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2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
* Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
* Distributed under the terms of the BSD3 license (see LICENSE file)
module Cryptol where
* The value corresponding to a numeric type.
primitive demote : {val, bits} (fin val, fin bits, bits >= width val) => [bits]
infixr 5 ==>
infixr 10 \/
infixr 15 /\
infixr 20 ||
infixr 25 &&
infix 30 ==, ===, !=, !==
infix 40 >, >=, <, <=
infixl 50 ^
infixr 60 #
infixl 70 <<, <<<, >>, >>>
infixl 80 +, -
infixl 90 *, /, %
infixr 95 ^^
infixl 100 @, @@, !, !!
* Add two values.
* * For words, addition uses modulo arithmetic.
* * Structured values are added element-wise.
primitive (+) : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a -> a
* For words, subtraction uses modulo arithmetic.
* Structured values are subtracted element-wise. Defined as:
* a - b = a + negate b
* See also: `negate'.
primitive (-) : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a -> a
* For words, multiplies two words, modulus 2^^a.
* Structured values are multiplied element-wise.
primitive (*) : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a -> a
* For words, divides two words, modulus 2^^a.
* Structured values are divided element-wise.
primitive (/) : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a -> a
* For words, takes the modulus of two words, modulus 2^^a.
* Over structured values, operates element-wise.
* Be careful, as this will often give unexpected results due to interaction of
* the two moduli.
primitive (%) : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a -> a
* For words, takes the exponent of two words, modulus 2^^a.
* Over structured values, operates element-wise.
* Be careful, due to its fast-growing nature, exponentiation is prone to
* interacting poorly with defaulting.
primitive (^^) : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a -> a
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
* Log base two.
2016-02-19 21:08:20 +03:00
* For words, computes the ceiling of log, base 2, of a number.
* Over structured values, operates element-wise.
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
primitive lg2 : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a
2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
type Bool = Bit
* The constant True. Corresponds to the bit value 1.
primitive True : Bit
* The constant False. Corresponds to the bit value 0.
primitive False : Bit
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
* Returns the twos complement of its argument.
* Over structured values, operates element-wise.
* negate a = ~a + 1
primitive negate : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a
* Bitwise complement. The prefix notation '~ x'
* is syntactic sugar for 'complement x'.
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
2015-06-09 03:36:41 +03:00
primitive complement : {a} a -> a
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
* Less-than. Only works on comparable arguments.
primitive (<) : {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
* Greater-than of two comparable arguments.
primitive (>) : {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
* Less-than or equal of two comparable arguments.
primitive (<=) : {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
* Greater-than or equal of two comparable arguments.
primitive (>=) : {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
* Compares any two values of the same type for equality.
primitive (==) : {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
* Compares any two values of the same type for inequality.
primitive (!=) : {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
* Compare the outputs of two functions for equality.
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
(===) : {a,b} (Cmp b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> Bit)
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
f === g = \ x -> f x == g x
* Compare the outputs of two functions for inequality.
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
(!==) : {a,b} (Cmp b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> Bit)
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
f !== g = \x -> f x != g x
* Returns the smaller of two comparable arguments.
min : {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> a
min x y = if x < y then x else y
* Returns the greater of two comparable arguments.
max : {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> a
max x y = if x > y then x else y
* Short-cutting boolean conjuction function.
* If the first argument is False, the second argument
* is not evaluated.
(/\) : Bit -> Bit -> Bit
x /\ y = if x then y else False
* Short-cutting boolean disjuction function.
* If the first argument is True, the second argument
* is not evaluated.
(\/) : Bit -> Bit -> Bit
x \/ y = if x then True else y
* Short-cutting logical implication.
* If the first argument is False, the second argument is
* not evaluated.
(==>) : Bit -> Bit -> Bit
a ==> b = if a then b else True
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
* Logical `and' over bits. Extends element-wise over sequences, tuples.
primitive (&&) : {a} a -> a -> a
* Logical `or' over bits. Extends element-wise over sequences, tuples.
primitive (||) : {a} a -> a -> a
* Logical `exclusive or' over bits. Extends element-wise over sequences, tuples.
primitive (^) : {a} a -> a -> a
* Gives an arbitrary shaped value whose bits are all False.
* ~zero likewise gives an arbitrary shaped value whose bits are all True.
primitive zero : {a} a
* Left shift. The first argument is the sequence to shift, the second is the
* number of positions to shift by.
primitive (<<) : {a, b, c} (fin b) => [a]c -> [b] -> [a]c
* Right shift. The first argument is the sequence to shift, the second is the
* number of positions to shift by.
primitive (>>) : {a, b, c} (fin b) => [a]c -> [b] -> [a]c
* Left rotate. The first argument is the sequence to rotate, the second is the
* number of positions to rotate by.
primitive (<<<) : {a, b, c} (fin a, fin b) => [a]c -> [b] -> [a]c
* Right rotate. The first argument is the sequence to rotate, the second is
* the number of positions to rotate by.
primitive (>>>) : {a, b, c} (fin a, fin b) => [a]c -> [b] -> [a]c
primitive (#) : {front, back, a} (fin front) => [front]a -> [back]a
-> [front + back] a
* Split a sequence into a tuple of sequences.
primitive splitAt : {front, back, a} (fin front) => [front + back]a
-> ([front]a, [back]a)
* Joins sequences.
primitive join : {parts, each, a} (fin each) => [parts][each]a
-> [parts * each]a
* Splits a sequence into 'parts' groups with 'each' elements.
primitive split : {parts, each, a} (fin each) => [parts * each]a
-> [parts][each]a
* Reverses the elements in a sequence.
primitive reverse : {a, b} (fin a) => [a]b -> [a]b
* Transposes an [a][b] matrix into a [b][a] matrix.
primitive transpose : {a, b, c} [a][b]c -> [b][a]c
* Index operator. The first argument is a sequence. The second argument is
* the zero-based index of the element to select from the sequence.
primitive (@) : {a, b, c} (fin c) => [a]b -> [c] -> b
* Bulk index operator. The first argument is a sequence. The second argument
* is a sequence of the zero-based indices of the elements to select.
primitive (@@) : {a, b, c, d} (fin d) => [a]b -> [c][d] -> [c]b
* Reverse index operator. The first argument is a finite sequence. The second
* argument is the zero-based index of the element to select, starting from the
* end of the sequence.
primitive (!) : {a, b, c} (fin a, fin c) => [a]b -> [c] -> b
* Bulk reverse index operator. The first argument is a finite sequence. The
* second argument is a sequence of the zero-based indices of the elements to
* select, starting from the end of the sequence.
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
primitive (!!) : {a, b, c, d} (fin a, fin d) => [a]b -> [c][d] -> [c]b
* Update the given sequence with new value at the given index position.
* The first argument is a sequence. The second argument is the zero-based
* index of the element to update, starting from the front of the sequence.
* The third argument is the new element. The return value is the
* initial sequence updated so that the indicated index has the given value.
primitive update : {a, b, c} (fin c) => [a]b -> [c] -> b -> [a]b
* Update the given sequence with new value at the given index position.
* The first argument is a sequence. The second argument is the zero-based
* index of the element to update, starting from the end of the sequence.
* The third argument is the new element. The return value is the
* initial sequence updated so that the indicated index has the given value.
primitive updateEnd : {a, b, c} (fin a, fin c) => [a]b -> [c] -> b -> [a]b
* Perform a series of updates to a sequence. The first argument is
* the initial sequence to update. The second argument is a sequence
* of indices, and the third argument is a sequence of values.
* This function applies the 'update' function in sequence with the
* given update pairs.
updates : {a,b,c,d} (fin c, fin d) => [a]b -> [d][c] -> [d]b -> [a]b
updates xs0 idxs vals = xss!0
xss = [ xs0 ] #
[ update xs i b
| xs <- xss
| i <- idxs
| b <- vals
* Perform a series of updates to a sequence. The first argument is
* the initial sequence to update. The second argument is a sequence
* of indices, and the third argument is a sequence of values.
* This function applies the 'updateEnd' function in sequence with the
* given update pairs.
updatesEnd : {a,b,c,d} (fin a, fin c, fin d) => [a]b -> [d][c] -> [d]b -> [a]b
updatesEnd xs0 idxs vals = xss!0
xss = [ xs0 ] #
[ updateEnd xs i b
| xs <- xss
| i <- idxs
| b <- vals
* A finite arithmetic sequence starting with 'first' and 'next',
* stopping when the values would wrap around modulo '2^^bits'.
* '[a,b..]' is syntactic sugar for 'fromThen`{first=a,next=b}'.
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
primitive fromThen : {first, next, bits, len}
( fin first, fin next, fin bits
, bits >= width first, bits >= width next
, lengthFromThen first next bits == len) => [len][bits]
* A finite sequence counting up from 'first' to 'last'.
* '[a..b]' is syntactic sugar for 'fromTo`{first=a,last=b}'.
* '[a..]' is syntactic sugar for 'fromTo`{first=a,last=(2^^bits)-1}'.
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
primitive fromTo : {first, last, bits} (fin last, fin bits, last >= first,
bits >= width last) => [1 + (last - first)][bits]
* A finite arithmetic sequence starting with 'first' and 'next',
* stopping when the values reach or would skip over 'last'.
* '[a,b..c]' is syntactic sugar for 'fromThenTo`{first=a,next=b,last=c}'.
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
primitive fromThenTo : {first, next, last, bits, len} (fin first, fin next,
fin last, fin bits, bits >= width first,
bits >= width next, bits >= width last,
lengthFromThenTo first next last == len) => [len][bits]
* An infinite sequence counting up from the given starting value.
* '[x...]' is syntactic sugar for 'infFrom x'.
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
primitive infFrom : {bits} (fin bits) => [bits] -> [inf][bits]
* An infinite arithmetic sequence starting with the given two values.
* '[x,y...]' is syntactic sugar for 'infFromThen x y'.
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
primitive infFromThen : {bits} (fin bits) => [bits] -> [bits] -> [inf][bits]
primitive error : {at, len} (fin len) => [len][8] -> at
* Performs multiplication of polynomials over GF(2).
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
primitive pmult : {a, b} (fin a, fin b) => [1 + a] -> [1 + b] -> [1 + a + b]
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
* Performs division of polynomials over GF(2).
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
primitive pdiv : {a, b} (fin a, fin b) => [a] -> [b] -> [a]
* Performs modulus of polynomials over GF(2).
2015-06-09 01:58:46 +03:00
primitive pmod : {a, b} (fin a, fin b) => [a] -> [1 + b] -> [b]
* Generates random values from a seed. When called with a function, currently
* generates a function that always returns zero.
primitive random : {a} [256] -> a
2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
type String n = [n][8]
type Word n = [n]
type Char = [8]
take : {front,back,elem} (fin front) => [front + back] elem -> [front] elem
take (x # _) = x
drop : {front,back,elem} (fin front) => [front + back] elem -> [back] elem
drop ((_ : [front] _) # y) = y
tail : {a, b} [1 + a]b -> [a]b
tail xs = drop`{1} xs
width : {bits,len,elem} (fin len, fin bits, bits >= width len) => [len] elem -> [bits]
width _ = `len
undefined : {a} a
undefined = error "undefined"
groupBy : {each,parts,elem} (fin each) =>
[parts * each] elem -> [parts][each]elem
groupBy = split`{parts=parts}
* Define the base 2 logarithm function in terms of width
type lg2 n = width (max n 1 - 1)
* Debugging function for tracing. The first argument is a string,
* which is prepended to the printed value of the second argument.
* This combined string is then printed when the trace function is
* evaluated. The return value is equal to the third argument.
* The exact timing and number of times the trace message is printed
* depend on the internal details of the Cryptol evaluation order,
* which are unspecified. Thus, the output produced by this
* operation may be difficult to predict.
primitive trace : {n, a, b} (fin n) => [n][8] -> a -> b -> b
* Debugging function for tracing values. The first argument is a string,
* which is prepended to the printed value of the second argument.
* This combined string is then printed when the trace function is
* evaluated. The return value is equal to the second argument.
* The exact timing and number of times the trace message is printed
* depend on the internal details of the Cryptol evaluation order,
* which are unspecified. Thus, the output produced by this
* operation may be difficult to predict.
traceVal : {n, a} (fin n) => [n][8] -> a -> a
traceVal msg x = trace msg x x