/** * @file furi_hal_nfc.h * @brief NFC HAL library. * * This library contains functions and definitions needed for NFC hardware low-level access. * * Application developers should first consider using the NFC protocol stack or * the NFC transport layer and see if the APIs provided there sufficient * for the applicaton's intended purpose. * * @see nfc.h * @see nfc_protocol.h * * If any of the above mentioned options is used, calling any of the functions provided by this * library is hardly necessary, as it will be taken care of under the hood. * */ #pragma once #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * @brief NFC carrier frequency, in Hz. */ #define FURI_HAL_NFC_CARRIER_HZ (13560000UL) /** * @brief Special value indicating that waiting for an event shall never time out. */ #define FURI_HAL_NFC_EVENT_WAIT_FOREVER (0xFFFFFFFFU) /** * @brief Enumeration of possible NFC HAL events. */ typedef enum { FuriHalNfcEventOscOn = (1U << 0), /**< Oscillator has been started. */ FuriHalNfcEventFieldOn = (1U << 1), /**< External field (carrier) has been detected. */ FuriHalNfcEventFieldOff = (1U << 2), /**< External field (carrier) has been lost. */ FuriHalNfcEventListenerActive = (1U << 3), /**< Reader has issued a wake-up command. */ FuriHalNfcEventTxStart = (1U << 4), /**< Transmission has started. */ FuriHalNfcEventTxEnd = (1U << 5), /**< Transmission has ended. */ FuriHalNfcEventRxStart = (1U << 6), /**< Reception has started. */ FuriHalNfcEventRxEnd = (1U << 7), /**< Reception has ended. */ FuriHalNfcEventCollision = (1U << 8), /**< A collision has occurred. */ FuriHalNfcEventTimerFwtExpired = (1U << 9), /**< Frame wait timer has expired. */ FuriHalNfcEventTimerBlockTxExpired = (1U << 10), /**< Transmission block timer has expired. */ FuriHalNfcEventTimeout = (1U << 11), /**< No events have occurred in a specified time period. */ FuriHalNfcEventAbortRequest = (1U << 12), /**< User has requested to abort current operation. */ } FuriHalNfcEvent; /** * @brief Enumeration of possible NFC HAL errors. */ typedef enum { FuriHalNfcErrorNone, /**< No error has occurred. */ FuriHalNfcErrorBusy, /**< The communication bus is busy. */ FuriHalNfcErrorCommunication, /**< NFC hardware did not respond or responded unexpectedly. */ FuriHalNfcErrorOscillator, /**< Oscillator failed to start. */ FuriHalNfcErrorCommunicationTimeout, /**< NFC hardware did not respond in time. */ FuriHalNfcErrorBufferOverflow, /**< Receive buffer was too small for the received data. */ FuriHalNfcErrorIncompleteFrame, /**< Not enough data was received to parse a valid frame. */ FuriHalNfcErrorDataFormat, /**< Cannot parse a frame due to unexpected/invalid data. */ } FuriHalNfcError; /** * @brief Enumeration of possible NFC HAL operating modes. */ typedef enum { FuriHalNfcModePoller, /**< Configure NFC HAL to operate as a poller. */ FuriHalNfcModeListener, /**< Configure NFC HAL to operate as a listener. */ FuriHalNfcModeNum, /**< Special value equal to the operating modes count. Internal use. */ } FuriHalNfcMode; /** * @brief Enumeration of supported NFC technologies. */ typedef enum { FuriHalNfcTechIso14443a, /**< Configure NFC HAL to use the ISO14443 (type A) technology. */ FuriHalNfcTechIso14443b, /**< Configure NFC HAL to use the ISO14443 (type B) technology. */ FuriHalNfcTechIso15693, /**< Configure NFC HAL to use the ISO15693 technology. */ FuriHalNfcTechFelica, /**< Configure NFC HAL to use the FeliCa technology. */ FuriHalNfcTechNum, /**< Special value equal to the supported technologies count. Internal use. */ FuriHalNfcTechInvalid, /**< Special value indicating the unconfigured state. Internal use. */ } FuriHalNfcTech; /** * @brief Initialise the NFC HAL and associated hardware. * * This function is called automatically during the firmware initialisation, * so there is no need to call it explicitly. * * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_init(); /** * @brief Check whether the NFC HAL was properly initialised and is ready. * * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone if ready, any other error code if not ready. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_is_hal_ready(); /** * @brief Exclusively take over the NFC HAL and associated hardware. * * This function needs to be called whenever an interaction with the NFC HAL * is to take place (usually once upon the application start). * * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_acquire(); /** * @brief Release the exclusive lock and make the NFC HAL available for others. * * This function needs to be called when the user code is done working * with the NFC HAL (usually once upon application exit). It must be called * from the same thread that has called furi_hal_nfc_acquire(). * * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_release(); /** * @brief Configure the NFC hardware to enter the low-power mode. * * This function must be called each time when the user code is done working * with the NFC HAL for the time being (e.g. waiting on user input). * * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_low_power_mode_start(); /** * @brief Configure the NFC hardware to exit the low-power mode. * * This function must be called each time when the user code begins working * with the NFC HAL, as the default state is low-power mode. * * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_low_power_mode_stop(); /** * @brief Configure the NFC HAL to work in a particular mode. * * Not all technologies implement the listener operating mode. * * @param[in] mode required operating mode. * @param[in] tech required technology configuration. * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_set_mode(FuriHalNfcMode mode, FuriHalNfcTech tech); /** * @brief Reset the NFC HAL to its default (unconfigured) state. * * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_reset_mode(); /** * @brief Enable field (carrier) detection by the NFC hardware. * * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_field_detect_start(); /** * @brief Disable field (carrier) detection by the NFC hardware. * * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_field_detect_stop(); /** * @brief Check if the reader field (carrier) was detected by the NFC hardware. * * @returns true if the field was detected, false otherwise. */ bool furi_hal_nfc_field_is_present(); /** * @brief Enable field (carrier) generation by the NFC hardware. * * No carrier modulation will occur unless a transmission is explicitly started. * * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_poller_field_on(); /** * @brief Wait for an NFC HAL event in poller mode. * * @param[in] timeout_ms time to wait (timeout) in milliseconds. * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcEvent furi_hal_nfc_poller_wait_event(uint32_t timeout_ms); /** * @brief Wait for an NFC HAL event in listener mode. * @param[in] timeout_ms time to wait (timeout) in milliseconds. * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcEvent furi_hal_nfc_listener_wait_event(uint32_t timeout_ms); /** * @brief Transmit data in poller mode. * * @param[in] tx_data pointer to a byte array containing the data to be transmitted. * @param[in] tx_bits transmit data size, in bits. * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_poller_tx(const uint8_t* tx_data, size_t tx_bits); /** * @brief Receive data in poller mode. * * The receive buffer must be big enough to accomodate all of the expected data. * * @param rx_data[out] pointer to a byte array to be filled with received data. * @param rx_data_size[in] maximum received data size, in bytes. * @param rx_bits[out] pointer to the variable to hold received data size, in bits. * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_poller_rx(uint8_t* rx_data, size_t rx_data_size, size_t* rx_bits); /** * @brief Transmit data in listener mode. * * @param[in] tx_data pointer to a byte array containing the data to be transmitted. * @param[in] tx_bits transmit data size, in bits. * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_listener_tx(const uint8_t* tx_data, size_t tx_bits); /** * @brief Receive data in listener mode. * * The receive buffer must be big enough to accomodate all of the expected data. * * @param rx_data[out] pointer to a byte array to be filled with received data. * @param rx_data_size[in] maximum received data size, in bytes. * @param rx_bits[out] pointer to the variable to hold received data size, in bits. * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_listener_rx(uint8_t* rx_data, size_t rx_data_size, size_t* rx_bits); /** * @brief Go to sleep in listener mode. * * Puts the passive target logic into Sleep (Halt) state. * * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_listener_sleep(); /** * @brief Go to idle in listener mode. * * Puts the passive target logic into Sense (Idle) state. * * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_listener_idle(); /** * @brief Enable reception in listener mode. * * Starts hardware receivers and receive decoders. * * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_listener_enable_rx(); /** * @brief Reset communication. * * Resets the communication state and stops all activities: transmission, reception, etc. * * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_trx_reset(); /** * @brief Enable generation of NFC HAL events. * * @warning This function must be called from the same thread from which * the the furi_hal_nfc_*_wait_event() calls will be made. * * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_event_start(); /** * @brief Disable generation of NFC HAL events. * * Unlike furi_hal_nfc_event_start(), this function may be called from any thread. * * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_event_stop(); /** * @brief Manually emit the FuriHalNfcEventAbortRequest event. * * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_abort(); /** * @brief Start frame wait timeout timer. * * @param[in] time_fc time to wait, in carrier cycles. */ void furi_hal_nfc_timer_fwt_start(uint32_t time_fc); /** * @brief Stop frame wait timeout timer. */ void furi_hal_nfc_timer_fwt_stop(); /** * @brief Start block transmit (frame delay) timer. * * @param[in] time_fc time to wait, in carrier cycles. */ void furi_hal_nfc_timer_block_tx_start(uint32_t time_fc); /** * @brief Start block transmit (frame delay) timer. * * @param[in] time_us time to wait, in microseconds. */ void furi_hal_nfc_timer_block_tx_start_us(uint32_t time_us); /** * @brief Stop block transmit (frame delay) timer. */ void furi_hal_nfc_timer_block_tx_stop(); /** * @brief Check whether block transmit (frame delay) timer is running. * * @returns true if timer is running, false otherwise. */ bool furi_hal_nfc_timer_block_tx_is_running(); /* * Technology-specific functions. * * In a perfect world, this would not be necessary. * However, the current implementation employs NFC hardware that partially implements * certain protocols (e.g. ISO14443-3A), thus requiring methods to access such features. */ /******************* Iso14443a specific API *******************/ /** * @brief Enumeration of ISO14443 (Type A) short frame types. */ typedef enum { FuriHalNfcaShortFrameAllReq, FuriHalNfcaShortFrameSensReq, } FuriHalNfcaShortFrame; /** * @brief Transmit ISO14443 (Type A) short frame in poller mode. * * @param[in] frame short frame type to be transmitted. * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_iso14443a_poller_trx_short_frame(FuriHalNfcaShortFrame frame); /** Transmit ISO14443 (Type A) SDD frame in poller mode. * * @param[in] tx_data pointer to a byte array containing the data to be transmitted. * @param[in] tx_bits transmit data size, in bits. * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_iso14443a_tx_sdd_frame(const uint8_t* tx_data, size_t tx_bits); /** * Receive ISO14443 (Type A) SDD frame in poller mode. * * The receive buffer must be big enough to accomodate all of the expected data. * * @param rx_data[out] pointer to a byte array to be filled with received data. * @param rx_data_size[in] maximum received data size, in bytes. * @param rx_bits[out] pointer to the variable to hold received data size, in bits. * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_iso14443a_rx_sdd_frame(uint8_t* rx_data, size_t rx_data_size, size_t* rx_bits); /** * @brief Transmit ISO14443 (Type A) frame with custom parity bits in poller mode. * * Same as furi_hal_nfc_poller_tx(), but uses the parity bits provided * by the user code instead of calculating them automatically. * * @param[in] tx_data pointer to a byte array containing the data to be transmitted. * @param[in] tx_bits transmit data size, in bits. * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_iso14443a_poller_tx_custom_parity(const uint8_t* tx_data, size_t tx_bits); /** * @brief Set ISO14443 (Type A) collision resolution parameters in listener mode. * * Configures the NFC hardware for automatic collision resolution. * * @param[in] uid pointer to a byte array containing the UID. * @param[in] uid_len UID length in bytes (must be supported by the protocol). * @param[in] atqa ATQA byte value. * @param[in] sak SAK byte value. * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_iso14443a_listener_set_col_res_data( uint8_t* uid, uint8_t uid_len, uint8_t* atqa, uint8_t sak); /** * @brief Transmit ISO14443 (Type A) frame with custom parity bits in listener mode. * * @param[in] tx_data pointer to a byte array containing the data to be transmitted. * @param[in] tx_parity pointer to a (bit-packed) byte array containing the parity to be transmitted. * @param[in] tx_bits transmit data size, in bits. * @returns FuriHalNfcErrorNone on success, any other error code on failure. */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_iso14443a_listener_tx_custom_parity( const uint8_t* tx_data, const uint8_t* tx_parity, size_t tx_bits); /** Send ISO15693 SOF in listener mode * * @return FuriHalNfcError */ FuriHalNfcError furi_hal_nfc_iso15693_listener_tx_sof(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif