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#pragma once
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <furi_hal_spi.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
2022-07-29 19:34:41 +03:00
#define R_REGISTER 0x00
#define W_REGISTER 0x20
#define REGISTER_MASK 0x1F
#define ACTIVATE 0x50
#define R_RX_PL_WID 0x60
#define R_RX_PAYLOAD 0x61
#define W_TX_PAYLOAD 0xA0
#define W_ACK_PAYLOAD 0xA8
#define FLUSH_TX 0xE1
#define FLUSH_RX 0xE2
#define REUSE_TX_PL 0xE3
#define RF24_NOP 0xFF
#define REG_CONFIG 0x00
#define REG_EN_AA 0x01
#define REG_EN_RXADDR 0x02
#define REG_SETUP_AW 0x03
#define REG_SETUP_RETR 0x04
#define REG_DYNPD 0x1C
#define REG_FEATURE 0x1D
#define REG_RF_SETUP 0x06
#define REG_STATUS 0x07
#define REG_RX_ADDR_P0 0x0A
#define REG_RF_CH 0x05
#define REG_TX_ADDR 0x10
#define RX_PW_P0 0x11
#define TX_DS 0x20
#define MAX_RT 0x10
#define nrf24_TIMEOUT 500
#define nrf24_CE_PIN &gpio_ext_pb2
#define nrf24_HANDLE &furi_hal_spi_bus_handle_external
/* Low level API */
/** Write device register
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @param reg - register
* @param data - data to write
* @return device status
uint8_t nrf24_write_reg(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t reg, uint8_t data);
/** Write buffer to device register
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @param reg - register
* @param data - data to write
* @param size - size of data to write
* @return device status
uint8_t nrf24_write_buf_reg(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t reg, uint8_t* data, uint8_t size);
/** Read device register
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @param reg - register
* @param[out] data - pointer to data
* @return device status
uint8_t nrf24_read_reg(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t reg, uint8_t* data, uint8_t size);
/** Power up the radio for operation
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @return device status
uint8_t nrf24_power_up(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle);
/** Power down the radio
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @return device status
uint8_t nrf24_set_idle(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle);
/** Sets the radio to RX mode
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @return device status
uint8_t nrf24_set_rx_mode(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle);
/** Sets the radio to TX mode
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @return device status
uint8_t nrf24_set_tx_mode(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle);
/* High level API */
/** Must call this before using any other nrf24 API
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void nrf24_init();
/** Must call this when we end using nrf24 device
void nrf24_deinit();
/** Send flush rx command
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @return device status
uint8_t nrf24_flush_rx(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle);
/** Send flush tx command
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @return device status
uint8_t nrf24_flush_tx(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle);
/** Gets the RX packet length in data pipe 0
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @return packet length in data pipe 0
uint8_t nrf24_get_packetlen(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle);
/** Sets the RX packet length in data pipe 0
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @param len - length to set
* @return device status
uint8_t nrf24_set_packetlen(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t len);
/** Gets configured length of MAC address
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @return MAC address length
uint8_t nrf24_get_maclen(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle);
/** Sets configured length of MAC address
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @param maclen - length to set MAC address to, must be greater than 1 and less than 6
* @return MAC address length
uint8_t nrf24_set_maclen(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t maclen);
/** Gets the current status flags from the STATUS register
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @return status flags
uint8_t nrf24_status(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle);
/** Gets the current transfer rate
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @return transfer rate in bps
uint32_t nrf24_get_rate(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle);
/** Sets the transfer rate
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @param rate - the transfer rate in bps
* @return device status
uint8_t nrf24_set_rate(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint32_t rate);
/** Gets the current channel
* In nrf24, the channel number is multiplied times 1MHz and added to 2400MHz to get the frequency
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @return channel
uint8_t nrf24_get_chan(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle);
/** Sets the channel
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @param frequency - the frequency in hertz
* @return device status
uint8_t nrf24_set_chan(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t chan);
/** Gets the source mac address
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @param[out] mac - the source mac address
* @return device status
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uint8_t nrf24_get_src_mac(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t* mac);
/** Sets the source mac address
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @param mac - the mac address to set
* @param size - the size of the mac address (2 to 5)
* @return device status
uint8_t nrf24_set_src_mac(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t* mac, uint8_t size);
/** Gets the dest mac address
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @param[out] mac - the source mac address
* @return device status
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uint8_t nrf24_get_dst_mac(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t* mac);
/** Sets the dest mac address
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @param mac - the mac address to set
* @param size - the size of the mac address (2 to 5)
* @return device status
uint8_t nrf24_set_dst_mac(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t* mac, uint8_t size);
/** Reads RX packet
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @param[out] packet - the packet contents
* @param[out] packetsize - size of the received packet
* @param full - boolean set to true, packet length is determined by RX_PW_P0 register, false it is determined by dynamic payload length command
* @return device status
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nrf24_rxpacket(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t* packet, uint8_t* packetsize, bool full);
/** Sends TX packet
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @param packet - the packet contents
* @param size - packet size
* @param ack - boolean to determine whether an ACK is required for the packet or not
* @return device status
uint8_t nrf24_txpacket(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t* payload, uint8_t size, bool ack);
/** Configure the radio
* This is not comprehensive, but covers a lot of the common configuration options that may be changed
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @param rate - transfer rate in Mbps (1 or 2)
* @param srcmac - source mac address
* @param dstmac - destination mac address
* @param maclen - length of mac address
* @param channel - channel to tune to
* @param noack - if true, disable auto-acknowledge
* @param disable_aa - if true, disable ShockBurst
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void nrf24_configure(
FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle,
uint8_t rate,
uint8_t* srcmac,
uint8_t* dstmac,
uint8_t maclen,
uint8_t channel,
bool noack,
bool disable_aa);
/** Configures the radio for "promiscuous mode" and primes it for rx
* This is not an actual mode of the nrf24, but this function exploits a few bugs in the chip that allows it to act as if it were.
* See http://travisgoodspeed.blogspot.com/2011/02/promiscuity-is-nrf24l01s-duty.html for details.
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @param channel - channel to tune to
* @param rate - transfer rate in Mbps (1 or 2)
void nrf24_init_promisc_mode(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t channel, uint8_t rate);
/** Listens for a packet and returns first possible address sniffed
* Call this only after calling nrf24_init_promisc_mode
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @param maclen - length of target mac address
* @param[out] addresses - sniffed address
* @return success
bool nrf24_sniff_address(FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t maclen, uint8_t* address);
/** Sends ping packet on each channel for designated tx mac looking for ack
* @param handle - pointer to FuriHalSpiHandle
* @param srcmac - source address
* @param dstmac - destination address
* @param maclen - length of address
* @param rate - transfer rate in Mbps (1 or 2)
* @param min_channel - channel to start with
* @param max_channel - channel to end at
* @param autoinit - if true, automatically configure radio for this channel
* @return channel that the address is listening on, if this value is above the max_channel param, it failed
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uint8_t nrf24_find_channel(
FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle,
uint8_t* srcmac,
uint8_t* dstmac,
uint8_t maclen,
uint8_t rate,
uint8_t min_channel,
uint8_t max_channel,
bool autoinit);
/** Converts 64 bit value into uint8_t array
* @param val - 64-bit integer
* @param[out] out - bytes out
* @param bigendian - if true, convert as big endian, otherwise little endian
void int64_to_bytes(uint64_t val, uint8_t* out, bool bigendian);
/** Converts 32 bit value into uint8_t array
* @param val - 32-bit integer
* @param[out] out - bytes out
* @param bigendian - if true, convert as big endian, otherwise little endian
void int32_to_bytes(uint32_t val, uint8_t* out, bool bigendian);
/** Converts uint8_t array into 32 bit value
* @param bytes - uint8_t array
* @param bigendian - if true, convert as big endian, otherwise little endian
* @return 32-bit value
uint32_t bytes_to_int32(uint8_t* bytes, bool bigendian);
#ifdef __cplusplus