### This software is for experimental purposes only and is not meant for any illegal activity/purposes. <br> We do not condone illegal activity and strongly encourage keeping transmissions to legal/valid uses allowed by law. <br> Also this software is made without any support from Flipper Devices and in no way related to official devs.
- You should find folder named `f7-update-(CURRENT VERSION)` that contains files like `update.fuf`, `resources.tar` and etc..
- Remove microSD card from flipper and insert it into PC or smartphone (you can skip this step and upload all files using qFlipper)
- Create new folder `update` on the root of the microSD card and move folder that you previously extracted from archive - `f7-update-(CURRENT VERSION)` into `update` on microSD card
- So result should look like `update/f7-update-(CURRENT VERSION)/` with all files in this folder on microSD card, remember iOS default Files app doesnt show all files properly (3 instead of 5), so you need to use another app for unpacking or use PC or Android
- Verify that all files are present on your microSD card:
- Update will start, wait for all stages, and when flipper started after update, you can upload any custom [IR libs](https://github.com/logickworkshop/Flipper-IRDB), and other stuff using qFlipper or directly into microSD card
## With qFlipper
### **Replace (CURRENT VERSION) with version that you downloaded from releases**
- Connect your device and select `Update from file`
then select **`flipper-z-f7-full-(CURRENT VERSION).dfu`**
- And wait, if all flashed successfully - you can manually upload IR libs and other stuff to sd card
- If you doing install for first time or migrating from official fw, unpack 3 folders from archive `sd-card-(CURRENT VERSION).zip` onto your microSD card
4. If you doing install for first time or migrating from official fw, unpack 3 folders from archive `sd-card-(CURRENT VERSION).zip` to your microSD card
# After install:
- ### If you installed using .dfu - unpack 3 folders from archive `sd-card-(CURRENT VERSION).zip` to your microSD card
- ## [How To: Configure UniversalRF Remix App](https://github.com/Eng1n33r/flipperzero-firmware/blob/dev/documentation/UniRFRemix.md)
- [Clock/Stopwatch (By CompaqDisc, Stopwatch & Sound Alert By RogueMaster)](https://github.com/RogueMaster/flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins/blob/unleashed/applications/clock_app/clock_app.c)
- [UniversalRF Remix (By ESurge)(Original UniversalRF By jimilinuxguy)](https://github.com/ESurge/flipperzero-firmware-unirfremix)
- [WAV Player (By DrZlo13)](https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/tree/zlo/wav-player) With Fix From [Atmanos](https://github.com/at-manos)