Rename prelude function width to length, and generalize its type.

Fixes #550.
This commit is contained in:
Brian Huffman 2018-10-10 16:21:38 -07:00
parent a8eab11b31
commit 20b9b1c193
19 changed files with 31 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -1168,10 +1168,10 @@ AeadCT = ChaCha20EncryptBytes AeadPt AeadKey AeadNonce 1
AeadPolyKey = GeneratePolyKeyUsingChaCha AeadKey (AeadC # AeadIV) 0
ADleLen : [8][8]
ADleLen = groupBy`{8}(littleendian (groupBy`{8}((width AeadAAD):[64])))
ADleLen = groupBy`{8}(littleendian (groupBy`{8}((length AeadAAD):[64])))
CTleLen : [8][8]
CTleLen = groupBy`{8}(littleendian (groupBy`{8}((width AeadCT):[64])))
CTleLen = groupBy`{8}(littleendian (groupBy`{8}((length AeadCT):[64])))
AeadTag = Poly1305 AeadPolyKey (AeadConstruction AeadAAD AeadCT)

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ des pt keys = (swap (split lst)) @@ FPz
iv = [ round (k, split lr)
| k <- keys
| lr <- [pt'] # iv ]
lst = iv @ (width keys - 1)
lst = iv @ (length keys - 1)
round : ([48],[2][32]) -> [64]
round (k, [l, r]) = r # (l ^ f (r, k))

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@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ pad msg =
msg # [True] # zero # htonll sz
sz : [64]
sz = width msg
sz = length msg

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@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ The minilock file format is a concatenation of the magic, header length field, h
-> [ctBytes][8]
-> [8 + 4 + 89 + (DecryptInfoSize + 1) * nrRecip + ctBytes - 1][8]
mkMiniLock rs senderKeys ephemKeys fileInfo ct =
magic # put32le (width header) # header # ct
magic # put32le (length header) # header # ct
header = mkHeader rs senderKeys ephemKeys fileInfo

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
/** Pick some permutation F (here we select one at random) */
F = (generate_random_permutation 1942611697)
property is_a_permutation a = (unique a) /\ (leq a (width(a)-1))
property is_a_permutation a = (unique a) /\ (leq a (length(a)-1))
// Main> is_a_permutation (F:[10][4])
// True

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@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ field s = new
* keep the center column of the second.
sha30: Seg -> Seg
sha30 s = take`{0x80} (drop`{0x80} [ r @ ((((width r) / 2)-1):[8]) | r <- field s])
sha30 s = take`{0x80} (drop`{0x80} [ r @ ((((length r) / 2)-1):[8]) | r <- field s])

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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
x : [8]
x = width (252 : [8])
x = length (252 : [8])

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@ -573,8 +573,12 @@ head xs = xs @ 0
last : {n, a} (fin n) => [1 + n]a -> a
last xs = xs ! 0
width : {bits, n, a} (fin n, fin bits, bits >= width n) => [n]a -> [bits]
width _ = `n
* Return the length of a sequence. Note that the result depends only
* on the type of the argument, not its value.
length : {n, a, b} (fin n, Literal n b) => [n]a -> b
length _ = `n
undefined : {a} a
undefined = error "undefined"

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@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ Symbols
join :
{parts, each, a} (fin each) => [parts][each]a -> [parts * each]a
last : {n, a} (fin n) => [1 + n]a -> a
length : {n, a, b} (fin n, Literal n b) => [n]a -> b
lg2 : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a
map : {n, a, b} (a -> b) -> [n]a -> [n]b
max : {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> a
@ -129,8 +130,6 @@ Symbols
updatesEnd :
{n, k, ix, a} (fin n, fin ix, fin k) =>
[n]a -> [k][ix] -> [k]a -> [n]a
width :
{bits, n, a} (fin n, fin bits, bits >= width n) => [n]a -> [bits]
zero : {a} (Zero a) => a
zext : {m, n} (fin m, m >= n) => [n] -> [m]
zip : {n, a, b} [n]a -> [n]b -> [n](a, b)

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
pad : {n, m, b} (64>=width(n), b==512-((n+65)%512), m==65+n+b) => [n]->[m]
pad message = (message#[True])#(0:[b])#sz
pad message = (message#[True])#(0:[b])#sz
sz : [64]
sz = width message
sz = length message
test = pad

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
check16 = width x == 8
check16 = length x == 8
x : [8]
x = 0x3f

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
[warning] at ./check16-tab.cry:1:11--1:16:
Defaulting type argument 'bits' of 'width' to 4
[warning] at ./check16-tab.cry:1:23--1:24:
Defaulting type argument 'rep' of 'number' to [4]

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
check16 = width x == 8
check16 = length x == 8
x : [8]
x = 0x3f

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
[warning] at ./check16.cry:1:11--1:16:
Defaulting type argument 'bits' of 'width' to 4
[warning] at ./check16.cry:1:23--1:24:
Defaulting type argument 'rep' of 'number' to [4]

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
irred : [8]
irred = 0x1b
// endianness difference from Cryptol-1 test
xtimes a = (if a ! (width a - 1) then a' ^ irred else a')
xtimes a = (if a ! (length a - 1) then a' ^ irred else a')
where a' = a << 1
check21 = [ xtimes y | y <- [ 1, 12, 192 ] ] == [ 2, 24, 155 ]

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
[warning] at ./check21.cry:4:21--4:26:
Defaulting type argument 'bits' of 'width' to 4
[warning] at ./check21.cry:4:16--4:34:
Defaulting type argument 'ix' of '(!)' to 4

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
irred : [8]
irred = 0x1b
xtimes a = (if a ! (width a - 1) then a' ^ irred else a')
xtimes a = (if a ! (length a - 1) then a' ^ irred else a')
where a' = a << 1
gtimes : ([8], [8]) -> [8]

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
[warning] at ./check22.cry:3:21--3:26:
Defaulting type argument 'bits' of 'width' to 4
[warning] at ./check22.cry:3:16--3:34:
Defaulting type argument 'ix' of '(!)' to 4

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ pad : {msgLen, padding, contentLen, chunks}
) => [msgLen] -> [chunks * 512]
pad msg = msg # [True] # (zero:[padding]) # sz //or: (`msgLen:[64])
where sz : [64]
sz = (width msg):[64]
sz = (length msg):[64]
tmsg : [4]
tmsg = 13