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Unitemp - Universal temperature reader
Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Victor Nikitchuk (https://github.com/quen0n)
Contributed by divinebird (https://github.com/divinebird)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Some information may be seen on https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_SCD30_Arduino_Library
#include "SCD30.h"
#include "../interfaces/I2CSensor.h"
//#include <3rdparty/everest/include/everest/kremlin/c_endianness.h>
inline static uint16_t load16(uint8_t* b) {
uint16_t x;
memcpy(&x, b, 2);
return x;
inline static uint32_t load32(uint8_t* b) {
uint32_t x;
memcpy(&x, b, 4);
return x;
inline static void store16(uint8_t* b, uint16_t i) {
memcpy(b, &i, 2);
inline static void store32(uint8_t* b, uint32_t i) {
memcpy(b, &i, 4);
#define htobe16(x) (x)
#define htobe32(x) (x)
#define htole16(x) __builtin_bswap16(x)
#define htole32(x) __builtin_bswap32(x)
#define be16toh(x) (x)
#define be32toh(x) (x)
#define le16toh(x) __builtin_bswap16(x)
#define le32toh(x) __builtin_bswap32(x)
#define htobe16(x) __builtin_bswap16(x)
#define htobe32(x) __builtin_bswap32(x)
#define htole16(x) (x)
#define htole32(x) (x)
#define be16toh(x) __builtin_bswap16(x)
#define be32toh(x) __builtin_bswap32(x)
#define le16toh(x) (x)
#define le32toh(x) (x)
#error "What kind of system is this?"
#define load16_le(b) (le16toh(load16(b)))
#define load32_le(b) (le32toh(load32(b)))
#define store16_le(b, i) (store16(b, htole16(i)))
#define store32_le(b, i) (store32(b, htole32(i)))
#define load16_be(b) (be16toh(load16(b)))
#define load32_be(b) (be32toh(load32(b)))
#define store16_be(b, i) (store16(b, htobe16(i)))
#define store32_be(b, i) (store32(b, htobe32(i)))
typedef union {
uint16_t array16[2];
uint8_t array8[4];
float value;
} ByteToFl;
bool unitemp_SCD30_alloc(Sensor* sensor, char* args);
bool unitemp_SCD30_init(Sensor* sensor);
bool unitemp_SCD30_deinit(Sensor* sensor);
UnitempStatus unitemp_SCD30_update(Sensor* sensor);
bool unitemp_SCD30_free(Sensor* sensor);
const SensorType SCD30 = {
.typename = "SCD30",
.interface = &I2C,
.datatype = UT_DATA_TYPE_TEMP_HUM_CO2,
.pollingInterval = 2000,
.allocator = unitemp_SCD30_alloc,
.mem_releaser = unitemp_SCD30_free,
.initializer = unitemp_SCD30_init,
.deinitializer = unitemp_SCD30_deinit,
.updater = unitemp_SCD30_update};
#define SCD30_ID 0x61
#define COMMAND_RESET 0xD304 // Soft reset
#define COMMAND_STOP_MEAS 0x0104
#define COMMAND_READ_FW_VER 0xD100
static bool dataAvailable(Sensor* sensor) __attribute__((unused));
static bool readMeasurement(Sensor* sensor) __attribute__((unused));
static void reset(Sensor* sensor) __attribute__((unused));
static bool setAutoSelfCalibration(Sensor* sensor, bool enable) __attribute__((unused));
static bool getAutoSelfCalibration(Sensor* sensor) __attribute__((unused));
static bool getFirmwareVersion(Sensor* sensor, uint16_t* val) __attribute__((unused));
static bool setForcedRecalibrationFactor(Sensor* sensor, uint16_t concentration)
static uint16_t getAltitudeCompensation(Sensor* sensor) __attribute__((unused));
static bool setAltitudeCompensation(Sensor* sensor, uint16_t altitude) __attribute__((unused));
static bool setAmbientPressure(Sensor* sensor, uint16_t pressure_mbar) __attribute__((unused));
static float getTemperatureOffset(Sensor* sensor) __attribute__((unused));
static bool setTemperatureOffset(Sensor* sensor, float tempOffset) __attribute__((unused));
static bool beginMeasuringWithSettings(Sensor* sensor, uint16_t pressureOffset)
static bool beginMeasuring(Sensor* sensor) __attribute__((unused));
static bool stopMeasurement(Sensor* sensor) __attribute__((unused));
static bool setMeasurementInterval(Sensor* sensor, uint16_t interval) __attribute__((unused));
static uint16_t getMeasurementInterval(Sensor* sensor) __attribute__((unused));
bool unitemp_SCD30_alloc(Sensor* sensor, char* args) {
I2CSensor* i2c_sensor = (I2CSensor*)sensor->instance;
i2c_sensor->minI2CAdr = SCD30_ID << 1;
i2c_sensor->maxI2CAdr = SCD30_ID << 1;
return true;
bool unitemp_SCD30_free(Sensor* sensor) {
//Нечего высвобождать, так как ничего не было выделено
return true;
bool unitemp_SCD30_init(Sensor* sensor) {
if(beginMeasuring(sensor) == true) { // Start continuous measurements
setMeasurementInterval(sensor, SCD30.pollingInterval / 1000);
setAutoSelfCalibration(sensor, true);
setAmbientPressure(sensor, 0);
} else
return false;
return true;
bool unitemp_SCD30_deinit(Sensor* sensor) {
return stopMeasurement(sensor);
UnitempStatus unitemp_SCD30_update(Sensor* sensor) {
static uint8_t computeCRC8(uint8_t* message, uint8_t len) {
uint8_t crc = 0xFF; // Init with 0xFF
for(uint8_t x = 0; x < len; x++) {
crc ^= message[x]; // XOR-in the next input byte
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if((crc & 0x80) != 0)
crc = (uint8_t)((crc << 1) ^ 0x31);
crc <<= 1;
return crc; // No output reflection
// Sends a command along with arguments and CRC
static bool sendCommandWithCRC(Sensor* sensor, uint16_t command, uint16_t arguments) {
static const uint8_t cmdSize = 5;
uint8_t bytes[cmdSize];
uint8_t* pointer = bytes;
store16_be(pointer, command);
pointer += 2;
uint8_t* argPos = pointer;
store16_be(pointer, arguments);
pointer += 2;
*pointer = computeCRC8(argPos, pointer - argPos);
I2CSensor* i2c_sensor = (I2CSensor*)sensor->instance;
return unitemp_i2c_writeArray(i2c_sensor, cmdSize, bytes);
// Sends just a command, no arguments, no CRC
static bool sendCommand(Sensor* sensor, uint16_t command) {
static const uint8_t cmdSize = 2;
uint8_t bytes[cmdSize];
store16_be(bytes, command);
I2CSensor* i2c_sensor = (I2CSensor*)sensor->instance;
return unitemp_i2c_writeArray(i2c_sensor, cmdSize, bytes);
static uint16_t readRegister(Sensor* sensor, uint16_t registerAddress) {
static const uint8_t regSize = 2;
if(!sendCommand(sensor, registerAddress)) return 0; // Sensor did not ACK
uint8_t bytes[regSize];
I2CSensor* i2c_sensor = (I2CSensor*)sensor->instance;
if(!unitemp_i2c_readArray(i2c_sensor, regSize, bytes)) return 0;
return load16_be(bytes);
static bool loadWord(uint8_t* buff, uint16_t* val) {
uint16_t tmp = load16_be(buff);
uint8_t expectedCRC = computeCRC8(buff, 2);
if(buff[2] != expectedCRC) return false;
*val = tmp;
return true;
static bool getSettingValue(Sensor* sensor, uint16_t registerAddress, uint16_t* val) {
static const uint8_t respSize = 3;
if(!sendCommand(sensor, registerAddress)) return false; // Sensor did not ACK
uint8_t bytes[respSize];
I2CSensor* i2c_sensor = (I2CSensor*)sensor->instance;
if(!unitemp_i2c_readArray(i2c_sensor, respSize, bytes)) return false;
return loadWord(bytes, val);
static bool loadFloat(uint8_t* buff, float* val) {
// ByteToFl tmp;
size_t cntr = 0;
uint8_t floatBuff[4];
for(size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
floatBuff[cntr++] = buff[0];
floatBuff[cntr++] = buff[1];
uint8_t expectedCRC = computeCRC8(buff, 2);
if(buff[2] != expectedCRC) return false;
buff += 3;
uint32_t tmpVal = load32_be(floatBuff);
*val = *(float*)&tmpVal;
return true;
// Get 18 bytes from SCD30
// Updates global variables with floats
// Returns true if success
static bool readMeasurement(Sensor* sensor) {
// Verify we have data from the sensor
if(!dataAvailable(sensor)) {
return false;
if(!sendCommand(sensor, COMMAND_READ_MEASUREMENT)) {
FURI_LOG_E(APP_NAME, "Sensor did not ACK");
return false; // Sensor did not ACK
float tempCO2 = 0;
float tempHumidity = 0;
float tempTemperature = 0;
static const uint8_t respSize = 18;
uint8_t buff[respSize];
uint8_t* bytes = buff;
I2CSensor* i2c_sensor = (I2CSensor*)sensor->instance;
if(!unitemp_i2c_readArray(i2c_sensor, respSize, bytes)) {
FURI_LOG_E(APP_NAME, "Error while read measures");
return false;
bool error = false;
if(loadFloat(bytes, &tempCO2)) {
sensor->co2 = tempCO2;
} else {
FURI_LOG_E(APP_NAME, "Error while parsing CO2");
error = true;
bytes += 6;
if(loadFloat(bytes, &tempTemperature)) {
sensor->temp = tempTemperature;
} else {
FURI_LOG_E(APP_NAME, "Error while parsing temp");
error = true;
bytes += 6;
if(loadFloat(bytes, &tempHumidity)) {
sensor->hum = tempHumidity;
} else {
FURI_LOG_E(APP_NAME, "Error while parsing humidity");
error = true;
return !error;
static void reset(Sensor* sensor) {
sendCommand(sensor, COMMAND_RESET);
static bool setAutoSelfCalibration(Sensor* sensor, bool enable) {
return sendCommandWithCRC(
sensor, COMMAND_AUTOMATIC_SELF_CALIBRATION, enable); // Activate continuous ASC
// Get the current ASC setting
static bool getAutoSelfCalibration(Sensor* sensor) {
return 1 == readRegister(sensor, COMMAND_AUTOMATIC_SELF_CALIBRATION);
static bool getFirmwareVersion(Sensor* sensor, uint16_t* val) {
return getSettingValue(sensor, COMMAND_READ_FW_VER, val);
// Set the forced recalibration factor. See 1.3.7.
// The reference CO2 concentration has to be within the range 400 ppm ≤ cref(CO2) ≤ 2000 ppm.
static bool setForcedRecalibrationFactor(Sensor* sensor, uint16_t concentration) {
if(concentration < 400 || concentration > 2000) {
return false; // Error check.
return sendCommandWithCRC(sensor, COMMAND_SET_FORCED_RECALIBRATION_FACTOR, concentration);
// Get the temperature offset. See 1.3.8.
static float getTemperatureOffset(Sensor* sensor) {
union {
int16_t signed16;
uint16_t unsigned16;
} signedUnsigned; // Avoid any ambiguity casting int16_t to uint16_t
signedUnsigned.unsigned16 = readRegister(sensor, COMMAND_SET_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET);
return ((float)signedUnsigned.signed16) / 100.0;
static bool setTemperatureOffset(Sensor* sensor, float tempOffset) {
// Temp offset is only positive. See: https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_SCD30_Arduino_Library/issues/27#issuecomment-971986826
//"The SCD30 offset temperature is obtained by subtracting the reference temperature from the SCD30 output temperature"
// https://www.sensirion.com/fileadmin/user_upload/customers/sensirion/Dokumente/9.5_CO2/Sensirion_CO2_Sensors_SCD30_Low_Power_Mode.pdf
if(tempOffset < 0.0) return false;
uint16_t value = tempOffset * 100;
return sendCommandWithCRC(sensor, COMMAND_SET_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET, value);
// Get the altitude compenstation. See 1.3.9.
static uint16_t getAltitudeCompensation(Sensor* sensor) {
return readRegister(sensor, COMMAND_SET_ALTITUDE_COMPENSATION);
// Set the altitude compenstation. See 1.3.9.
static bool setAltitudeCompensation(Sensor* sensor, uint16_t altitude) {
return sendCommandWithCRC(sensor, COMMAND_SET_ALTITUDE_COMPENSATION, altitude);
// Set the pressure compenstation. This is passed during measurement startup.
// mbar can be 700 to 1200
static bool setAmbientPressure(Sensor* sensor, uint16_t pressure_mbar) {
if(pressure_mbar != 0 || pressure_mbar < 700 || pressure_mbar > 1200) {
return false;
return sendCommandWithCRC(sensor, COMMAND_CONTINUOUS_MEASUREMENT, pressure_mbar);
// Begins continuous measurements
// Continuous measurement status is saved in non-volatile memory. When the sensor
// is powered down while continuous measurement mode is active SCD30 will measure
// continuously after repowering without sending the measurement command.
// Returns true if successful
static bool beginMeasuringWithSettings(Sensor* sensor, uint16_t pressureOffset) {
return sendCommandWithCRC(sensor, COMMAND_CONTINUOUS_MEASUREMENT, pressureOffset);
// Overload - no pressureOffset
static bool beginMeasuring(Sensor* sensor) {
return beginMeasuringWithSettings(sensor, 0);
// Stop continuous measurement
static bool stopMeasurement(Sensor* sensor) {
return sendCommand(sensor, COMMAND_STOP_MEAS);
// Sets interval between measurements
// 2 seconds to 1800 seconds (30 minutes)
static bool setMeasurementInterval(Sensor* sensor, uint16_t interval) {
if(interval < 2 || interval > 1800) return false;
if(!sendCommandWithCRC(sensor, COMMAND_SET_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL, interval)) return false;
uint16_t verInterval = readRegister(sensor, COMMAND_SET_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL);
if(verInterval != interval) {
FURI_LOG_E(APP_NAME, "Measure interval wrong! Val: %02x", verInterval);
return false;
return true;
// Gets interval between measurements
// 2 seconds to 1800 seconds (30 minutes)
static uint16_t getMeasurementInterval(Sensor* sensor) {
uint16_t interval = 0;
getSettingValue(sensor, COMMAND_SET_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL, &interval);
return interval;
// Returns true when data is available
static bool dataAvailable(Sensor* sensor) {
return 1 == readRegister(sensor, COMMAND_GET_DATA_READY);
} |