project('sway-notificaton-center', ['c', 'vala'], version: '0.10.1', meson_version: '>= 0.59.0', default_options: [ 'warning_level=2' ], ) add_project_arguments(['-Wno-error=int-conversion'], language: 'c') add_project_arguments(['--enable-gobject-tracing'], language: 'vala') add_project_arguments(['--enable-checking'], language: 'vala') i18n = import('i18n') gnome = import('gnome') app_resources = [] config_path = join_paths(get_option('sysconfdir'), 'xdg', 'swaync') subdir('data') subdir('src') datadir = get_option('datadir') libdir = get_option('libdir') conf_data = configuration_data() conf_data.set('bindir', join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('bindir'))) # Dbus service configure_file( configuration: conf_data, input: 'services/dbus/', output: '@BASENAME@', install_dir: datadir + '/dbus-1/services' ) # Systemd service unit systemd = dependency('systemd', required: false) if get_option('systemd-service') if systemd.found() systemd_service_install_dir = systemd.get_variable(pkgconfig :'systemduserunitdir') else systemd_service_install_dir = join_paths(libdir, 'systemd', 'user') endif configure_file( configuration: conf_data, input: 'services/systemd/', output: '@BASENAME@', install_dir: systemd_service_install_dir ) endif # Zsh completion if get_option('zsh-completions') zsh_files = files( 'completions/zsh/_swaync', 'completions/zsh/_swaync-client', ) zsh_install_dir = join_paths(datadir, 'zsh', 'site-functions') install_data(zsh_files, install_dir: zsh_install_dir) endif # Bash completion bash_comp = dependency('bash-completion', required: false) if get_option('bash-completions') bash_files = files( 'completions/bash/swaync', 'completions/bash/swaync-client', ) if bash_comp.found() bash_install_dir = bash_comp.get_variable( pkgconfig: 'completionsdir', pkgconfig_define: ['datadir', datadir] ) else bash_install_dir = join_paths(datadir, 'bash-completion', 'completions') endif install_data(bash_files, install_dir: bash_install_dir) endif # Fish completion fish_comp = dependency('fish', required: false) if get_option('fish-completions') fish_files = files( 'completions/fish/', 'completions/fish/', ) if fish_comp.found() fish_install_dir = fish_comp.get_variable( pkgconfig: 'completionsdir', pkgconfig_define: ['datadir', datadir] ) else fish_install_dir = join_paths(datadir, 'fish', 'vendor_completions.d') endif install_data(fish_files, install_dir: fish_install_dir) endif # Man pages if get_option('man-pages') scdoc = dependency('scdoc', version: '>=1.9.2', native: true, required: true) sed = find_program(['sed', '/usr/bin/sed'], required : true) if scdoc.found() and sed.found() scdoc_prog = find_program(scdoc.get_variable(pkgconfig :'scdoc'), native: true) # Remove parts of man page if necessary sed_command = [] foreach option : ['pulse-audio', 'scripting'] if get_option(option) == false # Removes all lines between the #START and #END lines (inclusive) sed_command += ['-e', '/#START @0@/,/#END @0@/d'.format(option)] else # Removes the #START and #END lines sed_command += ['-e', '/#START @0@/d;/#END @0@/d'.format(option)] endif endforeach mandir = get_option('mandir') man_files = [ 'swaync.1.scd', 'swaync.5.scd', 'swaync-client.1.scd', ] foreach filename : man_files topic = filename.split('.')[-3].split('/')[-1] section = filename.split('.')[-2] input = join_paths('man', filename) output = '@0@.@1@'.format(topic, section) message(mandir, section, '@0@/man@1@'.format(mandir, section)) # Remove parts of man page if necessary if sed_command.length() > 0 output_stripped = '.stripped-@0@.@1@'.format(topic, section) input = custom_target( output_stripped, input: input, output: output_stripped, command: [sed, sed_command], install: false, feed: true, capture: true, build_by_default: true, build_always_stale: true ) endif custom_target( output, input: input, output: output, command: scdoc_prog, install: true, feed: true, capture: true, build_by_default: true, build_always_stale: true, install_dir: '@0@/man@1@'.format(mandir, section) ) endforeach endif endif # Run the postinstall script when installing meson.add_install_script('build-aux/meson/')