#!/usr/bin/env node const sh = require('shelljs') const path = require('path') const vars = require('./vars') const log = require('npmlog') const localBinPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules/.bin'); const npx = `${localBinPath}/npx`; log.info('deps', 'app') sh.exec(`${npx} yarn install`) sh.cd('app') sh.exec(`${npx} yarn install`) sh.cd('..') vars.builtinPlugins.forEach(plugin => { log.info('deps', plugin) sh.cd(plugin) sh.exec(`${npx} yarn install`) sh.cd('..') }) if (['darwin', 'linux'].includes(process.platform)) { sh.cd('node_modules') for (let x of vars.builtinPlugins) { sh.ln('-fs', '../' + x, x) } for (let x of vars.bundledModules) { sh.ln('-fs', '../app/node_modules/' + x, x) } sh.cd('..') }