/* Unitemp - Universal temperature reader Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Victor Nikitchuk (https://github.com/quen0n) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "UnitempViews.h" #include "unitemp_icons.h" extern const Icon I_ButtonRight_4x7; extern const Icon I_ButtonLeft_4x7; extern const Icon I_Ok_btn_9x9; static View* view; typedef enum general_views { G_NO_SENSORS_VIEW, //Нет датчиков G_LIST_VIEW, //Вид в ввиде списка G_CAROUSEL_VIEW, //Карусель } general_view; typedef enum carousel_info { CAROUSEL_VALUES, //Отображение значений датчиков CAROUSEL_INFO, //Отображение информации о датчике } carousel_info; static general_view current_view; carousel_info carousel_info_selector = CAROUSEL_VALUES; uint8_t generalview_sensor_index = 0; static void _draw_temperature(Canvas* canvas, Sensor* sensor, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, Color color) { //Рисование рамки canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, x, y, 54, 20, 3); if(color == ColorBlack) { canvas_draw_rbox(canvas, x, y, 54, 19, 3); canvas_invert_color(canvas); } else { canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, x, y, 54, 19, 3); } int8_t temp_dec = abs((int16_t)(sensor->temp * 10) % 10); //Рисование иконки canvas_draw_icon( canvas, x + 3, y + 3, (app->settings.temp_unit == UT_TEMP_CELSIUS ? &I_temp_C_11x14 : &I_temp_F_11x14)); if((int16_t)sensor->temp == -128 || sensor->status == UT_SENSORSTATUS_TIMEOUT) { canvas_set_font(canvas, FontBigNumbers); canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, x + 27, y + 10, AlignCenter, AlignCenter, "--"); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, x + 50, y + 10 + 3, AlignRight, AlignCenter, ". -"); if(color == ColorBlack) canvas_invert_color(canvas); return; } //Целая часть температуры //Костыль для отображения знака числа меньше 0 uint8_t offset = 0; if(sensor->temp < 0 && sensor->temp > -1) { app->buff[0] = '-'; offset = 1; } snprintf((char*)(app->buff + offset), BUFF_SIZE, "%d", (int16_t)sensor->temp); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontBigNumbers); canvas_draw_str_aligned( canvas, x + 27 + ((sensor->temp <= -10 || sensor->temp > 99) ? 5 : 0), y + 10, AlignCenter, AlignCenter, app->buff); //Печать дробной части температуры в диапазоне от -9 до 99 (когда два знака в числе) if(sensor->temp > -10 && sensor->temp <= 99) { uint8_t int_len = canvas_string_width(canvas, app->buff); snprintf(app->buff, BUFF_SIZE, ".%d", temp_dec); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); canvas_draw_str(canvas, x + 27 + int_len / 2 + 2, y + 10 + 7, app->buff); } if(color == ColorBlack) canvas_invert_color(canvas); } static void _draw_humidity(Canvas* canvas, Sensor* sensor, const uint8_t pos[2]) { //Рисование рамки canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, pos[0], pos[1], 54, 20, 3); canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, pos[0], pos[1], 54, 19, 3); //Рисование иконки canvas_draw_icon(canvas, pos[0] + 3, pos[1] + 2, &I_hum_9x15); //Целая часть влажности snprintf(app->buff, BUFF_SIZE, "%d", (uint8_t)sensor->hum); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontBigNumbers); canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, pos[0] + 27, pos[1] + 10, AlignCenter, AlignCenter, app->buff); uint8_t int_len = canvas_string_width(canvas, app->buff); //Единица измерения canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); canvas_draw_str(canvas, pos[0] + 27 + int_len / 2 + 4, pos[1] + 10 + 7, "%"); } static void _draw_pressure(Canvas* canvas, Sensor* sensor) { const uint8_t x = 29, y = 39; //Рисование рамки if(app->settings.pressure_unit == UT_PRESSURE_HPA) { canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, x, y, 84, 20, 3); canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, x, y, 84, 19, 3); } else { canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, x, y, 69, 20, 3); canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, x, y, 69, 19, 3); } //Рисование иконки canvas_draw_icon(canvas, x + 3, y + 4, &I_pressure_7x13); int16_t press_int = sensor->pressure; // Change Temp for Pressure int8_t press_dec = (int16_t)(sensor->pressure * 10) % 10; //Целая часть давления snprintf(app->buff, BUFF_SIZE, "%d", press_int); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontBigNumbers); canvas_draw_str_aligned( canvas, x + 27 + ((press_int > 99) ? 5 : 0), y + 10, AlignCenter, AlignCenter, app->buff); //Печать дробной части давления в диапазоне от 0 до 99 (когда два знака в числе) if(press_int <= 99) { uint8_t int_len = canvas_string_width(canvas, app->buff); snprintf(app->buff, BUFF_SIZE, ".%d", press_dec); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); canvas_draw_str(canvas, x + 27 + int_len / 2 + 2, y + 10 + 7, app->buff); } else if(app->settings.pressure_unit == UT_PRESSURE_HPA) { uint8_t int_len = canvas_string_width(canvas, app->buff); snprintf(app->buff, BUFF_SIZE, ".%d", press_dec); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); canvas_draw_str(canvas, x + 32 + int_len / 2 + 2, y + 10 + 7, app->buff); } canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary); //Единица измерения if(app->settings.pressure_unit == UT_PRESSURE_MM_HG) { canvas_draw_icon(canvas, x + 50, y + 2, &I_mm_hg_15x15); } else if(app->settings.pressure_unit == UT_PRESSURE_IN_HG) { canvas_draw_icon(canvas, x + 50, y + 2, &I_in_hg_15x15); } else if(app->settings.pressure_unit == UT_PRESSURE_KPA) { canvas_draw_str(canvas, x + 52, y + 13, "kPa"); } else if(app->settings.pressure_unit == UT_PRESSURE_HPA) { canvas_draw_str(canvas, x + 67, y + 13, "hPa"); static void _draw_co2(Canvas* canvas, Sensor* sensor, Color color) { const uint8_t x = 29, y = 39; //Рисование рамки canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, x, y, 75, 20, 3); if(color == ColorBlack) { canvas_draw_rbox(canvas, x, y, 75, 19, 3); canvas_invert_color(canvas); } else { canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, x, y, 75, 19, 3); } //Рисование иконки canvas_draw_icon(canvas, x + 3, y + 3, &I_co2_11x14); int16_t concentration_int = sensor->co2; // int8_t concentration_dec = (int16_t)(sensor->co2 * 10) % 10; //Целая часть if(concentration_int > 9999) { snprintf(app->buff, BUFF_SIZE, "MAX "); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); } else { snprintf(app->buff, BUFF_SIZE, "%d", concentration_int); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontBigNumbers); } canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, x + 70, y + 10, AlignRight, AlignCenter, app->buff); } static void _draw_singleSensor(Canvas* canvas, Sensor* sensor, const uint8_t pos[2], Color color) { canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); const uint8_t max_width = 56; char sensor_name[12] = {0}; memcpy(sensor_name, sensor->name, 10); if(canvas_string_width(canvas, sensor_name) > max_width) { uint8_t i = 10; while((canvas_string_width(canvas, sensor_name) > max_width - 6) && (i != 0)) { sensor_name[i--] = '\0'; } sensor_name[++i] = '.'; sensor_name[++i] = '.'; } canvas_draw_str_aligned( canvas, pos[0] + 27, pos[1] + 3, AlignCenter, AlignCenter, sensor_name); _draw_temperature(canvas, sensor, pos[0], pos[1] + 8, color); } static void _draw_view_noSensors(Canvas* canvas) { canvas_draw_icon(canvas, 7, 17, &I_sherlok_53x45); //Рисование рамки canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, 0, 0, 128, 63, 7); canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, 0, 0, 128, 64, 7); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, 63, 10, AlignCenter, AlignCenter, "No sensors found"); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary); const uint8_t x = 65, y = 32; canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, x - 4, y - 11, 54, 33, 3); canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, x - 4, y - 11, 54, 34, 3); canvas_draw_str(canvas, x, y, "To add the"); canvas_draw_str(canvas, x, y + 9, "new sensor"); canvas_draw_str(canvas, x, y + 18, "press OK"); canvas_draw_icon(canvas, x + 37, y + 10, &I_Ok_btn_9x9); } static void _draw_view_sensorsList(Canvas* canvas) { //Текущая страница uint8_t page = generalview_sensor_index / 4; //Количество датчиков, которые будут отображаться на странице uint8_t page_sensors_count; if((unitemp_sensors_getActiveCount() - page * 4) / 4) { page_sensors_count = 4; } else { page_sensors_count = (unitemp_sensors_getActiveCount() - page * 4) % 4; } //Количество страниц uint8_t pages = unitemp_sensors_getActiveCount() / 4 + (unitemp_sensors_getActiveCount() % 4 ? 1 : 0); //Стрелка влево if(page > 0) { canvas_draw_icon(canvas, 2, 32, &I_ButtonLeft_4x7); } //Стрелка вправо if(pages > 0 && page < pages - 1) { canvas_draw_icon(canvas, 122, 32, &I_ButtonRight_4x7); } const uint8_t value_positions[][4][2] = { {{36, 18}}, //1 датчик {{7, 18}, {67, 18}}, //2 датчика {{7, 3}, {67, 3}, {37, 33}}, //3 датчика {{7, 3}, {67, 3}, {7, 33}, {67, 33}}}; //4 датчика //Рисование рамки canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, 0, 0, 128, 63, 7); canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, 0, 0, 128, 64, 7); for(uint8_t i = 0; i < page_sensors_count; i++) { _draw_singleSensor( canvas, unitemp_sensor_getActive(page * 4 + i), value_positions[page_sensors_count - 1][i], ColorWhite); } } static void _draw_carousel_values(Canvas* canvas) { UnitempStatus sensor_status = unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->status; if(sensor_status == UT_SENSORSTATUS_ERROR || sensor_status == UT_SENSORSTATUS_TIMEOUT) { const Icon* frames[] = { &I_flipper_happy_60x38, &I_flipper_happy_2_60x38, &I_flipper_sad_60x38}; canvas_draw_icon(canvas, 34, 23, frames[furi_get_tick() % 2250 / 750]); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary); //TODO: Оптимизировать эту срань if(unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->type->interface == &SINGLE_WIRE) { snprintf( app->buff, BUFF_SIZE, "Waiting for module on pin %d", ((SingleWireSensor*)unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->instance) ->gpio->num); } if(unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->type->interface == &ONE_WIRE) { snprintf( app->buff, BUFF_SIZE, "Waiting for module on pin %d", ((OneWireSensor*)unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->instance) ->bus->gpio->num); } if(unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->type->interface == &I2C) { snprintf(app->buff, BUFF_SIZE, "Waiting for module on I2C pins"); } if(unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->type->interface == &SPI) { snprintf(app->buff, BUFF_SIZE, "Waiting for module on SPI pins"); } canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, 64, 19, AlignCenter, AlignCenter, app->buff); return; } static const uint8_t temp_positions[3][2] = {{37, 23}, {37, 16}, {9, 16}}; static const uint8_t hum_positions[2][2] = {{37, 38}, {65, 16}}; //Селектор значений для отображения switch(unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->type->datatype) { case UT_DATA_TYPE_TEMP: _draw_temperature( canvas, unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index), temp_positions[0][0], temp_positions[0][1], ColorWhite); break; case UT_DATA_TYPE_TEMP_HUM: _draw_temperature( canvas, unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index), temp_positions[1][0], temp_positions[1][1], ColorWhite); _draw_humidity( canvas, unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index), hum_positions[0]); break; case UT_DATA_TYPE_TEMP_PRESS: _draw_temperature( canvas, unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index), temp_positions[1][0], temp_positions[1][1], ColorWhite); _draw_pressure(canvas, unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)); break; case UT_DATA_TYPE_TEMP_HUM_PRESS: _draw_temperature( canvas, unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index), temp_positions[2][0], temp_positions[2][1], ColorWhite); _draw_humidity( canvas, unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index), hum_positions[1]); _draw_pressure(canvas, unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)); break; case UT_DATA_TYPE_TEMP_HUM_CO2: _draw_temperature( canvas, unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index), temp_positions[2][0], temp_positions[2][1], ColorWhite); _draw_humidity( canvas, unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index), hum_positions[1]); _draw_co2(canvas, unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index), ColorWhite); break; } } //TODO: Оптимизировать вывод информации static void _draw_carousel_info(Canvas* canvas) { canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 10, 23, "Type:"); if(unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->type->interface == &ONE_WIRE) { OneWireSensor* s = unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->instance; canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 10, 35, "GPIO:"); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 10, 47, "ID:"); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary); canvas_draw_str( canvas, 41, 23, unitemp_onewire_sensor_getModel(unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index))); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 41, 35, s->bus->gpio->name); snprintf( app->buff, BUFF_SIZE, "%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", s->deviceID[0], s->deviceID[1], s->deviceID[2], s->deviceID[3], s->deviceID[4], s->deviceID[5], s->deviceID[6], s->deviceID[7]); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 24, 47, app->buff); } if(unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->type->interface == &SINGLE_WIRE) { canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 10, 35, "GPIO:"); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary); canvas_draw_str( canvas, 41, 23, unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->type->typename); canvas_draw_str( canvas, 41, 35, ((SingleWireSensor*)unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->instance) ->gpio->name); } if(unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->type->interface == &SPI) { canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 10, 35, "MISO pin:"); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 10, 46, "CS pin:"); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 10, 58, "SCK pin:"); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary); canvas_draw_str( canvas, 41, 23, unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->type->typename); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 60, 35, unitemp_gpio_getFromInt(3)->name); canvas_draw_str( canvas, 47, 46, ((SPISensor*)unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->instance) ->CS_pin->name); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 54, 58, unitemp_gpio_getFromInt(5)->name); } if(unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->type->interface == &I2C) { canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 10, 35, "I2C addr:"); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 10, 46, "SDA pin:"); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 10, 58, "SCL pin:"); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary); canvas_draw_str( canvas, 41, 23, unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->type->typename); snprintf( app->buff, BUFF_SIZE, "0x%02X", ((I2CSensor*)unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->instance) ->currentI2CAdr >> 1); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 57, 35, app->buff); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 54, 46, "15 (C0)"); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 54, 58, "16 (C1)"); } } static void _draw_view_sensorsCarousel(Canvas* canvas) { //Рисование рамки canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, 0, 0, 128, 63, 7); canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, 0, 0, 128, 64, 7); //Печать имени canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); canvas_draw_str_aligned( canvas, 64, 7, AlignCenter, AlignCenter, unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->name); //Подчёркивание uint8_t line_len = canvas_string_width(canvas, unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)->name) + 2; canvas_draw_line(canvas, 64 - line_len / 2, 12, 64 + line_len / 2, 12); //Стрелка вправо if(unitemp_sensors_getTypesCount() > 0 && generalview_sensor_index < unitemp_sensors_getActiveCount() - 1) { canvas_draw_icon(canvas, 122, 29, &I_ButtonRight_4x7); } //Стрелка влево if(generalview_sensor_index > 0) { canvas_draw_icon(canvas, 2, 29, &I_ButtonLeft_4x7); } switch(carousel_info_selector) { case CAROUSEL_VALUES: _draw_carousel_values(canvas); break; case CAROUSEL_INFO: _draw_carousel_info(canvas); break; } } static void _draw_callback(Canvas* canvas, void* _model) { UNUSED(_model); app->sensors_ready = true; uint8_t sensors_count = unitemp_sensors_getActiveCount(); if(generalview_sensor_index + 1 > sensors_count) generalview_sensor_index = 0; if(sensors_count == 0) { current_view = G_NO_SENSORS_VIEW; _draw_view_noSensors(canvas); } else { if(sensors_count == 1) current_view = G_CAROUSEL_VIEW; if(current_view == G_NO_SENSORS_VIEW) current_view = G_CAROUSEL_VIEW; if(current_view == G_LIST_VIEW) _draw_view_sensorsList(canvas); if(current_view == G_CAROUSEL_VIEW) _draw_view_sensorsCarousel(canvas); } } static bool _input_callback(InputEvent* event, void* context) { UNUSED(context); //Обработка короткого нажатия "ок" if(event->key == InputKeyOk && event->type == InputTypeShort) { //Меню добавления датчика при их отсутствии if(current_view == G_NO_SENSORS_VIEW) { app->sensors_ready = false; unitemp_SensorsList_switch(); } else if(current_view == G_LIST_VIEW) { //Переход в главное меню при выключенном селекторе app->sensors_ready = false; unitemp_MainMenu_switch(); } else if(current_view == G_CAROUSEL_VIEW) { app->sensors_ready = false; unitemp_SensorActions_switch(unitemp_sensor_getActive(generalview_sensor_index)); } } //Обработка короткого нажатия "вниз" if(event->key == InputKeyDown && event->type == InputTypeShort) { //Переход из значений в информацию в карусели if(current_view == G_CAROUSEL_VIEW && carousel_info_selector == CAROUSEL_VALUES) { carousel_info_selector = CAROUSEL_INFO; return true; } //Переход в карусель из списка if(current_view == G_LIST_VIEW) { current_view = G_CAROUSEL_VIEW; return true; } } //Обработка короткого нажатия "вверх" if(event->key == InputKeyUp && event->type == InputTypeShort) { //Переход из информации в значения в карусели if(current_view == G_CAROUSEL_VIEW && carousel_info_selector == CAROUSEL_INFO) { carousel_info_selector = CAROUSEL_VALUES; return true; } //Переход в список из карусели if(current_view == G_CAROUSEL_VIEW && carousel_info_selector == CAROUSEL_VALUES && unitemp_sensors_getActiveCount() > 1) { current_view = G_LIST_VIEW; return true; } } //Обработка короткого нажатия "вправо" if(event->key == InputKeyRight && event->type == InputTypeShort) { //Пролистывание карусели вперёд if(current_view == G_CAROUSEL_VIEW) { if(++generalview_sensor_index >= unitemp_sensors_getActiveCount()) { generalview_sensor_index = 0; if(carousel_info_selector == CAROUSEL_VALUES) current_view = G_LIST_VIEW; } return true; } //Пролистывание списка вперёд if(current_view == G_LIST_VIEW) { generalview_sensor_index += 4; if(generalview_sensor_index >= unitemp_sensors_getActiveCount()) { generalview_sensor_index = 0; current_view = G_CAROUSEL_VIEW; } return true; } } //Обработка короткого нажатия "влево" if(event->key == InputKeyLeft && event->type == InputTypeShort) { //Пролистывание карусели назад if(current_view == G_CAROUSEL_VIEW) { if(--generalview_sensor_index >= unitemp_sensors_getActiveCount()) { generalview_sensor_index = unitemp_sensors_getActiveCount() - 1; if(carousel_info_selector == CAROUSEL_VALUES) current_view = G_LIST_VIEW; } return true; } //Пролистывание списка назад if(current_view == G_LIST_VIEW) { generalview_sensor_index -= 4; if(generalview_sensor_index >= unitemp_sensors_getActiveCount()) { generalview_sensor_index = unitemp_sensors_getActiveCount() - 1; current_view = G_CAROUSEL_VIEW; } return true; } } //Обработка короткого нажатия "назад" if(event->key == InputKeyBack && event->type == InputTypeShort) { //Выход из приложения при карусели или отсутствии датчиков if(current_view == G_NO_SENSORS_VIEW || ((current_view == G_CAROUSEL_VIEW) && (carousel_info_selector == CAROUSEL_VALUES))) { app->processing = false; return true; } //Переключение селектора вида карусели if((current_view == G_CAROUSEL_VIEW) && (carousel_info_selector != CAROUSEL_VALUES)) { carousel_info_selector = CAROUSEL_VALUES; return true; } //Переход в карусель из списка if(current_view == G_LIST_VIEW) { current_view = G_CAROUSEL_VIEW; return true; } } //Обработка длинного нажатия "Ок" if(event->key == InputKeyOk && event->type == InputTypeLong) { app->settings.temp_unit = !app->settings.temp_unit; } return true; } void unitemp_General_alloc(void) { view = view_alloc(); view_set_context(view, app); view_set_draw_callback(view, _draw_callback); view_set_input_callback(view, _input_callback); view_dispatcher_add_view(app->view_dispatcher, UnitempViewGeneral, view); } void unitemp_General_switch(void) { app->sensors_ready = true; view_dispatcher_switch_to_view(app->view_dispatcher, UnitempViewGeneral); } void unitemp_General_free(void) { view_dispatcher_remove_view(app->view_dispatcher, UnitempViewGeneral); view_free(view); }