## Main changes
- SubGHz:
- Frequency analyzer fixes and improvements:
- Enforce int module (like in OFW) usage due to lack of required hardware on external boards (PathIsolate (+rf switch for multiple paths)) and incorrect usage and/or understanding the purpose of frequency analyzer app by users, it should be used only to get frequency of the remote placed around 1-10cm around flipper's left corner
- Fix possible GSM mobile towers signal interference by limiting upper frequency to 920mhz max
- Fix duplicated frequency lists and use user config for nearest frequency selector too
- Fix buttons logic, fix crash
- Protocol improvements:
- Princeton support for second button encoding type (8bit)
- GangQi fix serial check
- Hollarm add more button codes (thanks to @mishamyte for captures)
- Misc:
- Add extra settings to disable GPIO pins control used for external modules amplifiers and/or LEDs (in radio settings menu with debug ON)
- NFC:
- OFW PR 3822: MIFARE Classic Key Recovery Improvements (by @noproto)
- OFW PR 3918: NFC Some api adjustments (by @RebornedBrain)
- OFW PR 3930: NFC Emulation freeze (by @RebornedBrain)
- OFW PR 3885: Add API to enforce ISO15693 mode (by @aaronjamt)
* OFW: New layout for BadUSB (es-LA)
* Infrared: Update universal remote assets (by @amec0e | PR #813)
* Apps: **Check out more Apps updates and fixes by following** [this link](https://github.com/xMasterX/all-the-plugins/commits/dev)
## Other changes
* OFW PR 3931: Split BadUSB into BadUSB and BadBLE (by @Astrrra)
* OFW PR 3933: furi_hal_random: Wait for ready state and no errors before sampling (by @n1kolasM)
* OFW: Improve bit_buffer.h docs
* OFW: Prevent idle priority threads from potentially starving the FreeRTOS idle task
* OFW: IR universal remote additions
* OFW: Fix EM4100 T5577 writing block order (was already done in UL)
* OFW: kerel typo
* OFW: Folder rename fails
* OFW: Put errno into TCB
* OFW: Fix USB-UART bridge exit screen stopping the bridge prematurely
#### Known NFC post-refactor regressions list:
- Mifare Mini clones reading is broken (original mini working fine) (OFW)
- NFC CLI was removed with refactoring (OFW) (will be back soon)
[-> How to install firmware](https://github.com/DarkFlippers/unleashed-firmware/blob/dev/documentation/HowToInstall.md)
[-> Download qFlipper (official link)](https://flipperzero.one/update)
## Please support development of the project
|Service|Remark|QR Code|Link/Wallet|