CrystalSplitter 6339be9b46 Rename AIS history to cmdHistory
This is just to prevent further naming conflict confusions between
AIS.history and Ghcid.Daemon.trace.
2024-01-15 02:12:47 -08:00

346 lines
14 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Events (handleEvent, handleCursorPosition) where
import qualified Brick.Main as B
import qualified Brick.Types as B
import qualified Brick.Util as B
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Edit as BE
import Control.Error (atDef, fromMaybe, lastDef, note)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Zipper as T
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import Lens.Micro ((^.))
import qualified Lens.Micro as Lens
import qualified AppInterpState as AIS
import AppState
import AppTopLevel
( AppName (..)
import qualified Ghcid.Daemon as Daemon
import qualified Loc
import Util (showT)
-- | Handle any Brick event and update the state.
handleEvent :: B.BrickEvent AppName e -> B.EventM AppName (AppState AppName) ()
handleEvent ev = do
appState <- B.get
case appState.activeWindow of
ActiveCodeViewport -> handleViewportEvent ev
ActiveLiveInterpreter -> handleInterpreterEvent ev
_ -> pure ()
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Interpreter Event Handling
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Handle events when the interpreter (live GHCi) is selected.
handleInterpreterEvent :: B.BrickEvent AppName e -> B.EventM AppName (AppState AppName) ()
handleInterpreterEvent ev =
case ev of
B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEnter []) -> do
appState <- B.get
let cmd = T.strip (T.unlines (editorContents appState))
-- Actually run the command.
(newAppState1, output) <- runDaemon2 (Daemon.execCleaned cmd) appState
let newEditor =
(T.killToEOF . T.gotoBOF)
(appState ^. liveEditor')
-- TODO: Should be configurable?
let interpreterLogLimit = 1000
let formattedWithPrompt = appState.appConfig.getInterpreterPrompt <> cmd
let combinedLogs = reverse output <> (formattedWithPrompt : interpLogs appState)
let newAppState2 =
writeDebugLog ("Handled Enter: Ran '" <> cmd <> "'")
. Lens.set (appInterpState . AIS.viewLock) True
. Lens.over appInterpState (AIS.pushHistory (editorContents appState))
$ newAppState1
{ interpLogs =
take interpreterLogLimit combinedLogs
let appStateFinalIO = updateSourceMap (Lens.set liveEditor' newEditor newAppState2)
B.put =<< liftIO appStateFinalIO
-- Invalidate the entire render state of the application
-- because we don't know what's actually changed here now.
B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar '\t') []) -> do
-- Tab completion?
appState <- B.get
let cmd = T.strip (T.unlines (editorContents appState))
(newAppState1, _output) <-
(Daemon.execCleaned (":complete " <> cmd))
B.put newAppState1
B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'x') [V.MCtrl]) ->
-- Toggle out of the interpreter.
B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEsc _) ->
-- Also toggle out of the interpreter.
B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KUp _) -> do
let maybeStoreBuffer s =
if not (AIS.isScanningHist (getAis s))
then storeCommandBuffer s
else s
let wDebug s =
( "Handled Up; historyPos is "
<> (showT . AIS.historyPos . getAis $ s)
appState <- B.get
let appState' =
. replaceCommandBufferWithHist -- Display the history.
. Lens.over appInterpState AIS.pastHistoryPos -- Go back in time.
. maybeStoreBuffer -- Store the buffer if we're not scanning already.
$ appState
B.put appState'
B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KDown _) -> do
appState <- B.get
let wDebug s =
( "Handled Down; historyPos is "
<> (showT . AIS.historyPos . getAis $ s)
let appState' =
. replaceCommandBufferWithHist -- Display the history.
. Lens.over appInterpState AIS.futHistoryPos -- Go forward in time.
$ appState
B.put appState'
B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KPageDown _) ->
B.vScrollPage (B.viewportScroll LiveInterpreterViewport) B.Down
B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KPageUp _) -> do
B.vScrollPage (B.viewportScroll LiveInterpreterViewport) B.Up
appState <- B.get
B.put (Lens.set (appInterpState . AIS.viewLock) False appState)
ev' -> do
appState <- B.get
B.put (Lens.set (appInterpState . AIS.viewLock) True appState)
-- Actually handle text input commands.
B.zoom liveEditor' $ BE.handleEditorEvent ev'
editorContents appState = BE.getEditContents $ appState ^. liveEditor'
storeCommandBuffer appState =
Lens.set (appInterpState . AIS.commandBuffer) (editorContents appState) appState
getAis s = s ^. appInterpState
getCommandAtHist :: Int -> AppState n -> [T.Text]
getCommandAtHist i s
| i <= 0 = s ^. appInterpState . AIS.commandBuffer
| otherwise = atDef (lastDef [] hist) hist (i - 1)
hist = s ^. appInterpState . AIS.cmdHistory
leaveInterpreter = B.put . toggleActiveLineInterpreter =<< B.get
replaceCommandBufferWithHist :: AppState n -> AppState n
replaceCommandBufferWithHist s@AppState{_appInterpState} = replaceCommandBuffer cmd s
cmd = T.unlines . getCommandAtHist (AIS.historyPos _appInterpState) $ s
-- | Replace the command buffer with the given strings of Text.
:: T.Text
-- ^ Text to replace with.
-> AppState n
-- ^ State to modify.
-> AppState n
-- ^ New state.
replaceCommandBuffer replacement s = Lens.set liveEditor' newEditor s
zipp :: T.TextZipper T.Text -> T.TextZipper T.Text
zipp = T.killToEOF . T.insertMany replacement . T.gotoBOF
newEditor = BE.applyEdit zipp (s ^. liveEditor')
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Viewport Event Handling
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- TODO: Handle mouse events?
handleViewportEvent :: B.BrickEvent AppName e -> B.EventM AppName (AppState AppName) ()
handleViewportEvent (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey key ms))
| key `elem` [V.KChar 'q', V.KEsc] = do
| key == V.KChar 's' = do
appState <- B.get
newState <- Daemon.step `runDaemon` appState
B.put newState
| key == V.KChar 'c' = do
appState <- B.get
newState <- Daemon.continue `runDaemon` appState
B.put newState
| key == V.KChar 'b' = do
appState <- B.get
insertViewportBreakpoint appState
-- j and k are the vim navigation keybindings.
| key `elem` [V.KDown, V.KChar 'j'] = do
moveSelectedLineBy 1
| key `elem` [V.KUp, V.KChar 'k'] = do
moveSelectedLineBy (-1)
| key == V.KPageDown = do
appState <- B.get
mViewport <- B.lookupViewport CodeViewport
let oldSelectedLine = selectedLine appState
let getViewportBot viewport = B._vpTop viewport + snd (B._vpSize viewport)
let newSelectedLine = case mViewport of
-- Need the + 1 due to one-indexing.
Just viewport ->
let lineCount = fromMaybe 1 (getSourceLineCount appState)
in B.clamp 1 lineCount (getViewportBot viewport + 1)
Nothing -> oldSelectedLine
invalidateCachedLine oldSelectedLine
invalidateCachedLine newSelectedLine
B.put appState{selectedLine = newSelectedLine}
let scroller = B.viewportScroll CodeViewport
B.vScrollPage scroller B.Down
| key == V.KPageUp = do
appState <- B.get
mViewport <- B.lookupViewport CodeViewport
let oldSelectedLine = selectedLine appState
let newSelectedLine = case mViewport of
Just viewport ->
let lineCount = fromMaybe 1 (getSourceLineCount appState)
in B.clamp 1 lineCount (B._vpTop viewport)
Nothing -> oldSelectedLine
invalidateCachedLine oldSelectedLine
invalidateCachedLine newSelectedLine
B.put appState{selectedLine = newSelectedLine}
let scroller = B.viewportScroll CodeViewport
B.vScrollPage scroller B.Up
| key == V.KChar 'x' && ms == [V.MCtrl] =
B.put . toggleActiveLineInterpreter =<< B.get
handleViewportEvent _ = pure ()
moveSelectedLineBy :: Int -> B.EventM AppName (AppState n) ()
moveSelectedLineBy movAmnt = do
appState <- B.get
let lineCount = fromMaybe 1 (getSourceLineCount appState)
let oldLineno = selectedLine appState
let newLineno = B.clamp 1 lineCount (oldLineno + movAmnt)
let newState = appState{selectedLine = newLineno}
-- These two lines need to be re-rendered.
invalidateCachedLine oldLineno
invalidateCachedLine newLineno
B.put newState
-- TODO: Actually confirm using a dialogue. This is a little tricky,
-- as we may need to store the dialogue structure in the app state.
-- For now, just quit cleanly.
confirmQuit :: B.EventM AppName (AppState AppName) ()
confirmQuit = do
appState <- B.get
_ <- liftIO $ Daemon.quit appState.interpState
invalidateCachedLine :: Int -> B.EventM AppName s ()
invalidateCachedLine lineno = B.invalidateCacheEntry (CodeViewportLine lineno)
insertViewportBreakpoint :: AppState AppName -> B.EventM AppName (AppState AppName) ()
insertViewportBreakpoint appState =
case selectedModuleLoc appState of
Left err -> do
let selectedFileMsg = fromMaybe "<unknown>" appState.selectedFile
let errMsg =
"Cannot find module of line: "
<> selectedFileMsg
<> ":"
<> show appState.selectedLine
<> ": "
<> T.unpack err
liftIO $ fail errMsg
Right ml -> do
let daemonOp = Daemon.toggleBreakpointLine (Daemon.ModLoc ml) appState.interpState
interpState <-
liftIO $ do
eNewState <- daemonOp
case eNewState of
Right out -> pure out
Left er -> error $ show er
-- We may need to be smarter about this,
-- because there's a chance that the module loc 'ml'
-- doesn't actually refer to this viewed file?
case Loc.singleify (Loc.sourceRange ml) of
Just (lineno, _colrange) ->
invalidateCachedLine lineno
_ ->
-- If we don't know, just invalidate everything.
B.put appState{interpState}
-- TODO: Invalidate only the lines instead of the entire application.
invalidateLineCache :: (Ord n) => B.EventM n (state n) ()
invalidateLineCache = B.invalidateCache
:: (MonadIO m)
=> (Daemon.InterpState () -> Daemon.DaemonIO (Daemon.InterpState ()))
-> AppState n
-> m (AppState n)
runDaemon f appState =
liftIO $ do
interp <-
( . f) appState.interpState >>= \case
Right out -> pure out
Left er -> error $ show er
newState <- updateSourceMap appState{interpState = interp}
pure (resetSelectedLine newState)
:: (MonadIO m)
=> (Daemon.InterpState () -> Daemon.DaemonIO (Daemon.InterpState (), a))
-> AppState n
-> m (AppState n, a)
runDaemon2 f appState =
liftIO $ do
(interp, x) <-
( . f) appState.interpState >>= \case
Right out -> pure out
Left er -> error $ show er
newState <- updateSourceMap appState{interpState = interp}
pure (resetSelectedLine newState, x)
:: AppState AppName
-- ^ State of the app.
-> [B.CursorLocation AppName]
-- ^ Potential Locs
-> Maybe (B.CursorLocation AppName)
-- ^ The chosen cursor location if any.
handleCursorPosition s ls =
if s.activeWindow == ActiveLiveInterpreter
then -- If we're in the interpreter window, show the cursor.
B.showCursorNamed widgetName ls
else -- No cursor
widgetName = LiveInterpreter
-- | Get Location that's currently selected.
selectedModuleLoc :: AppState n -> Either T.Text Loc.ModuleLoc
selectedModuleLoc s = eModuleLoc =<< fl
sourceRange = Loc.srFromLineNo (selectedLine s)
fl = case s.selectedFile of
Nothing -> Left "No selected file to get module of"
Just x -> Right (Loc.FileLoc x sourceRange)
eModuleLoc x =
let moduleFileMap = Daemon.moduleFileMap (interpState s)
res = Loc.toModuleLoc moduleFileMap x
errMsg =
"No matching module found for '"
<> showT x
<> "' because moduleFileMap was '"
<> showT moduleFileMap
<> "'"
in note errMsg res