Build system and documentation cleanup (#816)

* Remove `Makefile`
* Remove Travis and AppVeyor configurations
* Improve portability of the `cry` script
* Fix Docker builds
* Update documentation to remove references to `make`
* Update copyright dates
* Fix omitted section of
* Update Z3 installation instructions

Fixes #570, #603, #790, #807.
This commit is contained in:
Aaron Tomb 2020-07-14 10:58:38 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 6e412ed32e
commit 2f4684c8af
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 119 additions and 520 deletions

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- GHC_VERSION: 8.4.4
- GHC_VERSION: 8.6.5
- GHC_VERSION: 8.8.3
# Using '-y' and 'refreshenv' as a workaround to:
- choco install -y ghc --version %GHC_VERSION%
- refreshenv
# See
# NB: Do this after refreshenv, otherwise it will be clobbered!
- set PATH=C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin;%PATH%;C:\msys64\usr\bin;%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\bin
- curl -o -L
- 7z x -bd
- cp z3-4.7.1-x64-win/bin/z3.exe %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\bin
- git submodule update --init
#- cp cabal.GHC-%GHC_VERSION%.config cabal.project.freeze
- cabal v2-update
- cabal v2-configure --allow-newer
- bash cry build
- bash cry test

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
dist: trusty
sudo: false
language: c
- $HOME/.ghc
- $HOME/.cabal
- env: CABALVER="3.0" GHCVER="8.4.4"
compiler: ": #GHC 8.4.4"
addons: {apt: {packages: [cabal-install-3.0,ghc-8.4.4], sources: [hvr-ghc]}}
- env: CABALVER="3.0" GHCVER="8.6.5"
compiler: ": #GHC 8.6.5"
addons: {apt: {packages: [cabal-install-3.0,ghc-8.6.5], sources: [hvr-ghc]}}
- env: CABALVER="3.0" GHCVER="8.8.3"
compiler: ": #GHC 8.8.3"
addons: {apt: {packages: [cabal-install-3.0,ghc-8.8.3], sources: [hvr-ghc]}}
- if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == 'linux' ]];
mkdir -p $HOME/bin;
export PATH=/opt/ghc/$GHCVER/bin:/opt/cabal/$CABALVER/bin:$HOME/bin:$HOME/.cabal/bin:$PATH;
curl > z3;
chmod +x z3;
mv z3 $HOME/bin/z3;
z3 --version;
- env
- cp cabal.GHC-${GHCVER}.config cabal.project.freeze
- cabal update
- cabal v2-configure --allow-newer
- bash cry build
- bash cry test
email: false

View File

@ -28,39 +28,20 @@ check the output against an expected output file. We make at least one
test for each new issue, and keep the accumulated tests in our suite
as regression tests. The test suite itself is written using the
`test-framework` library, so it can readily output XML for consumption
by Jenkins and other CI systems.
## Stackage
On the Jenkins machines, we `cp cabal.GHCNNN.config cabal.config`
before building in order to build against a Stackage LTS snapshot
(updated periodically). This is to ensure compatibility with
downstream dependencies that rely on Stackage for their stability. We
do not have `cabal.config` in place by default, though, so developers
can use different versions of the compiler.
by CI systems.
## Running tests
To run the test suite, run `make test` from the root of the
To run the test suite, run `./cry test` from the root of the
repository. By default, you'll get output on the console for each test
that fails, either with an explanation for why it failed, or a command
line you can paste in order to compare the test results against the
expected output.
The `make test` target invokes the `cryptol-test-runner` executable,
The `./cry test` command invokes the `cryptol-test-runner` executable,
which is defined in the `/tests/` directory. It is invoked with the
location of the `cryptol` executable, an output directory, and
standard `test-framework` command line arguments. The `test` target in
the `Makefile` provides a template for how to invoke it if you need to
use advanced parameters.
## Running benchmarks
To run the benchmark suite, run `make bench` from the root of the
repository. By default, you'll get Criterion output on the console
from the benchmarking executable in `/bench`. The easiest way to pass
custom arguments to this executable is to run the suite subsequently
with `cabal bench --benchmark-options="..."`.
standard `test-framework` command line arguments.
## Creaing a new test
@ -149,11 +130,11 @@ look as expected, and then save those results as the new
# start with a fresh build
% make
% ./cry build
# tests are run from within the directory of the .icry file
% cd tests/issues
% ../../.cabal-sandbox/bin/cryptol -b issue006.icry
% ../../bin/cryptol -b issue006.icry
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
@ -169,7 +150,7 @@ script. Since the results looked correct, we piped the same command
into the matching `.icry.stdout` file and removed the `.icry.fails`
% ../../.cabal-sandbox/bin/cryptol -b issue006.icry.stdout
% ../../bin/cryptol -b issue006.icry.stdout
% rm issue006.icry.fails
Now the test case `issue006` passes, and will (hopefully!) break if
@ -182,9 +163,6 @@ The top-level repository directories are:
- `/bench`: Benchmarking executable and suite
- `/cryptol`: Haskell sources for the front-end `cryptol` executable
and read-eval-print loop
- `/cryptol-server`: Experimental Cryptol JSON-over-ZeroMQ server,
currently built to support
- `/docs`: LaTeX and Markdown sources for the Cryptol documentation
- `/examples`: Cryptol sources implementing several interesting
@ -217,15 +195,15 @@ for branches and merging. Our version has two notable differences:
In short:
- Any substantial new features should be developed on a branch
prefixed with `feature/`, and then merged into `master` when
prefixed with `feature-`, and then merged into `master` when
- When we reach a feature freeze for a release, we create a new branch
prefixed with `release/`, for example `release/2.1.0`. When the
prefixed with `release-`, for example `release-2.1.0`. When the
release is made, we merge those changes back into `master` and make
a snapshot commit on the `release` branch.
- If a critical bug emerges in already-released software, we create a
branch off of the relevant `release` branch commit prefixed with
`hotfix/2.1.1`. When the hotfix is complete, we merge those changes
`hotfix-`. When the hotfix is complete, we merge those changes
back into `master` and make a snapshot commit on the `release`
@ -257,37 +235,20 @@ with a [GPG key](
## Cutting releases
**TODO**: make this relevant to folks outside Galois; right now the
build farm exists within the Galois network only, and Galois also
controls the release signing key.
The release process is:
1. Make sure the `release/n.n.n` branch is in a release/ready state,
1. Make sure the `release-n.n.n` branch is in a release/ready state,
with successful build artifacts across all platforms on the
relevant Jenkins job. **TODO**: get a Jenkins job running per
release branch, rather than just `master`.
1. Merge the `release/n.n.n` branch into the pristine `release` branch
relevant GitHub Action.
1. Merge the `release-n.n.n` branch into the pristine `release` branch
and add a git tag.
1. Merge the `release/n.n.n` branch back into `master` for future
development, and delete the `release/n.n.n` branch.
1. Run the `cryptol-release` Jenkins job to create a draft
release. Specify the build number with the successful artifacts,
the textual version tag (e.g., "2.1.0"), whether it's a prerelease
(e.g., an alpha), and keep the `DRAFT` option checked.
1. On the Github page for the draft release and add a changelog
(**TODO**: automate changelogs?).
1. (**TODO**: this part of the process needs to be better and
automated) Download the successfully-built artifacts _from
Jenkins_, and in the same directory run the script
`/release-infrastructure/` from the `cryptol-internal.git`
repository. You must have the correct GPG key (D3103D7E) for this
to work.
1. Merge the `release-n.n.n` branch back into `master` for future
1. Upload the build archives to the draft release on Github.
1. Upload the `.sig` files to the draft release on Github.
1. Publish the release and announce it (**TODO**: compile mailing lists)
1. Publish the release and announce it
- <> (in the `cryptol2-web.git` repo)
- <>
- <>
- @galois on Twitter (for major releases)
- TODO: more?

View File

@ -1,45 +1,20 @@
FROM haskell:8.6 AS build
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y wget libncurses-dev unzip \
&& wget \
&& unzip z3*.zip \
&& mv z3-*/bin/z3 /usr/local/bin
RUN useradd -m cryptol \
&& su -c '/opt/cabal/bin/cabal v2-update' cryptol
COPY --chown=cryptol:cryptol . /cryptol
USER cryptol
WORKDIR /cryptol
ARG CRYPTOLPATH="/home/cryptol/.cryptol"
ARG TESTS="modsys parser issues regression renamer mono-binds"
ARG DIFF="diff"
ARG IGNORE_EXPECTED="--ignore-expected"
RUN ./cry build
RUN ./cry test
RUN mkdir -p rootfs/"${CRYPTOLPATH}" \
&& cp -r lib/* rootfs/"${CRYPTOLPATH}" \
&& mkdir -p rootfs/usr/local \
&& rm -r cryptol-*-Linux-*_unknown/share/doc \
&& mv cryptol-*-Linux-*_unknown/* rootfs/usr/local \
&& cp /usr/local/bin/z3 rootfs/usr/local/bin/z3
USER root
RUN chown -R root:root /cryptol/rootfs
from debian:stretch AS solvers
from debian:buster AS solvers
# Install needed packages for building
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y curl cmake gcc g++ git libreadline-dev
&& apt-get install -y curl cmake gcc g++ git libreadline-dev unzip
RUN useradd -m user
RUN install -d -o user -g user /solvers
USER user
WORKDIR /solvers
RUN mkdir -p rootfs/usr/local/bin
# Build abc from Github. (Latest version.)
# Get Z3 4.8.8 from GitHub
RUN curl -L --output
RUN unzip
RUN mv z3-*/bin/z3 rootfs/usr/local/bin
# Build abc from GitHub. (Latest version.)
RUN git clone
RUN cd abc && make -j$(nproc)
RUN cp abc/abc rootfs/usr/local/bin
@ -49,35 +24,59 @@ RUN curl -L | tar xz
RUN cd boolector* && ./contrib/ && ./contrib/ && ./ && cd build && make -j$(nproc)
RUN cp boolector*/build/bin/boolector rootfs/usr/local/bin
# Install yices 2.6.2
# Install Yices 2.6.2
RUN curl -L | tar xz
RUN cp yices*/bin/yices-smt2 rootfs/usr/local/bin
RUN cp yices*/bin/yices-smt2 rootfs/usr/local/bin \
&& cp yices*/bin/yices rootfs/usr/local/bin
# Install cvc4 1.8
# Install CVC4 1.8
RUN curl -L --output rootfs/usr/local/bin/cvc4
# Install Mathsat 5.6.3 - Uncomment if you are in compliance with Mathsat's license.
# Install MathSAT 5.6.3 - Uncomment if you are in compliance with MathSAT's license.
# RUN curl -L | tar xz
# RUN cp mathsat-5.6.3-linux-x86_64/bin/mathsat rootfs/usr/local/bin
# Set executable and run tests
RUN chmod +x rootfs/usr/local/bin/*
COPY --from=build /cryptol/rootfs /
ENV PATH=/solvers/rootfs/usr/local/bin:$PATH
FROM haskell:8.8 AS build
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libncurses-dev
COPY --from=solvers /solvers/rootfs /
RUN useradd -m cryptol \
&& su -c '/opt/cabal/bin/cabal v2-update' cryptol
COPY --chown=cryptol:cryptol . /cryptol
USER cryptol
WORKDIR /cryptol
ENV PATH=/cryptol/rootfs/usr/local/bin:$PATH
ARG CRYPTOLPATH="/cryptol/.cryptol"
COPY cabal.GHC-8.8.3.config cabal.project.freeze
RUN mkdir -p rootfs/usr/local/bin
RUN cabal v2-install --install-method=copy --installdir=rootfs/usr/local/bin exe:cryptol
RUN cabal v2-install --install-method=copy --installdir=bin test-lib
RUN ./bin/test-runner --ext=.icry --exe=./rootfs/usr/local/bin/cryptol -F -b tests
ENV PATH=/usr/local/bin:/cryptol/rootfs/usr/local/bin:$PATH
RUN ! $(cryptol -c ":s prover=abc" | tail -n +2 | grep -q .) \
# && ! $(cryptol -c ":s prover=mathsat" | tail -n +2 | grep -q .) \
&& ! $(cryptol -c ":s prover=cvc4" | tail -n +2 | grep -q .) \
&& ! $(cryptol -c ":s prover=yices" | tail -n +2 | grep -q .) \
&& ! $(cryptol -c ":s prover=boolector" | tail -n +2 | grep -q .) \
&& ! $(cryptol -c ":s prover=z3" | tail -n +2 | grep -q .)
RUN mkdir -p rootfs/"${CRYPTOLPATH}" \
&& cp -r lib/* rootfs/"${CRYPTOLPATH}"
USER root
RUN chown -R root:root /cryptol/rootfs
FROM debian:stretch-slim
FROM debian:buster-slim
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y libgmp10 libgomp1 libffi6 wget libncurses5 unzip \
&& apt-get install -y libgmp10 libgomp1 libffi6 libncurses6 libtinfo6 libreadline7 \
&& apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN useradd -m cryptol && chown -R cryptol:cryptol /home/cryptol
COPY --from=build /cryptol/rootfs /
COPY --from=solvers /solvers/rootfs /
RUN useradd -m cryptol && chown -R cryptol:cryptol /home/cryptol
USER cryptol
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/cryptol"]

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Galois Inc.
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Galois Inc.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
\f0\fs24 \cf0 Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Galois Inc.\
\f0\fs24 \cf0 Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Galois Inc.\
All rights reserved.\
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\

View File

@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
HERE := $(realpath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
UNAME := $(shell uname -s)
ARCH := $(shell uname -m)
TESTS ?= modsys parser issues regression renamer mono-binds
DIFF ?= meld
TIME ?= time
IGNORE_EXPECTED ?= --ignore-expected
CABAL := cabal
CS := $(HERE)/.cabal-sandbox
CS_BIN := $(CS)/bin
# Used only for windows, to find the right Program Files.
PROGRAM_FILES = Program\ Files\ \(x86\)
# Windows installer tools; assumes running on Cygwin and using WiX 3.10
WiX := /cygdrive/c/${PROGRAM_FILES}/WiX\ Toolset\ v3.10
CANDLE := ${WiX}/bin/candle.exe
HEAT := ${WiX}/bin/heat.exe
LIGHT := ${WiX}/bin/light.exe
REV ?= $(shell git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD || echo "unknown")
VERSION := $(shell grep -i ^Version cryptol.cabal | awk '{ print $$2}')
PKG := cryptol-${VERSION}-${SYSTEM_DESC}
# Windows-specific stuff
ifneq (,$(findstring _NT,${UNAME}))
DIST := ${PKG}.msi
EXE_EXT := .exe
adjust-path = '$(shell /usr/bin/cygpath -w $1)'
# For a systemwide distribution .msi, use:
# PREFIX ?= ${PROGRAM_FILES}/Galois/Cryptol\ ${VERSION}
# split this up because `cabal copy` strips drive letters
PREFIX_ABS := /cygdrive/c/${PREFIX}
# since Windows installs aren't overlapping like /usr/local, we
# don't need this extra prefix
# goes under the share prefix
PREFIX_DOC := /doc
ROOT_PATH := /cygdrive/c
DIST := ${PKG}.tar.gz ${PKG}.zip
adjust-path = '$1'
# For a systemwide distribution like an .rpm or .pkg, use something like:
# PREFIX ?= /usr/local
PREFIX_SHARE := /share
# goes under the share prefix
PREFIX_DOC := /doc/cryptol
CRYPTOL_EXE := ./dist/build/cryptol/cryptol${EXE_EXT}
.PHONY: all
.PHONY: run
CRYPTOLPATH=$(call adjust-path,$(CURDIR)/lib) ${CRYPTOL_EXE}
.PHONY: docs
(cd docs; make)
.PHONY: dist
dist: ${DIST}
.PHONY: tarball
tarball: ${PKG}.tar.gz
.PHONY: zip
zip: ${PKG}.zip
.PHONY: msi
msi: ${PKG}.msi
# TODO: piece this apart a bit more; if right now if something fails
# during initial setup, you have to invoke this target again manually
$(CABAL) sandbox init
${CS_BIN}/alex: | ${CS}
${CS_BIN}/happy: | ${CS} ${CS_BIN}/alex
ifneq ("$(wildcard .git/index)","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard .git/HEAD)","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard .git/packed-refs)","")
GIT_INFO_FILES := ${GIT_INFO_FILES} .git/packed-refs
$(shell find src cryptol bench \
\( -name \*.hs -or -name \*.lhs -or -name \*.x -or -name \*.y \) \
-and \( -not -name \*\#\* \) -print) \
$(shell find lib -name \*.cry) \
@echo $* = $($*)
# If CRYPTOL_SERVER is nonempty, build the cryptol-server executable
ifneq (,${CRYPTOL_SERVER})
SERVER_FLAG := -fserver
# We do things differently based on whether we have a PREFIX set by
# the user. If we do, then we know the eventual path it'll wind up in
# (useful for stuff like RPMs or Homebrew). If not, we try to be as
# relocatable as possible.
ifneq (,${PREFIX})
PREFIX_ARG := --prefix=$(call adjust-path,${PREFIX_ABS})
DESTDIR_ARG := --destdir=${PKG}
CONFIGURE_ARGS := -f-relocatable \
--docdir=$(call adjust-path,${PREFIX}/${PREFIX_SHARE}/${PREFIX_DOC}) \
# This is kind of weird: 1. Prefix argument must be absolute; Cabal
# doesn't yet fully support relocatable packages. 2. We have to
# provide *some* prefix here even if we're not using it, otherwise
# `cabal copy` will make a mess in the PKG directory.
PREFIX_ARG := --prefix=$(call adjust-path,${ROOT_PATH})
DESTDIR_ARG := --destdir=${PKG}
CONFIGURE_ARGS := --docdir=$(call adjust-path,${PREFIX_SHARE}/${PREFIX_DOC}) \
dist/setup-config: cryptol.cabal Makefile | ${CS_BIN}/alex ${CS_BIN}/happy
$(CABAL_INSTALL) --only-dependencies ${SERVER_FLAG}
$(CABAL) configure ${PREFIX_ARG} --datasubdir=cryptol \
${CRYPTOL_EXE}: $(CRYPTOL_SRC) dist/setup-config
PKG_CRY := ${PKG_SHARE}/cryptol
PKG_EXAMPLES := ${PKG_DOC}/examples
PKG_EXAMPLE_FILES := docs/ProgrammingCryptol/aes/AES.cry \
docs/ProgrammingCryptol/enigma/Enigma.cry \
examples/ \
examples/Cipher.cry \
examples/DES.cry \
examples/DEStest.cry \
examples/Test.cry \
PKG_EXCONTRIB_FILES := examples/contrib/EvenMansour.cry \
examples/contrib/RC4.cry \
examples/contrib/ \
examples/contrib/mkrand.cry \
PKG_EXFUNSTUFF_FILES := examples/funstuff/Coins.cry \
examples/funstuff/FoxChickenCorn.cry \
examples/funstuff/NQueens.cry \
examples/funstuff/marble.cry \
PKG_MINILOCK_FILES := $(shell find examples/MiniLock)
docs/*.md docs/*.pdf LICENSE LICENSE.rtf \
mkdir -p ${PKG_CRY}
mkdir -p ${PKG_DOC}
mkdir -p ${PKG_EXAMPLES}
mkdir -p ${PKG_EXCONTRIB}
cp docs/*.md ${PKG_DOC}
cp docs/*.pdf ${PKG_DOC}
cp -r examples/MiniLock ${PKG_EXAMPLES}
# cleanup unwanted files
# don't want to bundle the cryptol library in the binary distribution
rm -rf ${PKG_PREFIX}/lib; rm -rf ${PKG_PREFIX}/*windows-ghc*
# don't ship haddock
rm -rf ${PKG_DOC}/html
.PHONY: install
install: ${PKG}
[ -n "${PREFIX}" ] \
|| (echo "[error] Can't install without PREFIX set"; false)
(cd ${PKG_PREFIX}; \
find . -type d -exec install -d ${PREFIX}/{} \; ; \
find bin -not -type d -exec install -m 755 {} ${PREFIX}/{} \; ; \
find share -not -type d -exec install -m 644 {} ${PREFIX}/{} \;)
${PKG}.tar.gz: ${PKG}
tar -czvf $@ $<
${PKG}.zip: ${PKG}
zip -r $@ $<
${PKG}.msi: ${PKG} win32/cryptol.wxs
${HEAT} dir ${PKG_PREFIX} -o allfiles.wxs -nologo -var var.pkg \
-ag -wixvar -cg ALLFILES -srd -dr INSTALLDIR -sfrag
${CANDLE} -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension \
-dversion=${VERSION} -dpkg=${PKG_PREFIX} win32/cryptol.wxs
${CANDLE} -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension \
-dversion=${VERSION} -dpkg=${PKG_PREFIX} allfiles.wxs
${LIGHT} -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension \
-sval -o $@ cryptol.wixobj allfiles.wixobj
rm -f allfiles.wxs
rm -f *.wixobj
rm -f *.wixpdb
${CS_BIN}/cryptol-test-runner: \
${PKG} \
$(CURDIR)/tests/Main.hs \
$(CABAL_INSTALL) ./tests
.PHONY: test
test: ${CS_BIN}/cryptol-test-runner
( cd tests && \
echo "Testing on $(UNAME)-$(ARCH)" && \
${TIME} $(realpath $(CS_BIN)/cryptol-test-runner) \
$(TESTS) \
--exe $(call adjust-path,${CURDIR}/${PKG_BIN}/cryptol${EXE_EXT}) \
-r output \
-T --hide-successes \
-T --jxml=$(call adjust-path,$(CURDIR)/results.xml) \
$(if $(DIFF),-p $(DIFF),) \
# Since this is meant for development rather than end-user builds,
# this tries to stay out of the way of the other targets by
# reconfiguring, then removing dist/setup-config so that other targets
# aren't left in a weird state
.PHONY: bench
bench: cryptol.cabal Makefile | ${CS_BIN}/alex ${CS_BIN}/happy
$(CABAL_INSTALL) --only-dependencies --enable-benchmarks
$(CABAL) configure --enable-benchmarks
$(CABAL) bench --benchmark-option=--junit --benchmark-option=$(call adjust-path,$(CURDIR)/bench-parser.xml) --benchmark-option='parser/'
$(CABAL) bench --benchmark-option=--junit --benchmark-option=$(call adjust-path,$(CURDIR)/bench-typechecker.xml) --benchmark-option='typechecker/'
$(CABAL) bench --benchmark-option=--junit --benchmark-option=$(call adjust-path,$(CURDIR)/bench-conc_eval.xml) --benchmark-option='conc_eval/'
$(CABAL) bench --benchmark-option=--junit --benchmark-option=$(call adjust-path,$(CURDIR)/bench-sym_eval.xml) --benchmark-option='sym_eval/'
rm -rf dist/setup-config
.PHONY: clean
cabal clean
rm -f $(CS_BIN)/cryptol-test-suite
rm -rf cryptol-${VERSION}*/
rm -rf cryptol-${VERSION}*.tar.gz
rm -rf cryptol-${VERSION}*.zip
rm -rf cryptol-${VERSION}*.msi
.PHONY: squeaky
squeaky: clean
-$(CABAL) sandbox delete
(cd docs; make clean)
rm -rf dist
rm -rf tests/dist

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Cryptol, version 2
This version of Cryptol is (C) 2013-2017 Galois, Inc., and
This version of Cryptol is (C) 2013-2020 Galois, Inc., and
distributed under a standard, three-clause BSD license. Please see
the file LICENSE, distributed with this software, for specific
terms and conditions.
@ -29,13 +29,12 @@ Yices, Z3, or CVC4, to prove predicates for all possible inputs.
# Getting Cryptol Binaries
Cryptol binaries for Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows are available from
the GitHub
[releases page]( Mac OS
X and Linux binaries are distributed as a tarball which you can
Cryptol binaries for Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows are available from the
GitHub [releases page](
Mac OS X and Linux binaries are distributed as a tarball which you can
extract to a location of your choice. Windows binaries are distributed
as an `.msi` installer package which places a shortcut to the Cryptol
interpreter in the Start menu.
both as tarballs and as `.msi` installer packages which place a shortcut
to the Cryptol interpreter in the Start menu.
On Mac OS X, Cryptol is also available via
[Homebrew]( Simply run `brew update && brew install cryptol`
@ -46,13 +45,15 @@ to get the latest stable version.
Cryptol currently uses Microsoft Research's [Z3 SMT
solver]( by default to solve constraints
during type checking, and as the default solver for the `:sat` and
`:prove` commands. You can download Z3 binaries for a variety of
platforms from their [releases page](
`:prove` commands. Cryptol generally requires the most recent version
of Z3, which at the time of writing this file is 4.8.8.
Cryptol generally requires the most recent version of Z3, which at the
time of writing this file is 4.5.0. Note that if you install Cryptol
using Homebrew, the appropriate version of Z3 will be installed
You can download Z3 binaries for a variety of platforms from their
[releases page]( If you
install Cryptol using Homebrew, the appropriate version of Z3 will be
installed automatically. If you're using Linux, the package manager for
your distribution may include Z3, as well, though sometimes the
available versions are somewhat old.
After installation, make sure that `z3` (or `z3.exe` on Windows)
is on your PATH.
@ -60,9 +61,10 @@ is on your PATH.
### Note for 64-bit Linux Users
On some 64-bit Linux configurations, 32-bit binaries do not work. This
can lead to unhelpful error messages like `z3: no such file or directory`, even when `z3` is clearly present. To fix this, either
install 32-bit compatibility packages for your distribution, or
download the `x64` version of Z3.
can lead to unhelpful error messages like `z3: no such file or
directory`, even when `z3` is clearly present. To fix this, either
install 32-bit compatibility packages for your distribution, or download
the `x64` version of Z3.
# Building Cryptol From Source
@ -72,16 +74,16 @@ on [GitHub](
Cryptol builds and runs on various flavors of Linux, Mac OS X, and
Windows. We regularly build and test it in the following environments:
- Mac OS X 10.10 64-bit
- CentOS 6 32/64-bit
- Windows 7 32-bit
- macOS 10.15, 64-bit
- Ubuntu 18.04, 64-bit
- Windows Server 2019, 64-bit
## Prerequisites
Cryptol is developed using GHC 7.10.2 and cabal-install 1.22, though
it is still tested with the previous major version of GHC. The easiest
way to get the correct versions is to follow the instructions on the
[ downloads page](
Cryptol is regularly built and tested with the three most recent
versions of GHC, which at the time of this writing are 8.6.5, 8.8.3, and
8.10.1. The easiest way to install an approporiate version of GHC is
with [ghcup](
Some supporting non-Haskell libraries are required to build
Cryptol. Most should already be present for your operating system, but
@ -96,42 +98,30 @@ You'll also need [Z3](#getting-z3) installed when running Cryptol.
From the Cryptol source directory, run:
./cry build
This will build Cryptol in place. From there, there are additional targets:
- `make run`: run Cryptol in the current directory
- `make test`: run the regression test suite (note: 4 failures is expected)
- `make docs`: build the Cryptol documentation (requires
[pandoc]( and
[TeX Live](
- `make tarball`: build a tarball with a relocatable Cryptol binary and documentation
- `make dist`: build a platform-specific distribution. On all
platforms except Windows, this is currently equivalent to `make tarball`. On Windows, this will build an `.msi` package using
[WiX Toolset 3.8](, which must be installed
- `./cry run`: run Cryptol in the current directory
- `./cry test`: run the regression test suite
## Installing Cryptol
If you run `cabal install` in your source directory after running one
of these `make` targets, you will end up with a binary in
`.cabal-sandbox/bin/cryptol`. You can either use that binary directly,
or use the results of `tarball` or `dist` to install Cryptol in a
location of your choice.
If you run `cabal v2-install --installdir=DIR` in your source directory
after running one of the above `./cry` command, you will end up with a
binary in `DIR`.
## Configuring Cryptol
Cryptol depends on several external files for complete operation. These
files are contained in the `lib` directory of the Cryptol repository. If
you install with `cabal install`, these files will be automaticall
copied into a directory that the `cryptol` executable can find. If you
install in other ways, you will have to do more manual configuration.
There are two options:
Cryptol can use several external files to control its operation.
Normally, the build process embeds these files into the executable.
However, these embedded files can be overwritten with local copies in
two ways:
- Copy the contents of the `lib` directory into `$HOME/.cryptol`.
- Set the `CRYPTOLPATH` environment variable to name some other
directory that contains those files.
directory that contains the files from the `lib` directory.
# Contributing
@ -145,22 +135,23 @@ If you write Cryptol programs that you think would benefit the
community, fork the GitHub repository, and add them to the
`examples/contrib` directory and submit a pull request.
We host a Cryptol mailing list, which
you can [join here](!forum/cryptol-users).
We host a Cryptol mailing list, which you can [join
If you run into a bug in Cryptol, if something doesn't make sense in
the documentation, if you think something could be better, or if you
just have a cool use of Cryptol that you'd like to share with us, use
the issues page on [GitHub](, or
send email to <>.
If you run into a bug in Cryptol, if something doesn't make sense in the
documentation, if you think something could be better, or if you just
have a cool use of Cryptol that you'd like to share with us, use the
issues page on [GitHub](, or send
email to <>.
## Developers
If you'd like to get involved with Cryptol development, see the list of
[low-hanging fruit]( These
are tasks which should be straightforward to implement. Make a
fork of this GitHub repository, send along pull requests and we'll
be happy to incorporate your changes.
These are tasks which should be straightforward to implement. Make a
fork of this GitHub repository, send along pull requests and we'll be
happy to incorporate your changes.
### Repository Structure
@ -185,12 +176,15 @@ algorithms specified in Cryptol.
If you are familiar with version 1 of Cryptol, you should read the
`Version2Changes` document in the `docs` directory.
For a large collection of Cryptol examples, see the [cryptol-specs
Cryptol is still under active development at Galois. We are also
building tools that consume both Cryptol specifications and
implementations in (for example) C or Java, and can (with some amount
of work) allow you to verify that an implementation meets its
specification. Email us at <> if you're interested
in these capabilities.
implementations in (for example) C or Java, and can (with some amount of
work) allow you to verify that an implementation meets its
specification. See more information on the [SAW
# Thanks!

View File

@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ case $COMMAND in
cabal v2-build exe:cryptol
sed -i "/^$dirty_string/d" src/GitRev.hs
sed -i.bak "/^$dirty_string/d" src/GitRev.hs
rm -f src/GitRev.hs.bak
haddock) echo Building Haddock documentation && cabal v2-haddock ;;