#!/usr/bin/env python3 import logging import re import sys import serial from await_flipper import flp_serial_by_name def main(): logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s", level=logging.INFO, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ) logging.info("Trying to run units on flipper") flp_serial = flp_serial_by_name(sys.argv[1]) if flp_serial == "": logging.error("Flipper not found!") sys.exit(1) with serial.Serial(flp_serial, timeout=150) as flipper: logging.info(f"Found Flipper at {flp_serial}") flipper.baudrate = 230400 flipper.flushOutput() flipper.flushInput() flipper.read_until(b">: ").decode("utf-8") flipper.write(b"unit_tests\r") data = flipper.read_until(b">: ").decode("utf-8") lines = data.split("\r\n") tests_re = r"Failed tests: \d{0,}" time_re = r"Consumed: \d{0,}" leak_re = r"Leaked: \d{0,}" status_re = r"Status: \w{3,}" tests_pattern = re.compile(tests_re) time_pattern = re.compile(time_re) leak_pattern = re.compile(leak_re) status_pattern = re.compile(status_re) tests, time, leak, status = None, None, None, None total = 0 for line in lines: logging.info(line) if "()" in line: total += 1 if not tests: tests = re.match(tests_pattern, line) if not time: time = re.match(time_pattern, line) if not leak: leak = re.match(leak_pattern, line) if not status: status = re.match(status_pattern, line) if None in (tests, time, leak, status): logging.error(f"Failed to parse output: {leak} {time} {leak} {status}") sys.exit(1) leak = int(re.findall(r"[- ]\d+", leak.group(0))[0]) status = re.findall(r"\w+", status.group(0))[1] tests = int(re.findall(r"\d+", tests.group(0))[0]) time = int(re.findall(r"\d+", time.group(0))[0]) if tests > 0 or status != "PASSED": logging.error(f"Got {tests} failed tests.") logging.error(f"Leaked (not failing on this stat): {leak}") logging.error(f"Status: {status}") logging.error(f"Time: {time/1000} seconds") sys.exit(1) logging.info(f"Leaked (not failing on this stat): {leak}") logging.info( f"Tests ran successfully! Time elapsed {time/1000} seconds. Passed {total} tests." ) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()