# How to Build by yourself: ## Clone the Repository You should clone with ```shell $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/Eng1n33r/flipperzero-firmware.git ``` ## Build with Docker ### Prerequisites 1. Install [Docker Engine and Docker Compose](https://www.docker.com/get-started) 2. Prepare the container: ```sh docker-compose up -d ``` ### Compile everything for development ```sh docker-compose exec dev ./fbt ``` ### Compile everything for release + get updater package to update from microSD card ```sh docker-compose exec dev ./fbt --with-updater COMPACT=1 DEBUG=0 updater_package ``` Check `dist/` for build outputs. Use **`flipper-z-{target}-full-{suffix}.dfu`** to flash your device. If compilation fails, make sure all submodules are all initialized. Either clone with `--recursive` or use `git submodule update --init --recursive`. # Build on Linux/macOS Check out `documentation/fbt.md` for details on building and flashing firmware. ### Compile everything for development ```sh ./fbt ``` ### Compile everything for release + get updater package to update from microSD card ```sh ./fbt --with-updater COMPACT=1 DEBUG=0 updater_package ``` Check `dist/` for build outputs. Use **`flipper-z-{target}-full-{suffix}.dfu`** to flash your device. # Build on Windows Check out `documentation/fbt.md` for details on building and flashing firmware. ### Compile everything for development ```sh .\fbt.cmd ``` ### Compile everything for release + get updater package to update from microSD card ```sh .\fbt.cmd --with-updater COMPACT=1 DEBUG=0 updater_package ``` Check `dist/` for build outputs. Use **`flipper-z-{target}-full-{suffix}.dfu`** to flash your device.