mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 13:31:50 +03:00
Redo simplification---this is a bit simpler and, perhaps a little faster.
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,85 +5,56 @@
-- - Additional simplification rules, namely various cancelation.
-- - Things like: lg2 e(x) = x, where we know thate is increasing.
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.Simplify where
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.Simplify
-- * Simplify a property
crySimplify, crySimplifyMaybe
-- * Simplify expressions in a prop
, crySimpPropExpr, crySimpPropExprMaybe
-- * Simplify an expression
, crySimpExpr, crySimpExprMaybe
) where
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.AST
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.InfNat as IN
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic( panic )
import Cryptol.Utils.Misc ( anyJust )
import Data.List ( unfoldr,sortBy )
import Data.List ( sortBy )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Control.Monad ( mplus )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- | Simplify a property, if possible.
-- Simplification should ensure at least the properties captrured by
-- 'crySimplified' (as long as things are 'cryDefined').
-- crySimplified (crySimplify x) == True
crySimplify :: Prop -> Prop
crySimplify p = last (p : crySimpSteps p)
crySimplify p = fromMaybe p (crySimplifyMaybe p)
-- | For sanity checking.
-- Makes explicit some of the invariants of simplified terms.
crySimplified :: Prop -> Bool
crySimplified = go True
-- | Simplify a property, if possibly.
crySimplifyMaybe :: Prop -> Maybe Prop
crySimplifyMaybe p =
fmap crySimplify (crySimpStep (fromMaybe p2 mbP3))
`mplus` mbP3
`mplus` mbP2
`mplus` mbP1
go atTop prop =
case prop of
PTrue -> atTop
PFalse -> atTop
mbP1 = crySimpPropExprMaybe p
p1 = fromMaybe p mbP1
mbP2 = case p1 of
_ :&& _ -> cryRearrangeAnd p1
_ :|| _ -> cryRearrangeOr p1
_ -> Nothing
p2 = fromMaybe p1 mbP2
mbP3 = case p2 of
Not a -> Not `fmap` crySimplifyMaybe a
a :&& b -> do [a',b'] <- anyJust crySimplifyMaybe [a,b]
return (a' :&& b')
a :|| b -> do [a',b'] <- anyJust crySimplifyMaybe [a,b]
return (a' :|| b')
_ -> Nothing
-- Also, there are propagatoin properties, but a bit hard to write.
-- For example: `Fin x && Not (Fin x)` should simplify to `PFalse`.
p :&& q -> go False p && go False q
p :|| q -> go False p && go False q
Not (Fin (Var _)) -> True
Not (x :>: y) -> go False (x :>: y)
Not _ -> False
_ :== _ -> False
_ :> _ -> False
_ :>= _ -> False
Fin (Var _) -> True
Fin _ -> False
Var _ :>: K (Nat 0) -> True
_ :>: K (Nat 0) -> False
K _ :>: K _ -> False
x :>: y -> noInf x && noInf y
Var _ :==: K (Nat 0) -> True
K (Nat 0) :==: _ -> False
K _ :==: K _ -> False
x :==: y -> noInf x && noInf y
noInf expr =
case expr of
K x -> x /= Inf
Var _ -> True
x :+ y -> noInf2 x y
x :- y -> noInf2 x y
x :* y -> noInf2 x y
Div x y -> noInf2 x y
Mod x y -> noInf2 x y
x :^^ y -> noInf2 x y
Min x y -> noInf2 x y
Max x y -> noInf2 x y
Lg2 x -> noInf x
Width x -> noInf x
LenFromThen x y w -> noInf x && noInf y && noInf w
LenFromThenTo x y z -> noInf x && noInf y && noInf z
noInf2 x y = noInf x && noInf y
-- | List the simplification steps for a property.
crySimpSteps :: Prop -> [Prop]
crySimpSteps = unfoldr (fmap dup . crySimpStep)
where dup x = (x,x)
-- | A single simplification step.
crySimpStep :: Prop -> Maybe Prop
@ -105,12 +76,11 @@ crySimpStep prop =
x :==: y ->
case (x,y) of
(K a, K b) -> Just (if a == b then PTrue else PFalse)
(K (Nat 0), _) -> cryIs0 True y
(_, K (Nat 0)) -> cryIs0 True x
_ -> case bin (:==:) x y of
Just p' -> Just p'
-- Try to put variables on the RHS.
Nothing | x == y -> Just PTrue
_ | x == y -> Just PTrue
| otherwise -> case (x,y) of
(Var _, _) -> Nothing
(_, Var _) -> Just (y :==: x)
@ -121,57 +91,18 @@ crySimpStep prop =
(K (Nat 0),_) -> Just PFalse
(K (Nat 1),_) -> cryIs0 True y
(_, K (Nat 0)) -> cryGt0 True x
_ -> case bin (:>:) x y of
Just p' -> Just p'
Nothing | x == y -> Just PFalse
_ | x == y -> Just PFalse
| otherwise -> Nothing
p :&& q ->
case cryRearrangeAnd prop of
Just prop' -> Just prop'
Nothing ->
case cryAnd p q of
Just r -> Just r
Nothing ->
case crySimpStep p of
Just p' -> Just (p' :&& q)
Nothing ->
case crySimpStep q of
Just q' -> Just (p :&& q')
Nothing -> Nothing
p :|| q ->
case cryRearrangeOr prop of
Just prop' -> Just prop'
Nothing ->
case cryOr p q of
Just r -> Just r
Nothing ->
case crySimpStep p of
Just p' -> Just (p' :|| q)
Nothing ->
case crySimpStep q of
Just q' -> Just (p :|| q')
Nothing -> Nothing
Not p -> case cryNot p of
Just r -> Just r
Nothing ->
case crySimpStep p of
Just p' -> Just (Not p')
Nothing -> Nothing
-- For :&& and :|| we assume that the props have been rearrnaged
p :&& q -> cryAnd p q
p :|| q -> cryOr p q
Not p -> cryNot p
PFalse -> Nothing
PTrue -> Nothing
bin op x y =
case crySimpExpr x of
Just x' -> Just (op x' y)
_ -> case crySimpExpr y of
Just y' -> Just (op x y')
Nothing -> Nothing
-- | Rebalance parens, and arrange conjucts so that we can transfer
-- information left-to-right.
@ -373,6 +304,7 @@ cryOr p q =
-- | Propagate the fact that the variable is known to be finite ('True')
-- or not-finite ('False').
-- Note that this may introduce new expression redexes.
cryKnownFin :: Name -> Bool -> Prop -> Maybe Prop
cryKnownFin a isFin prop =
case prop of
@ -428,20 +360,15 @@ cryIsEq :: Expr -> Expr -> Prop
cryIsEq x y =
case (x,y) of
(K m, K n) -> if m == n then PTrue else PFalse
(K (Nat 0),_) -> cryIs0' y
(_, K (Nat 0)) -> cryIs0' x
(K Inf, _) -> Not (Fin y)
(_, K Inf) -> Not (Fin x)
_ -> case crySimpExpr x of
Just x' -> x' :== y
Nothing ->
case crySimpExpr y of
Just y' -> x :== y'
Nothing ->
Not (Fin x) :&& Not (Fin y)
:|| Fin x :&& Fin y :&& cryNatOp (:==:) x y
_ -> Not (Fin x) :&& Not (Fin y)
:|| Fin x :&& Fin y :&& cryNatOp (:==:) x y
cryIs0' e = case cryIs0 False e of
Just e' -> e'
@ -458,17 +385,11 @@ cryIsGt e (K (Nat 0)) = case cryGt0 False e of
Just e' -> e'
Nothing -> panic "cryIsGt"
["`cryGt0 False` return `Nothing`"]
cryIsGt x y =
case crySimpExpr x of
Just x' -> x' :> y
Nothing -> case crySimpExpr y of
Just y' -> x :> y'
Nothing -> Fin y :&& (x :== inf :||
cryIsGt x y = Fin y :&& (x :== inf :||
Fin x :&& cryNatOp (:>:) x y)
-- | Attempt to simplify a @fin@ constraint.
-- Assumes a defined input.
cryIsFin :: Expr -> Maybe Prop
@ -516,7 +437,7 @@ cryIs0 useFinite expr =
t1 :- t2 -> Just (eq t1 t2)
t1 :* t2 -> Just (eq t1 zero :|| eq t2 zero)
Div t1 t2 -> Just (gt t2 t1)
Mod _ _ | useFinite -> (:==: zero) `fmap` crySimpExpr expr
Mod _ _ | useFinite -> Nothing
| otherwise -> Just (cryNatOp (:==:) expr zero)
-- or: Just (t2 `Divides` t1)
t1 :^^ t2 -> Just (eq t1 zero :&& gt t2 zero)
@ -548,7 +469,7 @@ cryGt0 useFinite expr =
x :- y -> Just (gt x y)
x :* y -> Just (gt x zero :&& gt y zero)
Div x y -> Just (gt x y)
Mod _ _ | useFinite -> (:>: zero) `fmap` crySimpExpr expr
Mod _ _ | useFinite -> Nothing
| otherwise -> Just (cryNatOp (:>:) expr zero)
-- or: Just (Not (y `Divides` x))
x :^^ y -> Just (eq x zero :&& gt y zero)
@ -563,31 +484,29 @@ cryGt0 useFinite expr =
eq x y = if useFinite then x :==: y else x :== y
gt x y = if useFinite then x :>: y else x :> y
crySimpPropExpr :: Prop -> Prop
crySimpPropExpr p = last (p : crySimpPropExprSteps p)
crySimpPropExprSteps :: Prop -> [Prop]
crySimpPropExprSteps = unfoldr (fmap dup . crySimpPropExprStep)
dup x = (x,x)
-- | Simplify only the Expr parts of a Prop.
crySimpPropExprStep :: Prop -> Maybe Prop
crySimpPropExprStep prop =
crySimpPropExpr :: Prop -> Prop
crySimpPropExpr p = fromMaybe p (crySimpPropExprMaybe p)
-- | Simplify only the Expr parts of a Prop.
-- Returns `Nothing` if there were no changes.
crySimpPropExprMaybe :: Prop -> Maybe Prop
crySimpPropExprMaybe prop =
case prop of
Fin e -> Fin `fmap` crySimpExpr e
Fin e -> Fin `fmap` crySimpExprMaybe e
a :== b -> binop crySimpExpr (:== ) a b
a :>= b -> binop crySimpExpr (:>= ) a b
a :> b -> binop crySimpExpr (:> ) a b
a :==: b -> binop crySimpExpr (:==:) a b
a :>: b -> binop crySimpExpr (:>: ) a b
a :== b -> binop crySimpExprMaybe (:== ) a b
a :>= b -> binop crySimpExprMaybe (:>= ) a b
a :> b -> binop crySimpExprMaybe (:> ) a b
a :==: b -> binop crySimpExprMaybe (:==:) a b
a :>: b -> binop crySimpExprMaybe (:>: ) a b
a :&& b -> binop crySimpPropExprStep (:&&) a b
a :|| b -> binop crySimpPropExprStep (:||) a b
a :&& b -> binop crySimpPropExprMaybe (:&&) a b
a :|| b -> binop crySimpPropExprMaybe (:||) a b
Not p -> Not `fmap` crySimpPropExprStep p
Not p -> Not `fmap` crySimpPropExprMaybe p
PFalse -> Nothing
PTrue -> Nothing
@ -600,10 +519,26 @@ crySimpPropExprStep prop =
(l',r') -> Just (f (fromMaybe l l') (fromMaybe r r'))
-- | Simplify an expression, if possible.
crySimpExpr :: Expr -> Expr
crySimpExpr expr = fromMaybe expr (crySimpExprMaybe expr)
-- | Perform simplification from the leaves up.
-- Returns `Nothing` if there were no changes.
crySimpExprMaybe :: Expr -> Maybe Expr
crySimpExprMaybe expr =
case crySimpExprStep (fromMaybe expr mbE1) of
Nothing -> mbE1
Just e2 -> Just (fromMaybe e2 (crySimpExprMaybe e2))
mbE1 = cryRebuildExpr expr `fmap` anyJust crySimpExprMaybe (cryExprExprs expr)
-- | Make a simplification step, assuming the expression is well-formed.
-- XXX: Add more rules (e.g., (1 + (2 + x)) -> (1 + 2) + x -> 3 + x
crySimpExpr :: Expr -> Maybe Expr
crySimpExpr expr =
crySimpExprStep :: Expr -> Maybe Expr
crySimpExprStep expr =
case expr of
K _ -> Nothing
Var _ -> Nothing
@ -615,7 +550,7 @@ crySimpExpr expr =
(_, K (Nat 0)) -> Just x
(_, K Inf) -> Just inf
(K a, K b) -> Just (K (IN.nAdd a b))
_ -> bin (:+) x y
_ -> Nothing
x :- y ->
case (x,y) of
@ -624,7 +559,7 @@ crySimpExpr expr =
(_, K (Nat 0)) -> Just x
(K a, K b) -> K `fmap` IN.nSub a b
_ | x == y -> Just zero
_ -> bin (:-) x y
_ -> Nothing
x :* y ->
case (x,y) of
@ -633,7 +568,7 @@ crySimpExpr expr =
(_, K (Nat 0)) -> Just zero
(_, K (Nat 1)) -> Just x
(K a, K b) -> Just (K (IN.nMul a b))
_ -> bin (:*) x y
_ -> Nothing
Div x y ->
case (x,y) of
@ -642,7 +577,7 @@ crySimpExpr expr =
(_, K Inf) -> Just zero
(K a, K b) -> K `fmap` IN.nDiv a b
_ | x == y -> Just one
_ -> bin Div x y
_ -> Nothing
Mod x y ->
case (x,y) of
@ -650,7 +585,7 @@ crySimpExpr expr =
(_, K Inf) -> Just x
(_, K (Nat 1)) -> Just zero
(K a, K b) -> K `fmap` IN.nMod a b
_ -> bin Mod x y
_ -> Nothing
x :^^ y ->
case (x,y) of
@ -658,7 +593,7 @@ crySimpExpr expr =
(_, K (Nat 1)) -> Just x
(K (Nat 1), _) -> Just one
(K a, K b) -> Just (K (IN.nExp a b))
_ -> bin (:^^) x y
_ -> Nothing
Min x y ->
case (x,y) of
@ -668,7 +603,7 @@ crySimpExpr expr =
(_, K Inf) -> Just x
(K a, K b) -> Just (K (IN.nMin a b))
_ | x == y -> Just x
_ -> bin Min x y
_ -> Nothing
Max x y ->
case (x,y) of
@ -677,47 +612,25 @@ crySimpExpr expr =
(_, K (Nat 0)) -> Just x
(_, K Inf) -> Just inf
_ | x == y -> Just x
_ -> bin Max x y
_ -> Nothing
Lg2 x ->
case x of
K a -> Just (K (IN.nLg2 a))
K (Nat 2) :^^ e -> Just e
_ -> Lg2 `fmap` crySimpExpr x
_ -> Nothing
Width x -> Just (Lg2 (x :+ one))
LenFromThen x y w ->
case (x,y,w) of
(K a, K b, K c) -> K `fmap` IN.nLenFromThen a b c
_ -> three LenFromThen x y w
_ -> Nothing
LenFromThenTo x y z ->
case (x,y,z) of
(K a, K b, K c) -> K `fmap` IN.nLenFromThenTo a b c
_ -> three LenFromThenTo x y z
bin op x y = case crySimpExpr x of
Just x' -> Just (op x' y)
Nothing -> case crySimpExpr y of
Just y' -> Just (op x y')
Nothing -> Nothing
three op x y z =
case crySimpExpr x of
Just x' -> Just (op x' y z)
Nothing ->
case crySimpExpr y of
Just y' -> Just (op x y' z)
Nothing ->
case crySimpExpr z of
Just z' -> Just (op x y z')
Nothing -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
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