The interpreter commit

This commit is contained in:
CrystalSplitter 2023-07-30 16:02:36 -07:00
parent cb44c6bb8a
commit 77d08e470a
9 changed files with 440 additions and 162 deletions

app/AppState.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module AppState (
, AppConfig(..)
, AppState(..)
, getSourceContents
, updateSourceMap
, liveEditorLens
, resetSelectedLine
, makeInitialState
, AppStateConfig(..)
, toggleActiveLineInterpreter
, toggleBreakpointLine
) where
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Edit as BE
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.IO
import qualified Lens.Micro as Lens
import AppTopLevel (AppName (..), Command)
import qualified Daemon
import qualified Loc
import Daemon (toggleBreakpointLine)
data ActiveWindow = ActiveCodeViewport | ActiveLiveInterpreter | ActiveInfoWindow
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
newtype AppConfig = AppConfig
{ interpreterPrompt :: Text
-- ^ Prompt to show for the live interpreter.
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Application state wrapper
data AppState n = AppState
{ interpState :: Daemon.InterpState ()
, liveEditor :: BE.Editor Text n
, interpLogs :: [Text]
, appConfig :: AppConfig
-- ^ The interpreter handle.
, activeWindow :: ActiveWindow
-- ^ Currently active interpreter.
, selectedFile :: Maybe FilePath
-- ^ Filepath to the current code viewport contents, if set.
, selectedLine :: Int
-- ^ Currently selected line number. Resets back to 1.
, sourceMap :: Map.Map FilePath Text
-- ^ Mapping between source filepaths and their contents.
, appStateConfig :: AppStateConfig
-- ^ Program launch configuration.
, displayDebugConsoleLogs :: Bool
-- ^ Whether to display debug Console logs.
, debugConsoleLogs :: [Text]
-- ^ Place for debug output to go.
, splashContents :: !(Maybe Text)
-- ^ Splash to show on start up.
-- | Lens wrapper for zooming with handleEditorEvent.
liveEditorLens :: Lens.Lens' (AppState n) (BE.Editor Text n)
liveEditorLens = Lens.lens liveEditor (\s newEditor -> s{liveEditor = newEditor})
toggleActiveLineInterpreter :: AppState n -> AppState n
toggleActiveLineInterpreter s@AppState{activeWindow} =
s{activeWindow = toggleLogic activeWindow}
toggleLogic ActiveLiveInterpreter = ActiveCodeViewport
toggleLogic _ = ActiveLiveInterpreter
-- | Reset the code viewport selected line.
resetSelectedLine :: AppState n -> AppState n
resetSelectedLine s@AppState{interpState} = s{selectedFile, selectedLine}
selectedLine = fromMaybe 1 interpState.pauseLoc.linenoF
selectedFile = interpState.pauseLoc.filepath
-- | Update the source map given any app state changes.
updateSourceMap :: AppState n -> IO (AppState n)
updateSourceMap s =
case s.interpState.pauseLoc.filepath of
Nothing -> pure s
(Just filepath) -> updateSourceMapWithFilepath s filepath
-- | Update the source map with a given filepath.
updateSourceMapWithFilepath :: AppState n -> FilePath -> IO (AppState n)
updateSourceMapWithFilepath s filepath
| Map.member filepath s.sourceMap = pure s
| otherwise = do
contents <- Data.Text.IO.readFile filepath
let newSourceMap = Map.insert filepath contents s.sourceMap
pure $ s{sourceMap = newSourceMap}
-- | Return the potential contents of the current paused file location.
getSourceContents :: AppState n -> Maybe Text
getSourceContents s = s.selectedFile >>= (s.sourceMap Map.!?)
-- | Configuration options read in at start-up.
newtype AppStateConfig = AppStateConfig
{ startupSplashPath :: FilePath
-- | Create the initial live interpreter widget object.
:: n
-- ^ Editor name (must be a unique identifier).
-> Maybe Int
-- ^ Line height of the editor. Nothing for unlimited.
-> BE.Editor Text n
initInterpWidget name height = BE.editorText name height ""
-- TODO: This should not be hardcoded for debugging.
makeInitialState :: AppStateConfig -> Command -> IO (AppState AppName)
makeInitialState config cmd = do
interpState_ <-
Daemon.startup cmd "."
>>= flip Daemon.load "app/Main.hs"
>>= flip Daemon.stepInto "fibty 10"
interpState <- Daemon.setBreakpointLine interpState_ (Daemon.LocalLine 41)
splashContents <- Data.Text.IO.readFile config.startupSplashPath
pure $
{ interpState
, selectedLine = 1
, selectedFile = Nothing
, sourceMap = mempty
, appStateConfig = config
, appConfig = AppConfig {
interpreterPrompt = "ghci> "
, activeWindow = ActiveCodeViewport
, liveEditor = initInterpWidget LiveInterpreter (Just 1)
, interpLogs = []
, displayDebugConsoleLogs = False
, debugConsoleLogs = mempty
, splashContents = Just splashContents

app/AppTopLevel.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
module AppTopLevel (AppName(..), Command) where
data AppName = GHCiTUI | CodeViewport | LiveInterpreter deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
type Command = String

View File

@ -10,98 +10,126 @@ import qualified Brick as B
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border as B
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as B
import Brick.Widgets.Core ((<+>), (<=>))
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Edit as BE
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import Data.List (find)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text, append, pack)
import Data.Text (Text, append, pack, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO
import qualified Data.Text.Zipper as Zipper
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import Safe (atMay)
import AppState
( ActiveWindow (..)
, AppConfig (..)
, AppState (..)
, AppStateConfig (..)
, getSourceContents
, liveEditorLens
, makeInitialState
, resetSelectedLine
, toggleActiveLineInterpreter
, updateSourceMap
import AppTopLevel (AppName (..), Command)
import qualified Daemon
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import qualified Loc
data AppName = GHCiTUI | CodeViewport | LiveInterpreter deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
-- | Alias for 'AppState AppName' convenience.
type AppS = AppState AppName
-- | Application state wrapper
data AppState = AppState
{ interpState :: Daemon.InterpState ()
, selectedFile :: Maybe FilePath
, selectedLine :: Int
, sourceMap :: Map.Map FilePath Text
-- ^ Mapping between source filepaths and their contents.
, appStateConfig :: AppStateConfig
-- ^ Program launch configuration
, splashContents :: Maybe Text
resetSelectedLine :: AppState -> AppState
resetSelectedLine s@AppState{interpState} = s{selectedFile, selectedLine}
selectedLine = fromMaybe 1 interpState.pauseLoc.linenoF
selectedFile = interpState.pauseLoc.filepath
-- | Update the source map given any app state changes.
updateSourceMap :: AppState -> IO AppState
updateSourceMap s =
case s.interpState.pauseLoc.filepath of
Nothing -> pure s
(Just filepath) -> updateSourceMapWithFilepath s filepath
-- | Update the source map with a given filepath.
updateSourceMapWithFilepath :: AppState -> FilePath -> IO AppState
updateSourceMapWithFilepath s filepath
| Map.member filepath s.sourceMap = pure s
| otherwise = do
contents <- Data.Text.IO.readFile filepath
let newSourceMap = Map.insert filepath contents s.sourceMap
pure $ s{sourceMap = newSourceMap}
appDraw :: AppState -> [B.Widget AppName]
appDraw :: AppS -> [B.Widget AppName]
appDraw s =
[ ( B.borderWithLabel
(B.txt ("Source: " `append` maybe "?" pack (s.interpState.pauseLoc.filepath)))
( B.withVScrollBars
( B.viewport
( B.padRight B.Max (makeCodeViewport s)
sourceLabel =
(s.activeWindow == ActiveCodeViewport)
("Source: " `append` maybe "?" pack (s.interpState.pauseLoc.filepath))
interpreterLabel =
markLabel (s.activeWindow == ActiveLiveInterpreter) "Interpreter"
viewportBox =
B.borderWithLabel sourceLabel
. B.withVScrollBars B.OnRight
. B.viewport CodeViewport B.Vertical
. B.padRight B.Max
$ codeViewportDraw s
interpreterBox =
$ let enableCursor = True
displayLimit = 5
displayF t = B.vBox $ B.txt <$> t
previousOutput =
B.vLimit displayLimit
. B.padTop B.Max
. B.txt
. Data.Text.unlines
. reverse
. take displayLimit
$ if null s.interpLogs
then [" "]
else s.interpLogs
promptLine =
B.txt s.appConfig.interpreterPrompt
<+> BE.renderEditor displayF enableCursor s.liveEditor
in previousOutput <=> promptLine
infoBox =
(B.txt "Info")
( B.padBottom
( B.padLeft
(B.Pad 20)
(B.txt " ") -- Important that there's a space here for padding.
-- TODO: Make this an editor viewport.
<=> B.borderWithLabel
(B.txt "Interpreter")
(B.padRight B.Max (B.txt " >>> "))
-- TODO: Make this an expandable viewport, maybe?
<+> B.borderWithLabel
(B.txt "Info")
( B.padBottom
( B.padLeft
(B.Pad 20)
(B.txt " ") -- Important that there's a space here for padding.
debugBox =
if s.displayDebugConsoleLogs
let logDisplay =
if null s.debugConsoleLogs then [" "] else s.debugConsoleLogs
in B.borderWithLabel (B.txt "Debug") $
B.withVScrollBars B.OnRight $
B.padRight B.Max $
B.txt $
Data.Text.unlines $
reverse logDisplay
else B.emptyWidget
[ (viewportBox <=> interpreterBox <=> debugBox)
-- TODO: Make this an expandable viewport, maybe?
<+> infoBox
-- | Mark the label if the first arg is True.
markLabel :: Bool -> Text -> B.Widget a
markLabel False labelTxt = B.txt labelTxt
markLabel True labelTxt =
B.withAttr (B.attrName "highlight") (B.txt ("#>" `append` labelTxt `append` "<#"))
-- | Information used to compute the gutter status of each line.
data GutterInfo = GutterInfo
{ isStoppedHere :: !Bool
-- ^ Is the interpreter stopped/paused here?
, isBreakpoint :: !Bool
-- ^ Is there a breakpoint here?
, isSelected :: !Bool
-- ^ Is this line currently selected by the user?
, gutterLineNumber :: !Int
-- ^ What line number is this?
, gutterDigitWidth :: !Int
-- ^ How many columns is the gutter line number?
-- | Prepend gutter information on each line in the primary viewport.
prependGutter :: GutterInfo -> B.Widget n -> B.Widget n
prependGutter gi line = makeGutter gi <+> line
-- | Prepend gutter information on each line in the primary viewport.
-- | Create the gutter section for a given line (formed from GutterInfo).
makeGutter :: GutterInfo -> B.Widget n
makeGutter GutterInfo{..} =
lineNoWidget <+> spaceW <+> stopColumn <+> breakColumn <+> spaceW
@ -119,25 +147,22 @@ makeGutter GutterInfo{..} =
| isStoppedHere = B.withAttr (B.attrName "stop-line") (B.txt "!")
| otherwise = spaceW
-- | Return the potential contents of the current paused file location.
getSourceContents :: AppState -> Maybe Text
getSourceContents s = s.selectedFile >>= (s.sourceMap Map.!?)
-- | Make the primary viewport widget.
makeCodeViewport :: AppState -> B.Widget AppName
makeCodeViewport s =
codeViewportDraw :: AppS -> B.Widget AppName
codeViewportDraw s =
let sourceDataMaybe = getSourceContents s
noSourceWidget =
B.padTop (B.Pad 3) $
B.hCenter $
B.withAttr (B.attrName "styled") $
maybe (B.txt "No source file loaded") B.txt s.splashContents
in case sourceDataMaybe of
Nothing ->
B.padTop (B.Pad 3) $
B.hCenter $
B.withAttr (B.attrName "styled") $
maybe (B.txt "No source file loaded") B.txt s.splashContents
Just sourceData -> makeCodeViewport' s sourceData
Nothing -> noSourceWidget
Just sourceData -> codeViewportDraw' s sourceData
-- | Viewport when we have source contents.
makeCodeViewport' :: AppState -> Text -> B.Widget AppName
makeCodeViewport' s sourceData = composedTogether
codeViewportDraw' :: AppS -> Text -> B.Widget AppName
codeViewportDraw' s sourceData = composedTogether
splitSourceData = Data.Text.lines sourceData
breakpoints = Daemon.getBpInCurModule s.interpState
@ -162,9 +187,12 @@ makeCodeViewport' s sourceData = composedTogether
selectedLineW :: Text -> B.Widget AppName
selectedLineW lineTxt =
let lineWidget = B.txt $ Data.Text.replace " " " " lineTxt
let transform = id -- Potentialy useful for highlighting spaces?
lineWidget = B.txt $ transform lineTxt
in prefixLineDefault' (s.selectedLine, lineWidget)
-- Select which line widget we want to draw based on both the interpreter
-- state and the app state.
composedTogetherHelper :: (Int, Text) -> B.Widget AppName
composedTogetherHelper (lineno, lineTxt)
| Just lineno == s.interpState.pauseLoc.linenoF = stoppedLineW lineTxt
@ -218,14 +246,59 @@ formatDigits spacing num = pack (replicate left ' ') `append` pack (show num)
left = spacing - getNumDigits num
selectedModuleLoc :: AppState -> Maybe Loc.ModuleLoc
selectedModuleLoc :: AppState n -> Maybe Loc.ModuleLoc
selectedModuleLoc s =
(Loc.FileLoc s.selectedFile (Just s.selectedLine) (Nothing, Nothing))
handleEvent :: B.BrickEvent AppName e -> B.EventM AppName AppState ()
handleEvent ev =
-- | Handle any Brick event and update the state.
handleEvent :: B.BrickEvent AppName e -> B.EventM AppName AppS ()
handleEvent ev = do
appState <- B.get
case appState.activeWindow of
ActiveCodeViewport -> handleViewportEvent ev
ActiveLiveInterpreter -> handleInterpreterEvent ev
_ -> pure ()
-- | Handle events when the interpreter (live GHCi) is selected.
handleInterpreterEvent :: B.BrickEvent AppName e -> B.EventM AppName AppS ()
handleInterpreterEvent ev =
case ev of
B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEnter []) -> do
appState <- B.get
let AppState{liveEditor, interpState, debugConsoleLogs, interpLogs} = appState
let cmd = Data.Text.strip . Data.Text.unlines . BE.getEditContents $ liveEditor
(newInterpState, output) <-
liftIO $
Daemon.execCleaned interpState (unpack cmd)
let newEditor = BE.applyEdit (Zipper.killToEOF . Zipper.gotoBOF) liveEditor
-- TODO: Should be configurable?
let interpreterLogLimit = 1000
let formattedWithPrompt = appState.appConfig.interpreterPrompt `append` cmd
let combinedLogs = (pack <$> reverse output) ++ formattedWithPrompt : interpLogs
{ debugConsoleLogs = "Handled Enter" : debugConsoleLogs
, interpState = newInterpState
, liveEditor = newEditor
, interpLogs =
take interpreterLogLimit combinedLogs
B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'x') [V.MCtrl]) ->
-- Toggle out of the interpreter.
B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEsc _) ->
-- Also toggle out of the interpreter.
ev' -> do
-- Actually handle text input commands.
B.zoom liveEditorLens $ BE.handleEditorEvent ev'
leaveInterpreter = B.put . toggleActiveLineInterpreter =<< B.get
handleViewportEvent :: B.BrickEvent AppName e -> B.EventM AppName (AppState n) ()
handleViewportEvent ev =
case ev of
B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey key ms)
| key == V.KChar 'q' -> do
@ -242,12 +315,7 @@ handleEvent ev =
B.put newState
| key == V.KChar 'b' -> do
appState <- B.get
let mlM = selectedModuleLoc appState
let runner interpState ml =
(Daemon.ModLoc ml)
case mlM of
case selectedModuleLoc appState of
Nothing ->
liftIO $
@ -257,7 +325,11 @@ handleEvent ev =
++ show appState.selectedLine
Just ml -> do
interpState <- liftIO $ runner appState.interpState ml
interpState <-
liftIO $
(Daemon.ModLoc ml)
B.put appState{interpState}
-- j and k are the vim navigation keybindings.
@ -268,17 +340,15 @@ handleEvent ev =
| key == V.KPageDown -> do
let scroller = B.viewportScroll CodeViewport
B.vScrollPage scroller B.Down
pure ()
| key == V.KPageUp -> do
let scroller = B.viewportScroll CodeViewport
B.vScrollPage scroller B.Up
pure ()
| key == V.KChar 'x' && ms == [V.MCtrl] -> do
-- TODO: Handle live interpreter
pure ()
| key == V.KChar 'x' && ms == [V.MCtrl] ->
B.put . toggleActiveLineInterpreter =<< B.get
-- TODO: Mouse support here?
_ -> pure ()
moveSelectedLine :: Int -> B.EventM a AppState ()
moveSelectedLine :: Int -> B.EventM a (AppState n) ()
moveSelectedLine movAmnt = do
appState <- B.get
let lineCount = maybe 1 (length . Data.Text.lines) (getSourceContents appState)
@ -289,21 +359,37 @@ handleEvent ev =
:: (MonadIO m)
=> AppState
=> AppState n
-> (Daemon.InterpState () -> IO (Daemon.InterpState ()))
-> m AppState
-> m (AppState n)
runDaemon appState f =
liftIO $ do
interp <- f appState.interpState
newState <- updateSourceMap appState{interpState = interp}
pure $ resetSelectedLine newState
:: AppS
-- ^ State of the app.
-> [B.CursorLocation AppName]
-- ^ Potential Locs
-> Maybe (B.CursorLocation AppName)
-- ^ The chosen cursor location if any.
handleCursorPosition s ls =
if s.activeWindow == ActiveLiveInterpreter
then -- If we're in the interpreter window, show the cursor.
let widgetName = LiveInterpreter
in B.showCursorNamed widgetName ls
else -- No cursor
-- | Brick main program.
brickApp :: B.App AppState e AppName
brickApp :: B.App AppS e AppName
brickApp =
{ B.appDraw = appDraw
, B.appChooseCursor = B.neverShowCursor
, B.appChooseCursor = handleCursorPosition
, B.appHandleEvent = handleEvent
, B.appStartEvent = pure ()
, B.appAttrMap =
@ -322,31 +408,6 @@ brickApp =
type Command = String
newtype AppStateConfig = AppStateConfig
{ startupSplashPath :: FilePath
-- TODO: This should not be hardcoded for debugging.
makeInitialState :: AppStateConfig -> Command -> IO AppState
makeInitialState config cmd = do
interpState_ <-
Daemon.startup cmd "."
>>= flip Daemon.load "app/Main.hs"
>>= flip Daemon.stepInto "fibty 10"
interpState <- Daemon.setBreakpointLine interpState_ (Daemon.LocalLine 41)
splashContents <- Data.Text.IO.readFile config.startupSplashPath
pure $
{ interpState
, selectedLine = 1
, selectedFile = Nothing
, sourceMap = mempty
, appStateConfig = config
, splashContents = Just splashContents
-- | Start the Brick UI
launchBrick :: IO ()
launchBrick = do
@ -356,4 +417,4 @@ launchBrick = do
_ -> error "Not a supported command type"
initialState <- makeInitialState (AppStateConfig "assets/splash.txt") cmd
_ <- B.defaultMain brickApp initialState
pure ()
pure ()

View File

@ -1,2 +1,8 @@
fswatch -n 64 -ro -l1 -m poll_monitor app/ lib/ | xargs -I{} cabal build
if ! which fswatch >/dev/null; then
printf "%s\n" "'fswatch' is needed to run this script"
exit 1
fswatch -n 64 -ro -l1 -m poll_monitor app/ lib/ *.cabal | xargs -I{} cabal build

View File

@ -26,8 +26,12 @@ executable ghcitui
, ghcituilib
, vty
, safe
, microlens ^>=
, text-zipper ^>= 0.13
hs-source-dirs: app
other-modules: BrickUI
, AppState
, AppTopLevel
ghc-options: -rtsopts
@ -40,7 +44,6 @@ executable ghcitui
library ghcituilib
hs-source-dirs: lib
@ -56,8 +59,8 @@ library ghcituilib
exposed-modules: Daemon
, Tui
, Loc
other-modules: ParseContext
, StringUtil
other-modules: ParseContext
ghc-options: -rtsopts

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ module Daemon
, deleteBreakpointLine
, emptyInterpreterState
, exec
, execCleaned
, execMuted
, getBpInCurModule
, getBpInFile
, load
@ -22,13 +24,11 @@ module Daemon
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import qualified Data.Bifunctor as Bifunctor
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.String.Interpolate (i)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import qualified Language.Haskell.Ghcid as Ghcid
import qualified Loc
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ import Safe
newtype LogLevel = LogLevel Int
data LogOutput = LogOutputStdOut | LogOutputStdErr | LogOutputFile FilePath
data InterpState a = InterpState
{ _ghci :: Ghcid.Ghci
-- ^ GHCID handle
@ -53,6 +55,9 @@ data InterpState a = InterpState
, status :: Either Text.Text a
-- ^ IDK? I had an idea here at one point.
, logLevel :: LogLevel
-- ^ How much should we log?
, logOutput :: LogOutput
-- ^ Where should we log to?
instance Show (InterpState a) where
@ -71,7 +76,8 @@ emptyInterpreterState ghci =
, stack = []
, breakpoints = mempty
, status = Right mempty
, logLevel = LogLevel 0
, logLevel = LogLevel 3
, logOutput = LogOutputFile "/tmp/ghcitui.log"
-- | Start up the GHCI Daemon
@ -99,12 +105,14 @@ updateState state_1@InterpState{_ghci} = do
updateContext :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> IO (InterpState a)
updateContext state@InterpState{_ghci} = do
logDebug state "|updateContext| CMD: :show context\n"
msgs <- Ghcid.exec _ghci ":show context"
let feedback = ParseContext.cleanResponse msgs
( "|updateContext| CMD: :show context\n|updateContext| OUT:\n"
( "|updateContext| OUT:\n"
`Text.append` ParseContext.linesToText msgs
`Text.append` "\n"
if Text.null feedback
then pure (emptyInterpreterState _ghci) -- We exited everything.
@ -147,13 +155,13 @@ load state filepath = execMuted state (":l " ++ filepath)
-- | Execute an arbitrary command, as if it was directly written in GHCi.
exec :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> String -> IO (InterpState a, [String])
exec state@InterpState{_ghci} cmd = do
logDebug state ("|exec| CMD: " `Text.append` Text.pack cmd)
msgs <- Ghcid.exec _ghci cmd
( "|exec| CMD: "
`Text.append` Text.pack cmd
`Text.append` "\n|exec| OUT:\n"
`Text.append` Text.pack (intercalate "\n" msgs)
( "|exec| OUT:\n"
`Text.append` ParseContext.linesToText msgs
`Text.append` "\n"
newState <- updateState state
pure (newState, msgs)
@ -164,6 +172,15 @@ execMuted state cmd = do
(newState, _) <- exec state cmd
pure newState
-- | @exec@, but clean the message from prompt.
execCleaned :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> String -> IO (InterpState a, [String])
execCleaned state cmd = do
res <- cleaner <$> exec state cmd
logDebug state ( "|cleaned|:\n" `Text.append` (Text.pack . unlines . snd $ res))
pure res
cleaner (s, ls) = (s, Text.unpack <$> (Text.lines . ParseContext.cleanResponse) ls)
-- | Location info passed to *BreakpointLine functions.
data BreakpointArg
= -- | Location in the current file.
@ -195,7 +212,7 @@ toggleBreakpointLine state loc
-- | Set a breakpoint at a given line.
setBreakpointLine :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> BreakpointArg -> IO (InterpState a)
setBreakpointLine state loc = execMuted state command
setBreakpointLine state loc = execMuted state command
command =
":break " ++ case loc of
@ -204,8 +221,9 @@ setBreakpointLine state loc = execMuted state command
let mod' = Text.unpack $ fromMaybe "" modM
pos = maybe "" show posM
colno = maybe "" show colnoM
in if pos == "" then error "Cannot set breakpoint at unknown line number" else
mod' ++ " " ++ pos ++ " " ++ colno
in if pos == ""
then error "Cannot set breakpoint at unknown line number"
else mod' ++ " " ++ pos ++ " " ++ colno
-- | Delete a breakpoint at a given line.
deleteBreakpointLine :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> BreakpointArg -> IO (InterpState a)
@ -226,12 +244,12 @@ deleteBreakpointLine state loc =
| (idx, otherML) <- state.breakpoints
, otherML.modName == modName && otherML.linenoM == linenoM
in case idxMaybe of
Just num -> execMuted state (":delete " ++ show num)
Nothing -> do
( "No breakpoint at "
( Text.pack $ "No breakpoint at "
++ show loc
++ "; breakpoints are found at "
++ show state.breakpoints
@ -240,10 +258,11 @@ deleteBreakpointLine state loc =
updateBreakList :: InterpState a -> IO (InterpState a)
updateBreakList state@InterpState{_ghci} = do
logDebug state "|updateBreakList| CMD: :show breaks\n"
msgs <- Ghcid.exec _ghci ":show breaks"
( "|updateBreakList| CMD: :show breaks\n|updateBreakList| OUT:\n"
( "|updateBreakList| OUT:\n"
`Text.append` ParseContext.linesToText msgs
let response = ParseContext.cleanResponse msgs
@ -269,17 +288,26 @@ getBpInFile s fp = catMaybes [loc.linenoF | loc <- breakpointlocs, loc.filepath
-- | Log a message at the Debug level.
logDebug :: (MonadIO m) => InterpState a -> Text.Text -> m ()
logDebug s msg =
liftIO $
liftIO $ do
when (num >= 3) $
logHelper "[DEBUG]: " msg
logHelper output "[DEBUG]: " msg
LogLevel num = s.logLevel
output = logOutput s
logHelper :: (MonadIO m) => Text.Text -> Text.Text -> m ()
logHelper prefix msg =
liftIO $
( Text.intercalate
[prefix `Text.append` line | line <- Text.lines msg]
:: (MonadIO m)
=> LogOutput
-- ^ Where to log?
-> Text.Text
-- ^ prefix
-> Text.Text
-- ^ Message
-> m ()
logHelper outputLoc prefix msg = do
liftIO $ case outputLoc of
LogOutputFile path -> Text.appendFile path fmtMsg
LogOutputStdOut -> Text.putStrLn fmtMsg
_ -> error "Cannot log to that output configuration."
fmtMsg = Text.unlines [prefix `Text.append` line | line <- Text.lines msg]

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ instance Semigroup ModuleFileMap where
ModuleFileMap a <> ModuleFileMap b = ModuleFileMap (a <> b)
instance Monoid ModuleFileMap where
mempty = ModuleFileMap []
mempty = ModuleFileMap mempty
-- | Convert a module to a FilePath
getPathOfModule :: ModuleFileMap -> Text -> Maybe FilePath
@ -53,4 +53,4 @@ toModuleLoc mfm fl = go <$> fl.filepath
toFileLoc :: ModuleFileMap -> ModuleLoc -> Maybe FileLoc
toFileLoc mfm ml = go <$> ml.modName
go = (\x -> FileLoc x ml.linenoM ml.colrangeM) . getPathOfModule mfm
go = (\x -> FileLoc x ml.linenoM ml.colrangeM) . getPathOfModule mfm

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@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ parseShowBreaks t
enabled = case mr.mrSubs ! 7 of
"enabled" -> Right True
"disabled" -> Right False
x -> Left ("Breakpoint neither enabled nor disabled: " ++ unpack x)
in Right (idx, Loc.ModuleLoc module_ lineno' (colStart, colEnd))
x -> Left ("Breakpoint neither enabled nor disabled: " `append` x)
in enabled >> Right (idx, Loc.ModuleLoc module_ lineno' (colStart, colEnd))
parseShowModules :: Text -> Either Text [(Text, FilePath)]
@ -160,4 +160,4 @@ include what we want fairly consistently.
Additionally, pack the lines into a single Text block.
cleanResponse :: [String] -> Text
cleanResponse msgs = lastDef "" (splitBy ghcidPrompt (linesToText msgs))
cleanResponse msgs = lastDef "" (splitBy ghcidPrompt (linesToText msgs))

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@ -1,10 +1,46 @@
module StringUtil (splitBy) where
import Data.Text (Text, breakOn, drop, length)
import Prelude hiding (drop, length)
import Data.Text (Text, breakOn, drop, length, unlines, unsnoc, length)
import Prelude hiding (drop, length, unlines)
splitBy :: Text -> Text -> [Text]
-- | Split text based on a delimiter.
:: Text
-- ^ Delimeter.
-> Text
-- ^ Text to split on.
-> [Text]
splitBy delim source =
case breakOn delim source of
(l, "") -> [l]
(l, r) -> l : splitBy delim (drop (length delim) r)
-- | Split text based on a predicate.
-- splitByPred
-- :: (Text -> Bool)
-- -- ^ Predicate
-- -> Text
-- -- ^ Text to split on.
-- -> [Text]
-- splitByPred _ "" = []
-- splitByPred pr toSplit = : splitByPred (restOf
-- where
-- restOf x = maybe mempty snd (uncons x)
-- | Cleans prompt data from the GHCID output.
:: Text
-- ^ Prompt text to remove.
-> [Text]
-- ^ Input lines to clean.
-> [Text]
-- ^ Cleaned output
cleanPrompt prompt ls =
let sp = splitBy prompt (unlines ls)
fileRangeOf t =
maybe (0,0) (\(_, lastChar) ->
if lastChar == ']'
then (0, length t - 1)
else (0, 0)
) (unsnoc t)
in sp