Fixes that help a small amount with space leaks

This commit is contained in:
Rob Dockins 2021-04-13 15:35:57 -07:00
parent aac42f4991
commit 29c5bc9224

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@ -328,13 +328,15 @@ modifyCallStack f m =
Eval $ \stk ->
do let stk' = f stk
-- putStrLn $ unwords ["Pushing call stack", show (displayCallStack stk')]
runEval stk' m
seq stk' (runEval stk' m)
{-# INLINE modifyCallStack #-}
-- | Execute the given evaluation action.
runEval :: CallStack -> Eval a -> IO a
runEval _ (Ready a) = return a
runEval stk (Eval x) = x stk
runEval _ (Thunk tv) = unDelay tv
{-# INLINE runEval #-}
{-# INLINE evalBind #-}
evalBind :: Eval a -> (a -> Eval b) -> Eval b