#include "dfu_file.h" #include #include #define VALID_WHOLE_FILE_CRC 0xFFFFFFFF #define DFU_SUFFIX_VERSION 0x011A #define DFU_SIGNATURE "DfuSe" bool dfu_file_validate_crc(File* dfuf, const DfuPageTaskProgressCb progress_cb, void* context) { uint32_t file_crc = crc32_calc_file(dfuf, progress_cb, context); /* Last 4 bytes of DFU file = CRC of previous file contents, inverted * If we calculate whole file CRC32, incl. embedded CRC, * that should give us 0xFFFFFFFF */ return file_crc == VALID_WHOLE_FILE_CRC; } uint8_t dfu_file_validate_headers(File* dfuf, const DfuValidationParams* reference_params) { furi_assert(reference_params); DfuPrefix dfu_prefix = {0}; DfuSuffix dfu_suffix = {0}; uint16_t bytes_read = 0; if(!storage_file_is_open(dfuf) || !storage_file_seek(dfuf, 0, true)) { return 0; } const uint32_t dfu_suffix_offset = storage_file_size(dfuf) - sizeof(DfuSuffix); bytes_read = storage_file_read(dfuf, &dfu_prefix, sizeof(DfuPrefix)); if(bytes_read != sizeof(DfuPrefix)) { return 0; } if(memcmp(dfu_prefix.szSignature, DFU_SIGNATURE, sizeof(dfu_prefix.szSignature)) != 0) { return 0; } if((dfu_prefix.bVersion != 1) || (dfu_prefix.DFUImageSize != dfu_suffix_offset)) { return 0; } if(!storage_file_seek(dfuf, dfu_suffix_offset, true)) { return 0; } bytes_read = storage_file_read(dfuf, &dfu_suffix, sizeof(DfuSuffix)); if(bytes_read != sizeof(DfuSuffix)) { return 0; } if((dfu_suffix.bLength != sizeof(DfuSuffix)) || (dfu_suffix.bcdDFU != DFU_SUFFIX_VERSION)) { return 0; } /* TODO FL-3561: check DfuSignature?.. */ if((dfu_suffix.idVendor != reference_params->vendor) || (dfu_suffix.idProduct != reference_params->product) || (dfu_suffix.bcdDevice != reference_params->device)) { return 0; } return dfu_prefix.bTargets; } /* Assumes file is open, valid and read pointer is set at the start of image data */ static DfuUpdateBlockResult dfu_file_perform_task_for_update_pages( const DfuUpdateTask* task, File* dfuf, const ImageElementHeader* header) { furi_assert(task); furi_assert(header); task->progress_cb(0, task->context); const size_t FLASH_PAGE_SIZE = furi_hal_flash_get_page_size(); const size_t FLASH_PAGE_ALIGNMENT_MASK = FLASH_PAGE_SIZE - 1; if((header->dwElementAddress & FLASH_PAGE_ALIGNMENT_MASK) != 0) { /* start address is not aligned by page boundary -- we don't support that. Yet. */ return UpdateBlockResult_Failed; } if(task->address_cb && (!task->address_cb(header->dwElementAddress) || !task->address_cb(header->dwElementAddress + header->dwElementSize))) { storage_file_seek(dfuf, header->dwElementSize, false); task->progress_cb(100, task->context); return UpdateBlockResult_Skipped; } uint8_t* fw_block = malloc(FLASH_PAGE_SIZE); uint16_t bytes_read = 0; uint32_t element_offs = 0; while(element_offs < header->dwElementSize) { uint32_t n_bytes_to_read = FLASH_PAGE_SIZE; if((element_offs + n_bytes_to_read) > header->dwElementSize) { n_bytes_to_read = header->dwElementSize - element_offs; } bytes_read = storage_file_read(dfuf, fw_block, n_bytes_to_read); if(bytes_read == 0) { break; } int16_t i_page = furi_hal_flash_get_page_number(header->dwElementAddress + element_offs); if(i_page < 0) { break; } if(!task->task_cb(i_page, fw_block, bytes_read)) { break; } element_offs += bytes_read; task->progress_cb(element_offs * 100 / header->dwElementSize, task->context); } free(fw_block); return (element_offs == header->dwElementSize) ? UpdateBlockResult_OK : UpdateBlockResult_Failed; } bool dfu_file_process_targets(const DfuUpdateTask* task, File* dfuf, const uint8_t n_targets) { TargetPrefix target_prefix = {0}; ImageElementHeader image_element = {0}; uint16_t bytes_read = 0; if(!storage_file_seek(dfuf, sizeof(DfuPrefix), true)) { return UpdateBlockResult_Failed; }; for(uint8_t i_target = 0; i_target < n_targets; ++i_target) { bytes_read = storage_file_read(dfuf, &target_prefix, sizeof(TargetPrefix)); if(bytes_read != sizeof(TargetPrefix)) { return UpdateBlockResult_Failed; } /* TODO FL-3562: look into TargetPrefix and validate/filter?.. */ for(uint32_t i_element = 0; i_element < target_prefix.dwNbElements; ++i_element) { bytes_read = storage_file_read(dfuf, &image_element, sizeof(ImageElementHeader)); if(bytes_read != sizeof(ImageElementHeader)) { return UpdateBlockResult_Failed; } if(dfu_file_perform_task_for_update_pages(task, dfuf, &image_element) == UpdateBlockResult_Failed) { return false; } } } return true; }