Multiple structural changes for lib

* Better documentation for nearly every module.
* Use DaemonIO (ExceptT DaemonError IO a)
This commit is contained in:
CrystalSplitter 2023-10-08 22:40:07 -07:00
parent 49cfbbc9c1
commit edccac0ee3
4 changed files with 170 additions and 99 deletions

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@ -3,36 +3,57 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Ghcid.Daemon
( DaemonError
, startup
, BreakpointArg (..)
, InterpState (..)
, continue
, deleteBreakpointLine
( -- * The interpreter state
( func
, pauseLoc
, moduleFileMap
, breakpoints
, bindings
, logLevel
, logOutput
, execHist
, emptyInterpreterState
-- * Startup and shutdown
, startup
, quit
-- * Base operations with the daemon
, exec
, execCleaned
, execMuted
, getBpInCurModule
, getBpInFile
, isExecuting
, load
, quit
, setBreakpointLine
-- * Wrapped operations with the daemon
, step
, stepInto
, load
, continue
-- * Breakpoints
, getBpInCurModule
, getBpInFile
, toggleBreakpointLine
, setBreakpointLine
, deleteBreakpointLine
-- * Misc
, isExecuting
, BreakpointArg (..)
, run
, DaemonIO
, DaemonError
) where
import Control.Error
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import qualified Data.Bifunctor as Bifunctor
import Data.String.Interpolate (i)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Language.Haskell.Ghcid as Ghcid
import System.IO (stderr)
import qualified Ghcid.ParseContext as ParseContext
import qualified Loc
@ -44,11 +65,6 @@ newtype LogLevel = LogLevel Int
-- | Determines where the daemon logs are written.
data LogOutput = LogOutputStdOut | LogOutputStdErr | LogOutputFile FilePath
data DaemonError
= UpdateBindingError T.Text
| UpdateBreakListError T.Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
data InterpState a = InterpState
{ _ghci :: Ghcid.Ghci
-- ^ GHCiD handle.
@ -86,7 +102,9 @@ instance Show (InterpState a) where
_ -> "<unknown pause location>" :: String
in msg
-- | Create an empty/starting interpreter state.
{- | Create an empty/starting interpreter state.
Usually you don't want to call this directly. Instead use 'startup'.
emptyInterpreterState :: (Monoid a) => Ghcid.Ghci -> InterpState a
emptyInterpreterState ghci =
@ -107,6 +125,7 @@ emptyInterpreterState ghci =
appendExecHist :: T.Text -> InterpState a -> InterpState a
appendExecHist cmd s@InterpState{execHist} = s{execHist = cmd : execHist}
-- | Is the daemon currently in the middle of an expression evaluation?
isExecuting :: InterpState a -> Bool
isExecuting InterpState{func = Nothing} = False
isExecuting InterpState{func = Just _} = True
@ -117,44 +136,39 @@ startup
-- ^ Command to run (e.g. "ghci" or "cabal repl")
-> FilePath
-- ^ Working directory to run the start up command in.
-> IO (InterpState ())
-> DaemonIO (InterpState ())
-- ^ The newly created interpreter handle.
startup cmd pwd = do
(ghci, _) <- Ghcid.startGhci cmd (Just pwd) (\_ _ -> pure ())
let startOp = Ghcid.startGhci cmd (Just pwd) (\_ _ -> pure ())
(ghci, _) <- liftIO startOp
updateState (emptyInterpreterState ghci)
-- | Shutdown GHCiD.
-- | Shut down the GHCi Daemon.
quit :: InterpState a -> IO (InterpState a)
quit state = do
Ghcid.quit (state._ghci)
pure state
-- | Update the interpreter state. Wrapper around other updaters.
updateState :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> IO (InterpState a)
updateState state = do
updateState :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> DaemonIO (InterpState a)
updateState state =
updateContext state
>>= updateBindingsWithErrorHandling
>>= updateModuleFileMap
>>= updateBreakList
-- Make a wrapper so we don't fail on updating bindings.
-- Parsing bindings turns out to be actually impossible to solve
-- with the current ':show bindings' output.
result <-
( (lift . updateContext) state
>>= ( \s ->
updateBindings s
`catchE` (\er -> pure s{bindings = Left er})
>>= lift . updateModuleFileMap
>>= updateBreakList
case result of
Right x -> pure x
Left (UpdateBindingError msg) -> error (T.unpack msg)
Left (UpdateBreakListError msg) -> error (T.unpack msg)
-- with the current ':show bindings' output, so try our best
-- and keep going.
updateBindingsWithErrorHandling s = updateBindings s `catchE` catchBindings s
catchBindings s er = pure s{bindings = Left er}
-- | Update the current interpreter context.
updateContext :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> IO (InterpState a)
updateContext :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> DaemonIO (InterpState a)
updateContext state@InterpState{_ghci} = do
logDebug state "|updateContext| CMD: :show context\n"
msgs <- Ghcid.exec _ghci ":show context"
msgs <- liftIO $ Ghcid.exec _ghci ":show context"
let feedback = ParseContext.cleanResponse (T.pack <$> msgs)
@ -173,7 +187,7 @@ updateContext state@InterpState{_ghci} = do
pure state{func = Just func, pauseLoc = Just $ Loc.FileLoc filepath pcSourceRange}
-- | Update the current local bindings.
updateBindings :: InterpState a -> ExceptT DaemonError IO (InterpState a)
updateBindings :: InterpState a -> DaemonIO (InterpState a)
updateBindings state@InterpState{_ghci} = do
logDebug state "|updateBindings| CMD: :show bindings\n"
msgs <- liftIO (Ghcid.exec _ghci ":show bindings")
@ -189,10 +203,10 @@ updateBindings state@InterpState{_ghci} = do
Left er -> throwE (UpdateBindingError [i|Failed to update bindings: #{er}|])
-- | Update the source map given any app state changes.
updateModuleFileMap :: InterpState a -> IO (InterpState a)
updateModuleFileMap :: InterpState a -> DaemonIO (InterpState a)
updateModuleFileMap state@InterpState{_ghci, moduleFileMap} = do
logDebug state "updateModuleFileMap|: CMD: :show modules\n"
msgs <- Ghcid.exec _ghci ":show modules"
msgs <- liftIO $ Ghcid.exec _ghci ":show modules"
let packedMsgs = StringUtil.linesToText msgs
logDebug state [i||updateModuleFileMap|: OUT: #{packedMsgs}\n|]
modules <- case ParseContext.parseShowModules packedMsgs of
@ -203,45 +217,52 @@ updateModuleFileMap state@InterpState{_ghci, moduleFileMap} = do
let newModuleFileMap = addedModuleMap <> moduleFileMap
pure $ state{moduleFileMap = newModuleFileMap}
-- | Analogue to ":step".
step :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> IO (InterpState a)
-- | Analogue to @:step@.
step :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> ExceptT DaemonError IO (InterpState a)
step state = execMuted state ":step"
-- | Analogue to ":step \<func\>".
-- | Analogue to @:step <func>@.
:: (Monoid a)
=> InterpState a
-> T.Text
-- ^ Function name to jump to
-> IO (InterpState a)
-- ^ New interpreter state
-- ^ Function name to jump to.
-> ExceptT DaemonError IO (InterpState a)
-- ^ New interpreter state.
stepInto state func = execMuted state (":step " <> func)
-- | Analogue to ":continue". Throws out any messages.
continue :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> IO (InterpState a)
-- | Analogue to @:continue@. Throws out any messages.
continue :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> DaemonIO (InterpState a)
continue state = execMuted state ":continue"
-- | Analogue to ":load \<filepath\>". Throws out any messages.
load :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> FilePath -> IO (InterpState a)
-- | Analogue to @:load <filepath>@. Throws out any messages.
load :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> FilePath -> DaemonIO (InterpState a)
load state filepath = execMuted state (T.pack $ ":load " <> filepath)
-- | Execute an arbitrary command, as if it was directly written in GHCi.
exec :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> T.Text -> IO (InterpState a, [T.Text])
{- | Execute an arbitrary command, as if it was directly written in GHCi.
It is unlikely you want to call this directly, and instead want to call
one of the wrapped functions or 'execMuted' or 'execCleaned'.
exec :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> T.Text -> ExceptT DaemonError IO (InterpState a, [T.Text])
exec state@InterpState{_ghci} cmd = do
logDebug state ("|exec| CMD: " <> cmd)
msgs <- Ghcid.exec _ghci (T.unpack cmd)
msgs <- liftIO $ Ghcid.exec _ghci (T.unpack cmd)
logDebug state [i|{|exec| OUT:\n#{StringUtil.linesToText msgs}\n}|]
newState <- updateState $ appendExecHist cmd state
pure (newState, fmap T.pack msgs)
-- | 'exec', but throw out any messages.
execMuted :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> T.Text -> IO (InterpState a)
execMuted :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> T.Text -> ExceptT DaemonError IO (InterpState a)
execMuted state cmd = do
(newState, _) <- exec state cmd
pure newState
-- | 'exec', but clean the message from prompt.
execCleaned :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> T.Text -> IO (InterpState a, [T.Text])
-- | 'exec', but fully clean the message from prompt.
:: (Monoid a)
=> InterpState a
-> T.Text
-> ExceptT DaemonError IO (InterpState a, [T.Text])
execCleaned state cmd = do
res <- cleaner <$> exec state cmd
logDebug state ("|cleaned|:\n" <> (T.unlines . snd $ res))
@ -249,7 +270,7 @@ execCleaned state cmd = do
cleaner (s, ls) = (s, T.lines (ParseContext.cleanResponse ls))
-- | Location info passed to *BreakpointLine functions.
-- | Location info passed to breakpoint functions.
data BreakpointArg
= -- | Location in the current file.
LocalLine !Int
@ -258,14 +279,14 @@ data BreakpointArg
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | Toggle a breakpoint (disable/enable) at a given location.
toggleBreakpointLine :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> BreakpointArg -> IO (InterpState a)
toggleBreakpointLine :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> BreakpointArg -> DaemonIO (InterpState a)
toggleBreakpointLine state loc
| Right True <- isSet = deleteBreakpointLine state loc
| Left x <- isSet = error x
| Left x <- isSet = throwE x
| otherwise = setBreakpointLine state loc
invalidLoc :: Loc.ModuleLoc -> Either String a
invalidLoc ml = Left [i|Cannot locate breakpoint position '#{ml}' in module without source|]
invalidLoc :: Loc.ModuleLoc -> Either DaemonError a
invalidLoc ml = Left $ BreakpointError [i|Cannot locate breakpoint position '#{ml}' in module without source|]
handleModLoc ml =
fileLoc >>= \fl -> case (Loc.filepath fl, Loc.startLine (Loc.sourceRange fl)) of
@ -280,25 +301,28 @@ toggleBreakpointLine state loc
LocalLine lineno -> Right $ lineno `elem` getBpInCurModule state
ModLoc ml -> handleModLoc ml
showT :: (Show a) => a -> T.Text
showT = T.pack . show
-- | Set a breakpoint at a given line.
setBreakpointLine :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> BreakpointArg -> IO (InterpState a)
setBreakpointLine state loc = execMuted state command
setBreakpointLine :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> BreakpointArg -> DaemonIO (InterpState a)
setBreakpointLine state loc = do
command <- getCommand
execMuted state command
command =
":break " <> case loc of
LocalLine pos -> showT pos
getCommand :: DaemonIO T.Text
getCommand = do
breakPos <- case loc of
LocalLine pos -> pure (showT pos)
ModLoc (Loc.ModuleLoc mod' Loc.SourceRange{startLine, startCol}) ->
let line = maybe "" showT startLine
colno = maybe "" showT startCol
in if line == ""
then error "Cannot set breakpoint at unknown line number"
else mod' <> " " <> line <> " " <> colno
(BreakpointError "Cannot set breakpoint at unknown line number")
else pure (mod' <> " " <> line <> " " <> colno)
pure (":break " <> breakPos)
-- | Delete a breakpoint at a given line.
deleteBreakpointLine :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> BreakpointArg -> IO (InterpState a)
deleteBreakpointLine :: (Monoid a) => InterpState a -> BreakpointArg -> DaemonIO (InterpState a)
deleteBreakpointLine state loc =
let convert (LocalLine ll) =
-- TODO: We really should not consider LocalLines valid for this, because we don't
@ -374,6 +398,8 @@ getBpInFile s fp =
convert (_, x) = Loc.toFileLoc s.moduleFileMap x
breakpointlocs = mapMaybe convert s.breakpoints
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Log a message at the Debug level.
logDebug :: (MonadIO m) => InterpState a -> T.Text -> m ()
logDebug s msg =
@ -407,6 +433,25 @@ logHelper outputLoc prefix msg = do
liftIO $ case outputLoc of
LogOutputFile path -> T.appendFile path fmtMsg
LogOutputStdOut -> T.putStrLn fmtMsg
_ -> error "Cannot log to that output configuration."
LogOutputStdErr -> T.hPutStrLn stderr fmtMsg
fmtMsg = T.unlines [prefix <> line | line <- T.lines msg]
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Misc
showT :: (Show a) => a -> T.Text
showT = T.pack . show
data DaemonError
= GenericError T.Text
| UpdateBindingError T.Text
| UpdateBreakListError T.Text
| BreakpointError T.Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
type DaemonIO r = ExceptT DaemonError IO r
-- | Convert Daemon operation to an IO operation.
run :: DaemonIO r -> IO (Either DaemonError r)
run = runExceptT

View File

@ -1,20 +1,28 @@
module Loc
( ColumnRange
, ModuleLoc (..)
( -- * Code locations within a file
-- Types and functions for handling code within a single file or module.
SourceRange (..)
, HasSourceRange (..)
, unknownSourceRange
, isLineInside
, srFromLineNo
, singleify
, ColumnRange
-- * Code in files and modules
-- $modulesAndFiles
, FileLoc (..)
, ModuleLoc (..)
, toModuleLoc
, toFileLoc
-- * Converting between modules and source files
, ModuleFileMap
, moduleFileMapFromList
, moduleFileMapAssocs
, getPathOfModule
, getModuleOfPath
, toModuleLoc
, toFileLoc
, HasSourceRange (..)
, SourceRange (..)
, unknownSourceRange
, isLineInside
, srFromLineNo
, singleify
) where
import Data.Map.Strict as Map
@ -27,11 +35,16 @@ import Safe (headMay)
-- | Range, mapping start to end.
type ColumnRange = (Maybe Int, Maybe Int)
-- | Represents a multi-line range from one character to another in a source file.
data SourceRange = SourceRange
{ startLine :: !(Maybe Int)
-- ^ Start of the source range, inclusive.
, startCol :: !(Maybe Int)
-- ^ Start column of the source range, inclusive.
, endLine :: !(Maybe Int)
-- ^ End of the source range, inclusive.
, endCol :: !(Maybe Int)
-- ^ End column of the source range, EXCLUSIVE.
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
@ -39,10 +52,16 @@ data SourceRange = SourceRange
unknownSourceRange :: SourceRange
unknownSourceRange = SourceRange Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
-- | Create a source range from a single line number.
srFromLineNo :: Int -> SourceRange
srFromLineNo lineno = unknownSourceRange{startLine = Just lineno, endLine = Just lineno}
-- | Return whether a given line number lies within a given source range.
{- | Return whether a given line number lies within a given source range.
>>> let sr = (srFromLineNo 1) { endLine = 3 }
>>> isLineInside sr <$> [0, 1, 2, 3, 5]
[False, True, True, True, False]
isLineInside :: SourceRange -> Int -> Bool
isLineInside SourceRange{startLine = Just sl, endLine = Just el} num = num >= sl && num <= el
isLineInside SourceRange{startLine = Just sl, endLine = Nothing} num = num >= sl
@ -61,6 +80,12 @@ singleify sr
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
{- $modulesAndFiles
GHCi talks about code ranges in both files and modules inconsistently. 'ModuleLoc' and
'FileLoc' are types representing each code range. In general, locations as 'FileLoc's
are easier to manage.
-- | Location in a module (may not have a corresponding source file).
data ModuleLoc = ModuleLoc
{ modName :: !T.Text
@ -93,6 +118,7 @@ instance Semigroup ModuleFileMap where
instance Monoid ModuleFileMap where
mempty = ModuleFileMap mempty
-- | Create a 'ModuleFileMap' from an association list.
moduleFileMapFromList :: [(T.Text, FilePath)] -> ModuleFileMap
moduleFileMapFromList = ModuleFileMap . Map.fromList
@ -100,11 +126,11 @@ moduleFileMapFromList = ModuleFileMap . Map.fromList
moduleFileMapAssocs :: ModuleFileMap -> [(T.Text, FilePath)]
moduleFileMapAssocs (ModuleFileMap map_) = Map.assocs map_
-- | Convert a module to a FilePath.
-- | Convert a module to a @FilePath@.
getPathOfModule :: ModuleFileMap -> T.Text -> Maybe FilePath
getPathOfModule (ModuleFileMap ms) mod' = Map.lookup mod' ms
-- | Convert a FilePath to a Module.
-- | Convert a @FilePath@ to a module name.
getModuleOfPath :: ModuleFileMap -> FilePath -> Maybe T.Text
getModuleOfPath (ModuleFileMap ms) fp = headMay [mod' | (mod', fp') <- Map.assocs ms, fp' == fp]

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module NameBinding where
module NameBinding (NameBinding (..), BindingValue (..), renderNamesTxt) where
import Data.Text (Text, concat)
import Prelude hiding (concat)
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- | Value associated with a binding.
data BindingValue a = Uneval | Evald a deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Represents a binding in the local context.
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ data NameBinding t = NameBinding
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Display the name bindings together into a group of Texts.
renderNamesTxt :: (Functor f, Foldable f) => f (NameBinding Text) -> f Text
renderNamesTxt :: (Functor f, Foldable f) => f (NameBinding T.Text) -> f T.Text
renderNamesTxt ns = onEach <$> ns
valueRender Uneval = "_"
valueRender (Evald v) = v
onEach nb = concat [bName nb, " :: ", bType nb, " = ", valueRender . bValue $ nb]
onEach nb = T.concat [bName nb, " :: ", bType nb, " = ", valueRender . bValue $ nb]

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Tui (loadFileSrc, getSurroundingSrc) where
module Tui () where
{- | Deprecated
This file probably either doesn't need to exist, or should be merged with
@ -41,4 +41,4 @@ getSurroundingSrc fileContents ySize location =
(take afterLineCount . drop beforeLineCount . addMarker loc1) splitLines
addMarker :: Int -> [Text] -> [Text]
addMarker loc = zipWith (\idx val -> if idx == loc then " > " `append` val else " " `append` val) [0 ..]
addMarker loc = zipWith (\idx val -> if idx == loc then " > " `append` val else " " `append` val) [0 ..]