import 'source-sans-pro/source-sans-pro.css' import 'source-code-pro/source-code-pro.css' import '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/solid.css' import '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/brands.css' import '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/regular.css' import '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/fontawesome.css' import 'ngx-toastr/toastr.css' import '../app/src/preload.scss' // Required before other imports import './polyfills.buffer' const mocks = {} const modules = {} const customRequire = path => { if (mocks[path]) { console.log(':: mock', path) return mocks[path] } if (modules[path]) { return modules[path] } throw new Error(`Attempted to require ${path}`) } customRequire['resolve'] = (() => null) as any customRequire['main'] = { paths: [], } async function webRequire (url) { console.log(`>> Loading ${url}`) const e = document.createElement('script') window['module'] = { exports: {} } as any window['exports'] = window['module'].exports await new Promise(resolve => { e.onload = resolve e.src = url document.querySelector('head').appendChild(e) }) return window['module'].exports } async function prefetchURL (url) { console.log(`:: Prefetching ${url}`) await (await fetch(url)).text() } const Tabby = { registerMock: (name, mod) => { mocks[name] = mod }, registerModule: (name, mod) => { modules[name] = mod }, resolvePluginInfo: async (url): Promise => { const pkg = await (await fetch(url + '/package.json')).json() url += '/' + pkg.main return { ...pkg, url } }, registerPluginModule: (packageName, module) => { Tabby.registerModule(`resources/builtin-plugins/${packageName}`, module) Tabby.registerModule(packageName, module) }, loadPlugin: async (url) => { const info = await Tabby.resolvePluginInfo(url) const module = await webRequire(info.url) Tabby.registerPluginModule(, module) return module }, loadPlugins: async (urls) => { const infos: any[] = await Promise.all( await Promise.all( => prefetchURL(x.url))) const pluginModules = [] for (const info of infos) { const module = await webRequire(info.url) Tabby.registerPluginModule(, module) pluginModules.push(module) } return pluginModules }, bootstrap: (...args) => window['bootstrapTabby'](...args), webRequire, } Object.assign(window, { require: customRequire, module: { paths: [], }, Tabby, process: { env: { }, argv: ['tabby'], platform: 'darwin', on: () => null, stdout: {}, stderr: {}, resourcesPath: 'resources', version: '14.0.0', nextTick: (f, ...args) => setTimeout(() => f(...args)), cwd: () => '/', }, global: window, })