Switch Cryptol book exercises to use split instead of groupBy.

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Brian Huffman 2018-07-19 16:46:48 -07:00
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commit 10f43b4279

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@ -1767,49 +1767,50 @@ We should emphasize that Cryptol polymorphism\indPolymorphism
uniformly applies to user-defined functions as well, as we shall see
in \autoref{sec:funcs}.
Use the {\tt :t} command to find the type of {\tt groupBy}. For each
use case below, find out what the instantiations of its type
Use the \texttt{:t} command to find the type of \texttt{split}. For
each use case below, find out what the instantiations of its type
variables are, and justify why the instantiation works. Can you find
an instantiation in all these cases?
groupBy`{3} [1..9]
groupBy`{3} [1..12]
groupBy`{3} [1..10] : [3][2][8]
groupBy`{3} [1..10]
split`{3} [1..9]
split`{3} [1..12]
split`{3} [1..10] : [3][2][8]
split`{3} [1..10]
Is there any way to make the last example work by giving a type signature?
Here is the type of {\tt groupBy}:
Here is the type of \texttt{split}:
Cryptol> :t groupBy
groupBy : {each, parts, a} (fin each) =>
[each * parts]a -> [parts][each]a
Cryptol> :t split
split : {parts, each, a} (fin each) =>
[parts * each]a -> [parts][each]a
At every use case of {\tt groupBy} we must instantiate the parameters
{\tt each}, {\tt parts}, and {\tt a}; so that the resulting
At every use case of \texttt{split} we must instantiate the parameters
\texttt{parts}, \texttt{each}, and \texttt{a}, so that the resulting
instantiation will match the use case. In the first example, we can
simply take: {\tt each = 3}, {\tt parts = 3}, and \texttt{a = [4]}. In
the second, we can take {\tt each=3}, {\tt parts=4}, and
simply take: \texttt{parts = 3}, \texttt{each = 3}, and \texttt{a = [4]}. In
the second, we can take \texttt{parts=3}, \texttt{each=4}, and
\texttt{a=[4]}. The third expression does not type-check. Cryptol
tells us:
Cryptol> groupBy`{3} [1..10] : [3][2][8]
[error] at <interactive>:1:1--1:8:
Cryptol> split`{3} [1..10] : [3][2][8]
[error] at <interactive>:1:11--1:18:
Type mismatch:
Expected type: 2
Inferred type: 3
Expected type: 6
Inferred type: 10
In this case, we are telling Cryptol that {\tt each = 3}, {\tt parts =
2}, and \texttt{a = [8]} by providing the explicit type
In this case, we are telling Cryptol that \texttt{parts = 3},
\texttt{each = 2}, and \texttt{a = [8]} by providing the explicit type
signature.\indSignature Using this information, Cryptol must ensure
that the instantiation will match the polymorphic type. To do so,
Cryptol divides {\tt 10} (the size of the second argument) by {\tt 3}
(the value of {\tt each}) to obtain {\tt 3}, and finds out that it
does not match what we told it to use for {\tt parts}, i.e., {\tt 2}.
It is not hard to see that there is no instantiation to make this
work, since {\tt 10} is not divisible by {\tt 3}.
that the argument matches the instantiation of the the polymorphic
type. The argument to \texttt{split} must have type \texttt{[parts *
each]a}; instantiating the type variables, this is \texttt{[3 *
2][8]}, or \texttt{[6][8]}. However, the given argument has length
\texttt{10}, which is not equal to \texttt{6}. It is not hard to see
that there is no instantiation to make this work, since \texttt{10} is
not divisible by \texttt{3}.
@ -2926,31 +2927,31 @@ yields the inferred type:
variables, their scope and limitations, where they can be left
abstract and when and where they must be concretized, etc.}
Its powerful type system is one of the key features of Cryptol. We
have encountered many aspects of types already. You may have noticed,
in functions such as {\tt groupBy}, that when you call a function in
Cryptol, there are two kinds of parameters you can pass: {\it value
variables} and {\it type variables}.
Its powerful type system is one of the key features of Cryptol. We
have encountered many aspects of types already. You may have noticed,
in functions such as \texttt{split}, that when you call a function in
Cryptol, there are two kinds of parameters you can pass: \textit{value
variables} and \textit{type variables}.
Consider the \texttt{groupBy} function that we previously examined in
Exercise \autoref{ex:poly:groupBy}. Recall that \texttt{groupBy}'s
Consider the \texttt{split} function that we previously examined in
Exercise \autoref{ex:poly:split}. Recall that \texttt{split}'s
type is:
groupBy : {each, parts, a} (fin each) =>
split : {parts, each, a} (fin each) =>
[parts * each]a -> [parts][each]a
When applying \texttt{groupBy}, one typically specifies a concrete
When applying \texttt{split}, one typically specifies a concrete
value for the formal parameter \texttt{parts}:
Cryptol> groupBy`{parts=3}[1..12]
Cryptol> split`{parts=3} [1..12]
[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]]
In this example, the term {\tt\Verb|`{parts=3}|} passes 3 to the {\tt
parts} type variable argument, and the {\tt [1..12]} is passing a
sequence as the first (and only) {\it value argument}, \texttt{elem}.
In this example, the term {\tt\Verb|`{parts=3}|} passes \texttt{3} to
the \texttt{parts} type variable argument, and the \texttt{[1..12]} is
passing a sequence as the first (and only) \textit{value argument}.
A \emph{value variable} is the kind of variable you are used to from
normal programming languages. These kinds of variable represent a
normal programming languages. This kind of variable represents a
normal run-time value.
A \emph{type variable}, on the other hand, allows you to express
@ -3024,9 +3025,8 @@ be used. To do this, use the backtick character {\tt \Verb|`|}.
The definition of the built-in {\tt width} function is a good example
of the use of backtick:
width : {bits,len,elem} (fin len, fin bits, bits >= width len) =>
[len] elem -> [bits]
width _ = `len
width : {bits, n, a} (fin n, fin bits, bits >= width n) => [n]a -> [bits]
width _ = `n