#include "pretty_format.h" #include #include #define PRETTY_FORMAT_MAX_CANONICAL_DATA_SIZE 256U void pretty_format_bytes_hex_canonical( FuriString* result, size_t num_places, const char* line_prefix, const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size) { furi_check(data); bool is_truncated = false; if(data_size > PRETTY_FORMAT_MAX_CANONICAL_DATA_SIZE) { data_size = PRETTY_FORMAT_MAX_CANONICAL_DATA_SIZE; is_truncated = true; } /* Only num_places byte(s) can be on a single line, therefore: */ const size_t line_count = data_size / num_places + (data_size % num_places != 0 ? 1 : 0) + (is_truncated ? 2 : 0); /* Line length = Prefix length + 3 * num_places (2 hex digits + space) + 1 * num_places + + 1 pipe character + 1 newline character */ const size_t line_length = (line_prefix ? strlen(line_prefix) : 0) + 4 * num_places + 2; /* Reserve memory in adance in order to avoid unnecessary reallocs */ furi_string_reset(result); furi_string_reserve(result, line_count * line_length); for(size_t i = 0; i < data_size; i += num_places) { if(line_prefix) { furi_string_cat(result, line_prefix); } const size_t begin_idx = i; const size_t end_idx = MIN(i + num_places, data_size); for(size_t j = begin_idx; j < end_idx; j++) { furi_string_cat_printf(result, "%02X ", data[j]); } furi_string_push_back(result, '|'); for(size_t j = begin_idx; j < end_idx; j++) { const char c = data[j]; const char sep = ((j < end_idx - 1) ? ' ' : '\n'); const char* fmt = ((j < data_size - 1) ? "%c%c" : "%c"); furi_string_cat_printf(result, fmt, (c > 0x1f && c < 0x7f) ? c : '.', sep); } } if(is_truncated) { furi_string_cat_printf( result, "\n(Data is too big. Showing only the first %zu bytes.)", data_size); } }