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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## Process Compose
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Process Compose is a simple and flexible scheduler and orchestrator to manage non-containerized applications.
@ -9,772 +9,37 @@ Process Compose is a simple and flexible scheduler and orchestrator to manage no
#### Features:
- [Processes execution (in parallel or/and serially)](#launcher)
- [Processes dependencies and startup order](#define-process-dependencies)
- [Defining recovery policies](#auto-restart-on-exit)
- [Manual process \[re\]start](#disabled-processes)
- [Processes arguments `bash` or `zsh` style (or define your own shell)](#linux)
- [Per process and global environment variables](#environment-variables)
- [Per process or global (single file) logs](#logger)
- [Health checks (liveness and readiness)](#health-checks)
- [Terminal User Interface (TUI) or CLI modes](#tui-terminal-user-interface)
- [Forking (services or daemons) processes](#background-detached-processes)
- [REST API (OpenAPI a.k.a Swagger)](#rest-api)
- [Logs caching](#review-logs)
- [Functions as both server and client](#client-mode)
- Configurable shortcuts (see [Wiki](https://github.com/F1bonacc1/process-compose/wiki/Shortcuts-Configuration))
- [Merge Configuration Files](#merge-2-or-more-configuration-files-with-override-values)
- [Namespaces](#Namespaces)
- [Run Multiple Replicas of a Process](#multiple-replicas-of-a-process) 🔥 NEW!
- Processes execution (in parallel or/and serially)
- Processes dependencies and startup order
- Process recovery policies
- Manual process [re]start
- Processes arguments `bash` or `zsh` style (or define your own shell)
- Per process and global environment variables
- Per process or global (single file) logs
- Health checks (liveness and readiness)
- Terminal User Interface (TUI) or CLI modes
- Forking (services or daemons) processes
- REST API (OpenAPI a.k.a Swagger)
- Logs caching
- Functions as both server and client
- Configurable shortcuts
- Merge Configuration Files
- Namespaces
- Run Multiple Replicas of a Process
It is heavily inspired by [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose), but without the need for containers. The configuration syntax tries to follow the docker-compose specifications, with a few minor additions and lots of subtractions.
<img src="./imgs/tui.png" alt="TUI" style="zoom:67%;" />
### Quick Start
## Get Process Compose
Imaginary system diagram:
[Installation Instructions](https://f1bonacc1.github.io/installation/)
## Documentation
`process-compose.yaml` definitions for the system above:
[Quick Start](https://f1bonacc1.github.io/intro/)
version: "0.5"
log_location: /path/to/combined/output/logfile.log
log_level: debug
command: "/path/to/manager"
restart: "always"
condition: process_started
condition: process_started
command: "/path/to/ClientA"
restart: "always"
condition: process_started
condition: process_started
command: "/path/to/ClientB -some -arg"
restart: "always"
condition: process_started
condition: process_started
command: "/path/to/Server_1A"
restart: "always"
command: "/path/to/Server_2A"
restart: "always"
command: "/path/to/Server_1B"
restart: "always"
command: "/path/to/Server_2B"
restart: "always"
Finally, run `process-compose` in the `process-compose.yaml` directory. Or give it a direct path:
process-compose -f /path/to/process-compose.yaml
### Installation
- Go to the [releases](https://github.com/F1bonacc1/process-compose/releases/latest), download the package for your OS, and copy the binary to somewhere on your PATH.
- If you have the Nix package manager installed with Flake support, just run:
# to use the latest binary release
nix run nixpkgs/master#process-compose -- --help
# or to compile from the latest source
nix run github:F1bonacc1/process-compose -- --help
To use process-compose declaratively configured in your project `flake.nix`, checkout [process-compose-flake](https://github.com/Platonic-Systems/process-compose-flake).
##### Brew (MacOS and Linux)
brew install f1bonacc1/tap/process-compose
### Documentation
- See [examples](https://github.com/F1bonacc1/process-compose/tree/main/examples) of workflows for best practices
- See below
## Features
#### Launcher
##### Parallel
command: "sleep 3"
command: "sleep 3"
##### Serial
command: "sleep 3"
condition: process_completed_successfully # or "process_completed" if you don't care about errors
command: "sleep 3"
condition: process_completed_successfully # or "process_completed" if you don't care about errors
##### Multiple Replicas of a Process
You can run multiple replicas of a process by adding `processes.process_name.replicas` parameter (default: 1)
command: "sleep 2"
log_location: ./log_file.{PC_REPLICA_NUM}.log # <- {PC_REPLICA_NUM} will be replaced with replica number. If more than one replica and PC_REPLICA_NUM is not specified, the replica number will be concatenated to the file end.
replicas: 2 # <- NEW
To scale a process on the fly CLI:
process-compose process scale process_name 3
To scale a process on the fly TUI: `F2` or Process Compose in client mode (`process-compose attach`).
> **Note**: Starting multiple processes using the same port, will fail. Please use the injected `PC_REPLICA_NUM` environment variable to increment the used port number.
##### Specify a working directory
command: "ls -laF --color=always"
working_dir: "/path/to/your/working/directory"
Make sure that you have the proper access permissions to the specified `working_dir`. If not, the command will fail with a `permission denied` error. The process status in TUI will be `Error`.
##### Define process dependencies
condition: process_completed_successfully
condition: process_completed_successfully
There are 4 condition types that can be used in process dependencies:
* `process_completed` - is the type for waiting until a process has been completed (any exit code)
* `process_completed_successfully` - is the type for waiting until a process has been completed successfully (exit code 0)
* `process_healthy` - is the type for waiting until a process is healthy
* `process_started` - is the type for waiting until a process has started (default)
##### Run only specific processes
For testing and debugging purposes, especially when your `process-compose.yaml` file contains many processes, you might want to specify only a subset of processes to run. For example:
command: "echo 'Hi from Process1'"
condition: process_completed_successfully
command: "echo 'Hi from Process2'"
command: "echo 'Hi from Process3'"
process-compose up # will run all the processes - equal to 'process-compose'
#Hi from Process3
#Hi from Process2
#Hi from Process1
process-compose up process1 process3 # will run 'process1', 'process3' and all of their dependencies - 'process2'
#Hi from Process3
#Hi from Process2
#Hi from Process1
process-compose up process1 process3 --no-deps # will run 'process1', 'process3' without any dependencies
#Hi from Process3
#Hi from Process1
##### Termination Parameters
command: "docker run --rm --name nginx_test nginx"
command: "docker stop nginx_test"
timeout_seconds: 10 # default 10
signal: 15 # default 15, but only if the 'command' is not defined or empty
parent_only: no # default no. If yes, only signal the running process instead of its whole process group
`shutdown` is optional and can be omitted. The default behavior in this case: `SIGTERM` is issued to the process group of the running process.
In case only `shutdown.signal` is defined `[1..31] ` the running process group will be terminated with its value.
If `shutdown.parent_only` is yes, the signal is only sent to the running process and not to the whole process group.
In case the `shutdown.command` is defined:
1. The `shutdown.command` is executed with all the Environment Variables of the primary process
2. Wait for `shutdown.timeout_seconds` for its completion (if not defined wait for 10 seconds)
3. In case of timeout, the process group will receive the `SIGKILL` signal (irrespective of the `shutdown.parent_only` option).
##### Background (detached) Processes
command: "docker run -d --rm --name nginx_test nginx" # note the '-d' for detached mode
is_daemon: true # this flag is required for background processes (default false)
command: "docker stop nginx_test"
timeout_seconds: 10 # default 10
signal: 15 # default 15, but only if command is not defined or empty
1. For processes that start services / daemons in the background, please use the `is_daemon` flag set to `true`.
2. In case a process is daemon it will be considered running until stopped.
3. Daemon processes can only be stopped with the `$PROCESSNAME.shutdown.command` as in the example above.
#### Output Handling
- Show process name
- Different colors per process
- StdErr is printed in Red
#### TUI (Terminal User Interface)
##### Review processes status
##### Start processes (only completed or disabled)
##### Stop processes
##### Review logs
TUI is the default run mode, but it's possible to disable it:
./process-compose -t=false
Control the UI log buffer size:
log_level: info
log_length: 1200 #default: 1000
command: "ls -R /"
> **Note**: Using a too large buffer will put a significant penalty on your CPU.
By default `process-compose` uses the standard ANSI colors mode to display logs. However, you can disable it for each process:
command: "ls -R /"
disable_ansi_colors: true #default false
> **Note**: Too long log lines (above 2^16 bytes long) can cause the log collector to hang.
##### Disabled Processes
Process execution can be disabled:
command: "ls -R /"
disabled: true #default false
Even if disabled, it is still listed in the TUI and the REST client can be started manually when needed.
##### Processes State Columns Sorting
Sorting is performed by pressing `shift` + the letter that appears in `()` next to the column title. Pressing the same combination again will reverse the sort order.
For example: To sort by process `AGE(A)` press `shift+A`
#### Logger
##### Per Process Log Collection
log_location: ./pc.process2.log #if undefined or empty no logs will be saved
Captures StdOut and StdErr output
##### Merge into a single file (Unified Logging)
- "ABC=42"
log_location: ./pc.global.log #if undefined or empty, no logs will be saved (if not defined per process)
command: "chmod 666 /path/to/file"
##### Process compose console log level
log_level: info # other options: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal", "panic"
command: "chmod 666 /path/to/file"
This setting controls the `process-compose` log level. The processes log level should be defined inside the process. It is recommended to support this definition with an environment variable in `process-compose.yaml`
##### Log Rotation
# unified log
version: "0.5"
log_level: info
log_location: /tmp/pc.log
max_size_mb: 1 # the max size in MB of the logfile before it's rolled
max_age_days: 3 # the max age in days to keep a logfile
max_backups: 3 # the max number of rolled files to keep
compress: true # determines if the rotated log files should be compressed using gzip. The default is false
#process level logging (same syntax)
command: "some command"
max_size_mb: 1 # the max size in MB of the logfile before it's rolled
max_age_days: 3 # the max age in days to keep a logfile
max_backups: 3 # the max number of rolled files to keep
compress: true # determines if the rotated log files should be compressed using gzip. The default is false
##### Logger Configuration
fields_order: ["time", "level", "message"] # order of logging fields. The default is time, level, message
disable_json: true # output as plain text. The default is false
timestamp_format: "06-01-02 15:04:05.000" # timestamp format. The default is RFC3339
no_metadata: true # don't log process name and replica number
add_timestamp: true # add timestamp to the logger. Default is false
no_color: true # disable ANSII colors in the logger. Default is false
| Parameter Name | Description | Depends On | Default Value |
| ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `fields_order` | Order of the logging fields. The default is time, level, message. In case one of the fields is omitted, it will be missing in the log as well. | `disable_json: true`<br />`add_timestamp: true` for `"time"` | `["time", "level", "message"]` |
| `disable_json` | Disables JSON logging format. Use *Console Mode Format*. | | `false` |
| `timestamp_format` | Sets the format of the logger [timestamp](https://pkg.go.dev/time#pkg-constants). | `add_timestamp: true` | If `disable_json: true`:`3:04PM`<br />If `disable_json: false`:`"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"` |
| `no_metadata` | Don't log the process name and replica number. | | `false` |
| `add_timestamp` | Add timestamp to the logger. Useful for processes without an internal logger. | | `false` |
| `no_color` | Disable ANSII colors in the log file. | `disable_json: true` | `false` |
##### Process Compose Internal Log
Default log location: `/tmp/process-compose-$USER.log`
**Tip:** It is recommended to add the following process configuration to your `process-compose.yaml`:
command: "tail -f -n100 process-compose-${USER}.log"
working_dir: "/tmp"
This will allow you to spot any issues with the processes execution, without leaving the `process-compose` TUI.
#### Health Checks
Many applications running for long periods of time eventually transition to broken states, and cannot recover except by being restarted. Process Compose provides liveness and readiness probes to detect and remedy such situations.
Probes configuration and functionality are designed to work similarly to [Kubernetes liveness and readiness probes](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-startup-probes/).
##### Liveness Probe
command: "docker run -d --rm -p80:80 --name nginx_test nginx"
is_daemon: true
command: "docker stop nginx_test"
signal: 15
timeout_seconds: 5
command: "[ $(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Running}}' nginx_test) = 'true' ]"
working_dir: /tmp # if not specified the process working dir will be used
initial_delay_seconds: 5
period_seconds: 2
timeout_seconds: 5
success_threshold: 1
failure_threshold: 3
##### Readiness Probe
command: "docker run -d --rm -p80:80 --name nginx_test nginx"
is_daemon: true
command: "docker stop nginx_test"
scheme: http
path: "/"
port: 80
initial_delay_seconds: 5
period_seconds: 10
timeout_seconds: 5
success_threshold: 1
failure_threshold: 3
Each probe type (`liveness_probe` or `readiness_probe`) can be configured to use one of the 2 mutually exclusive modes:
1. `exec`: Will run a configured `command` and based on the `exit code` decide if the process is in a correct state. 0 indicates success. Any other value indicates failure.
2. `http_get`: For an HTTP probe, the Process Compose sends an HTTP request to the specified path and port to perform the check. Response code 200 indicates success. Any other value indicates failure.
- `host`: Host name to connect to.
- `scheme`: Scheme to use for connecting to the host (HTTP or HTTPS). Defaults to HTTP.
- `path`: Path to access on the HTTP server. Defaults to /.
- `port`: Number of port to access the process. The number must be in the range 1 to 65535.
##### Configure Probes
Probes have a number of fields that you can use to control the behavior of liveness and readiness checks more precisely:
- `initial_delay_seconds`: Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness or readiness probes are initiated. Defaults to 0 seconds. The minimum value is 0.
- `period_seconds`: How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Defaults to 10 seconds. The minimum value is 1.
- `timeout_seconds`: Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. The minimum value is 1.
- `success_threshold`: Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after failing. Defaults to 1. Must be 1 for liveness and startup Probes. The minimum value is 1. **Note**: this value is not respected and was added as a placeholder for future implementation.
- `failure_threshold`: When a probe fails, Process Compose will try `failure_threshold` times before giving up. Giving up in case of liveness probe means restarting the process. In case of readiness probe, the Pod will be marked Unready. Defaults to 3. The minimum value is 1.
##### Auto Restart if not Healthy
In order to ensure that the process is restarted (and not transitioned to a completed state) in case of readiness check fail, please make sure to define the `availability` configuration. For background (`is_daemon=true`) processes, the `restart` policy should be `always`.
##### Auto Restart on Exit
restart: on_failure # other options: "exit_on_failure", "always", "no" (default)
backoff_seconds: 2 # default: 1
max_restarts: 5 # default: 0 (unlimited)
##### Terminate Process Compose on Failure
There are cases when you might want `process-compose` to terminate immediately when one of the processes exits with a non `0` exit code. This can be useful when you would like to perform "pre-flight" validation checks on the environment.
To achieve that, use `exit_on_failure` restart policy. If defined, `process-compose` will gracefully shut down all the other running processes and exit with the same exit code as the failed process.
command: "which go"
restart: "exit_on_failure"
command: "go test ./..."
condition: process_completed_successfuly
##### Terminate Process Compose once given process ends
There are cases when you might want `process-compose` to terminate immediately when one of the processes exits (regardless of the exit code). For example when running tests that depend on other processes like databases etc. You might want the processes, on which the test process depends, to start first, then run the tests, and finally terminate all processes once the test process exits, reporting the code returned by the test process.
To achieve that, set `availability.exit_on_end` to `true`, and `process-compose` will gracefully shut down all the other running processes and exit with the same exit code as the given process.
command: tests-run
# NOTE: `restart: exit_on_failure` is not needed since
# exit_on_end implies it.
exit_on_end: true
redis: process_healthy
postgres: process_healthy
command: redis-start
command: redis-health-check
command: postgres-start
command: postgres-health-check
> :bulb:
> setting `restart: exit_on_failure` together with `exit_on_end: true` is not needed as the latter causes termination regardless of the exit code. However, it might be sometimes useful to `exit_on_end` with `restart: on_failure` and `max_restarts` in case you want the process to recover from failure and only cause termination on success.
> :bulb:
> `exit_on_end` can be set on more than one process, for example when running multiple tasks in parallel and wishing to terminate as soon as any one finished.
#### Environment Variables
##### Per Process
- "I_AM_LOCAL_EV=42"
##### Global
command: "chmod 666 /path/to/file"
- "I_AM_LOCAL_EV=42"
Default environment variables:
`PC_PROC_NAME` - Defines the process name as defined in the `process-compose.yaml` file.
`PC_REPLICA_NUM` - Defines the process replica number. Useful for port collision avoidance for processes with multiple replicas.
A convenient Swagger API is provided: http://localhost:8080
<img src="./imgs/swagger.png" alt="Swagger" style="zoom:67%;" />
Default port is 8080. Specify your own port:
process-compose -p 8080
Alternatively use `PC_PORT_NUM` environment variable:
PC_PORT_NUM=8080 process-compose
#### Client Mode
Process compose can also connect to itself as a client. Available commands:
##### Processes List
process-compose process list #lists available processes
##### Process Start
process-compose process start [PROCESS] #starts one of the available non running processes
##### Process Stop
process-compose process stop [PROCESS] #stops one of the running processes
##### Process Restart
process-compose process restart [PROCESS] #restarts one of the available processes
Restart will wait `process.availability.backoff_seconds` seconds between `stop` and `start` of the process. If not configured the default value is 1s.
By default, the client will try to use the default port `8080` and default address `localhost` to connect to the locally running instance of process-compose. You can provide deferent values:
process-compose -p PORT process -a ADDRESS list
##### Client in TUI Mode
For situations when process-compose was started in headless mode `-t=false`, another process-compose instance (client) can run in a fully remote TUI mode:
process-compose attach
The client can connect to a remote server, docker container, headless and TUI process-compose instances.
In remote mode the Process Compose logo will be replaced from 🔥 to ⚡and show server `hostname` instead local `hostname`.
#### <u>Configuration</u>
##### Support .env file
##### Override ${var} and $var from environment variables or .env values
##### Specify which configuration files to use
process-compose -f "path/to/process-compose-file.yaml"
##### Auto discover configuration files
The following discovery order is used: `compose.yml, compose.yaml, process-compose.yml, process-compose.yaml`. If multiple files are present the first one will be used.
##### Merge 2 or more configuration files with override values
process-compose -f "path/to/process-compose-file.yaml" -f "path/to/process-compose-override-file.yaml"
Using multiple `process-compose` files lets you customize a `process-compose` application for different environments or different workflows.
See the `process-compose` wiki for more information on [Multiple Compose Files](https://github.com/F1bonacc1/process-compose/wiki/Multiple-Compose-Files).
### Namespaces
Assigning namespaces to processes allows better grouping and sorting, especially in TUI:
command: "tail -f -n100 process-compose-${USER}.log"
working_dir: "/tmp"
namespace: debug # if not defined 'default' namespace is automatically assigned to each process
Note: By default `process-compose` will start process from all the configured namespaces. To start a sub set of the configured namespaces (`ns1`, `ns2`, `ns3`):
process-compose -n ns1 -n ns3 # will start only ns1 and ns3. ns2 namespace won't run and won't be visible in the TUI
#### <u>Multi-platform</u>
##### Linux
The default backend is `bash`. You can define a different backend with a `COMPOSE_SHELL` environment variable.
##### Windows
The default backend is `cmd`. You can define a different backend with a `COMPOSE_SHELL` environment variable.
command: "python -c print(str(40+2))"
#note that the same command for bash/zsh would look like: "python -c 'print(str(40+2))'"
Using `powershell` backend had some funky behavior (like missing `command1 && command2` functionality in older versions). If you need to run powershell scripts, use the following syntax:
command: "powershell.exe ./test.ps1 arg1 arg2 argN"
##### macOS
The default backend is `bash`. You can define a different backend with a `COMPOSE_SHELL` environment variable.
##### Configurable Backend
For cases where your process compose requires a non default or transferable backend definition, setting an environment variable won't do. For that, you can configure it directly in the `process-compose.yaml` file:
version: "0.5"
shell_command: "python3"
shell_argument: "-m"
command: "server.py"
> **Note**: please make sure that the `shell.shell_command` value is in your `$PATH`
## How to Contribute