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Rob Dockins 2020-05-15 15:28:44 -07:00
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8 changed files with 214 additions and 81 deletions

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@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Comparisons and Ordering
instance (Cmp a, Cmp b) => Cmp (a, b)
instance (Cmp a, Cmp b) => Cmp { x : a, y : b }
instance Cmp Integer
instance Cmp Rational
Signed Comparisons
@ -41,30 +42,50 @@ Signed Comparisons
(+) : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a -> a
(-) : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a -> a
(*) : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a -> a
(/) : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a -> a
(%) : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a -> a
(^^) : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a -> a
(/$) : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a -> a
(%$) : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a -> a
lg2 : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a
negate : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a
(+) : {a} (Ring a) => a -> a -> a
(-) : {a} (Ring a) => a -> a -> a
(*) : {a} (Ring a) => a -> a -> a
negate : {a} (Ring a) => a -> a
(/) : {a} (Integral a) => a -> a -> a
(%) : {a} (Integral a) => a -> a -> a
(/.) : {a} (Field a) => a -> a -> a
recip : {a} (Field a) => a -> a
floor : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
ceiling : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
trunc : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
round : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
(^^) : {a, n} (Ring a, fin n) => a -> [n] -> a
(/$) : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => [n] -> [n] -> [n]
(%$) : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => [n] -> [n] -> [n]
lg2 : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n]
The prefix notation `- x` is syntactic sugar for `negate x`.
// No instance for `Bit`.
instance (fin n) => Arith ([n]Bit)
instance (Arith a) => Arith ([n]a)
instance (Arith b) => Arith (a -> b)
instance (Arith a, Arith b) => Arith (a, b)
instance (Arith a, Arith b) => Arith { x : a, y : b }
instance Arith Integer
instance (fin n) => Ring ([n]Bit)
instance (Ring a) => Ring ([n]a)
instance (Ring b) => Ring (a -> b)
instance (Ring a, Ring b) => Ring (a, b)
instance (Ring a, Ring b) => Ring { x : a, y : b }
instance Ring Integer
instance (fin n, n>=1) => Ring (Z n)
instance Ring Rational
Note that because there is no instance for `Arith Bit`
Note that because there is no instance for `Ring Bit`
the top two instances do not actually overlap.
instance Integral Integer
instance (fin n) => Integral ([n]Bit)
instance (fin n, n>=1) => Integral (Z n)
instance Field Rational
instance Round Rational
@ -100,14 +121,14 @@ Sequences
reverse : {n,a} (fin n) => [n]a -> [n]a
transpose : {n,m,a} [n][m]a -> [m][n]a
(@) : {n,a,m} [n]a -> [m] -> a
(@@) : {n,a,m,i} [n]a -> [m][i] -> [m]a
(!) : {n,a,m} (fin n) => [n]a -> [m] -> a
(!!) : {n,a,m,i} (fin n) => [n]a -> [m][i] -> [m]a
update : {n,a,m} (fin m) => [n]a -> [m] -> a -> [n]a
updateEnd : {n,a,m} (fin n, fin m) => [n]a -> [m] -> a -> [n]a
updates : {n,a,m,d} (fin m, fin d) => [n]a -> [d][m] -> [d]a -> [n]a
updatesEnd : {n,a,m,d} (fin n, fin m, fin d) => [n]a -> [d][m] -> [d]a -> [n]a
(@) : {n,a,ix} (Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> a
(@@) : {n,k,ix,a} (Integral ix) => [n]a -> [k]ix -> [k]a
(!) : {n,a,ix} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> a
(!!) : {n,k,ix,a} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> [k]ix -> [k]a
update : {n,a,ix} (Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> a -> [n]a
updateEnd : {n,a,ix} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> a -> [n]a
updates : {n,k,ix,a} (Integral ix, fin k) => [n]a -> [k]ix -> [k]a -> [n]a
updatesEnd : {n,k,ix,d} (fin n, Integral ix, fin k) => [n]a -> [k]ix -> [k]a -> [n]a
take : {front,back,elem} (fin front) => [front + back]elem -> [front]elem
drop : {front,back,elem} (fin front) => [front + back]elem -> [back]elem
@ -123,13 +144,13 @@ in a different order.
Shift And Rotate
(<<) : {n,a,m} (fin n, Zero a) => [n]a -> [m] -> [n]a
(>>) : {n,a,m} (fin n, Zero a) => [n]a -> [m] -> [n]a
(<<<) : {n,a,m} (fin n) => [n]a -> [m] -> [n]a
(>>>) : {n,a,m} (fin n) => [n]a -> [m] -> [n]a
(<<) : {n,ix,a} (Integral ix, Zero a) => [n]a -> ix -> [n]a
(>>) : {n,ix,a} (Integral ix, Zero a) => [n]a -> ix -> [n]a
(<<<) : {n,ix,a} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> [n]a
(>>>) : {n,ix,a} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> [n]a
// Arithmetic shift only for bitvectors
(>>$) : {n, k} (fin n, n >= 1, fin k) => [n] -> [k] -> [n]
(>>$) : {n,ix} (fin n, n >= 1, Integral ix) => [n] -> ix -> [n]
Random Values

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@ -33,17 +33,18 @@ time.
\section{Basic data types}
Cryptol provides five basic data types: bits, sequences, integers,
tuples, and records. Words (i.e., $n$-bit numbers) are a special case
of sequences. Note that, aside from bits and integers, all other
Cryptol provides seven basic data types: bits, sequences, integers,
integers-modulo-n, rationals, tuples, and records.
Words (i.e., $n$-bit numbers) are a special case
of sequences. Note that, aside from the base types (like bits and integers),
Cryptol types can be nested as deep as you like. That is, we can have
records of sequences containing tuples made up of other records, etc.,
giving us a rich type-system for precisely describing the shapes of
data our programs manipulate.
While Cryptol is statically typed, it uses type inference to supply
unspecified types. That is, the user does {\em not} have to write the
types of all expressions; they will be automatically inferred by the
unspecified types. That is, the user usually does {\em not} have to
write the types of all expressions; they will be automatically inferred by the
type-inference engine. Of course, in certain contexts the user might
choose to supply a type explicitly. The notation is simple: we simply
put the expression, followed by {\tt :} and the type. For instance,
@ -117,8 +118,8 @@ Here is the response from Cryptol, in order:
A word is simply a numeric value with some number of bits,
corresponding to the usual notion of binary numbers.\indTheWordType To
match our observation of how cryptographers use binary numbers,
Cryptol only supports non-negative ($\geq 0$) word values (i.e., no
floating point or negative numbers).\indFloatingPoint However, words
Cryptol defaults to interpreting words as non-negative ($\geq 0$)
values (i.e., no negative numbers). However, words
can be arbitrarily large: There is no predefined maximum number of
bits that we are limited to.\indArbitraryPrecision The type of $n$-bit
words is written \texttt{[n]}; e.g. \texttt{[8]} is the 8-bit word type.
@ -206,15 +207,16 @@ override this by giving an explicit type signature.\indSignature
\sectionWithAnswers{Integers: Unbounded numbers}{sec:integer}
The type \texttt{Integer} represents mathematical integers of
unlimited size. To write an integer value in Cryptol, simply write the
number in decimal, optionally annotated with \texttt{:Integer} to
disambiguate the type. Numbers written in base 2, 8, or 16 are always
$n$-bit words, and never have type \texttt{Integer}. However, they can
be converted to unbounded integers using \texttt{toInteger}. For
example, \texttt{toInteger 0xff} represents the integer 255. To write
a negative integer, simply negate the result: For example,
\texttt{-12} and \texttt{- toInteger 0xc} represent the integer $-12$.
The type \texttt{Integer}\indTheIntegerType represents mathematical
integers of unlimited size. To write an integer value in Cryptol,
simply write the number in decimal, optionally annotated with
\texttt{:Integer} to disambiguate the type. Numbers written in base 2,
8, or 16 are always $n$-bit words, and never have type
\texttt{Integer}. However, they can be converted to unbounded integers
using \texttt{toInteger}. For example, \texttt{toInteger 0xff}
represents the integer 255. To write a negative integer, simply negate
the result: For example, \texttt{-12} and \texttt{- toInteger 0xc}
represent the integer $-12$.
Compare the results of evaluating the expressions \texttt{0x8 + 0x9}
@ -235,6 +237,56 @@ is 17. The final result is also due to wraparound: \texttt{- 0x5}
evaluates to \texttt{0xb} or 11, which is $-5 + 16$.
In addition to the unbounded \texttt{Integer} type, there are also a
collection of bounded integer types: \texttt{Z n} for each finite
positive \texttt{n}. \texttt{Z n} represents the ring of integers modulo \texttt{n}.
Just like with fixed-width bitvector values, arithmetic in
\texttt{Z n} will ``wrap around'' (i.e., be reduced modulo \texttt{n})
when values get too large.
Compare the results of evaluating \texttt{ (5 : Z 7) + (6 : Z 7) }
with \texttt{ toInteger (5 : Z 7) + toInteger (6 : Z 7) }.
What is the result of \texttt{ -3 : Z 7 }?
Were the results what you expected?
Here are Cryptol's responses:
The type \texttt{Rational}\indTheRationalType represents the rational number subset
of the real line: that is, those numbers that can be represented
a ratio of integers. You can explicitly create rational values using
the \texttt{ratio} function, which accepts the numerator and denominator
as integer values, or you can create a rational value from an
integer using the \texttt{fromInteger} function. Rational values can
also be created directly from literals the same way as for
For example, all of the following expression create the same
value representing one half:
ratio 1 2
ratio 2 4
(1 /. 2) : Rational
(recip 2) : Rational
(fromInteger (-1) /. fromInteger (-2)) : Rational
Note, the division operation on \texttt{Rational} is
written \texttt{/.}, and should not be confused with
\texttt{/}, which is the division operation on for words
and integers.
% \section{Tuples: Heterogeneous collections}
% \label{sec:tuple}
@ -463,7 +515,7 @@ $2\times 3 = 6$ elements.
A comprehension with multiple branchess is called a \emph{parallel
A comprehension with multiple branches is called a \emph{parallel
comprehension}. We can have any number of parallel branches. The
contents of each branch will be \emph{zipped} to obtain the results.
Experiment with the following expressions:
@ -1235,14 +1287,19 @@ Here are Cryptol's responses:
Before proceeding further, we have to take a detour and talk briefly
about one of the most useful values in Cryptol: {\tt zero}.\indZero
The value {\tt zero} inhabits every type in Cryptol, and stands for
the value that consists of all {\tt False}\indFalse bits. The
following examples should illustrate the idea:
The value {\tt zero} inhabits every type in Cryptol.
The following examples should illustrate the idea:
Cryptol> zero : Bit
Cryptol> zero : [8]
Cryptol> zero : Integer
Cryptol> zero : Z 19
Cryptol> zero : Rational
(ratio 0 1)
Cryptol> zero : ([8], Bit)
(0, False)
Cryptol> zero : [8][3]
@ -1301,8 +1358,10 @@ Cryptol supports the usual binary arithmetic operators {\tt +}, {\tt
division), {\tt \%} (integer modulus), along with \emph{ceiling}
base-2 logarithm {\tt lg2} and binary {\tt min} and {\tt max}.
The important thing to remember is that all arithmetic in Cryptol is
modular,\indModular with respect to the underlying word size. As a
It is important thing to remember is that all arithmetic in Cryptol is
carried out according to the type of the values being computed;
for word types in particular, arithmetic is modular,\indModular
with respect to the underlying word size. As a
consequence, there is no such thing as an overflow/underflow in
Cryptol, as the result will be always guaranteed to fit in the
resulting word size. While this is very handy for most applications of
@ -1353,7 +1412,6 @@ Try out the following expressions:\indEq\indNeq
2 % 0
3 + (if 3 == 2+1 then 12 else 2/0)
3 + (if 3 != 2+1 then 12 else 2/0)
lg2 (-25) : Integer
lg2 (-25) : [_]
In the last expression, remember that unary minus will\indUnaryMinus
@ -1363,9 +1421,7 @@ operation?
The first, second, and fourth examples give a ``division by 0''
error message. In the third example, the division by zero occurs
only in an unreachable branch, so the result is not an error. The
logarithm at type \texttt{Integer} gives a ``logarithm of negative''
only in an unreachable branch, so the result is not an error.
In the last expression, the number \texttt{25} fits in 5 bits, so
the modulus is $2^5 = 32$. The unary minus yields \texttt{7}, hence
@ -1374,7 +1430,7 @@ operation?
Division truncates down. Try out the following expressions:\indDiv\indMod
Integral division truncates down. Try out the following expressions:\indDiv\indMod
(6 / 3, 6 % 3)
(7 / 3, 7 % 3)
@ -1603,6 +1659,18 @@ sequence of bits. Hence, an equivalent (but verbose) way to write the
type {\tt [17]} is {\tt [17]Bit}, which we would say in English as
``a sequence of length 17, whose elements are Bits.''
\paragraph*{Integers}\indTheIntegerType The type \texttt{Integer}
represents the unbounded mathematical integers. Arithmetic on this
type will not overflow.
\paragraph*{Modular integers} The type \texttt{Z n} represents
the subset of the integers from 0 to \texttt{n} (not including \texttt{n}).
Arithmetic on these types is done modulo \texttt{n}.
\paragraph*{Rationals}\indTheRationalType The type \texttt{Rational} represents
the subset of the real line that can be represented as a ratio of integers.
As with the integers, arithmetic on this type does not overflow.
\paragraph*{Tuples}\indTheTupleType A tuple is a heterogeneous
collection of arbitrary number of
elements. Just like we write a tuple value by enclosing it in
@ -2862,11 +2930,12 @@ takes two objects of any single type that can be compared and returns
a Bit.''
Cryptol defines a collection of basic type classes: \texttt{Logic},
\texttt{Zero}, \texttt{Cmp}, \texttt{SignedCmp}, \texttt{Arith}, and
\texttt{Zero}, \texttt{Cmp}, \texttt{SignedCmp}, \texttt{Ring},
\texttt{Integral}, \texttt{Field}, \texttt{Round}, and
\texttt{Literal}. These appear in the type signature of operators and
functions that require them. If a function you define calls, for
example, \texttt{+}, on two arguments both of type \texttt{a}, the
type constraints for \texttt{a} will include \texttt{(Arith a)}.
type constraints for \texttt{a} will include \texttt{(Ring a)}.
@ -2898,14 +2967,38 @@ operators \texttt{<\$}, \texttt{>\$}, \texttt{<=\$}, and
\texttt{>=\$}. These are like \texttt{<}, \texttt{>}, \texttt{<=}, and
\texttt{>=}, except that they interpret bitvectors as \emph{signed}
2's complement numbers, whereas the \texttt{Cmp} operations use the
\emph{unsigned} ordering.
\emph{unsigned} ordering. \texttt{SignedCmp} does not contain the
other atomic numeric types in Cryptol, just bitvectors.
The \texttt{Arith} typeclass includes the binary operators \texttt{+},
\texttt{-}, \texttt{*}, \texttt{/}, \verb+%+, and \verb+^^+, as well
as the unary operators \texttt{lg2} and \texttt{-}, and the function
\texttt{fromInteger}. Infinite sequence enumerations \texttt{[x ...]}
and \texttt{[x, y ...]} are also defined for class \texttt{Arith}.
The \texttt{Ring} typeclass includes the binary operators \texttt{+},
\texttt{-}, \texttt{*}, and the unary operators \texttt{negate}
and \texttt{fromInteger}. All the numeric types in Cryptol
are members of \texttt{Ring}.
The \texttt{Integral} typeclass represents values that are ``like
integers''. It inclues the integral division and modulus operators
\texttt{/} and \texttt{\%}, and the \texttt{toInteger} casting function.
The sequence indexing, update and shifting operations
take index arguments that can be of any \texttt{Integral} type.
Infinite sequence enumerations \texttt{[x ...]}
and \texttt{[x, y ...]} are also defined for class \texttt{Integral}.
Bitvectors, integers, and moduluar integers are members of \texttt{Integral}.
The \texttt{Field} typeclass represents values that, in addition to
being a \texttt{Ring} posess a multiplictive inverses.
It includes the field division operation \texttt{/.} and the
\texttt{recip} operation for computing the reciprocol of a value.
Currently, only type \texttt{Rational} is a member of this class.
The \texttt{Round} typeclass contains types that can be
rounded to integers. It includes \texttt{floor}, \texttt{ceiling},
\texttt{trunc} and \texttt{round} operations, which are all different
ways of rounding values to integers.
Currently, only type \texttt{Rational} is a member of this class.
The \texttt{Literal} typeclass includes numeric literals.
@ -2915,17 +3008,17 @@ The \texttt{Literal} typeclass includes numeric literals.
Without including an explicit type declaration, define a function
that Cryptol infers has the following type:
cmpArith : {a,b} (Cmp a, Arith b) => a -> a -> b -> b
cmpRing : {a,b} (Cmp a, Ring b) => a -> a -> b -> b
This code:
cmpArith x y z = if x == y then z else z+z
cmpRing x y z = if x == y then z else z+z
yields the inferred type:
cmpArith : {a, b} (Arith b, Cmp a) => a -> a -> b -> b
cmpRing : {a, b} (Cmp a, Ring b) => a -> a -> b -> b

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@ -23,9 +23,26 @@ primsPlaceHolder=1;
+, -, *, /, %, ^^ : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a -> a
negate, lg2 : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a
fromInteger : {a} (Arith a) => Integer -> a
+, -, * : {a} (Ring a) => a -> a -> a
negate : {a} (Ring a) => a -> a
fromInteger : {a} (Ring a) => Integer -> a
^^ : {a} (Ring a, fin n) => a -> [n] -> a
abs : {a} (Cmp a, Ring a) => a -> a
/, % : {a} (Integral a) => a -> a -> a
toInteger : {a} (Integral a) => a -> Integer
lg2 : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n]
/$, %$ : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => [n] -> [n] -> [n]
carry : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n] -> Bit
scarry, sborrow : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => [n] -> [n] -> Bit
zext : {m, n} (fin m, m >= n) => [n] -> [m]
sext : {m, n} (fin m, m >= n, n >= 1) => [n] -> [m]
ratio : Integer -> Integer -> Rational
/. : {a} (Field a) => a -> a -> a
recip : {a} (Field a) => a -> a
floor : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
ceiling : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
trunc : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
round : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
\paragraph*{Polynomial arithmetic}
@ -49,20 +66,20 @@ primsPlaceHolder=1;
\paragraph*{Indexing, updates}
@ : {n, a, ix} (fin ix) => [n]a -> [ix] -> a
! : {n, a, ix} (fin n, fin ix) => [n]a -> [ix] -> a
@@ : {n, k, ix, a} (fin ix) => [n]a -> [k][ix] -> [k]a
!! : {n, k, ix, a} (fin n, fin ix) => [n]a -> [k][ix] -> [k]a
@ : {n, a, ix} (Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> a
! : {n, a, ix} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> a
@@ : {n, k, ix, a} (Integral ix) => [n]a -> [k]ix -> [k]a
!! : {n, k, ix, a} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> [k]ix -> [k]a
update : {n, a, ix} (fin ix) => [n]a -> [ix] -> a -> [n]a
updateEnd : {n, a, ix} (fin n, fin ix) => [n]a -> [ix] -> a -> [n]a
updates : {n, k, ix, a} (fin ix, fin k) => [n]a -> [k][ix] -> [k]a -> [n]a
updatesEnd : {n, k, ix, a} (fin n, fin ix, fin k) => [n]a -> [k][ix] -> [k]a -> [n]a
updateEnd : {n, a, ix} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> a -> [n]a
updates : {n, k, ix, a} (Integral ix, fin k) => [n]a -> [k]ix -> [k]a -> [n]a
updatesEnd : {n, k, ix, a} (fin n, Integral ix, fin k) => [n]a -> [k]ix -> [k]a -> [n]a
\paragraph*{Shifting, rotating}
>>>, <<< : {n, ix, a} (fin n, fin ix) => [n]a -> [ix] -> [n]a
>>, << : {n, ix, a} (fin ix, Zero a) => [n]a -> [ix] -> [n]a
>>$ : {n, ix} (fin n, n >= 1, fin ix) => [n] -> [ix] -> [n]
>>>, <<< : {n, ix, a} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> [n]a
>>, << : {n, ix, a} (Integral ix, Zero a) => [n]a -> ix -> [n]a
>>$ : {n, ix} (fin n, n >= 1, Integral ix) => [n] -> ix -> [n]
\paragraph*{Functional programming}

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@ -48,6 +48,8 @@

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