#pragma once #include <input/input.h> #include <gui/gui.h> #include "multi_converter_definitions.h" #include "multi_converter_units.h" // // performs a unit conversion from origin to source buffers, if there's any error, overflow or // non-compatible format (which shouldn't happen, but just in case) abort conversion and outputs // some "?" strings on the buffer or something similar // void multi_converter_mode_display_convert(MultiConverterState* const multi_converter_state); // // draw the main DISPLAY view with the current multi_converter_state values // void multi_converter_mode_display_draw( Canvas* const canvas, const MultiConverterState* multi_converter_state); // // keyboard navigation on DISPLAY mode (NAVIGATION only, no BACK nor OK - InputKey guaranteed to be left/right/up/down) // void multi_converter_mode_display_navigation( InputKey key, MultiConverterState* const multi_converter_state); // // reset the DISPLAY mode with the current units, cleaning the buffers and different flags; // call this when exiting the SELECT mode / changing the units // void multi_converter_mode_display_reset(MultiConverterState* const multi_converter_state); // // toggle the negative flag on current selected buffer ONLY if the unit allows negative numbers // (adding negative number may crop the last char on the buffer; it cannot be recovered) // void multi_converter_mode_display_toggle_negative(MultiConverterState* const multi_converter_state); // // add a comma/dot/decimal separator/whatever on current selected buffer ONLY if the unit allows it // (only ONE comma allowed, not in the beginning nor end) // void multi_converter_mode_display_add_comma(MultiConverterState* const multi_converter_state); // // add a regular number to the buffer if it's <= the max_number_keys from the unit (not necessary // since the draw and navigation functions won't allow a trigger for an invalid number, but still // to keep the "checks" policy on each "add key" function...) // void multi_converter_mode_display_add_number(MultiConverterState* const multi_converter_state); // // handle the OK action when selecting a specific key on the keyboard (add a number, a symbol, change mode...) // returns a ModeTrigger enum value: may or may not let to a mode change on the main loop (WON'T change the mode here) // MultiConverterModeTrigger multi_converter_mode_display_ok( uint8_t long_press, MultiConverterState* const multi_converter_state);