Squash warnings and improve comments.

This commit is contained in:
Robert Dockins 2016-07-13 11:27:30 -07:00
parent 73d6a68c67
commit 1e57a2dfc7
4 changed files with 182 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.InfNat(Nat'(..))
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident)
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
--import Cryptol.Prims.Eval
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fix
@ -60,6 +59,9 @@ moduleEnv :: EvalPrims b w
-> Eval (GenEvalEnv b w)
moduleEnv m env = evalDecls (mDecls m) =<< evalNewtypes (mNewtypes m) env
-- | Evaluate a Cryptol expression to a value. This evaluator is parameterized
-- by the `EvalPrims` class, which defines the behavior of bits and words, in
-- addition to providing implementations for all the primitives.
evalExpr :: EvalPrims b w
=> GenEvalEnv b w
-> Expr
@ -69,6 +71,8 @@ evalExpr env expr = case expr of
-- Try to detect when the user has directly written a finite sequence of
-- literal bit values and pack these into a word.
EList es ty
-- NB, even if the list cannot be packed, we must use `VWord`
-- when the element type is `Bit`.
| isTBit tyv -> {-# SCC "evalExpr->Elist/bit" #-}
return $ VWord len $ return $
case tryFromBits vs of
@ -209,6 +213,16 @@ evalDeclGroup env dg = do
evalDecl env env d
-- | This operation is used to complete the process of setting up recursive declaration
-- groups. It 'backfills' previously-allocated thunk values with the actual evaluation
-- procedure for the body of recursive definitions.
-- In order to faithfully evaluate the nonstrict semantics of Cryptol, we have to take some
-- care in this process. In particular, we need to ensure that every recursive definition
-- binding is indistinguishable from it's eta-expanded form. The straightforward solution
-- to this is to force an eta-expansion procedure on all recursive definitions.
-- However, for the so-called 'Value' types we can instead optimisticly use the 'delayFill'
-- operation and only fall back on full eta expansion if the thunk is double-forced.
fillHole :: BitWord b w
=> GenEvalEnv b w
-> (Name, Schema, Eval (GenValue b w), Eval (GenValue b w) -> Eval ())
@ -221,6 +235,11 @@ fillHole env (nm, sch, _, fill) = do
| otherwise -> fill (etaDelay (show (ppLocName nm)) env sch x)
-- | 'Value' types are non-polymorphic types recursive constructed from
-- bits, finite sequences, tuples and records. Types of this form can
-- be implemented rather more efficently than general types because we can
-- rely on the 'delayFill' operation to build a thunk that falls back on performing
-- eta-expansion rather than doing it eagerly.
isValueType :: GenEvalEnv b w -> Schema -> Bool
isValueType env Forall{ sVars = [], sProps = [], sType = t0 }
= go (evalValType (envTypes env) t0)
@ -234,6 +253,7 @@ isValueType env Forall{ sVars = [], sProps = [], sType = t0 }
isValueType _ _ = False
-- | Eta-expand a word value. This forces an unpacked word representation.
etaWord :: BitWord b w
=> Integer
-> Eval (GenValue b w)
@ -244,6 +264,12 @@ etaWord n x = do
do w' <- w; indexWordValue w' (toInteger i)
-- | Given a simulator value and it's type, fully eta-expand the value. This
-- is a type-directed pass that always produces a canonical value of the
-- expected shape. Eta expansion of values is sometimes necessary to ensure
-- the correct evaluation semantics of recursive definitions. Otherwise,
-- expressions that should be expected to produce well-defined values in the
-- denotational semantics will fail to terminate instead.
etaDelay :: BitWord b w
=> String
-> GenEvalEnv b w
@ -517,5 +543,6 @@ evalMatch lenv m = case m of
f env =
case dDefinition d of
-- Primitives here should never happen, I think...
-- perhaps this should be converted to an error.
DPrim -> return $ evalPrim d
DExpr e -> evalExpr env e

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@ -10,16 +10,25 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
module Cryptol.Eval.Monad where
-- Eval(..)
-- , runEval
-- , io
-- , delay
-- , ready
-- , blackhole
-- ) where
module Cryptol.Eval.Monad
( -- * Evaluation monad
, runEval
, io
, delay
, delayFill
, ready
, blackhole
-- * Error repoprting
, EvalError(..)
, evalPanic
, typeCannotBeDemoted
, divideByZero
, wordTooWide
, cryUserError
, cryLoopError
, invalidIndex
) where
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad
@ -38,17 +47,23 @@ import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST(Type)
ready :: a -> Eval a
ready a = Ready a
-- | The monad for Cryptol evaluation.
data Eval a
= Ready !a
| Thunk !(IO a)
data ThunkState a
= Unforced
| BlackHole
| Forced !a
= Unforced -- ^ This thunk has not yet been forced
| BlackHole -- ^ This thunk is currently being evaluated
| Forced !a -- ^ This thunk has previously been forced, and has the given value
{-# INLINE delay #-}
delay :: Maybe String -> Eval a -> Eval (Eval a)
-- | Delay the given evaluation computation, returning a thunk
-- which will run the computation when forced. Raise a loop
-- error if the resulting thunk is forced during it's own evaluation.
delay :: Maybe String -- ^ Optional name to print if a loop is detected
-> Eval a -- ^ Computation to delay
-> Eval (Eval a)
delay _ (Ready a) = Ready (Ready a)
delay msg (Thunk x) = Thunk $ do
let msg' = maybe "" ("while evaluating "++) msg
@ -57,13 +72,25 @@ delay msg (Thunk x) = Thunk $ do
return $ unDelay retry r x
{-# INLINE delayFill #-}
delayFill :: Eval a -> Eval a -> Eval (Eval a)
-- | Delay the given evaluation computation, returning a thunk
-- which will run the computation when forced. Run the 'retry'
-- computation instead if the resulting thunk is forced during
-- it's own evaluation.
delayFill :: Eval a -- ^ Computation to delay
-> Eval a -- ^ Backup computation to run if a tight loop is detected
-> Eval (Eval a)
delayFill (Ready x) _ = Ready (Ready x)
delayFill (Thunk x) retry = Thunk $ do
r <- newIORef Unforced
return $ unDelay retry r x
blackhole :: String -> Eval (Eval a, Eval a -> Eval ())
-- | Produce a thunk value which can be filled with its associcated computation
-- after the fact. A preallocated thunk is returned, along with an operation to
-- fill the thunk with the associated computation.
-- This is used to implement recursive declaration groups.
blackhole :: String -- ^ A name to associated with this thunk.
-> Eval (Eval a, Eval a -> Eval ())
blackhole msg = do
r <- io $ newIORef (fail msg)
let get = join (io $ readIORef r)

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Cryptol.Eval.Monad
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.InfNat
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident,mkIdent)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident)
import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
@ -23,12 +24,8 @@
module Cryptol.Eval.Value where
import Data.Bits
import Data.IORef
--import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import MonadLib
@ -42,10 +39,7 @@ import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident,mkIdent)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
--import Control.Monad (guard, zipWithM)
import Data.List(genericLength, genericIndex)
import Data.Bits (setBit,testBit,(.&.),shiftL)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Numeric (showIntAtBase)
@ -57,7 +51,7 @@ import qualified Data.Cache.LRU.IO as LRU
-- Values ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | width, value
-- | Concrete bitvector values: width, value
-- Invariant: The value must be within the range 0 .. 2^width-1
data BV = BV !Integer !Integer deriving (Generic, NFData)
@ -81,39 +75,60 @@ bvVal (BV _w x) = x
mkBv :: Integer -> Integer -> BV
mkBv w i = BV w (mask w i)
-- | A sequence map represents a mapping from nonnegative integer indices
-- to values. These are used to represent both finite and infinite sequences.
newtype SeqMap b w = SeqMap { lookupSeqMap :: Integer -> Eval (GenValue b w) }
type SeqValMap = SeqMap Bool BV
instance NFData (SeqMap b w) where
rnf x = seq x ()
-- | Generate a finite sequence map from a list of values
finiteSeqMap :: [Eval (GenValue b w)] -> Eval (SeqMap b w)
finiteSeqMap xs = do
memoMap (SeqMap $ \i -> genericIndex xs i)
-- | Generate an infinite sequence map from a stream of values
infiniteSeqMap :: [Eval (GenValue b w)] -> Eval (SeqMap b w)
infiniteSeqMap xs =
memoMap (SeqMap $ \i -> genericIndex xs i)
-- | Create a finite list of length `n` of the values from [0..n-1] in
-- the given the sequence emap.
enumerateSeqMap :: (Integral n) => n -> SeqMap b w -> [Eval (GenValue b w)]
enumerateSeqMap n m = [ lookupSeqMap m i | i <- [0 .. (toInteger n)-1] ]
-- | Create an infinite stream of all the values in a sequence map
streamSeqMap :: SeqMap b w -> [Eval (GenValue b w)]
streamSeqMap m = [ lookupSeqMap m i | i <- [0..] ]
reverseSeqMap :: Integer -> SeqMap b w -> SeqMap b w
-- | Reverse the order of a finite sequence map
reverseSeqMap :: Integer -- ^ Size of the sequence map
-> SeqMap b w
-> SeqMap b w
reverseSeqMap n vals = SeqMap $ \i -> lookupSeqMap vals (n - 1 - i)
-- | Given a number `n` and a sequence map, return two new sequence maps:
-- the first containing the values from `[0..n-1]` and the next containing
-- the values from `n` onward.
splitSeqMap :: Integer -> SeqMap b w -> (SeqMap b w, SeqMap b w)
splitSeqMap n xs = (hd,tl)
hd = xs
tl = SeqMap $ \i -> lookupSeqMap xs (i+n)
-- | Given a sequence map, return a new sequence map that is memoized using
-- fixed sized memo table. The memo table is managed using a Least-Recently-Used
-- (LRU) cache eviction policy.
-- Currently, the cache size is fixed at 64 elements.
-- This seems to provide a good compromize between memory useage and effective
-- memoization.
memoMap :: SeqMap b w -> Eval (SeqMap b w)
memoMap x = do
-- TODO: make the size of the LRU cache a tuneable parameter...
lru <- io $ LRU.newAtomicLRU (Just 64)
let lruSize = 64
lru <- io $ LRU.newAtomicLRU (Just lruSize)
return $ SeqMap $ memo lru
@ -128,6 +143,8 @@ memoMap x = do
io $ LRU.insert i v lru
return v
-- | Apply the given evaluation function pointwise to the two given
-- sequence maps.
zipSeqMap :: (GenValue b w -> GenValue b w -> Eval (GenValue b w))
-> SeqMap b w
-> SeqMap b w
@ -135,30 +152,48 @@ zipSeqMap :: (GenValue b w -> GenValue b w -> Eval (GenValue b w))
zipSeqMap f x y =
memoMap (SeqMap $ \i -> join (f <$> lookupSeqMap x i <*> lookupSeqMap y i))
-- | Apply the given function to each value in the given sequence map
mapSeqMap :: (GenValue b w -> Eval (GenValue b w))
-> SeqMap b w -> Eval (SeqMap b w)
mapSeqMap f x =
memoMap (SeqMap $ \i -> f =<< lookupSeqMap x i)
-- | For efficency reasons, we handle finite sequences of bits as special cases
-- in the evaluator. In cases where we know it is safe to do so, we prefer to
-- used a "packed word" representation of bit sequences. This allows us to rely
-- directly on Integer types (in the concrete evalautor) and SBV's Word types (in
-- the symbolic simulator).
-- However, if we cannot be sure all the bits of the sequence
-- will eventually be forced, we must instead rely on an explicit sequence of bits
-- representation.
data WordValue b w
= WordVal !w
| BitsVal !(Seq.Seq (Eval b))
= WordVal !w -- ^ Packed word representation for bit sequences.
| BitsVal !(Seq.Seq (Eval b)) -- ^ Sequence of thunks representing bits.
deriving (Generic, NFData)
-- | Force a word value into packed word form
asWordVal :: BitWord b w => WordValue b w -> Eval w
asWordVal (WordVal w) = return w
asWordVal (BitsVal bs) = packWord <$> sequence (Fold.toList bs)
-- | Force a word value into a sequence of bits
asBitsVal :: BitWord b w => WordValue b w -> Seq.Seq (Eval b)
asBitsVal (WordVal w) = Seq.fromList $ map ready $ unpackWord w
asBitsVal (BitsVal bs) = bs
-- | Select an individual bit from a word value
indexWordValue :: BitWord b w => WordValue b w -> Integer -> Eval b
indexWordValue (WordVal w) idx = return $ genericIndex (unpackWord w) idx
indexWordValue (BitsVal bs) idx = Seq.index bs (fromInteger idx)
-- | Generic value type, parameterized by bit and word types.
-- NOTE: we maintain an important invariant regarding sequence types.
-- `VSeq` must never be used for finite sequences of bits.
-- Always use the `VWord` constructor instead! Infinite sequences of bits
-- are handled by the `VStream` constructor, just as for other types.
data GenValue b w
= VRecord ![(Ident, Eval (GenValue b w))] -- @ { .. } @
| VTuple ![Eval (GenValue b w)] -- @ ( .. ) @
@ -173,16 +208,18 @@ data GenValue b w
deriving (Generic, NFData)
-- | Force the evaluation of a word value
forceWordValue :: WordValue b w -> Eval ()
forceWordValue (WordVal w) = return ()
forceWordValue (WordVal _w) = return ()
forceWordValue (BitsVal bs) = mapM_ (\b -> const () <$> b) bs
-- | Force the evaluation of a value
forceValue :: GenValue b w -> Eval ()
forceValue v = case v of
VRecord fs -> mapM_ (\x -> forceValue =<< snd x) fs
VTuple xs -> mapM_ (forceValue =<<) xs
VSeq n xs -> mapM_ (forceValue =<<) (enumerateSeqMap n xs)
VBit b -> return ()
VBit _b -> return ()
VWord _ wv -> forceWordValue =<< wv
VStream _ -> return ()
VFun _ -> return ()
@ -297,63 +334,104 @@ ppBV opts (BV width i)
digits = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-- Big-endian Words ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | This type class defines a collection of operations on bits and words that
-- are necessary to define generic evaluator primitives that operate on both concrete
-- and symbolic values uniformly.
class BitWord b w | b -> w, w -> b where
-- | Pretty-print an individual bit
ppBit :: b -> Doc
-- | Pretty-print a word value
ppWord :: PPOpts -> w -> Doc
-- | Attempt to render a word value as an ASCII character. Return `Nothing`
-- if the character value is unknown (e.g., for symbolic values).
wordAsChar :: w -> Maybe Char
-- | The number of bits in a word value.
wordLen :: w -> Integer
-- | Construct a literal bit value from a boolean.
bitLit :: Bool -> b
wordLit :: Integer -> Integer -> w
-- | NOTE this assumes that the sequence of bits is big-endian and finite, so the
-- first element of the list will be the most significant bit.
-- | Construct a literal word value given a bit width and a value.
wordLit :: Integer -- ^ Width
-> Integer -- ^ Value
-> w
-- | Construct a word value from a finite sequence of bits.
-- NOTE: this assumes that the sequence of bits is big-endian and finite, so the
-- first element of the list will be the most significant bit.
packWord :: [b] -> w
-- | NOTE this produces a list of bits that represent a big-endian word, so the
-- most significant bit is the first element of the list.
-- | Deconstruct a packed word value in to a finite sequence of bits.
-- NOTE: this produces a list of bits that represent a big-endian word, so
-- the most significant bit is the first element of the list.
unpackWord :: w -> [b]
-- | NOTE first argument represents the more-significant bits
-- | Concatenate the two given word values.
-- NOTE: the first argument represents the more-significant bits
joinWord :: w -> w -> w
-- | Take the most-significant bits, and return
-- those bits and the remainder. The first element
-- of the pair is the most significant bits.
-- The two integer sizes must sum to the length of the given word value.
splitWord :: Integer -- ^ left width
-> Integer -- ^ right width
-> w
-> (w, w)
-- | Extract a subsequence of bits from a packed word value.
-- The first integer argument is the number of bits in the
-- resulting word. The second integer argument is the
-- number of less-significant digits to discard. Stated another
-- way, the operation `extractWord n i w` is equivelant to
-- first shifting `w` right by `i` bits, and then truncating to
-- `n` bits.
extractWord :: Integer -- ^ Number of bits to take
-> Integer -- ^ starting bit
-> w
-> w
-- | 2's complement addition of packed words. The arguments must have
-- equal bit width, and the result is of the same width. Overflow is silently
-- discarded.
wordPlus :: w -> w -> w
-- | 2's complement subtraction of packed words. The arguments must have
-- equal bit width, and the result is of the same width. Overflow is silently
-- discarded.
wordMinus :: w -> w -> w
-- | 2's complement multiplication of packed words. The arguments must have
-- equal bit width, and the result is of the same width. The high bits of the
-- multiplication are silently discarded.
wordMult :: w -> w -> w
-- | This class defines additional operations necessary to define generic evaluation
-- functions.
class BitWord b w => EvalPrims b w where
-- | Eval prim binds primitive declarations to the primitive values that implement them.
evalPrim :: Decl -> GenValue b w
iteValue :: b
-> Eval (GenValue b w)
-> Eval (GenValue b w)
-- | if/then/else operation. Choose either the 'then' value or the 'else' value depending
-- on the value of the test bit.
iteValue :: b -- ^ Test bit
-> Eval (GenValue b w) -- ^ 'then' value
-> Eval (GenValue b w) -- ^ 'else' value
-> Eval (GenValue b w)
-- Concrete Big-endian Words ------------------------------------------------------------
mask :: Integer -- ^ Bit-width
-> Integer -- ^ Value
-> Integer -- ^ Masked result
mask w i | w >= Arch.maxBigIntWidth = wordTooWide w
| otherwise = i .&. ((1 `shiftL` fromInteger w) - 1)
instance BitWord Bool BV where
wordLen (BV w _) = w
wordAsChar (BV _ x) = Just $ integerToChar x
@ -371,9 +449,9 @@ instance BitWord Bool BV where
w = case length bits of
len | toInteger len >= Arch.maxBigIntWidth -> wordTooWide (toInteger len)
| otherwise -> len
a = foldl set 0 (zip [w - 1, w - 2 .. 0] bits)
set acc (n,b) | b = setBit acc n
| otherwise = acc
a = foldl setb 0 (zip [w - 1, w - 2 .. 0] bits)
setb acc (n,b) | b = setBit acc n
| otherwise = acc
unpackWord (BV w a) = [ testBit a n | n <- [w' - 1, w' - 2 .. 0] ]
@ -496,6 +574,9 @@ vWordLen val = case val of
VWord n _wv -> Just n
_ -> Nothing
-- | If the given list of values are all fully-evaluated thunks
-- containing bits, return a packed word built from the same bits.
-- However, if any value is not a fully-evaluated bit, return `Nothing`.
tryFromBits :: BitWord b w => [Eval (GenValue b w)] -> Maybe w
tryFromBits = go id