Merge public and private in interfaces. One may consult IfaceNames to determine what's public

This commit is contained in:
Iavor Diatchki 2022-06-09 10:56:37 -07:00
parent 2a8391d02e
commit 1cfe50850b
9 changed files with 38 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ ifaceNamesToMod iface params names =
defs = ifsDefines names
isLocal x = x `Set.member` defs
decls = filterIfaceDecls isLocal (ifPublic iface <> ifPrivate iface)
decls = filterIfaceDecls isLocal (ifDefines iface)
ifaceSigToMod :: ModParamNames -> Mod ()

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@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ loadedNonParamModules = map lmModule . lmLoadedModules . meLoadedModules
loadedNewtypes :: ModuleEnv -> Map Name T.Newtype
loadedNewtypes menv = Map.unions
[ ifNewtypes (ifPublic i) <> ifNewtypes (ifPrivate i)
[ ifNewtypes (ifDefines i) <> ifNewtypes (ifDefines i)
| i <- map lmInterface (getLoadedModules (meLoadedModules menv))
@ -226,12 +226,14 @@ modContextOf mname me =
do lm <- lookupModule mname me
let localIface = lmInterface lm
localNames = lmNamingEnv lm
loadedDecls = map (ifPublic . lmInterface)
-- XXX: do we want only public ones here?
loadedDecls = map (ifDefines . lmInterface)
$ getLoadedModules (meLoadedModules me)
pure ModContext
{ mctxParams = ifParams localIface
, mctxExported = ifaceDeclsNames (ifPublic localIface)
, mctxDecls = mconcat (ifPrivate localIface : loadedDecls)
, mctxExported = ifsPublic (ifNames localIface)
, mctxDecls = mconcat (ifDefines localIface : loadedDecls)
, mctxNames = localNames
, mctxNameDisp = R.toNameDisp localNames

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@ -48,13 +48,12 @@ import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Type
type Iface = IfaceG ModName
-- | The resulting interface generated by a module that has been typechecked.
-- | The interface repersenting a typecheck top-level module.
data IfaceG name = Iface
{ ifNames :: IfaceNames name -- ^ Info about names in this module
, ifParams :: FunctorParams -- ^ Module parameters, if any
, ifPublic :: IfaceDecls -- ^ Exported definitions
, ifPrivate :: IfaceDecls
-- ^ Private definitions. We keep those so that we can browse them.
, ifParams :: FunctorParams -- ^ Module parameters, if any
, ifDefines :: IfaceDecls -- ^ All things defines in the module
-- (includes nested definitions)
} deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
ifaceForgetName :: IfaceG name -> IfaceG ()
@ -83,9 +82,8 @@ emptyIface nm = Iface
, ifsPublic = mempty
, ifsNested = mempty
, ifPublic = mempty
, ifPrivate = mempty
, ifParams = mempty
, ifDefines = mempty
-- | Declarations in a module. Note that this includes things from nested
@ -180,14 +178,7 @@ data IfaceDecl = IfaceDecl
-- NOTE: the map will expose /both/ public and private names.
ifacePrimMap :: Iface -> PrimMap
ifacePrimMap Iface { .. } =
PrimMap { primDecls = merge primDecls
, primTypes = merge primTypes }
merge f = Map.union (f public) (f private)
public = ifaceDeclsPrimMap ifPublic
private = ifaceDeclsPrimMap ifPrivate
ifacePrimMap = ifaceDeclsPrimMap . ifDefines
ifaceDeclsPrimMap :: IfaceDecls -> PrimMap
ifaceDeclsPrimMap IfaceDecls { .. } =

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@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ recordImport r i =
| ifaceIsFunctor iface ->
recordError (ModuleKindMismatch r i AModule AFunctor)
| otherwise ->
RenameM $ sets_ \s -> s { rwExternalDeps = ifPublic iface <>
RenameM $ sets_ \s -> s { rwExternalDeps = ifDefines iface <>
rwExternalDeps s }

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@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ prepareQuery evo ProverCommand{..} =
let m = tcTopEntityToModule ent
let decls = mDecls m
let nms = fst <$> Map.toList (M.ifDecls (M.ifPublic (M.genIface m)))
let nms = fst <$> Map.toList (M.ifDecls (M.ifDefines (M.genIface m)))
let ds = Map.fromList [ (prelPrim (identText (M.nameIdent nm)), EWhere (EVar nm) decls) | nm <- nms ]
pure ds

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@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ prepareQuery sym ProverCommand { .. } = do
ds <- do (_mp, ent) <- M.loadModuleFrom True (M.FromModule preludeReferenceName)
let m = tcTopEntityToModule ent
let decls = mDecls m
let nms = fst <$> Map.toList (M.ifDecls (M.ifPublic (M.genIface m)))
let nms = fst <$> Map.toList (M.ifDecls (M.ifDefines (M.genIface m)))
let ds = Map.fromList [ (prelPrim (identText (M.nameIdent nm)), EWhere (EVar nm) decls) | nm <- nms ]
pure ds

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@ -54,49 +54,23 @@ genIface m = genIfaceWithNames (genIfaceNames m) m
genIfaceWithNames :: IfaceNames name -> ModuleG ignored -> IfaceG name
genIfaceWithNames names m =
{ ifNames = names
{ ifNames = names
, ifPublic = IfaceDecls
{ ifTySyns = tsPub
, ifNewtypes = ntPub
, ifAbstractTypes = atPub
, ifDecls = dPub
, ifModules = mPub
, ifSignatures = sPub
, ifFunctors = fPub
, ifPrivate = IfaceDecls
{ ifTySyns = tsPriv
, ifNewtypes = ntPriv
, ifAbstractTypes = atPriv
, ifDecls = dPriv
, ifModules = mPriv
, ifSignatures = sPriv
, ifFunctors = fPriv
, ifDefines = IfaceDecls
{ ifTySyns = mTySyns m
, ifNewtypes = mNewtypes m
, ifAbstractTypes = mPrimTypes m
, ifDecls = Map.fromList [ (qn,mkIfaceDecl d)
| dg <- mDecls m
, d <- groupDecls dg
, let qn = dName d
, ifModules = mSubmodules m
, ifSignatures = mSignatures m
, ifFunctors = genIface <$> mFunctors m
, ifParams = mParams m
pub = ifsPublic names
isPub qn _ = qn `Set.member` pub
(tsPub,tsPriv) = Map.partitionWithKey isPub (mTySyns m)
(ntPub,ntPriv) = Map.partitionWithKey isPub (mNewtypes m)
(atPub,atPriv) = Map.partitionWithKey isPub (mPrimTypes m)
(dPub,dPriv) =
Map.partitionWithKey isPub
$ Map.fromList [ (qn,mkIfaceDecl d) | dg <- mDecls m
, d <- groupDecls dg
, let qn = dName d
(mPub,mPriv) = Map.partitionWithKey isPub (mSubmodules m)
(sPub,sPriv) = Map.partitionWithKey isPub (mSignatures m)
(fPub,fPriv) = Map.partitionWithKey isPub (genIface <$> mFunctors m)

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@ -144,7 +144,8 @@ checkArg (r,expect,actual) =
localNames = ifsDefines (ifNames actual)
isLocal x = x `Set.member` localNames
decls = filterIfaceDecls isLocal (ifPublic actual)
decls = filterIfaceDecls isLocal (ifDefines actual)
-- XXX: check that the name is public
-- Available type names
tyMap = Map.unions [ nameMapToIdentMap fromTS (ifTySyns decls)

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@ -681,8 +681,12 @@ lookupVar x =
do mb1 <- Map.lookup x . iBindTypes <$> IM get
case mb1 of
Just a -> pure (ExtVar a)
Nothing -> panic "lookupVar" [ "Undefined vairable"
, show x ]
Nothing ->
do mp <- IM $ asks iVars
panic "lookupVar" $ [ "Undefined vairable"
, show x
] ++ map (show . pp) (Map.keys mp)
-- | Lookup a type variable. Return `Nothing` if there is no such variable
-- in scope, in which case we must be dealing with a type constant.
@ -770,7 +774,7 @@ lookupModule iname =
pure (fromMb
do iface <- snd <$> mb
names <- Map.lookup m
(If.ifModules (If.ifPublic iface))
(If.ifModules (If.ifDefines iface))
pure iface
{ If.ifNames = names { If.ifsName = () } })