cryptol-remote-api: initial support for :sat and python tests

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Kent 2020-12-04 13:27:32 -08:00
parent a506732dc6
commit 0e4348e8dd
5 changed files with 54 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -47,5 +47,5 @@ cryptolMethods =
, ("call", Query, method call)
, ("visible names", Query, method visibleNames)
, ("check type", Query, method checkType)
, ("satisfy", Query, method sat)
, ("sat", Query, method sat)

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@ -71,27 +71,38 @@ sat (ProveSatParams (Prover name) jsonExpr num) =
Satisfied <$> traverse satResult results
satResult :: [(Type, Expr, Value)] -> Method ServerState [(JSONType, Expression)]
satResult es = traverse result es
satResult :: [(Type, Expr, Value)] -> Method ServerState Model
satResult es = Model <$> traverse mkAssignment es
result (t, _, v) =
mkAssignment (t, _, v) =
do prims <- runModuleCmd getPrimMap
e <- observe $ readBack prims t v
return (JSONType mempty t, e)
return $ SatArgAssignment { assignmentType = JSONType mempty t
, assignmentExpr = e}
data SatResult = Unsatisfiable | Satisfied [[(JSONType, Expression)]]
data SatArgAssignment
= SatArgAssignment
{ assignmentType :: JSONType
, assignmentExpr :: Expression
newtype Model = Model {modelAssignments :: [SatArgAssignment]}
data SatResult
= Unsatisfiable
| Satisfied [Model]
instance ToJSON SatResult where
toJSON Unsatisfiable = JSON.object ["result" .= ("unsatisfiable" :: Text)]
toJSON (Satisfied xs) =
JSON.object [ "result" .= ("satisfied" :: Text)
, "model" .=
[ [ JSON.object [ "type" .= t
, "expr" .= e
toJSON Unsatisfiable = JSON.object ["result" .= ("unsat" :: Text)]
toJSON (Satisfied models) =
JSON.object [ "result" .= ("sat" :: Text)
, "models" .=
[ [ JSON.object [ "type" .= assignmentType a
, "expr" .= assignmentExpr a
| (t, e) <- res
| a <- modelAssignments m
| res <- xs
| m <- models

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@ -49,3 +49,6 @@ op10 a = 0
op11 : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [lg2 n]
op11 a = 0
isSqrtOf9 : [8] -> Bit
isSqrtOf9 x = x*x == 9

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from cryptol import CryptolConnection, CryptolContext, cry
import cryptol
import cryptol.cryptoltypes
from cryptol.bitvector import BV
import cryptol.solver as solver
from BitVector import *
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
@ -38,4 +39,28 @@ class CryptolTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(add(BV(8,255), BV(8,1)), BV(8,0))
def test_sat(self):
# test a single sat model can be returned
rootsOf9 = c.sat('isSqrtOf9').result()
self.assertEqual(len(rootsOf9), 1)
self.assertTrue(int(rootsOf9[0]) ** 2 % 256, 9)
# check we can specify the solver
rootsOf9 = c.sat('isSqrtOf9', solver = solver.ANY).result()
self.assertEqual(len(rootsOf9), 1)
self.assertTrue(int(rootsOf9[0]) ** 2 % 256, 9)
# check we can ask for a specific number of results
rootsOf9 = c.sat('isSqrtOf9', sat_num = 3).result()
self.assertEqual(len(rootsOf9), 3)
self.assertEqual([int(root) ** 2 % 256 for root in rootsOf9], [9,9,9])
# check we can ask for all results
rootsOf9 = c.sat('isSqrtOf9', sat_num = None).result()
self.assertEqual(len(rootsOf9), 4)
self.assertEqual([int(root) ** 2 % 256 for root in rootsOf9], [9,9,9,9])
# check for an unsat condition
self.assertFalse(c.sat('\\x -> isSqrtOf9 x && ~(elem x [3,131,125,253])').result())

deps/argo vendored

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 5217d1da928a5d1902186db991dacb047d1da5d7
Subproject commit b76fa11601d53566c492da3b9af176b53ad1c560