == ActiveInfoWindow
infoLabel = B.txt "Info"
modulesLabel =
(if activeWindow appState /= ActiveLiveInterpreter then "[M]" else mempty)
intState = interpState appState
bindingBox :: B.Widget AppName
bindingBox = case NameBinding.renderNamesTxt <$> Daemon.bindings intState of
Left _ -> B.txt "<Error displaying bindings>"
Right [] -> B.txt " " -- Can't be an empty widget due to padding?
Right bs -> B.vBox (B.txtWrapWith wrapSettings <$> bs)
bindingBox = B.viewport BindingViewport B.Vertical contents
contents = case NameBinding.renderNamesTxt <$> Daemon.bindings intState of
Left _ -> B.txt "<Error displaying bindings>"
Right [] -> B.txt " " -- Can't be an empty widget due to padding?
Right bs -> B.vBox (B.txtWrapWith wrapSettings <$> bs)
wrapSettings =
{ Wrap.preserveIndentation = True
, Wrap.breakLongWords = True
, Wrap.fillStrategy = Wrap.FillIndent 2
moduleBox :: B.Widget AppName
moduleBox =
if null mfmAssocs
then B.txt "<No module mappings>"
else foldr1 (<=>) (mkModEntryWidget <$> mfmAssocs)
B.cached ModulesViewport $
if null mfmAssocs
then B.hCenter $ B.txt "<No module mappings>"
B.withVScrollBars B.OnRight
. B.viewport ModulesViewport B.Vertical
$ B.vBox moduleEntries
mfmAssocs = Loc.moduleFileMapAssocs (Daemon.moduleFileMap intState)
mkModEntryWidget (modName, fp) = B.txt (modName <> " > " <> T.pack fp)
moduleEntries =
(\(idx, t) -> highlightSelectedModWidget (isSelected idx && isActive) t)
. second mkModEntryWidget
<$> zip [0 ..] mfmAssocs
mkModEntryWidget (modName, fp) = B.txt (modName <> " = " <> T.pack fp)
isSelected idx = AppState.getSelectedModuleInInfoPanel appState == idx
traceBox :: B.Widget AppName
traceBox =
highlightSelectedModWidget :: Bool -> B.Widget n -> B.Widget n
highlightSelectedModWidget cond modW =
if cond
. B.withAttr (B.attrName "selected-marker")
$ (B.txt "> " <+> modW)
else B.txt " " <+> modW
-- | Draw the trace box in the info panel.
drawTraceBox :: AppState AppName -> B.Widget AppName
drawTraceBox s = contents
contents =
if null traceHist
then B.txt "<No trace>"
else B.vBox $ B.txt <$> traceHist
traceHist :: [T.Text]
traceHist = Daemon.traceHist intState
traceHist :: [T.Text]
traceHist = Daemon.traceHist (AppState.interpState s)
-- | Mark the label if the first arg is True.
markLabel :: Bool -> T.Text -> B.Widget a
markLabel False labelTxt = B.txt (labelTxt <> " [Ctrl+x]")
markLabel True labelTxt =
:: Bool
-- ^ Conditional to mark with.
-> T.Text
-- ^ Text to use for the label.
-> T.Text
-- ^ Addendum unfocused text.
-> B.Widget a
markLabel False labelTxt focus = B.txt . appendFocusButton $ labelTxt
appendFocusButton t = if focus == mempty then t else t <> " " <> focus
markLabel True labelTxt _ =
B.withAttr (B.attrName "highlight") (B.txt ("#> " <> labelTxt <> " <#"))
-- | Information used to compute the gutter status of each line.

View File

@ -25,12 +25,54 @@ import Util (showT)
-- | Handle any Brick event and update the state.
handleEvent :: B.BrickEvent AppName e -> B.EventM AppName (AppState AppName) ()
handleEvent (B.VtyEvent (V.EvResize _ _)) = B.invalidateCache
handleEvent ev = do
appState <- B.get
case appState.activeWindow of
ActiveCodeViewport -> handleViewportEvent ev
ActiveLiveInterpreter -> handleInterpreterEvent ev
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Info Event Handling
handleInfoEvent :: B.BrickEvent AppName e -> B.EventM AppName (AppState AppName) ()
handleInfoEvent ev = do
appState <- B.get
case ev of
B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey key _ms)
| key `elem` [V.KChar 'j', V.KDown] -> do
B.put $ AppState.changeSelectedModuleInInfoPanel 1 appState
| key `elem` [V.KChar 'k', V.KUp] -> do
B.put $ AppState.changeSelectedModuleInInfoPanel (-1) appState
| key == V.KEnter || key == V.KChar 'o' -> do
let mayFp = AppState.filePathOfInfoSelectedModule appState
case mayFp of
Just _ -> do
updatedState <-
( AppState.updateSourceMap
{ selectedFile = mayFp
, selectedLine = 1
B.put updatedState
Nothing -> pure ()
| key == V.KEsc || key == V.KChar 'C' -> do
B.put appState{activeWindow = ActiveCodeViewport}
B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'x') [V.MCtrl]) -> do
B.put appState{activeWindow = ActiveLiveInterpreter}
B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar '?') _) -> do
B.put appState{activeWindow = ActiveDialogHelp}
-- Resizing
B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar '-') []) -> do
B.put (AppState.changeInfoWidgetSize (-1) appState)
B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar '+') []) -> do
B.put (AppState.changeInfoWidgetSize 1 appState)
_ -> pure ()
B.invalidateCacheEntry ModulesViewport
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Interpreter Event Handling
@ -204,10 +246,12 @@ handleViewportEvent (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey key ms))
-- '+' and '-' move the middle border.
| key == V.KChar '+' && null ms = do
appState <- B.get
B.put (AppState.changeInfoWidgetSize 1 appState)
B.put (AppState.changeInfoWidgetSize (-1) appState)
B.invalidateCacheEntry ModulesViewport
| key == V.KChar '-' && null ms = do
appState <- B.get
B.put (AppState.changeInfoWidgetSize (-1) appState)
B.put (AppState.changeInfoWidgetSize 1 appState)
B.invalidateCacheEntry ModulesViewport
| key == V.KPageDown = do
appState <- B.get
mViewport <- B.lookupViewport CodeViewport
@ -240,6 +284,10 @@ handleViewportEvent (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey key ms))
B.vScrollPage scroller B.Up
| key == V.KChar 'x' && ms == [V.MCtrl] =
B.put . toggleActiveLineInterpreter =<< B.get
| key == V.KChar 'M' = do
appState <- B.get
B.put appState{activeWindow = ActiveInfoWindow}
B.invalidateCacheEntry ModulesViewport
handleViewportEvent _ = pure ()
moveSelectedLineBy :: Int -> B.EventM AppName (AppState n) ()