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---- ### Downloads: * [Latest release](https://github.com/Eugeny/tabby/releases/latest) * [Repositories](https://packagecloud.io/eugeny/tabby): [Debian/Ubuntu-based](https://packagecloud.io/eugeny/tabby/install#bash-deb), [RPM-based](https://packagecloud.io/eugeny/tabby/install#bash-rpm) * [Latest nightly build](https://nightly.link/Eugeny/tabby/workflows/build/master)

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---- [**Tabby**](https://tabby.sh) (formerly **Terminus**) is a highly configurable terminal emulator, SSH and serial client for Windows, macOS and Linux * Integrated SSH and Telnet client and connection manager * Integrated serial terminal * Theming and color schemes * Fully configurable shortcuts and multi-chord shortcuts * Split panes * Remembers your tabs * PowerShell (and PS Core), WSL, Git-Bash, Cygwin, MSYS2, Cmder and CMD support * Direct file transfer from/to SSH sessions via Zmodem * Full Unicode support including double-width characters * Doesn't choke on fast-flowing outputs * Proper shell experience on Windows including tab completion (via Clink) * Integrated encrypted container for SSH secrets and configuration * SSH, SFTP and Telnet client available as a [web app](https://tabby.sh/app) (also [self-hosted](https://github.com/Eugeny/tabby-web)). # Contents - [What Tabby is and isn't](#what-tabby-is-and-isnt) - [Terminal features](#terminal-features) - [SSH Client](#ssh-client) - [Serial Terminal](#serial-terminal) - [Portable](#portable) - [Plugins](#plugins) - [Themes](#themes) - [Contributing](#contributing) # What Tabby is and isn't * **Tabby is** an alternative to Windows' standard terminal (conhost), PowerShell ISE, PuTTY, macOS Terminal.app and iTerm * **Tabby is not** a new shell or a MinGW or Cygwin replacement. Neither is it lightweight - if RAM usage is of importance, consider [Conemu](https://conemu.github.io) or [Alacritty](https://github.com/jwilm/alacritty) # Terminal features ![](docs/readme-terminal.png) * A V220 terminal + various extensions * Multiple nested split panes * Tabs on any side of the window * Optional dockable window with a global spawn hotkey ("Quake console") * Progress detection * Notification on process completion * Bracketed paste, multiline paste warnings * Font ligatures * Custom shell profiles * Optional RMB paste and copy-on select (PuTTY style) # SSH Client ![](docs/readme-ssh.png) * SSH2 client with a connection manager * X11 and port forwarding * Automatic jump host management * Agent forwarding (incl. Pageant and Windows native OpenSSH Agent) * Login scripts # Serial Terminal * Saved connections * Readline input support * Optional hex byte-by-byte input and hexdump output * Newline conversion * Automatic reconnection # Portable Tabby will run as a portable app on Windows, if you create a `data` folder in the same location where `Tabby.exe` lives. # Plugins Plugins and themes can be installed directly from the Settings view inside Tabby. * [docker](https://github.com/Eugeny/tabby-docker) - connect to Docker containers * [title-control](https://github.com/kbjr/terminus-title-control) - allows modifying the title of the terminal tabs by providing a prefix, suffix, and/or strings to be removed * [quick-cmds](https://github.com/Domain/terminus-quick-cmds) - quickly send commands to one or all terminal tabs * [save-output](https://github.com/Eugeny/tabby-save-output) - record terminal output into a file * [sync-config](https://github.com/starxg/terminus-sync-config) - sync the config to Gist or Gitee * [clippy](https://github.com/Eugeny/tabby-clippy) - an example plugin which annoys you all the time * [workspace-manager](https://github.com/composer404/tabby-workspace-manager) - allows creating custom workspace profiles based on the given config * [search-in-browser](https://github.com/composer404/tabby-search-in-browser) - opens default system browser with a text selected from the Tabby's tab # Themes * [hype](https://github.com/Eugeny/tabby-theme-hype) - a Hyper inspired theme * [relaxed](https://github.com/Relaxed-Theme/relaxed-terminal-themes#terminus) - the Relaxed theme for Tabby * [gruvbox](https://github.com/porkloin/terminus-theme-gruvbox) * [windows10](https://www.npmjs.com/package/terminus-theme-windows10) * [altair](https://github.com/yxuko/terminus-altair) # Sponsors [![](https://assets-production.packagecloud.io/assets/packagecloud-logo-light-scaled-26ce8e96060fddf74afbd4445e63ba35590d4aaa56edc98495bb390ef3cae0ae.png)](https://packagecloud.io) [**packagecloud**](https://packagecloud.io) has provided free Debian/RPM repository hosting # Contributing Pull requests and plugins are welcome! See [HACKING.md](https://github.com/Eugeny/tabby/blob/master/HACKING.md) and [API docs](https://docs.tabby.sh/) for information of how the project is laid out, and a very brief plugin development tutorial. --- Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)):

Russell Myers


Austin Warren


Felicia Hummel


Mike MacCana

⚠️ 🎨

Yacine Kanzari






Levin Rickert


OJ Kwon



🔌 💻

James Brumond


Daniel Imms

💻 🔌 ⚠️

Florian Bachmann


Michael Kühnel

💻 🎨

Tilmann Meyer


PM Extra




Hans Koch


Dak Smyth


Wang Zhi




Howie Douglas


Chris Kaczor


Johannes Kadak




Cyril Taylor



💻 🔌



Gobius Dolhain


Gwilherm Folliot


Dmitry Pronin


Jonathan Beverley


Zenghai Liang


Mateusz Tracz




Takuro Onoda




Piotr Patalong


Clark Wang








Dominic Yin


Brandon Rothweiler


Logic Machine




Matthew Davidson


Alexander Wiedemann






Aaron Davison


Przemyslaw Kozik


Alfredo Arellano de la Fuente


MH Kim




Ares Andrew


George Korsnick


Artem Smirnov


Tim Kopplow




Lukas Rottach



💻 🌍

Milo Ivir






Michael Wizner




Piersandro Guerrera

📖 🌍





Matheus Castello


Jai A P


Richard Yu




Timofey Gribanov

📖 🌍

Christian Bingman








Hisam Fahri

This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!