Pull Argo docs in build

This commit is contained in:
Chris Phifer 2020-11-24 11:51:01 -06:00
parent 54db4d2fd9
commit 16ee58b77d
4 changed files with 511 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
Cryptol Evaluation
All methods in this section additionally propagate server state in the
manner described in the prior section.
These methods may return :ref:`a variety of Cryptol errors
<cryptol-server-errors>`, with codes in the range of ``20000``-``29999``.
Module Management
Changing Directories
:Method name:
``change directory``
- ``directory``: The new working directory, represented as a string.
Loading Modules
:Method name:
``load module``
- ``module name``: The name of the Cryptol module to be loaded.
Loading Files
:Method name:
``load file``
- ``file``: The name of the Cryptol source file to be loaded.
Module Context
:Method name:
``focused module``
:Parameters: none
:Return fields:
- ``module``: The name of the focused module, which would be shown in the
prompt in the Cryptol REPL, or ``null`` if there is no such focused module.
- ``parameterized``: A Boolean value indicating whether the focused module is
parameterized. This field is only present when the module name is not
Evaluation and Typechecking
Evaluating Expressions
This method evaluates a Cryptol expression. The type of the expression
needs to be fully-determined and finite - that is, functions and
infinite streams are not supported, and neither is polymorphism.
:Method name:
``evaluate expression``
- ``expression``: The :ref:`JSON Cryptol expression <cryptol-json-expression>` to be evaluated
:Return fields:
- ``value``: A :ref:`JSON Cryptol expression <cryptol-json-expression>` that denotes the value
- ``type``: A :ref:`JSON Cryptol type <cryptol-json-type>` that denotes the result type
- ``type string``: A human-readable representation of the result type
Calling Functions
Note: this method may be removed in the future, because its abilities
have been subsumed by ``evaluate expression``.
This method applies a Cryptol function to some arguments. The type of
the resulting expression needs to be fully-determined and finite -
that is, functions and infinite streams are not supported, and neither
is polymorphism.
:Method name:
- ``function``: The name of a Cryptol function that is currently in scope
- ``arguments``: A list of arguments to the function, encoded as JSON
Cryptol expressions
:Return fields:
- ``value``: A :ref:`JSON Cryptol expression <cryptol-json-expression>` that denotes the value
- ``type``: A :ref:`JSON Cryptol type <cryptol-json-type>` that denotes the result type
- ``type string``: A human-readable representation of the result type
Visible Names
Return information about all names in scope.
:Method name:
``visible names``
:Parameters: none
:Return value:
A list of name information objects. Each name information object has the following
- ``name``: A human-readable representation of the name
- ``type string``: A human-readable representation of the name's type schema
- ``type``: A :ref:`JSON Cryptol type <cryptol-json-type>`
Some will additionally have the following field:
- ``documentation``: The documentation string for the name, if it is documented
Checking Types
Check the type of an expression.
:Method name:
``check type``
- ``expression``: A :ref:`JSON Cryptol expression <cryptol-json-expression>` for which a type is desired.
:Return fields:
- ``type schema``: A :ref:`JSON Cryptol type <cryptol-json-type>`
This method is not yet ready for public consumption.
Terms and Types
.. _cryptol-json-expression:
JSON Cryptol Expressions
In the API, Cryptol expressions can be represented by the following:
JSON Booleans
Represent the corresponding Cryptol Booleans
JSON Integers
Cryptol integer literals, that can be used at a variety of types
JSON Strings
Cryptol concrete syntax
JSON Objects
Objects can represent a variety of Cryptol expressions. The field
``expression`` contains a tag that can be used to determine the
remaining fields.
The tag values in objects can be:
The expression is a bitvector. Further fields are:
+ ``encoding``: Either the string ``base64`` or ``hex``, for base-64 or hexadecimal
representations of the bitvector
+ ``data``: A string containing the actual data
+ ``width``: An integer: the bit-width of the represented bit vector
The expression is a record. The field ``data`` is a JSON
object that maps record field names to :ref:`JSON Cryptol expressions <cryptol-json-expression>`.
The expression is a sequence. The field ``data`` contains a
JSON array of the elements of the sequence; each is a JSON Cryptol
The expression is a tuple. The field ``data`` contains a JSON
array of the elements of the tuple; each is a JSON Cryptol
The expression is the unit constructor, and there are no further fields.
The expression is a ``where`` binding. The fields are:
A list of binders. Each binder is an object with two fields:
- ``name``: A string that is the name to be bound, and
- ``definition``: A :ref:`JSON Cryptol expression <cryptol-json-expression>`.
A :ref:`JSON Cryptol expression <cryptol-json-expression>` in which the bound names may be used.
The expression is a function application. Further fields are:
- ``function``: A :ref:`JSON Cryptol expressions <cryptol-json-expression>`.
- ``arguments``: A JSON array of :ref:`JSON Cryptol expressions <cryptol-json-expression>`.
The expression is a type application. Further fields are:
- ``generic``: The polymorphic expression to be instantiated
- ``arguments``: A JSON object in which keys are the names of type parameters and values are :ref:`JSON Cryptol types <cryptol-json-type>`.
``integer modulo``
The expression is an integer with a modulus (the Cryptol ``Z`` type). Further fields are:
- ``integer``: A JSON number, representing the integer
- ``modulus``: A JSON number, representing the modulus
.. _cryptol-json-type:
JSON Cryptol Types
JSON representations of types are type schemas. A type schema has
three fields:
Contains an array of objects. Each object has two fields: ``name``
is the name of a type variable, and ``kind`` is its kind. There
are four kind formers: the string ``Type`` represents ordinary
datatypes, the string ``Num`` is the kind of numbers, and
``Prop`` is the kind of propositions. Arrow kinds are represented
by objects in which the field ``kind`` is the string ``arrow``,
and the fields ``from`` and ``to`` are the kinds on the left and
right side of the arrow, respectively.
A JSON array of the constraints in the type.
The type in which the variables from ``forall`` are in scope and
the constraints in ``propositions`` are in effect.
Concrete Types
Types are represented as JSON objects. The ``type`` field contains one of the following tags (represented as JSON strings):
The type is a type variable. The remaining fields are ``name``,
which contains the variable's name, and ``kind``, which contains
its kind (represented as in the ``forall`` section). When providing
types to Cryptol, the ``kind`` field should be elided, and type synonyms
may be provided with arguments through an optional ``arguments`` field.
The type is a record type. The remaining field is ``fields``,
which contains a JSON object whose keys are the names of fields and
whose values are the fields' types.
The type is a number. The field ``value`` contains the number
The type is the infinite number. There are no further fields.
The type is the bit type. There are no further fields.
The type is the integer type. There are no further fields.
The type is the rational number type. There are no further fields.
The type is integers modulo another value. The field ``modulus``
contains the modulus, which is a type.
The type is a bitvector. The field ``width`` contains the number
of bits, which is a type.
The type is a sequence. The field ``length`` contains the length
of the sequence (a type), and the field ``contents`` contains the
type of entries in the sequence.
The type is a function type. The fields ``domain`` and ``range``
contain the domain and range types.
The type is the unit type. There are no further fields.
The type is a tuple. The field ``contents`` is a JSON array
containing the types of the projections from the tuple.
One of ``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``/``, ``%``, ``^^``, ``width``, ``min``, ``max``, ``/^``, ``%^``, ``lengthFromThenTo``
The type is an application of the indicated type function. The
arguments are contained in the ``arguments`` field, as a JSON
Propositions/constraints have the key ``prop``, mapped to one of the
following tags:
Equality. The equated terms are in the ``left`` and ``right``
Inequality. The disequated terms are in the ``left`` and
``right`` fields.
Greater than. The greater type is in the ``greater`` field and the
lesser type is in the ``lesser`` field.
Finitude. The finite type is in the ``subject`` field.
The selector is in the ``selector`` field, the type that has this
selector is in the ``type`` field, and the type expected for the
projection is in the ``is`` field.
``Arith``, ``Cmp``, ``SignedCmp``, ``Zero``, ``Logic``
The type that has these operations defined is in the ``subject``
The size is in the ``size`` field, and the type is in the
``subject`` field.
There are no further fields.
The conjuncts are in the ``left`` and ``right`` fields.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
Errors returned by the JSON-RPC API
The JSON-RPC spec reserves the following error codes:
+ ``-32602``: “Invalid params” (for this particular known method)
+ ``-32700``: “Parse error” (i.e. invalid JSON)
+ ``-32601``: “Method not found”
+ ``-32600``: “Invalid request”
+ ``-32603``: “Internal error”
In the case where an error is returned and a ``data`` object is attached, it
MUST be a JSON object. It MAY contain a ``path`` field which, if present, MUST
be a string referencing a specific file to which the error pertains. It MAY also
contain a ``warnings`` field which, if present, MUST be a JSON list of warnings
which occurred alongside this error.
Specific errors are free to define all other fields of the ``data`` object to
hold data of their choice specific to the error at hand. In the lists of errors
below, informal JSON schemata will be used to describe the format of these
additional fields, omitting the mention of the ``path`` and ``warnings`` fields.
A client SHOULD expect that these fields may be present or absent from the
error response to any given request to the API.
Errors in the Argo Protocol Layer (``1````9999``)
If the client is correctly following the JSON-RPC spec but failing to conform to
the protocol of the state-caching Argo service, some errors may be thrown
specific to that.
State field (``1````99``)
- ``10``: “Missing state field”
- ``20``: “Invalid state field” ``{ state: <JSON>, error: String }``
.. _saw-server-errors:
SAW Server Errors (``10000````19999``)
The SAW server uses the same errors as the Cryptol server for Cryptol errors
(that is, when a Cryptol error occurs it should be directly returned as such,
which will have a code outside this range).
An error in this range should be considered a bug in a client: a client
correctly interacting with the Argo API should never see these errors, and they
are indicative that the client is doing something wrong.
Server value errors (``10000````10099``)
- ``10000``: “No server value with name \____\_” ``{ name: String }``
- ``10010``: “The server value with name \____\_ is not a Cryptol environment”
``{ name: String }``
- ``10020``: “The server value with name \____\_ is not an LLVM module”
``{name: String }``
- ``10030``: “The server value with name \____\_ is not an LLVM setup script”
``{ name: String }``
- ``10040``: “The server value with name \____\_ is not an LLVM setup value”
``{ name: String }``
- ``10050``: “The server value with name \____\_ is not an LLVM method
``{ name: String }``
- ``10080``: “The server value with name \____\_ is not a JVM class”
``{ name: String }``
- ``10090``: “The server value with name \____\_ is not a JVM method
``{ name: String }``
Setup errors (``10100````10199``)
- ``10100``: “Not currently setting up Cryptol”
- ``10110``: “Not currently setting up Crucible/LLVM”
- ``10120``: “Not at top level” ``{ tasks: [String] }``
Loading and filesystem errors (``10200````10299``)
- ``10200``: “Cant load LLVM module” ``{ error: String }``
Verification errors (``10300````19999``)
- ``10300``: Verification exception ``{ error: String }``. This error will be
likely split into several specific separate errors in the future and possibly
Cryptol errors (``11000``, to be deprecated)
- ``11000``: Cryptol exception ``{ error: String }``. This error will be
deprecated in a future release and Cryptol errors will instead be reported
identically to the manner described below for the Cryptol-only server.
.. _cryptol-server-errors:
Cryptol Server Errors (``20000````29999``)
Parse, print, and load errors (``20000````20199``)
- ``20000``: “There was a Cryptol parse error”
``{ error: String, input: String }`` (the input is rendered as
literal string)
- ``20010``: “Bad UTF-8” ``{ path: String, error: String }``
- ``20020``: “Invalid Base64” ``{ input: String }``
- ``20030``: “Not a hex digit” ``{ input: String }``
- ``20040``: “Cant convert Cryptol data from this type to JSON”
``{ type: <JSON>, "type string": String }`` where the JSON object for ``type``
is a :ref:`JSON Cryptol type <cryptol-json-type>`.
- ``20050``: “Cant find file” ``{ path: String }``
- ``20051``: “Cant find directory ``{ path: String }`` (this is for
the ``ChangeDir`` method)
- ``20060``: “Other IO error” ``{ path: String, error: String }``
Evaluation errors (``20200````20499``)
- ``20200``: “Cant evaluate at polymorphic type”
``{ type: <JSON>, "type string": String }`` where the JSON object for ``type``
is a :ref:`JSON Cryptol type <cryptol-json-type>`.
- ``20210``: “Execution would have required these defaults”
``{ defaults: [ { parameter: String, type: <JSON> "type string": String } ] }``
where the JSON object for ``type`` is a
:ref:`JSON Cryptol type <cryptol-json-type>`.
- ``20220``: “Cant evaluate Cryptol in a parameterized module”
``{ modules: [String] }``
- ``20230``: “Prover error” ``{ error: String }``
Module errors (``20500````20699``)
- ``20500``: “Module not found” ``{ source: String, path: String }``
- ``20540``: “Module parse error” ``{ source: String, error: String }``
- ``20550``: “Recursive modules” ``{ modules: [String] }``
- ``20600``: “Module name mismatch”
``{ expected: String, found: String }``
- ``20610``: “Duplicate module name”
``{ name: String, paths: [String, String] (2-element list) }``
- ``20630``: “Imported parameterized module” ``{ module: String }``
- ``20640``: “Failed to parameterize module defs”
``{ module: String, parameters: [String] }``
- ``20650``: “Not a parameterized module” ``{ module: String }``
Type errors (``20700````29999``)
- ``20700``: “Renamer error(s)”
``{ source: String, errors: [String] }``
- ``20710``: “No pat errors” ``{ source: String, errors: [String] }``
- ``20720``: “No include errors”
``{ source: String, errors: [String] }``
- ``20730``: “Typechecking failed”
``{ source: String, errors: [String] }`` (could be split in future
into many separate errors)
- ``29999``: “Other failure” ``{ error: String }``

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@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build
BUILDDIR = _build
# Documentation taken from Argo
# Edit ARGODOCS if the dependency path changes; add reST files to ARGODEPS
# that live in Argo but are needed here
ARGODOCS = ../../deps/argo/docs
ARGODEPS = Protocol.rst
# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
@ -17,4 +23,6 @@ help:
# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
%: Makefile
cp $(foreach d,$(ARGODEPS),$(ARGODOCS)/$(d)) .

View File

@ -3,13 +3,16 @@
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
Welcome to Cryptol Remote API's documentation!
Cryptol Remote API
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:maxdepth: 3
:caption: Contents:
Protocol Overview <Protocol>
Cryptol Evaluation <Cryptol>
Indices and tables