Partially functional module system. Still some bugs to fix.

This commit is contained in:
Iavor Diatchki 2022-05-31 16:50:38 -07:00
parent bdb0e12519
commit 2ec12a4c05
9 changed files with 262 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ library

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@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ instance TraverseNames a => TraverseNames (Located a) where
instance TraverseNames Name where
traverseNamesIP = ?name
instance (Ord a, TraverseNames a) => TraverseNames (ExportSpec a) where
traverseNamesIP (ExportSpec mp) = ExportSpec <$> traverse traverseNamesIP mp
instance TraverseNames Expr where
traverseNamesIP expr =
case expr of
@ -161,18 +164,18 @@ instance TraverseNames Type where
TRec rm -> TRec <$> traverseRecordMap (\_ -> traverseNamesIP) rm
TNewtype nt ts -> TNewtype <$> traverseNamesIP nt <*> traverseNamesIP ts
-- XXX: It might be better to arrange to not have names here?
instance TraverseNames TCon where
traverseNamesIP tcon =
case tcon of
TC tc -> TC <$> traverseNamesIP tc
_ -> pure tcon
_ -> pure tcon
instance TraverseNames TC where
traverseNamesIP tc =
case tc of
TCAbstract ut -> TCAbstract <$> traverseNamesIP ut
_ -> pure tc
_ -> pure tc
instance TraverseNames UserTC where
traverseNamesIP (UserTC x k) = UserTC <$> traverseNamesIP x <*> pure k

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@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (
, mkLocal
, mkModParam
, toParamInstName
, asParamName
, paramModRecParam
-- ** Unique Supply
@ -241,9 +240,6 @@ toParamInstName n =
_ -> n
asParamName :: Name -> Name
asParamName n = n { nInfo = LocalName (nameNamespace n) (nameIdent n) }
asOrigName :: Name -> Maybe OrigName
asOrigName n =

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Data.Ord(comparing)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(thing)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name(toParamInstName,asParamName,nameIdent
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name(toParamInstName,nameIdent
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident(paramInstModName)
import Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap(recordFromFields)

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@ -76,8 +76,7 @@ data ModuleG mname =
-- ^ Submodules, functors, and signature nested directly
-- in this module
-- These have everything from this module and
-- all submodules
-- These have everything from this module and all submodules
, mTySyns :: Map Name TySyn
, mNewtypes :: Map Name Newtype
, mPrimTypes :: Map Name AbstractType

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{-# Language BlockArguments #-}
{-# Language Trustworthy #-}
{-# Language BlockArguments, ImplicitParams #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Module (doFunctorInst) where
import Data.Map(Map)
@ -8,8 +7,7 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad(unless,forM_)
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(xxxTODO)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident(Ident,Namespace(..))
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident(Ident,Namespace(..),isInfixIdent)
import Cryptol.Parser.Position (Range,Located(..), thing)
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name(nameIdent)
@ -20,23 +18,50 @@ import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Error
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst(Subst,abstractSubst,listParamSubst,apSubst)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst( Subst,abstractSubst,apSubst
, mergeDistinctSubst)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solve(proveImplication)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Instantiate(instantiateWith)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.ModuleInstance
doFunctorInst ::
Located Name {- ^ Name for the new module -} ->
Located (P.ImpName Name) {- ^ Functor being instantiation -} ->
P.ModuleInstanceArgs Name {- ^ Instance arguments -} ->
Map Name Name {- ^ Basic instantiation -} ->
Map Name Name
{- ^ Instantitation. These is the renaming for the fuctor that arises from
generativity (i.e., it is something that will make the names "fresh").
-} ->
InferM ()
doFunctorInst m f as inst =
do mf <- lookupFunctor (thing f)
argIs <- checkArity (srcRange f) mf as
(tySus,valRens) <- unzip <$> mapM checkArg argIs
(tySus,decls) <- unzip <$> mapM checkArg argIs
let ?tSu = mergeDistinctSubst tySus
?vSu = inst
let m1 = moduleInstance mf
m2 = m1 { mName = m
, mParamTypes = mempty
, mParamFuns = mempty
, mParamConstraints = mempty
, mParams = mempty
-- XXX: Should we modify `mImports` to record dependencies
-- on parameters?
, mDecls = map NonRecursive (concat decls) ++ mDecls m1
newSubmoduleScope (thing m) (mImports m2) (mExports m2)
mapM_ addTySyn (Map.elems (mTySyns m2))
mapM_ addNewtype (Map.elems (mNewtypes m2))
mapM_ addPrimType (Map.elems (mPrimTypes m2))
addSignatures (mSignatures m2)
addSubmodules (mSubmodules m2)
addFunctors (mFunctors m2)
mapM_ addDecls (mDecls m2)
pure ()
-- | Validate a functor application, just checking the argument names
@ -80,7 +105,7 @@ checkArity r mf args =
checkArgs done ps more
checkArg :: (Range, IfaceModParam, IfaceG ()) -> InferM (Subst, Map Name Expr)
checkArg :: (Range, IfaceModParam, IfaceG ()) -> InferM (Subst, [Decl])
checkArg (r,expect,actual) =
do tRens <- mapM (checkParamType r tyMap) (Map.toList (ifParamTypes params))
let renSu = abstractSubst (concat tRens)
@ -95,12 +120,12 @@ checkArg (r,expect,actual) =
let fromD d = (ifDeclName d, ifDeclSig d)
vMap = nameMapToIdentMap fromD (ifDecls decls)
vRen <- Map.fromList . concat <$>
vDecls <- concat <$>
mapM (checkParamValue r vMap)
[ (i, s { mvpType = apSubst renSu (mvpType s) })
| (i,s) <- Map.toList (ifParamFuns params) ]
[ s { mvpType = apSubst renSu (mvpType s) }
| s <- Map.elems (ifParamFuns params) ]
pure (renSu, vRen)
pure (renSu, vDecls)
@ -155,10 +180,11 @@ checkParamType r tyMap (name,mp) =
checkParamValue ::
Range {- ^ Location for error reporting -} ->
Map Ident (Name,Schema) {- ^ Actual values -} ->
(Name, ModVParam) {- ^ The parameter we are checking -} ->
InferM [(Name,Expr)] {- ^ Mapping from parameter name to actual names -}
checkParamValue r vMap (name,mp) =
let i = nameIdent name
ModVParam {- ^ The parameter we are checking -} ->
InferM [Decl] {- ^ Mapping from parameter name to definition -}
checkParamValue r vMap mp =
let name = mvpName mp
i = nameIdent name
expectT = mvpType mp
in case Map.lookup i vMap of
Nothing ->
@ -166,13 +192,16 @@ checkParamValue r vMap (name,mp) =
pure []
Just actual ->
do e <- mkParamDef r (name,expectT) actual
pure [(name,e)]
do unless (sameSchema expectT actualT) $
(recordErrorLoc (Just r) (SchemaMismatch i expectT actualT))
pure [(name,EVar actualName)]
let d = Decl { dName = name
, dSignature = expectT
, dDefinition = DExpr e
, dPragmas = []
, dInfix = isInfixIdent (nameIdent name)
, dFixity = mvpFixity mp
, dDoc = mvpDoc mp
pure [d]
{- | Make an "adaptor" that instantiates the paramter into the form expected
by the functor. If the actual type is:

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@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
{-# Language ImplicitParams, ConstraintKinds #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.ModuleInstance where
import Data.Map(Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set(Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(Located)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface
(IfaceParams(..), IfaceNames(..), IfaceModParam(..))
import Cryptol.IR.TraverseNames(TraverseNames,mapNames)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst(Subst,TVars,apSubst)
{- | `?tSu` should be applied to all types.
`?vSu` shoudl be applied to all values. -}
type Su = (?tSu :: Subst, ?vSu :: Map Name Name)
-- | Has value names but no types.
doVInst :: (Su, TraverseNames a) => a -> a
doVInst = mapNames (\x -> Map.findWithDefault x x ?vSu)
-- | Has types but not values.
doTInst :: (Su, TVars a) => a -> a
doTInst = apSubst ?tSu
-- | Has both value names and types.
doTVInst :: (Su, TVars a, TraverseNames a) => a -> a
doTVInst = apSubst ?tSu . doVInst
doMap :: (Su, ModuleInstance a) => Map Name a -> Map Name a
doMap mp =
Map.fromList [ (moduleInstance x, moduleInstance d) | (x,d) <- Map.toList mp ]
doSet :: Su => Set Name -> Set Name
doSet = Set.fromList . map moduleInstance . Set.toList
class ModuleInstance t where
moduleInstance :: Su => t -> t
instance ModuleInstance a => ModuleInstance [a] where
moduleInstance = map moduleInstance
instance ModuleInstance a => ModuleInstance (Located a) where
moduleInstance l = moduleInstance <$> l
instance ModuleInstance Name where
moduleInstance = doVInst
instance ModuleInstance (ModuleG name) where
moduleInstance m =
Module { mName = mName m
, mExports = doVInst (mExports m)
, mImports = mImports m
, mParamTypes = doMap (mParamTypes m)
, mParamFuns = doMap (mParamFuns m)
, mParamConstraints = moduleInstance (mParamConstraints m)
, mParams = moduleInstance <$> mParams m
, mFunctors = doMap (mFunctors m)
, mNested = doSet (mNested m)
, mTySyns = doMap (mTySyns m)
, mNewtypes = doMap (mNewtypes m)
, mPrimTypes = doMap (mPrimTypes m)
, mDecls = moduleInstance (mDecls m)
, mSubmodules = doMap (mSubmodules m)
, mSignatures = doMap (mSignatures m)
instance ModuleInstance Type where
moduleInstance = doTInst
instance ModuleInstance Schema where
moduleInstance = doTInst
instance ModuleInstance TySyn where
moduleInstance ts =
TySyn { tsName = moduleInstance (tsName ts)
, tsParams = tsParams ts
, tsConstraints = moduleInstance (tsConstraints ts)
, tsDef = moduleInstance (tsDef ts)
, tsDoc = tsDoc ts
instance ModuleInstance Newtype where
moduleInstance nt =
Newtype { ntName = moduleInstance (ntName nt)
, ntParams = ntParams nt
, ntConstraints = moduleInstance (ntConstraints nt)
, ntFields = moduleInstance <$> ntFields nt
, ntDoc = ntDoc nt
instance ModuleInstance AbstractType where
moduleInstance at =
AbstractType { atName = moduleInstance (atName at)
, atKind = atKind at
, atCtrs = let (ps,cs) = atCtrs at
in (ps, moduleInstance cs)
, atFixitiy = atFixitiy at
, atDoc = atDoc at
instance ModuleInstance DeclGroup where
moduleInstance dg =
case dg of
Recursive ds -> Recursive (moduleInstance ds)
NonRecursive d -> NonRecursive (moduleInstance d)
instance ModuleInstance Decl where
moduleInstance = doTVInst
instance ModuleInstance name => ModuleInstance (IfaceNames name) where
moduleInstance ns =
IfaceNames { ifsName = moduleInstance (ifsName ns)
, ifsNested = doSet (ifsNested ns)
, ifsDefines = doSet (ifsDefines ns)
, ifsPublic = doSet (ifsPublic ns)
instance ModuleInstance IfaceParams where
moduleInstance si =
IfaceParams { ifParamTypes = doMap (ifParamTypes si)
, ifParamConstraints = moduleInstance (ifParamConstraints si)
, ifParamFuns = doMap (ifParamFuns si)
, ifParamDoc = ifParamDoc si
instance ModuleInstance ModTParam where
moduleInstance mp =
ModTParam { mtpName = moduleInstance (mtpName mp)
, mtpKind = mtpKind mp
, mtpDoc = mtpDoc mp
, mtpNumber = mtpNumber mp
instance ModuleInstance ModVParam where
moduleInstance mp =
ModVParam { mvpName = moduleInstance (mvpName mp)
, mvpType = moduleInstance (mvpType mp)
, mvpDoc = mvpDoc mp
, mvpFixity = mvpFixity mp
instance ModuleInstance IfaceModParam where
moduleInstance p =
IfaceModParam { ifmpName = ifmpName p
, ifmpSignature = moduleInstance (ifmpSignature p)
, ifmpParameters = moduleInstance (ifmpParameters p)

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@ -1036,6 +1036,21 @@ addParamType :: ModTParam -> InferM ()
addParamType a =
updScope \r -> r { mParamTypes = Map.insert (mtpName a) a (mParamTypes r) }
addSignatures :: Map Name If.IfaceParams -> InferM ()
addSignatures mp =
updScope \r -> r { mSignatures = Map.union mp (mSignatures r) }
addSubmodules :: Map Name (If.IfaceNames Name) -> InferM ()
addSubmodules mp =
updScope \r -> r { mSubmodules = Map.union mp (mSubmodules r) }
addFunctors :: Map Name (ModuleG Name) -> InferM ()
addFunctors mp =
updScope \r -> r { mFunctors = Map.union mp (mFunctors r) }
-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given abstract function in scope.
addParamFun :: ModVParam -> InferM ()
addParamFun x =

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@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst
, applySubstToVar
, substToList
, fmap', (!$), (.$)
, mergeDistinctSubst
) where
import Data.Maybe
@ -96,6 +97,30 @@ emptySubst =
, suDefaulting = False
mergeDistinctSubst :: [Subst] -> Subst
mergeDistinctSubst sus =
case sus of
[] -> emptySubst
_ -> foldr1 merge sus
merge s1 s2 = S { suFreeMap = jn suFreeMap s1 s2
, suBoundMap = jn suBoundMap s1 s2
, suAbstractMap = jn suAbstractMap s1 s2
, suDefaulting = if suDefaulting s1 || suDefaulting s2
then err
else False
err = panic "mergeDistinctSubst" [ "Not distinct" ]
bad _ _ = err
jn f x y = IntMap.unionWith bad (f x) (f y)
-- | Reasons to reject a single-variable substitution.
data SubstError
= SubstRecursive
@ -442,6 +467,7 @@ instance TVars DeclDef where
apSubst su (DExpr e) = DExpr !$ (apSubst su e)
apSubst _ DPrim = DPrim
-- WARNING: This applies the substitution only to the declarations.
instance TVars Module where
apSubst su m =
let !decls' = apSubst su (mDecls m)