#pragma once

#include <FreeRTOS.h>
#include <task.h>

typedef struct {
    volatile StackType_t * pxTopOfStack; /*< Points to the location of the last item placed on the tasks stack.  THIS MUST BE THE FIRST MEMBER OF THE TCB STRUCT. */

    #if ( portUSING_MPU_WRAPPERS == 1 )
        xMPU_SETTINGS xMPUSettings; /*< The MPU settings are defined as part of the port layer.  THIS MUST BE THE SECOND MEMBER OF THE TCB STRUCT. */

    ListItem_t xStateListItem;                  /*< The list that the state list item of a task is reference from denotes the state of that task (Ready, Blocked, Suspended ). */
    ListItem_t xEventListItem;                  /*< Used to reference a task from an event list. */
    UBaseType_t uxPriority;                     /*< The priority of the task.  0 is the lowest priority. */
    StackType_t * pxStack;                      /*< Points to the start of the stack. */
    char pcTaskName[ configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN ]; /*< Descriptive name given to the task when created.  Facilitates debugging only. */ /*lint !e971 Unqualified char types are allowed for strings and single characters only. */

    #if ( ( portSTACK_GROWTH > 0 ) || ( configRECORD_STACK_HIGH_ADDRESS == 1 ) )
        StackType_t * pxEndOfStack; /*< Points to the highest valid address for the stack. */

    #if ( portCRITICAL_NESTING_IN_TCB == 1 )
        UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting; /*< Holds the critical section nesting depth for ports that do not maintain their own count in the port layer. */

    #if ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 )
        UBaseType_t uxTCBNumber;  /*< Stores a number that increments each time a TCB is created.  It allows debuggers to determine when a task has been deleted and then recreated. */
        UBaseType_t uxTaskNumber; /*< Stores a number specifically for use by third party trace code. */

    #if ( configUSE_MUTEXES == 1 )
        UBaseType_t uxBasePriority; /*< The priority last assigned to the task - used by the priority inheritance mechanism. */
        UBaseType_t uxMutexesHeld;

    #if ( configUSE_APPLICATION_TASK_TAG == 1 )
        TaskHookFunction_t pxTaskTag;

        void * pvThreadLocalStoragePointers[ configNUM_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_POINTERS ];

    #if ( configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS == 1 )
        configRUN_TIME_COUNTER_TYPE ulRunTimeCounter; /*< Stores the amount of time the task has spent in the Running state. */

    #if ( configUSE_NEWLIB_REENTRANT == 1 )

        /* Allocate a Newlib reent structure that is specific to this task.
         * Note Newlib support has been included by popular demand, but is not
         * used by the FreeRTOS maintainers themselves.  FreeRTOS is not
         * responsible for resulting newlib operation.  User must be familiar with
         * newlib and must provide system-wide implementations of the necessary
         * stubs. Be warned that (at the time of writing) the current newlib design
         * implements a system-wide malloc() that must be provided with locks.
         * See the third party link http://www.nadler.com/embedded/newlibAndFreeRTOS.html
         * for additional information. */
        struct  _reent xNewLib_reent;

    #if ( configUSE_TASK_NOTIFICATIONS == 1 )
        volatile uint32_t ulNotifiedValue[ configTASK_NOTIFICATION_ARRAY_ENTRIES ];
        volatile uint8_t ucNotifyState[ configTASK_NOTIFICATION_ARRAY_ENTRIES ];

    /* See the comments in FreeRTOS.h with the definition of
    #if ( tskSTATIC_AND_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_POSSIBLE != 0 ) /*lint !e731 !e9029 Macro has been consolidated for readability reasons. */
        uint8_t ucStaticallyAllocated;                     /*< Set to pdTRUE if the task is a statically allocated to ensure no attempt is made to free the memory. */

    #if ( INCLUDE_xTaskAbortDelay == 1 )
        uint8_t ucDelayAborted;

    #if ( configUSE_POSIX_ERRNO == 1 )
        int iTaskErrno;
} TaskControlBlock;