import { app } from 'electron' export function parseArgs (argv: string[], cwd: string): any { if (argv[0].includes('node')) { argv = argv.slice(1) } return require('yargs/yargs')(argv.slice(1)) .usage('terminus [command] [arguments]') .command('open [directory]', 'open a shell in a directory', { directory: { type: 'string', 'default': cwd }, }) .command('run [command...]', 'run a command in the terminal', { command: { type: 'string' }, }) .command('profile [profileName]', 'open a tab with specified profile', { profileName: { type: 'string' }, }) .command('paste [text]', 'paste stdin into the active tab', yargs => { return yargs.option('escape', { alias: 'e', type: 'boolean', describe: 'Perform shell escaping', }).positional('text', { type: 'string', }) }) .version('version', '', app.getVersion()) .option('debug', { alias: 'd', describe: 'Show DevTools on start', type: 'boolean', }) .option('hidden', { describe: 'Start minimized', type: 'boolean', }) .option('version', { alias: 'v', describe: 'Show version and exit', type: 'boolean', }) .help('help') .parse() }