CrystalSplitter 4e533fe4bb Reorganise modules, clean up formatting
This moves the ghcitui libs which don't require Brick to ghcitui-core,
and the other library files to ghcitui-brick.
2024-01-15 02:12:47 -08:00

56 lines
1.3 KiB

module Ghcitui.Util (showT, splitBy, linesToText, clamp, getNumDigits, formatDigits) where
import Data.Text (Text, breakOn, drop, length, pack)
import Prelude hiding (drop, length)
-- | Split text based on a delimiter.
:: Text
-- ^ Delimeter.
-> Text
-- ^ Text to split on.
-> [Text]
splitBy "" source = [source]
splitBy delim source =
case breakOn delim source of
(l, "") -> [l]
(l, r) -> l : splitBy delim (drop (length delim) r)
-- | Convert Strings to Text.
linesToText :: [String] -> Text
linesToText = pack . Prelude.unlines
-- | 'show' but to Text.
showT :: (Show a) => a -> Text
showT = pack . show
-- Return the number of digits in a given integral
getNumDigits :: (Integral a) => a -> Int
getNumDigits 0 = 1
getNumDigits num = truncate (logBase 10 (fromIntegral num) :: Double) + 1
-- | Format digits into a string with padding.
:: Int
-- ^ Number of spaces
-> Int
-- ^ Number to format digits of
-> Text
-- ^ Formatted Text
formatDigits spacing num = pack (replicate amount ' ') <> pack (show num)
amount = spacing - getNumDigits num
:: (Ord a)
=> (a, a)
-- ^ The minimum and maximum (inclusive)
-> a
-- ^ Value to clamp
-> a
-- ^ Result
clamp (mi, mx) v
| v < mi = mi
| v > mx = mx
| otherwise = v