hedger a91d319839
[FL-3162] Moved ufbt to fbt codebase (#2520)
* scripts: moved ufbt code
* ufbt: fixed tool path
* ufbt: fixed linter/formatter target descriptions
* scripts: ufbt: cleanup
* fbt: moved fap launch target to tools; ufbt fixes
* fbt: fixed missing headers from SDK
* ufbt: removed debug output
* ufbt: moved project template to main codebase
* ufbt: fixed vscode_dist
* ufbt: path naming changes
* fbt: error message for older ufbt versions
* ufbt: docs fixes
* ufbt: fixed build dir location
* fbt: fixes for extapps objcopy
* fbt: extapps: removed extra debug output; fixed formatting
* ufbt: handle launch target for multiple known apps
* ufbt: dropping wrapper; linter fixes
* ufbt: fixed boostrap path
* ufbt: renamed entrypoint
* ufbt: updated vscode config
* ufbt: moved sconsign db location
* ufbt: fixed sconsign path
* fbt: SDK builders rework
* fbt: reworked sdk packaging
* ufbt: additional checks and state processing
* ufbt: fixed sdk state file location
* dist: not packaging pycache
* dump commit json content
* Github: more workflow debug prints
* Github: fix incorrect commit meta extraction in get_env.py
* ufbt, fbt: changed SConsEnvironmentError->StopError
* fbtenv: no longer needs SCRIPT_PATH pre-set
* ufbt: fixed sdk state check
* scripts: exception fixes for storage.py
* scripts: fbtenv: added FBT_TOOLCHAIN_PATH for on Windows for compat
* ufbt: app template: creating .gitkeep for images folder
* ufbt: app template: fixed .gitkeep creation
* docs: formatting fixes for AppManifests; added link to ufbt
* fbt: added link to PyPI for old ufbt versions
* sdk: fixed dir component paths

Co-authored-by: Aleksandr Kutuzov <alleteam@gmail.com>
2023-04-06 10:44:37 +08:00

192 lines
5.2 KiB

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