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2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
-- |
-- Module : Data.SBV.BitVectors.Polynomials
-- Copyright : (c) Levent Erkok
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Implementation of polynomial arithmetic
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module Data.SBV.Tools.Polynomial {-(Polynomial(..), crc, crcBV)-} where
import Data.Bits (Bits(..))
import Data.List (genericTake)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Model
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Splittable
import Data.SBV.Utils.Boolean
-- | Implements polynomial addition, multiplication, division, and modulus operations
-- over GF(2^n). NB. Similar to 'sQuotRem', division by @0@ is interpreted as follows:
-- @x `pDivMod` 0 = (0, x)@
-- for all @x@ (including @0@)
-- Minimal complete definition: 'pMult', 'pDivMod', 'showPolynomial'
class (Num a, Bits a) => Polynomial a where
-- | Given bit-positions to be set, create a polynomial
-- For instance
-- @polynomial [0, 1, 3] :: SWord8@
-- will evaluate to @11@, since it sets the bits @0@, @1@, and @3@. Mathematicans would write this polynomial
-- as @x^3 + x + 1@. And in fact, 'showPoly' will show it like that.
polynomial :: [Int] -> a
-- | Add two polynomials in GF(2^n).
pAdd :: a -> a -> a
-- | Multiply two polynomials in GF(2^n), and reduce it by the irreducible specified by
-- the polynomial as specified by coefficients of the third argument. Note that the third
-- argument is specifically left in this form as it is usally in GF(2^(n+1)), which is not available in our
-- formalism. (That is, we would need SWord9 for SWord8 multiplication, etc.) Also note that we do not
-- support symbolic irreducibles, which is a minor shortcoming. (Most GF's will come with fixed irreducibles,
-- so this should not be a problem in practice.)
-- Passing [] for the third argument will multiply the polynomials and then ignore the higher bits that won't
-- fit into the resulting size.
pMult :: (a, a, [Int]) -> a
-- | Divide two polynomials in GF(2^n), see above note for division by 0.
pDiv :: a -> a -> a
-- | Compute modulus of two polynomials in GF(2^n), see above note for modulus by 0.
pMod :: a -> a -> a
-- | Division and modulus packed together.
pDivMod :: a -> a -> (a, a)
-- | Display a polynomial like a mathematician would (over the monomial @x@), with a type.
showPoly :: a -> String
-- | Display a polynomial like a mathematician would (over the monomial @x@), the first argument
-- controls if the final type is shown as well.
showPolynomial :: Bool -> a -> String
-- defaults.. Minumum complete definition: pMult, pDivMod, showPolynomial
polynomial = foldr (flip setBit) 0
pAdd = xor
pDiv x y = fst (pDivMod x y)
pMod x y = snd (pDivMod x y)
showPoly = showPolynomial False
instance Polynomial Word8 where {showPolynomial = sp; pMult = lift polyMult; pDivMod = liftC polyDivMod}
instance Polynomial Word16 where {showPolynomial = sp; pMult = lift polyMult; pDivMod = liftC polyDivMod}
instance Polynomial Word32 where {showPolynomial = sp; pMult = lift polyMult; pDivMod = liftC polyDivMod}
instance Polynomial Word64 where {showPolynomial = sp; pMult = lift polyMult; pDivMod = liftC polyDivMod}
instance Polynomial SWord8 where {showPolynomial b = liftS (sp b); pMult = polyMult; pDivMod = polyDivMod}
instance Polynomial SWord16 where {showPolynomial b = liftS (sp b); pMult = polyMult; pDivMod = polyDivMod}
instance Polynomial SWord32 where {showPolynomial b = liftS (sp b); pMult = polyMult; pDivMod = polyDivMod}
instance Polynomial SWord64 where {showPolynomial b = liftS (sp b); pMult = polyMult; pDivMod = polyDivMod}
lift :: SymWord a => ((SBV a, SBV a, [Int]) -> SBV a) -> (a, a, [Int]) -> a
lift f (x, y, z) = fromJust $ unliteral $ f (literal x, literal y, z)
liftC :: SymWord a => (SBV a -> SBV a -> (SBV a, SBV a)) -> a -> a -> (a, a)
liftC f x y = let (a, b) = f (literal x) (literal y) in (fromJust (unliteral a), fromJust (unliteral b))
liftS :: SymWord a => (a -> String) -> SBV a -> String
liftS f s
| Just x <- unliteral s = f x
| True = show s
-- | Pretty print as a polynomial
sp :: Bits a => Bool -> a -> String
sp st a
| null cs = '0' : t
| True = foldr (\x y -> sh x ++ " + " ++ y) (sh (last cs)) (init cs) ++ t
where t | st = " :: GF(2^" ++ show n ++ ")"
| True = ""
n = bitSize a
is = [n-1, n-2 .. 0]
cs = map fst $ filter snd $ zip is (map (testBit a) is)
sh 0 = "1"
sh 1 = "x"
sh i = "x^" ++ show i
-- | Add two polynomials
addPoly :: [SBool] -> [SBool] -> [SBool]
addPoly xs [] = xs
addPoly [] ys = ys
addPoly (x:xs) (y:ys) = x <+> y : addPoly xs ys
ites :: SBool -> [SBool] -> [SBool] -> [SBool]
ites s xs ys
| Just t <- unliteral s
= if t then xs else ys
| True
= go xs ys
where go [] [] = []
go [] (b:bs) = ite s false b : go [] bs
go (a:as) [] = ite s a false : go as []
go (a:as) (b:bs) = ite s a b : go as bs
-- | Multiply two polynomials and reduce by the third (concrete) irreducible, given by its coefficients.
-- See the remarks for the 'pMult' function for this design choice
polyMult :: (Num a, Bits a, SymWord a, FromBits (SBV a)) => (SBV a, SBV a, [Int]) -> SBV a
polyMult (x, y, red)
| isReal x
= error $ "SBV.polyMult: Received a real value: " ++ show x
| not (isBounded x)
= error $ "SBV.polyMult: Received infinite precision value: " ++ show x
| True
= fromBitsLE $ genericTake sz $ r ++ repeat false
where (_, r) = mdp ms rs
ms = genericTake (2*sz) $ mul (blastLE x) (blastLE y) [] ++ repeat false
rs = genericTake (2*sz) $ [if i `elem` red then true else false | i <- [0 .. foldr max 0 red] ] ++ repeat false
sz = intSizeOf x
mul _ [] ps = ps
mul as (b:bs) ps = mul (false:as) bs (ites b (as `addPoly` ps) ps)
polyDivMod :: (Num a, Bits a, SymWord a, FromBits (SBV a)) => SBV a -> SBV a -> (SBV a, SBV a)
polyDivMod x y
| isReal x
= error $ "SBV.polyDivMod: Received a real value: " ++ show x
| not (isBounded x)
= error $ "SBV.polyDivMod: Received infinite precision value: " ++ show x
| True
= ite (y .== 0) (0, x) (adjust d, adjust r)
where adjust xs = fromBitsLE $ genericTake sz $ xs ++ repeat false
sz = intSizeOf x
(d, r) = mdp (blastLE x) (blastLE y)
-- conservative over-approximation of the degree
degree :: [SBool] -> Int
degree xs = walk (length xs - 1) $ reverse xs
where walk n [] = n
walk n (b:bs)
| Just t <- unliteral b
= if t then n else walk (n-1) bs
| True
= n -- over-estimate
mdp :: [SBool] -> [SBool] -> ([SBool], [SBool])
mdp xs ys = go (length ys - 1) (reverse ys)
where degTop = degree xs
go _ [] = error "SBV.Polynomial.mdp: Impossible happened; exhausted ys before hitting 0"
go n (b:bs)
| n == 0 = (reverse qs, rs)
| True = let (rqs, rrs) = go (n-1) bs
in (ites b (reverse qs) rqs, ites b rs rrs)
where degQuot = degTop - n
ys' = replicate degQuot false ++ ys
(qs, rs) = divx (degQuot+1) degTop xs ys'
-- return the element at index i; if not enough elements, return false
-- N.B. equivalent to '(xs ++ repeat false) !! i', but more efficient
idx :: [SBool] -> Int -> SBool
idx [] _ = false
idx (x:_) 0 = x
idx (_:xs) i = idx xs (i-1)
divx :: Int -> Int -> [SBool] -> [SBool] -> ([SBool], [SBool])
divx n _ xs _ | n <= 0 = ([], xs)
divx n i xs ys' = (q:qs, rs)
where q = xs `idx` i
xs' = ites q (xs `addPoly` ys') xs
(qs, rs) = divx (n-1) (i-1) xs' (tail ys')
-- | Compute CRCs over bit-vectors. The call @crcBV n m p@ computes
-- the CRC of the message @m@ with respect to polynomial @p@. The
-- inputs are assumed to be blasted big-endian. The number
-- @n@ specifies how many bits of CRC is needed. Note that @n@
-- is actually the degree of the polynomial @p@, and thus it seems
-- redundant to pass it in. However, in a typical proof context,
-- the polynomial can be symbolic, so we cannot compute the degree
-- easily. While this can be worked-around by generating code that
-- accounts for all possible degrees, the resulting code would
-- be unnecessarily big and complicated, and much harder to reason
-- with. (Also note that a CRC is just the remainder from the
-- polynomial division, but this routine is much faster in practice.)
-- NB. The @n@th bit of the polynomial @p@ /must/ be set for the CRC
-- to be computed correctly. Note that the polynomial argument 'p' will
-- not even have this bit present most of the time, as it will typically
-- contain bits @0@ through @n-1@ as usual in the CRC literature. The higher
-- order @n@th bit is simply assumed to be set, as it does not make
-- sense to use a polynomial of a lesser degree. This is usually not a problem
-- since CRC polynomials are designed and expressed this way.
-- NB. The literature on CRC's has many variants on how CRC's are computed.
-- We follow the painless guide (<>)
-- and compute the CRC as follows:
-- * Extend the message 'm' by adding 'n' 0 bits on the right
-- * Divide the polynomial thus obtained by the 'p'
-- * The remainder is the CRC value.
-- There are many variants on final XOR's, reversed polynomials etc., so
-- it is essential to double check you use the correct /algorithm/.
crcBV :: Int -> [SBool] -> [SBool] -> [SBool]
crcBV n m p = take n $ go (replicate n false) (m ++ replicate n false)
where mask = drop (length p - n) p
go c [] = c
go c (b:bs) = go next bs
where c' = drop 1 c ++ [b]
next = ite (head c) (zipWith (<+>) c' mask) c'
-- | Compute CRC's over polynomials, i.e., symbolic words. The first
-- 'Int' argument plays the same role as the one in the 'crcBV' function.
crc :: (FromBits (SBV a), FromBits (SBV b), Num a, Num b, Bits a, Bits b, SymWord a, SymWord b) => Int -> SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV b
crc n m p
| isReal m || isReal p
= error $ "SBV.crc: Received a real value: " ++ show (m, p)
| not (isBounded m) || not (isBounded p)
= error $ "SBV.crc: Received an infinite precision value: " ++ show (m, p)
| True
= fromBitsBE $ replicate (sz - n) false ++ crcBV n (blastBE m) (blastBE p)
where sz = intSizeOf p