more polished

This commit is contained in:
Eric Mullen 2017-08-14 15:45:37 -07:00
parent 505e565bbe
commit 05b8f0f3c1
5 changed files with 110 additions and 235 deletions

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@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ library

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@ -984,156 +984,3 @@ instance NoPos (Prop name) where
CLocated c _ -> noPos c
CType t -> CType (noPos t)
-- --Typeclass for prettying up the AST for exporting to Coq
-- --Similar to NoPos above
-- class CoqAst t where
-- coqAst :: t -> t
-- -- WARNING: This does not call `coqAst` on the `thing` inside
-- instance CoqAst (Located t) where
-- coqAst x = x { srcRange = rng }
-- where rng = Range { from = Position 0 0, to = Position 0 0, source = "" }
-- instance CoqAst t => CoqAst (Named t) where
-- coqAst t = Named { name = coqAst (name t), value = coqAst (value t) }
-- instance CoqAst t => CoqAst [t] where coqAst = fmap coqAst
-- instance CoqAst t => CoqAst (Maybe t) where coqAst = fmap coqAst
-- instance CoqAst (Program name) where
-- coqAst (Program x) = Program (coqAst x)
-- instance CoqAst (Module name) where
-- coqAst m = Module { mName = mName m
-- , mImports = coqAst (mImports m)
-- , mDecls = coqAst (mDecls m)
-- }
-- instance CoqAst (TopDecl name) where
-- coqAst decl =
-- case decl of
-- Decl x -> Decl (coqAst x)
-- TDNewtype n -> TDNewtype(coqAst n)
-- Include x -> Include (coqAst x)
-- instance CoqAst a => CoqAst (TopLevel a) where
-- coqAst tl = tl { tlValue = coqAst (tlValue tl) }
-- instance CoqAst (Decl name) where
-- coqAst decl =
-- case decl of
-- DSignature x y -> DSignature (coqAst x) (coqAst y)
-- DPragma x y -> DPragma (coqAst x) (coqAst y)
-- DPatBind x y -> DPatBind (coqAst x) (coqAst y)
-- DFixity f ns -> DFixity f (coqAst ns)
-- DBind x -> DBind (coqAst x)
-- DType x -> DType (coqAst x)
-- DLocated x _ -> coqAst x
-- instance CoqAst (Newtype name) where
-- coqAst n = Newtype { nName = coqAst (nName n)
-- , nParams = nParams n
-- , nBody = coqAst (nBody n)
-- }
-- instance CoqAst (Bind name) where
-- coqAst x = Bind { bName = coqAst (bName x)
-- , bParams = coqAst (bParams x)
-- , bDef = coqAst (bDef x)
-- , bSignature = coqAst (bSignature x)
-- , bInfix = bInfix x
-- , bFixity = bFixity x
-- , bPragmas = coqAst (bPragmas x)
-- , bMono = bMono x
-- , bDoc = bDoc x
-- }
-- instance CoqAst Pragma where
-- coqAst p@(PragmaNote {}) = p
-- coqAst p@(PragmaProperty) = p
-- instance CoqAst (TySyn name) where
-- coqAst (TySyn x y z) = TySyn (coqAst x) (coqAst y) (coqAst z)
-- instance CoqAst (Expr name) where
-- coqAst expr =
-- case expr of
-- EVar x -> EVar x
-- ELit x -> ELit x
-- ETuple x -> ETuple (coqAst x)
-- ERecord x -> ERecord (coqAst x)
-- ESel x y -> ESel (coqAst x) y
-- EList x -> EList (coqAst x)
-- EFromTo x y z -> EFromTo (coqAst x) (coqAst y) (coqAst z)
-- EInfFrom x y -> EInfFrom (coqAst x) (coqAst y)
-- EComp x y -> EComp (coqAst x) (coqAst y)
-- EApp x y -> EApp (coqAst x) (coqAst y)
-- EAppT x y -> EAppT (coqAst x) (coqAst y)
-- EIf x y z -> EIf (coqAst x) (coqAst y) (coqAst z)
-- EWhere x y -> EWhere (coqAst x) (coqAst y)
-- ETyped x y -> ETyped (coqAst x) (coqAst y)
-- ETypeVal x -> ETypeVal (coqAst x)
-- EFun x y -> EFun (coqAst x) (coqAst y)
-- ELocated x _ -> coqAst x
-- EParens e -> EParens (coqAst e)
-- EInfix x y f z-> EInfix (coqAst x) y f (coqAst z)
-- instance CoqAst (TypeInst name) where
-- coqAst (PosInst ts) = PosInst (coqAst ts)
-- coqAst (NamedInst fs) = NamedInst (coqAst fs)
-- instance CoqAst (Match name) where
-- coqAst (Match x y) = Match (coqAst x) (coqAst y)
-- coqAst (MatchLet b) = MatchLet (coqAst b)
-- instance CoqAst (Pattern name) where
-- coqAst pat =
-- case pat of
-- PVar x -> PVar (coqAst x)
-- PWild -> PWild
-- PTuple x -> PTuple (coqAst x)
-- PRecord x -> PRecord (coqAst x)
-- PList x -> PList (coqAst x)
-- PTyped x y -> PTyped (coqAst x) (coqAst y)
-- PSplit x y -> PSplit (coqAst x) (coqAst y)
-- PLocated x _ -> coqAst x
-- instance CoqAst (Schema name) where
-- coqAst (Forall x y z _) = Forall (coqAst x) (coqAst y) (coqAst z) Nothing
-- instance CoqAst (TParam name) where
-- coqAst (TParam x y _) = TParam x y Nothing
-- instance CoqAst (Type name) where
-- coqAst ty =
-- case ty of
-- TWild -> TWild
-- TApp x y -> TApp x (coqAst y)
-- TUser x y -> TUser x (coqAst y)
-- TRecord x -> TRecord (coqAst x)
-- TTuple x -> TTuple (coqAst x)
-- TFun x y -> TFun (coqAst x) (coqAst y)
-- TSeq x y -> TSeq (coqAst x) (coqAst y)
-- TBit -> TBit
-- TInf -> TInf
-- TNum n -> TNum n
-- TChar n -> TChar n
-- TLocated x _ -> coqAst x
-- TParens x -> TParens (coqAst x)
-- TInfix x y f z-> TInfix (coqAst x) y f (coqAst z)
-- instance CoqAst (Prop name) where
-- coqAst prop =
-- case prop of
-- CEqual x y -> CEqual (coqAst x) (coqAst y)
-- CGeq x y -> CGeq (coqAst x) (coqAst y)
-- CFin x -> CFin (coqAst x)
-- CArith x -> CArith (coqAst x)
-- CCmp x -> CCmp (coqAst x)
-- CLocated c _ -> coqAst c
-- CType t -> CType (coqAst t)

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@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ import Cryptol.Parser
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Parseable as T
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst as T
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.InferTypes as T
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solve(defaultReplExpr)
@ -603,7 +604,7 @@ astOfCmd str = do
allTerms :: REPL ()
allTerms = do
me <- getModuleEnv
rPutStrLn (T.showAst (concatMap T.mDecls (M.loadedModules me)))
rPrint $ T.showParseable $ concatMap T.mDecls $ M.loadedModules me
typeOfCmd :: String -> REPL ()
typeOfCmd str = do

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@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ import Cryptol.Prims.Syntax
import Cryptol.Parser.AST ( Selector(..),Pragma(..)
, Import(..), ImportSpec(..), ExportType(..)
, ExportSpec(..), isExportedBind
, isExportedType, Fixity(..), Located(..) )
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident,isInfixIdent,ModName,packIdent,unpackIdent)
, isExportedType, Fixity(..))
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident,isInfixIdent,ModName,packIdent)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Type
@ -128,85 +128,6 @@ data DeclDef = DPrim
| DExpr Expr
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
-- ShowAST prints out just enough information to model the program in Coq
class ShowAST t where
showAst :: t -> String
instance ShowAST Expr where
showAst (EList es _) = "(EList " ++ showAst es ++ ")"
showAst (ETuple es) = "(ETuple " ++ showAst es ++ ")"
showAst (ERec ides) = "(ERec " ++ showAst ides ++ ")"
showAst (ESel e s) = "(ESel " ++ showAst e ++ " " ++ showAst s ++ ")"
showAst (EIf c t f) = "(EIf " ++ showAst c ++ " " ++ showAst t ++ " " ++ showAst f ++ ")"
showAst (EComp _ _ e mss) = "(EComp " ++ showAst e ++ " " ++ showAst mss ++ ")"
showAst (EVar n) = "(EVar " ++ showAst n ++ ")"
showAst (EApp fe ae) = "(EApp " ++ showAst fe ++ " " ++ showAst ae ++ ")"
showAst (EAbs n _ e) = "(EAbs " ++ showAst n ++ " " ++ showAst e ++ ")"
showAst (EWhere e dclg) = "(EWhere " ++ showAst e ++ " " ++ showAst dclg ++ ")"
showAst (ETAbs tp e) = "(ETAbs " ++ showAst tp ++ " " ++ showAst e ++ ")"
showAst (ETApp e t) = "(ETApp " ++ showAst e ++ " (ETyp " ++ showAst t ++ "))"
--NOTE: erase all proofs for now (change the following two lines to change that)
showAst (EProofAbs {-p-}_ e) = showAst e --"(EProofAbs " ++ show p ++ showAst e ++ ")"
showAst (EProofApp e) = showAst e --"(EProofApp " ++ showAst e ++ ")"
instance (ShowAST a, ShowAST b) => ShowAST (a,b) where
showAst (x,y) = "(" ++ showAst x ++ "," ++ showAst y ++ ")"
instance ShowAST Int where
showAst i = show i
instance ShowAST Ident where
showAst i = show (unpackIdent i)
instance ShowAST Type where
showAst (TUser n lt t) = "(TUser " ++ showAst n ++ " " ++ showAst lt ++ " " ++ showAst t ++ ")"
showAst (TRec lidt) = "(TRec " ++ showAst lidt ++ ")"
showAst t = "(" ++ show t ++ ")"
instance ShowAST Selector where
showAst (TupleSel n _) = "(TupleSel " ++ showAst n ++ ")"
showAst (RecordSel n _) = "(RecordSel " ++ showAst n ++ ")"
showAst (ListSel n _) = "(ListSel " ++ showAst n ++ ")"
instance ShowAST Match where
showAst (From n _ _ e) = "(From " ++ showAst n ++ " " ++ showAst e ++ ")"
showAst (Let d) = "(MLet " ++ showAst d ++ ")"
instance ShowAST Decl where
showAst d = "(Decl " ++ showAst (dName d) ++ " " ++ showAst (dDefinition d) ++ ")"
instance ShowAST DeclDef where
showAst DPrim = show DPrim
showAst (DExpr e) = "(DExpr " ++ (showAst e) ++ ")"
instance ShowAST DeclGroup where
showAst (Recursive ds) = "(Recursive " ++ showAst ds ++ ")"
showAst (NonRecursive d) = "(NonRecursive " ++ showAst d ++ ")"
showASTList :: (ShowAST a) => [a] -> String
showASTList [] = ""
showASTList [x] = showAst x
showASTList (x : y) = (showAst x) ++ "," ++ showASTList y
instance (ShowAST a) => ShowAST [a] where
showAst a = "[" ++ showASTList a ++ "]"
instance (ShowAST a) => ShowAST (Maybe a) where
showAst Nothing = "(0,\"\")" --empty ident, won't shadow demote
showAst (Just x) = showAst x
instance (ShowAST a) => ShowAST (Located a) where
showAst l = showAst (thing l)
instance ShowAST TParam where
showAst tp = "(" ++ show (tpUnique tp) ++ "," ++ maybeNameStr (tpName tp) ++ ")"
maybeNameStr :: Maybe Name -> String
maybeNameStr Nothing = show ""
maybeNameStr (Just n) = showAst (nameIdent n)
instance ShowAST Name where
showAst n = "(" ++ show (nameUnique n) ++ "," ++ showAst (nameIdent n) ++ ")"

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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
-- |
-- Module : $Header$
-- Copyright : (c) 2013-2017 Galois, Inc.
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DeriveGeneric #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Parseable
( module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Parseable
, ShowParseable(..)
) where
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident,unpackIdent)
import Cryptol.Parser.AST ( Located(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Text.PrettyPrint
-- ShowParseable prints out a cryptol program in a way that it's parseable by Coq (and likely other things)
-- Used mainly for reasoning about the semantics of cryptol programs in Coq (
class ShowParseable t where
showParseable :: t -> Doc
instance ShowParseable Expr where
showParseable (EList es _) = parens (text "EList" <+> showParseable es)
showParseable (ETuple es) = parens (text "ETuple" <+> showParseable es)
showParseable (ERec ides) = parens (text "ERec" <+> showParseable ides)
showParseable (ESel e s) = parens (text "ESel" <+> showParseable e <+> showParseable s)
showParseable (EIf c t f) = parens (text "EIf" <+> showParseable c <+> showParseable t <+> showParseable f)
showParseable (EComp _ _ e mss) = parens (text "EComp" <+> showParseable e <+> showParseable mss)
showParseable (EVar n) = parens (text "EVar" <+> showParseable n)
showParseable (EApp fe ae) = parens (text "EApp" <+> showParseable fe <+> showParseable ae)
showParseable (EAbs n _ e) = parens (text "EAbs" <+> showParseable n <+> showParseable e)
showParseable (EWhere e dclg) = parens (text "EWhere" <+> showParseable e <+> showParseable dclg)
showParseable (ETAbs tp e) = parens (text "ETAbs" <+> showParseable tp <+> showParseable e)
showParseable (ETApp e t) = parens (text "ETApp" <+> showParseable e <+> parens (text "ETyp" <+> showParseable t))
--NOTE: erase all "proofs" for now (change the following two lines to change that)
showParseable (EProofAbs {-p-}_ e) = showParseable e --"(EProofAbs " ++ show p ++ showParseable e ++ ")"
showParseable (EProofApp e) = showParseable e --"(EProofApp " ++ showParseable e ++ ")"
instance (ShowParseable a, ShowParseable b) => ShowParseable (a,b) where
showParseable (x,y) = parens (showParseable x <> comma <> showParseable y)
instance ShowParseable Int where
showParseable i = int i
instance ShowParseable Ident where
showParseable i = text $ show $ unpackIdent i
instance ShowParseable Type where
showParseable (TUser n lt t) = parens (text "TUser" <+> showParseable n <+> showParseable lt <+> showParseable t)
showParseable (TRec lidt) = parens (text "TRec" <+> showParseable lidt)
showParseable t = parens $ text $ show t
instance ShowParseable Selector where
showParseable (TupleSel n _) = parens (text "TupleSel" <+> showParseable n)
showParseable (RecordSel n _) = parens (text "RecordSel" <+> showParseable n)
showParseable (ListSel n _) = parens (text "ListSel" <+> showParseable n)
instance ShowParseable Match where
showParseable (From n _ _ e) = parens (text "From" <+> showParseable n <+> showParseable e)
showParseable (Let d) = parens (text "MLet" <+> showParseable d)
instance ShowParseable Decl where
showParseable d = parens (text "Decl" <+> showParseable (dName d) <+> showParseable (dDefinition d))
instance ShowParseable DeclDef where
showParseable DPrim = text (show DPrim)
showParseable (DExpr e) = parens (text "DExpr" <+> showParseable e)
instance ShowParseable DeclGroup where
showParseable (Recursive ds) = parens (text "Recursive" <+> showParseable ds)
showParseable (NonRecursive d) = parens (text "NonRecursive" <+> showParseable d)
showParseableList :: (ShowParseable a) => [a] -> Doc
showParseableList [] = empty
showParseableList [x] = showParseable x
showParseableList (x : y) = (showParseable x) <> comma <> showParseableList y
instance (ShowParseable a) => ShowParseable [a] where
showParseable a = brackets $ showParseableList a
instance (ShowParseable a) => ShowParseable (Maybe a) where
showParseable Nothing = text "(0,\"\")" --empty ident, won't shadow demote
showParseable (Just x) = showParseable x
instance (ShowParseable a) => ShowParseable (Located a) where
showParseable l = showParseable (thing l)
instance ShowParseable TParam where
showParseable tp = parens (text (show (tpUnique tp)) <> comma <> maybeNameDoc (tpName tp))
maybeNameDoc :: Maybe Name -> Doc
maybeNameDoc Nothing = doubleQuotes empty
maybeNameDoc (Just n) = showParseable (nameIdent n)
instance ShowParseable Name where
showParseable n = parens (text (show (nameUnique n)) <> comma <> showParseable (nameIdent n))