import enum import hashlib import logging import math import os import posixpath import sys import time import serial def timing(func): """ Speedometer decorator """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): time1 = time.monotonic() ret = func(*args, **kwargs) time2 = time.monotonic() print( "{:s} function took {:.3f} ms".format( func.__name__, (time2 - time1) * 1000.0 ) ) return ret return wrapper class StorageErrorCode(enum.Enum): OK = "OK" NOT_READY = "filesystem not ready" EXIST = "file/dir already exist" NOT_EXIST = "file/dir not exist" INVALID_PARAMETER = "invalid parameter" DENIED = "access denied" INVALID_NAME = "invalid name/path" INTERNAL = "internal error" NOT_IMPLEMENTED = "function not implemented" ALREADY_OPEN = "file is already open" UNKNOWN = "unknown error" @property def is_error(self): return self != self.OK @classmethod def from_value(cls, s: str | bytes): if isinstance(s, bytes): s = s.decode("ascii") for code in cls: if code.value == s: return code return cls.UNKNOWN class FlipperStorageException(Exception): @staticmethod def from_error_code(path: str, error_code: StorageErrorCode): return FlipperStorageException( f"Storage error: path '{path}': {error_code.value}" ) class BufferedRead: def __init__(self, stream): self.buffer = bytearray() = stream def until(self, eol: str = "\n", cut_eol: bool = True): eol = eol.encode("ascii") while True: # search in buffer i = self.buffer.find(eol) if i >= 0: if cut_eol: read = self.buffer[:i] else: read = self.buffer[: i + len(eol)] self.buffer = self.buffer[i + len(eol) :] return read # read and append to buffer i = max(1, data = self.buffer.extend(data) class FlipperStorage: CLI_PROMPT = ">: " CLI_EOL = "\r\n" def __init__(self, portname: str, chunk_size: int = 8192): self.port = serial.Serial() self.port.port = portname self.port.timeout = 2 self.port.baudrate = 115200 # Doesn't matter for VCP = BufferedRead(self.port) self.chunk_size = chunk_size def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.stop() def start(self): self.port.reset_input_buffer() # Send a command with a known syntax to make sure the buffer is flushed self.send("device_info\r")"hardware_model") # And read buffer until we get prompt def stop(self) -> None: self.port.close() def send(self, line: str) -> None: self.port.write(line.encode("ascii")) def send_and_wait_eol(self, line: str): self.send(line) return def send_and_wait_prompt(self, line: str): self.send(line) return def has_error(self, data: bytes | str) -> bool: """Is data an error message""" return data.find(b"Storage error:") != -1 def get_error(self, data: bytes) -> StorageErrorCode: """Extract error text from data and print it""" _, error_text = data.decode("ascii").split(": ") return StorageErrorCode.from_value(error_text.strip()) def list_tree(self, path: str = "/", level: int = 0): """List files and dirs on Flipper""" path = path.replace("//", "/") self.send_and_wait_eol(f'storage list "{path}"\r') data = lines = data.split(b"\r\n") for line in lines: try: # TODO FL-3539: better decoding, considering non-ascii characters line = line.decode("ascii") except Exception: continue line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue if self.has_error(line.encode("ascii")): print(self.get_error(line.encode("ascii"))) continue if line == "Empty": continue type, info = line.split(" ", 1) if type == "[D]": # Print directory name print((path + "/" + info).replace("//", "/")) # And recursively go inside self.list_tree(path + "/" + info, level + 1) elif type == "[F]": name, size = info.rsplit(" ", 1) # Print file name and size print((path + "/" + name).replace("//", "/") + ", size " + size) else: # Something wrong, pass pass def walk(self, path: str = "/"): dirs = [] nondirs = [] walk_dirs = [] path = path.replace("//", "/") self.send_and_wait_eol(f'storage list "{path}"\r') data = lines = data.split(b"\r\n") for line in lines: try: # TODO FL-3539: better decoding, considering non-ascii characters line = line.decode("ascii") except Exception: continue line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue if self.has_error(line.encode("ascii")): continue if line == "Empty": continue type, info = line.split(" ", 1) if type == "[D]": # Print directory name dirs.append(info) walk_dirs.append((path + "/" + info).replace("//", "/")) elif type == "[F]": name, size = info.rsplit(" ", 1) # Print file name and size nondirs.append(name) else: # Something wrong, pass pass # topdown walk, yield before recursing yield path, dirs, nondirs for new_path in walk_dirs: yield from self.walk(new_path) def send_file(self, filename_from: str, filename_to: str): """Send file from local device to Flipper""" if self.exist_file(filename_to): self.remove(filename_to) with open(filename_from, "rb") as file: filesize = os.fstat(file.fileno()).st_size buffer_size = self.chunk_size start_time = time.time() while True: filedata = size = len(filedata) if size == 0: break self.send_and_wait_eol(f'storage write_chunk "{filename_to}" {size}\r') answer = if self.has_error(answer): last_error = self.get_error(answer) raise FlipperStorageException.from_error_code( filename_to, last_error ) self.port.write(filedata) ftell = file.tell() percent = math.ceil(ftell / filesize * 100) total_chunks = math.ceil(filesize / buffer_size) current_chunk = math.ceil(ftell / buffer_size) approx_speed = ftell / (time.time() - start_time + 0.0001) sys.stdout.write( f"\r<{percent:3d}%, chunk {current_chunk:2d} of {total_chunks:2d} @ {approx_speed/1024:.2f} kb/s" ) sys.stdout.flush() print() def read_file(self, filename: str): """Receive file from Flipper, and get filedata (bytes)""" buffer_size = self.chunk_size start_time = time.time() self.send_and_wait_eol( 'storage read_chunks "' + filename + '" ' + str(buffer_size) + "\r" ) answer = filedata = bytearray() if self.has_error(answer): last_error = self.get_error(answer) raise FlipperStorageException(filename, last_error) # return filedata size = int(answer.split(b": ")[1]) read_size = 0 while read_size < size:"Ready?" + self.CLI_EOL) self.send("y") chunk_size = min(size - read_size, buffer_size) filedata.extend( read_size = read_size + chunk_size percent = math.ceil(read_size / size * 100) total_chunks = math.ceil(size / buffer_size) current_chunk = math.ceil(read_size / buffer_size) approx_speed = read_size / (time.time() - start_time + 0.0001) sys.stdout.write( f"\r>{percent:3d}%, chunk {current_chunk:2d} of {total_chunks:2d} @ {approx_speed/1024:.2f} kb/s" ) sys.stdout.flush() print() return filedata def receive_file(self, filename_from: str, filename_to: str): """Receive file from Flipper to local storage""" with open(filename_to, "wb") as file: data = self.read_file(filename_from) file.write(data) def exist(self, path: str): """Does file or dir exist on Flipper""" self.send_and_wait_eol(f'storage stat "{path}"\r') response = return not self.has_error(response) def exist_dir(self, path: str): """Does dir exist on Flipper""" self.send_and_wait_eol(f'storage stat "{path}"\r') response = if self.has_error(response): error_code = self.get_error(response) if error_code in ( StorageErrorCode.NOT_EXIST, StorageErrorCode.INVALID_NAME, ): return False raise FlipperStorageException.from_error_code(path, error_code) return response == b"Directory" or response.startswith(b"Storage") def exist_file(self, path: str): """Does file exist on Flipper""" self.send_and_wait_eol(f'storage stat "{path}"\r') response = return response.find(b"File, size:") != -1 def _check_no_error(self, response, path=None): if self.has_error(response): raise FlipperStorageException.from_error_code( path, self.get_error(response) ) def size(self, path: str): """file size on Flipper""" self.send_and_wait_eol(f'storage stat "{path}"\r') response = self._check_no_error(response, path) if response.find(b"File, size:") != -1: size = int( "".join( ch for ch in response.split(b": ")[1].decode("ascii") if ch.isdigit() ) ) return size raise FlipperStorageException("Not a file") def mkdir(self, path: str): """Create a directory on Flipper""" self.send_and_wait_eol(f'storage mkdir "{path}"\r') response = self._check_no_error(response, path) def format_ext(self): """Format external storage on Flipper""" self.send_and_wait_eol("storage format /ext\r") self.send_and_wait_eol("y\r") response = self._check_no_error(response, "/ext") def remove(self, path: str): """Remove file or directory on Flipper""" self.send_and_wait_eol(f'storage remove "{path}"\r') response = self._check_no_error(response, path) def hash_local(self, filename: str): """Hash of local file""" hash_md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(filename, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): hash_md5.update(chunk) return hash_md5.hexdigest() def hash_flipper(self, filename: str): """Get hash of file on Flipper""" self.send_and_wait_eol('storage md5 "' + filename + '"\r') hash = self._check_no_error(hash, filename) return hash.decode("ascii") class FlipperStorageOperations: def __init__(self, storage): FlipperStorage = storage self.logger = logging.getLogger("FStorageOps") def send_file_to_storage( self, flipper_file_path: str, local_file_path: str, force: bool = False ): self.logger.debug( f"* send_file_to_storage: {local_file_path}->{flipper_file_path}, {force=}" ) exists = do_upload = not exists if exists: hash_local = hash_flipper = self.logger.debug(f"hash check: local {hash_local}, flipper {hash_flipper}") do_upload = force or (hash_local != hash_flipper) if do_upload:'Sending "{local_file_path}" to "{flipper_file_path}"'), flipper_file_path) # make directory with exist check def mkpath(self, flipper_dir_path: str): path_components, dirs_to_create = flipper_dir_path.split("/"), [] while not := "/".join(path_components)): self.logger.debug(f'"{dir_path}" does not exist, will create') dirs_to_create.append(path_components.pop()) for dir_to_create in reversed(dirs_to_create): path_components.append(dir_to_create)"/".join(path_components)) # send file or folder recursively def recursive_send(self, flipper_path: str, local_path: str, force: bool = False): if not os.path.exists(local_path): raise FlipperStorageException(f'"{local_path}" does not exist') if os.path.isdir(local_path): # create parent dir self.mkpath(flipper_path) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(local_path): self.logger.debug(f'Processing directory "{os.path.normpath(dirpath)}"') dirnames.sort() filenames.sort() rel_path = os.path.relpath(dirpath, local_path) # create subdirs for dirname in dirnames: flipper_dir_path = os.path.join(flipper_path, rel_path, dirname) flipper_dir_path = os.path.normpath(flipper_dir_path).replace( os.sep, "/" ) self.mkpath(flipper_dir_path) # send files for filename in filenames: flipper_file_path = os.path.join(flipper_path, rel_path, filename) flipper_file_path = os.path.normpath(flipper_file_path).replace( os.sep, "/" ) local_file_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirpath, filename)) self.send_file_to_storage(flipper_file_path, local_file_path, force) else: self.mkpath(posixpath.dirname(flipper_path)) self.send_file_to_storage(flipper_path, local_path, force) def recursive_receive(self, flipper_path: str, local_path: str): if for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in self.logger.debug( f'Processing directory "{os.path.normpath(dirpath)}"'.replace( os.sep, "/" ) ) dirnames.sort() filenames.sort() rel_path = os.path.relpath(dirpath, flipper_path) for dirname in dirnames: local_dir_path = os.path.join(local_path, rel_path, dirname) local_dir_path = os.path.normpath(local_dir_path) os.makedirs(local_dir_path, exist_ok=True) for filename in filenames: local_file_path = os.path.join(local_path, rel_path, filename) local_file_path = os.path.normpath(local_file_path) flipper_file_path = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(dirpath, filename) ).replace(os.sep, "/") f'Receiving "{flipper_file_path}" to "{local_file_path}"' ), local_file_path) else:'Receiving "{flipper_path}" to "{local_path}"'), local_path)