Add some documentation for the module system.

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Iavor S. Diatchki 2017-10-26 16:34:08 -07:00
parent 65ebbb5956
commit 2faa44e17b
2 changed files with 341 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -359,3 +359,344 @@ Type Synonym Declarations
type T a b = [a] b
A ***module*** is used to group some related definitions.
module M where
type T = [8]
f : [8]
f = 10
Hierarchical Module Names
Module may have either simple or ***hierarchical*** names.
Hierarchical names are constructed by gluing together ordinary
identifiers using the symbol `::`.
module Hash::SHA256 where
sha256 = ...
The structure in the name may be used to group together related
modules. Also, the Cryptol implementation uses the structure of the
name to locate the file containing the definition of the module.
For example, when searching for module `Hash::SHA256`, Cryptol
will look for a file named `SHA256.cry` in a directory called
`Hash`, contained in one of the directories specified by `CRYPTOLPATH`.
Module Imports
To use the definitions from one module in another module, we use
`import` declarations:
// Provide some definitions
module M where
f : [8]
f = 2
// Uses definitions from `M`
module N where
import M // import all definitions from `M`
g = f // `f` was imported from `M`
Import Lists
Sometimes, we may want to import only some of the definitions
from a module. To do so, we use an import declaration with
an ***import list***.
module M where
f = 0x02
g = 0x03
h = 0x04
module N where
import M(f,g) // Imports only `f` and `g`, but not `h`
x = f + g
Using explicit import lists helps reduce name collisions.
It also tends to make code easier to understand, because
it makes it easy to see the source of definitions.
Hiding Imports
Sometimes a module may provide many definitions, and we want to use
most of them but with a few exceptions (e.g., because those would
result to a name clash). In such situations it is convenient
to use a ***hiding*** import:
module M where
f = 0x02
g = 0x03
h = 0x04
module N where
import M hiding (h) // Import everything but `h`
x = f + g
Qualified Module Imports
Another way to avoid name collisions is by using a
***qualified*** import.
module M where
f : [8]
f = 2
module N where
import M as P
g = P::f
// `f` was imported from `M`
// but when used it needs to be prefixed by the qualified `P`
Qualified imports make it possible to work with definitions
that happen to have the same name but are defined in different modules.
Qualified imports may be combined with import lists or hiding clauses:
import A as B (f) // introduces B::f
import X as Y hiding (f) // introduces everything but `f` from X
// using the prefix `X`
It is also possible the use the same qualifier prefix for imports
from different modules. For example:
import A as B
import X as B
Such declarations will introduces all definitions from `A` and `X`
but to use them, you would have to qualify using the prefix `B:::`.
Private Blocks
In some cases, definitions in a module might use helper
functions that are not intended to be used outside the module.
It is good practice to place such declarations in ***private blocks***:
module M where
f : [8]
f = 0x01 + helper1 + helper2
helper1 : [8]
helper1 = 2
helper2 : [8]
helper2 = 3
The keyword `private` introduce a new layout scope, and all declarations
in the block are considered to be private to the module. A single module
may contain multiple private blocks. For example, the following module
is equivalent to the previous one:
module M where
f : [8]
f = 0x01 + helper1 + helper2
helper1 : [8]
helper1 = 2
helper2 : [8]
helper2 = 3
Parameterized Modules
module M where
type n : # // `n` is a numeric type parameter
type constraint (fin n, n >= 1)
// Assumptions about the parameter
x : [n] // A value parameter
// This definition uses the parameters.
f : [n]
f = 1 + x
Named Module Instantiations
One way to use a parameterized module is trough a named instantiation:
// A parameterized module
module M where
type n : #
x : [n]
y : [n]
f : [n]
f = x + y
// A module instantiation
module N = M where
type n = 32
x = 11
y = helper
helper = 12
The second module, `N`, is computed by instantiating the parameterized
module `M`. Module `N` will provide the exact same definitions as `M`,
except that the parameters will be replaced by the values in the body
of `N`. In this example, `N` provides just a single definition, `f`.
Note that the only purpose of the body of `N` (the declarations
after the `where` keyword) is to define the parameters for `M`.
Parameterized Instantiations
It is possible for a module instantiations to be itself parameterized.
This could be useful if we need to define some of a module's parameters
but not others.
// A parameterized module
module M where
type n : #
x : [n]
y : [n]
f : [n]
f = x + y
// A parameterized instantiation
module N = M where
x : [32]
type n = 32
y = helper
helper = 12
In this case `N` has a single parameter `x`. The result of instantiating
`N` would result in instantiating `M` using the value of `x` and `12`
for the value of `y`.
Importing Parameterized Modules
It is also possible to import a parameterized module without using
a module instantiation:
module M where
x : [8]
y : [8]
f : [8]
f = x + y
module N where
import `M
g = f { x = 2, y = 3 }
A ***backtick*** at the start of the name of an imported module indicates
that we are importing a parameterized module. In this case, Cryptol
will import all definitions from the module as usual, however every
definition will have some additional parameters corresponding to
the parameters of a module. All value parameters are grouped in a record.
This is why in the example `f` is applied to a record of values,
even though its definition in `M` does not look like a function.

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