Implementation of nested modules.

* Limitations:
    Does not work in combination parameterized modules, as I am
    about to redo how that works.

  * General refeactorings:
    * Namespaces:
      - We have an explicit type for namespaces, see `Cryptol.Util.Ident`
      - Display environments should now be aware of the namespace of the
        name being displayed.

    * Renamer:
      - Factor out the renamer monad and error type into separate modules
      - All name resultion is done through a single function `resolveName`
      - The renamer now computes the dependencies between declarations,
         orders things in dependency order, and checks for bad recursion.

    * Typechecker: Redo checking of declarations (both top-level and local).
      Previously we used a sort of CPS to add things in scope.   Now we use
      a state monad and add things to the state.  We assume that the renamer
      has been run, which means that declarations are ordered in dependency
      order, and things have unique name, so we don't need to worry about
      scoping too much.

  * Change specific to nested modules:
    - We have a new namespace for module names
    - The interface file of a module contains the interfaces for nested modules
    - Most of the changes related to nested modules in the renamer are
      in `ModuleSystem.NamingEnv` and `ModuleSystem.Rename`
        - There is some trickiness when resolving module names when importing
          submodules (seed `processOpen` and `openLoop`)
    - There are some changes to the representation of modules in the typechecked
      syntax, in particular:
        - During type-checking we "flatten" nested module declarations into
          a single big declaration.  Hopefully, this means that passes after
          the type checker don't need to worry about nested modules
        - There is a new field containing the interfaces of the nested modules,
          this is needed so that when we import the module we know we have the
          nested structure
        - Declarations in functor/parameterzied modules do not appear in the
          flattened list of declarations.  Instead thouse modules are collected
          in a separate field, and the plan is that they would be used from
          there when we implmenet functor instantiation.
This commit is contained in:
Iavor Diatchki 2021-01-26 15:54:24 -08:00
parent 8a0a0094ae
commit 34b1d87df3
72 changed files with 2638 additions and 1635 deletions

View File

@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ import Cryptol.Eval.Concrete (Value)
import Cryptol.Eval.Type (TValue(..), tValTy)
import Cryptol.Eval.Value (GenValue(..), asWordVal, enumerateSeqMap)
import Cryptol.Parser
import Cryptol.Parser.AST (Bind(..), BindDef(..), Decl(..), Expr(..), Named(Named), TypeInst(NamedInst), Type(..), PName(..), Literal(..), NumInfo(..), Type)
import Cryptol.Parser.AST (Bind(..), BindDef(..), Decl(..), Expr(..), Named(Named), TypeInst(NamedInst), Type(..), PName(..), Literal(..), NumInfo(..), Type,
import Cryptol.Parser.Position (Located(..), emptyRange)
import Cryptol.Parser.Selector
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident
@ -319,7 +320,17 @@ getCryptolExpr (Let binds body) =
mkBind (LetBinding x rhs) =
DBind .
(\bindBody ->
Bind (fakeLoc (UnQual (mkIdent x))) [] bindBody Nothing False Nothing [] True Nothing) .
Bind { bName = fakeLoc (UnQual (mkIdent x))
, bParams = []
, bDef = bindBody
, bSignature = Nothing
, bInfix = False
, bFixity = Nothing
, bPragmas = []
, bMono = True
, bDoc = Nothing
, bExport = Public
}) .
fakeLoc .
DExpr <$>
getCryptolExpr rhs

View File

@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ import Cryptol.Parser.Name (PName(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env (ModContext(..), ModuleEnv(..), DynamicEnv(..), focusedEnv)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface (IfaceDecl(..), IfaceDecls(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (Name)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.NamingEnv (NamingEnv(..), lookupValNames, shadowing)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.NamingEnv
(NamingEnv, namespaceMap, lookupValNames, shadowing)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Type (Schema(..))
import Cryptol.Utils.PP (pp)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident(Namespace(..))
import CryptolServer
import CryptolServer.Data.Type
@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ visibleNames _ =
do me <- getModuleEnv
let DEnv { deNames = dyNames } = meDynEnv me
let ModContext { mctxDecls = fDecls, mctxNames = fNames} = focusedEnv me
let inScope = Map.keys (neExprs $ dyNames `shadowing` fNames)
let inScope = Map.keys (namespaceMap NSValue $ dyNames `shadowing` fNames)
return $ concatMap (getInfo fNames (ifDecls fDecls)) inScope
getInfo :: NamingEnv -> Map Name IfaceDecl -> PName -> [NameInfo]

View File

@ -111,9 +111,11 @@ library
@ -126,12 +128,12 @@ library

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module Cryptol.ModuleSystem (
, renameType
-- * Interfaces
, Iface(..), IfaceParams(..), IfaceDecls(..), genIface
, Iface, IfaceG(..), IfaceParams(..), IfaceDecls(..), T.genIface
, IfaceTySyn, IfaceDecl(..)
) where
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import Cryptol.Parser.Name (PName)
import Cryptol.Parser.NoPat (RemovePatterns)
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Interface as T
import qualified Cryptol.Utils.Ident as M
-- Public Interface ------------------------------------------------------------
@ -105,10 +106,14 @@ evalDecls dgs env = runModuleM env (interactive (Base.evalDecls dgs))
noPat :: RemovePatterns a => a -> ModuleCmd a
noPat a env = runModuleM env (interactive (Base.noPat a))
-- | Rename a *use* of a value name. The distinction between uses and
-- binding is used to keep track of dependencies.
renameVar :: R.NamingEnv -> PName -> ModuleCmd Name
renameVar names n env = runModuleM env $ interactive $
Base.rename M.interactiveName names (R.renameVar n)
Base.rename M.interactiveName names (R.renameVar R.NameUse n)
-- | Rename a *use* of a type name. The distinction between uses and
-- binding is used to keep track of dependencies.
renameType :: R.NamingEnv -> PName -> ModuleCmd Name
renameType names n env = runModuleM env $ interactive $
Base.rename M.interactiveName names (R.renameType n)
Base.rename M.interactiveName names (R.renameType R.NameUse n)

View File

@ -12,14 +12,37 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Base where
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Control.Monad (unless,when)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8')
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, canonicalizePath)
import System.FilePath ( addExtension
, isAbsolute
, joinPath
, (</>)
, normalise
, takeDirectory
, takeFileName
import qualified System.IO.Error as IOE
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat hiding ( (<>) )
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env (DynamicEnv(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Fingerprint
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Monad
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (Name,liftSupply,PrimMap)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (Name,liftSupply,PrimMap,ModPath(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env (lookupModule
, LoadedModule(..)
, meCoreLint, CoreLint(..)
@ -53,33 +76,21 @@ import Cryptol.Prelude ( preludeContents, floatContents, arrayContents
, suiteBContents, primeECContents, preludeReferenceContents )
import Cryptol.Transform.MonoValues (rewModule)
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Control.Monad (unless,when)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8')
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, canonicalizePath)
import System.FilePath ( addExtension
, isAbsolute
, joinPath
, (</>)
, normalise
, takeDirectory
, takeFileName
import qualified System.IO.Error as IOE
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat hiding ( (<>) )
-- Renaming --------------------------------------------------------------------
rename :: ModName -> R.NamingEnv -> R.RenameM a -> ModuleM a
rename modName env m = do
ifaces <- getIfaces
(res,ws) <- liftSupply $ \ supply ->
case R.runRenamer supply modName env m of
let info = R.RenamerInfo
{ renSupply = supply
, renContext = TopModule modName
, renEnv = env
, renIfaces = ifaces
case R.runRenamer info m of
(Right (a,supply'),ws) -> ((Right a,ws),supply')
(Left errs,ws) -> ((Left errs,ws),supply)
@ -89,12 +100,9 @@ rename modName env m = do
Left errs -> renamerErrors errs
-- | Rename a module in the context of its imported modules.
renameModule :: P.Module PName
-> ModuleM (IfaceDecls,R.NamingEnv,P.Module Name)
renameModule m = do
(decls,menv) <- importIfaces (map thing (P.mImports m))
(declsEnv,rm) <- rename (thing (mName m)) menv (R.renameModule m)
return (decls,declsEnv,rm)
renameModule ::
P.Module PName -> ModuleM (IfaceDecls,R.NamingEnv,P.Module Name)
renameModule m = rename (thing (mName m)) mempty (R.renameModule m)
-- NoPat -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -231,17 +239,6 @@ doLoadModule quiet isrc path fp pm0 =
fullyQualified :: P.Import -> P.Import
fullyQualified i = i { iAs = Just (iModule i) }
-- | Find the interface referenced by an import, and generate the naming
-- environment that it describes.
importIface :: P.Import -> ModuleM (IfaceDecls,R.NamingEnv)
importIface imp =
do Iface { .. } <- getIface (T.iModule imp)
return (ifPublic, R.interpImport imp ifPublic)
-- | Load a series of interfaces, merging their public interfaces.
importIfaces :: [P.Import] -> ModuleM (IfaceDecls,R.NamingEnv)
importIfaces is = mconcat `fmap` mapM importIface is
moduleFile :: ModName -> String -> FilePath
moduleFile n = addExtension (joinPath (modNameChunks n))
@ -299,13 +296,13 @@ addPrelude :: P.Module PName -> P.Module PName
addPrelude m
| preludeName == P.thing (P.mName m) = m
| preludeName `elem` importedMods = m
| otherwise = m { mImports = importPrelude : mImports m }
| otherwise = m { mDecls = importPrelude : mDecls m }
importedMods = map (P.iModule . P.thing) (P.mImports m)
importPrelude = P.Located
importPrelude = P.DImport P.Located
{ P.srcRange = emptyRange
, P.thing = P.Import
{ iModule = preludeName
{ iModule = P.ImpTop preludeName
, iAs = Nothing
, iSpec = Nothing
@ -360,11 +357,8 @@ checkDecls ds = do
decls = mctxDecls fe
names = mctxNames fe
-- introduce names for the declarations before renaming them
declsEnv <- liftSupply (R.namingEnv' (map (R.InModule interactiveName) ds))
rds <- rename interactiveName (declsEnv `R.shadowing` names)
(traverse R.rename ds)
(declsEnv,rds) <- rename interactiveName names
$ R.renameTopDecls interactiveName ds
prims <- getPrimMap
let act = TCAction { tcAction = T.tcDecls, tcLinter = declsLinter
, tcPrims = prims }

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (Name,Supply,emptySupply)
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.NamingEnv as R
import Cryptol.Parser.AST
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck as T
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Interface as T
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T
import Cryptol.Utils.PP (PP(..),text,parens,NameDisp)
@ -197,6 +198,9 @@ data ModContext = ModContext
, mctxDecls :: IfaceDecls
, mctxNames :: R.NamingEnv
, mctxNameDisp :: NameDisp
-- XXX: use namespace
, mctxModProvenace :: Map Name DeclProvenance
, mctxTypeProvenace :: Map Name DeclProvenance
, mctxValueProvenance :: Map Name DeclProvenance
@ -214,6 +218,9 @@ data DeclProvenance =
-- | Given the state of the environment, compute information about what's
-- in scope on the REPL. This includes what's in the focused module, plus any
-- additional definitions from the REPL (e.g., let bound names, and @it@).
-- XXX: nested modules.
-- XXX: it seems that this does a bunch of work that should be happening
-- somewhere else too...
focusedEnv :: ModuleEnv -> ModContext
focusedEnv me =
@ -221,11 +228,16 @@ focusedEnv me =
, mctxDecls = mconcat (dynDecls : localDecls : importedDecls)
, mctxNames = namingEnv
, mctxNameDisp = R.toNameDisp namingEnv
, mctxTypeProvenace = fst provenance
, mctxValueProvenance = snd provenance
, mctxModProvenace = fst3 provenance
, mctxTypeProvenace = snd3 provenance
, mctxValueProvenance = trd3 provenance
fst3 (x,_,_) = x
snd3 (_,x,_) = x
trd3 (_,_,x) = x
(importedNames,importedDecls,importedProvs) = unzip3 (map loadImport imports)
localDecls = publicDecls `mappend` privateDecls
localNames = R.unqualifiedEnv localDecls `mappend`
@ -258,7 +270,7 @@ focusedEnv me =
case lookupModule (iModule imp) me of
Just lm ->
let decls = ifPublic (lmInterface lm)
in ( R.interpImport imp decls
in ( R.interpImportIface imp decls
, decls
, declsProv (NameIsImportedFrom (iModule imp)) decls
@ -267,14 +279,15 @@ focusedEnv me =
-- earlier ones shadow
shadowProvs ps = let (tss,vss) = unzip ps
in (Map.unions tss, Map.unions vss)
shadowProvs ps = let (mss,tss,vss) = unzip3 ps
in (Map.unions mss, Map.unions tss, Map.unions vss)
paramProv IfaceParams { .. } = (doMap ifParamTypes, doMap ifParamFuns)
paramProv IfaceParams { .. } = (mempty, doMap ifParamTypes, doMap ifParamFuns)
where doMap mp = const NameIsParameter <$> mp
declsProv prov IfaceDecls { .. } =
( Map.unions [ doMap ifTySyns, doMap ifNewtypes, doMap ifAbstractTypes ]
( doMap ifModules
, Map.unions [ doMap ifTySyns, doMap ifNewtypes, doMap ifAbstractTypes ]
, doMap ifDecls
where doMap mp = const prov <$> mp
@ -390,7 +403,7 @@ addLoadedModule path ident fp tm lm
{ lmName = T.mName tm
, lmFilePath = path
, lmModuleId = ident
, lmInterface = genIface tm
, lmInterface = T.genIface tm
, lmModule = tm
, lmFingerprint = fp
@ -444,7 +457,8 @@ deIfaceDecls DEnv { deDecls = dgs } =
, ifNewtypes = Map.empty
, ifAbstractTypes = Map.empty
, ifDecls = Map.singleton (ifDeclName ifd) ifd
, ifModules = Map.empty
| decl <- concatMap T.groupDecls dgs
, let ifd = mkIfaceDecl decl
, let ifd = T.mkIfaceDecl decl

View File

@ -3,14 +3,17 @@ module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Exports where
import Data.Set(Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map(Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Foldable(fold)
import Control.DeepSeq(NFData)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Cryptol.Parser.AST
import Cryptol.Parser.Names
import Cryptol.Parser.Names(namesD,tnamesD,tnamesNT)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
modExports :: Ord name => Module name -> ExportSpec name
modExports :: Ord name => ModuleG manme name -> ExportSpec name
modExports m = fold (concat [ exportedNames d | d <- mDecls m ])
names by td = [ td { tlValue = thing n } | n <- fst (by (tlValue td)) ]
@ -20,46 +23,61 @@ modExports m = fold (concat [ exportedNames d | d <- mDecls m ])
exportedNames (DPrimType t) = [ exportType (thing . primTName <$> t) ]
exportedNames (TDNewtype nt) = map exportType (names tnamesNT nt)
exportedNames (Include {}) = []
exportedNames (DImport {}) = []
exportedNames (DParameterFun {}) = []
exportedNames (DParameterType {}) = []
exportedNames (DParameterConstraint {}) = []
exportedNames (DModule nested) =
case tlValue nested of
NestedModule x ->
[exportName NSModule nested { tlValue = thing (mName x) }]
data ExportSpec name = ExportSpec { eTypes :: Set name
, eBinds :: Set name
} deriving (Show, Generic)
newtype ExportSpec name = ExportSpec (Map Namespace (Set name))
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance NFData name => NFData (ExportSpec name)
instance Ord name => Semigroup (ExportSpec name) where
l <> r = ExportSpec { eTypes = eTypes l <> eTypes r
, eBinds = eBinds l <> eBinds r
ExportSpec l <> ExportSpec r = ExportSpec (Map.unionWith Set.union l r)
instance Ord name => Monoid (ExportSpec name) where
mempty = ExportSpec { eTypes = mempty, eBinds = mempty }
mappend = (<>)
mempty = ExportSpec Map.empty
exportName :: Ord name => Namespace -> TopLevel name -> ExportSpec name
exportName ns n
| tlExport n == Public = ExportSpec
$ Map.singleton ns
$ Set.singleton (tlValue n)
| otherwise = mempty
exported :: Namespace -> ExportSpec name -> Set name
exported ns (ExportSpec mp) = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty ns mp
-- | Add a binding name to the export list, if it should be exported.
exportBind :: Ord name => TopLevel name -> ExportSpec name
exportBind n
| tlExport n == Public = mempty { eBinds = Set.singleton (tlValue n) }
| otherwise = mempty
exportBind = exportName NSValue
-- | Add a type synonym name to the export list, if it should be exported.
exportType :: Ord name => TopLevel name -> ExportSpec name
exportType n
| tlExport n == Public = mempty { eTypes = Set.singleton (tlValue n) }
| otherwise = mempty
exportType = exportName NSType
isExported :: Ord name => Namespace -> name -> ExportSpec name -> Bool
isExported ns x (ExportSpec s) =
case Map.lookup ns s of
Nothing -> False
Just mp -> Set.member x mp
-- | Check to see if a binding is exported.
isExportedBind :: Ord name => name -> ExportSpec name -> Bool
isExportedBind n = Set.member n . eBinds
isExportedBind = isExported NSValue
-- | Check to see if a type synonym is exported.
isExportedType :: Ord name => name -> ExportSpec name -> Bool
isExportedType n = Set.member n . eTypes
isExportedType = isExported NSType

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# Language FlexibleInstances, PatternGuards #-}
{-# Language BlockArguments #-}
-- | Assumes that local names do not shadow top level names.
module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.InstantiateModule
( instantiateModule
@ -10,12 +11,13 @@ import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import MonadLib(ReaderT,runReaderT,ask)
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident(ModName,modParamIdent)
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(Located(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst(listParamSubst, apSubst)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.SimpType(tRebuild)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident(ModName,modParamIdent)
XXX: Should we simplify constraints in the instantiated modules?
@ -35,8 +37,12 @@ instantiateModule :: FreshM m =>
Map Name Expr {- ^ Value parameters -} ->
m ([Located Prop], Module)
-- ^ Instantiated constraints, fresh module, new supply
instantiateModule func newName tpMap vpMap =
runReaderT newName $
instantiateModule func newName tpMap vpMap
| not (null (mSubModules func)) =
panic "instantiateModule"
[ "XXX: we don't support functors with nested moduels yet." ]
| otherwise =
runReaderT (TopModule newName) $
do let oldVpNames = Map.keys vpMap
newVpNames <- mapM freshParamName (Map.keys vpMap)
let vpNames = Map.fromList (zip oldVpNames newVpNames)
@ -72,6 +78,9 @@ instantiateModule func newName tpMap vpMap =
, mParamConstraints = []
, mParamFuns = Map.empty
, mDecls = paramDecls ++ renamedDecls
, mSubModules = mempty
, mFunctors = mempty
} )
@ -110,7 +119,7 @@ instance Defines DeclGroup where
type InstM = ReaderT ModName
type InstM = ReaderT ModPath
-- | Generate a new instance of a declared name.
freshenName :: FreshM m => Name -> InstM m Name
@ -119,13 +128,15 @@ freshenName x =
let sys = case nameInfo x of
Declared _ s -> s
_ -> UserName
liftSupply (mkDeclared m sys (nameIdent x) (nameFixity x) (nameLoc x))
liftSupply (mkDeclared (nameNamespace x)
m sys (nameIdent x) (nameFixity x) (nameLoc x))
freshParamName :: FreshM m => Name -> InstM m Name
freshParamName x =
do m <- ask
let newName = modParamIdent (nameIdent x)
liftSupply (mkDeclared m UserName newName (nameFixity x) (nameLoc x))
liftSupply (mkDeclared (nameNamespace x)
m UserName newName (nameFixity x) (nameLoc x))
@ -263,11 +274,14 @@ instance Inst UserTC where
where y = Map.findWithDefault x x (tyNameMap env)
instance Inst (ExportSpec Name) where
inst env es = ExportSpec { eTypes = instT (eTypes es)
, eBinds = instV (eBinds es)
where instT x = Map.findWithDefault x x (tyNameMap env)
instV x = Map.findWithDefault x x (funNameMap env)
inst env (ExportSpec spec) = ExportSpec (Map.mapWithKey doNS spec)
doNS ns =
case ns of
NSType -> \x -> Map.findWithDefault x x (tyNameMap env)
NSValue -> \x -> Map.findWithDefault x x (funNameMap env)
NSModule -> id
instance Inst TySyn where
inst env ts = TySyn { tsName = instTyName env x

View File

@ -12,24 +12,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface (
, IfaceG(..)
, IfaceDecls(..)
, IfaceTySyn, ifTySynName
, IfaceNewtype
, IfaceDecl(..), mkIfaceDecl
, IfaceDecl(..)
, IfaceParams(..)
, genIface
, emptyIface
, ifacePrimMap
, noIfaceParams
) where
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (ModName)
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(Located)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -40,15 +35,33 @@ import Control.DeepSeq
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (ModName)
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.Fixity(Fixity)
import Cryptol.Parser.AST(Pragma)
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(Located)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Type
-- | The resulting interface generated by a module that has been typechecked.
data Iface = Iface
{ ifModName :: !ModName -- ^ Module name
data IfaceG mname = Iface
{ ifModName :: !mname -- ^ Module name
, ifPublic :: IfaceDecls -- ^ Exported definitions
, ifPrivate :: IfaceDecls -- ^ Private defintiions
, ifParams :: IfaceParams -- ^ Uninterpreted constants (aka module params)
} deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
type Iface = IfaceG ModName
emptyIface :: mname -> IfaceG mname
emptyIface nm = Iface
{ ifModName = nm
, ifPublic = mempty
, ifPrivate = mempty
, ifParams = noIfaceParams
data IfaceParams = IfaceParams
{ ifParamTypes :: Map.Map Name ModTParam
, ifParamConstraints :: [Located Prop] -- ^ Constraints on param. types
@ -67,6 +80,7 @@ data IfaceDecls = IfaceDecls
, ifNewtypes :: Map.Map Name IfaceNewtype
, ifAbstractTypes :: Map.Map Name IfaceAbstractType
, ifDecls :: Map.Map Name IfaceDecl
, ifModules :: !(Map.Map Name (IfaceG Name))
} deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
instance Semigroup IfaceDecls where
@ -75,16 +89,18 @@ instance Semigroup IfaceDecls where
, ifNewtypes = Map.union (ifNewtypes l) (ifNewtypes r)
, ifAbstractTypes = Map.union (ifAbstractTypes l) (ifAbstractTypes r)
, ifDecls = Map.union (ifDecls l) (ifDecls r)
, ifModules = Map.union (ifModules l) (ifModules r)
instance Monoid IfaceDecls where
mempty = IfaceDecls Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty
mempty = IfaceDecls Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty
mappend l r = l <> r
mconcat ds = IfaceDecls
{ ifTySyns = Map.unions (map ifTySyns ds)
, ifNewtypes = Map.unions (map ifNewtypes ds)
, ifAbstractTypes = Map.unions (map ifAbstractTypes ds)
, ifDecls = Map.unions (map ifDecls ds)
, ifModules = Map.unions (map ifModules ds)
type IfaceTySyn = TySyn
@ -104,61 +120,6 @@ data IfaceDecl = IfaceDecl
, ifDeclDoc :: Maybe Text -- ^ Documentation
} deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
mkIfaceDecl :: Decl -> IfaceDecl
mkIfaceDecl d = IfaceDecl
{ ifDeclName = dName d
, ifDeclSig = dSignature d
, ifDeclPragmas = dPragmas d
, ifDeclInfix = dInfix d
, ifDeclFixity = dFixity d
, ifDeclDoc = dDoc d
-- | Generate an Iface from a typechecked module.
genIface :: Module -> Iface
genIface m = Iface
{ ifModName = mName m
, ifPublic = IfaceDecls
{ ifTySyns = tsPub
, ifNewtypes = ntPub
, ifAbstractTypes = atPub
, ifDecls = dPub
, ifPrivate = IfaceDecls
{ ifTySyns = tsPriv
, ifNewtypes = ntPriv
, ifAbstractTypes = atPriv
, ifDecls = dPriv
, ifParams = IfaceParams
{ ifParamTypes = mParamTypes m
, ifParamConstraints = mParamConstraints m
, ifParamFuns = mParamFuns m
(tsPub,tsPriv) =
Map.partitionWithKey (\ qn _ -> qn `isExportedType` mExports m )
(mTySyns m)
(ntPub,ntPriv) =
Map.partitionWithKey (\ qn _ -> qn `isExportedType` mExports m )
(mNewtypes m)
(atPub,atPriv) =
Map.partitionWithKey (\qn _ -> qn `isExportedType` mExports m)
(mPrimTypes m)
(dPub,dPriv) =
Map.partitionWithKey (\ qn _ -> qn `isExportedBind` mExports m)
$ Map.fromList [ (qn,mkIfaceDecl d) | dg <- mDecls m
, d <- groupDecls dg
, let qn = dName d
-- | Produce a PrimMap from an interface.

View File

@ -463,11 +463,15 @@ getImportSource = ModuleT $ do
_ -> return (FromModule noModuleName)
getIface :: P.ModName -> ModuleM Iface
getIface mn =
do env <- ModuleT get
case lookupModule mn env of
Just lm -> return (lmInterface lm)
Nothing -> panic "ModuleSystem" ["Interface not available", show (pp mn)]
getIface mn = ($ mn) <$> getIfaces
getIfaces :: ModuleM (P.ModName -> Iface)
getIfaces = doLookup <$> ModuleT get
doLookup env mn =
case lookupModule mn env of
Just lm -> lmInterface lm
Nothing -> panic "ModuleSystem" ["Interface not available", show (pp mn)]
getLoaded :: P.ModName -> ModuleM T.Module
getLoaded mn = ModuleT $

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- for the instances of RunM and BaseM
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
@ -26,10 +27,13 @@ module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (
, nameInfo
, nameLoc
, nameFixity
, nameNamespace
, asPrim
, cmpNameLexical
, cmpNameDisplay
, asOrigName
, ppLocName
, Namespace(..)
, ModPath(..)
, cmpNameDisplay
-- ** Creation
, mkDeclared
@ -49,6 +53,18 @@ module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (
, lookupPrimType
) where
import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Monoid as M
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import MonadLib
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Char(isAlpha,toUpper)
import Cryptol.Parser.Position (Range,Located(..),emptyRange)
import Cryptol.Utils.Fixity
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident
@ -56,26 +72,16 @@ import Cryptol.Utils.Panic
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Monoid as M
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Char(isAlpha,toUpper)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import MonadLib
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
-- Names -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Information about the binding site of the name.
data NameInfo = Declared !ModName !NameSource
data NameInfo = Declared !ModPath !NameSource
-- ^ This name refers to a declaration from this module
| Parameter
-- ^ This name is a parameter (function or type)
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)
data Name = Name { nUnique :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
-- ^ INVARIANT: this field uniquely identifies a name for one
-- session with the Cryptol library. Names are unique to
@ -84,6 +90,8 @@ data Name = Name { nUnique :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, nInfo :: !NameInfo
-- ^ Information about the origin of this name.
, nNamespace :: !Namespace
, nIdent :: !Ident
-- ^ The name of the identifier
@ -100,6 +108,7 @@ data Name = Name { nUnique :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
data NameSource = SystemName | UserName
deriving (Generic, NFData, Show, Eq)
instance Eq Name where
a == b = compare a b == EQ
a /= b = compare a b /= EQ
@ -107,54 +116,41 @@ instance Eq Name where
instance Ord Name where
compare a b = compare (nUnique a) (nUnique b)
-- | Compare two names lexically.
cmpNameLexical :: Name -> Name -> Ordering
cmpNameLexical l r =
case (nameInfo l, nameInfo r) of
(Declared nsl _,Declared nsr _) ->
case compare nsl nsr of
EQ -> comparing nameIdent l r
cmp -> cmp
(Parameter,Parameter) -> comparing nameIdent l r
(Declared nsl _,Parameter) -> compare (modNameToText nsl)
(identText (nameIdent r))
(Parameter,Declared nsr _) -> compare (identText (nameIdent l))
(modNameToText nsr)
-- | Compare two names by the way they would be displayed.
-- This is used to order names nicely when showing what's in scope
cmpNameDisplay :: NameDisp -> Name -> Name -> Ordering
cmpNameDisplay disp l r =
case (nameInfo l, nameInfo r) of
case (asOrigName l, asOrigName r) of
(Declared nsl _, Declared nsr _) -> -- XXX: uses system name info?
let pfxl = fmtModName nsl (getNameFormat nsl (nameIdent l) disp)
pfxr = fmtModName nsr (getNameFormat nsr (nameIdent r) disp)
in case cmpText pfxl pfxr of
EQ -> cmpName l r
cmp -> cmp
(Just ogl, Just ogr) -> -- XXX: uses system name info?
case cmpText (fmtPref ogl) (fmtPref ogr) of
EQ -> cmpName l r
cmp -> cmp
(Parameter,Parameter) -> cmpName l r
(Nothing,Nothing) -> cmpName l r
(Declared nsl _,Parameter) ->
let pfxl = fmtModName nsl (getNameFormat nsl (nameIdent l) disp)
in case cmpText pfxl (identText (nameIdent r)) of
EQ -> GT
cmp -> cmp
(Just ogl,Nothing) ->
case cmpText (fmtPref ogl) (identText (nameIdent r)) of
EQ -> GT
cmp -> cmp
(Parameter,Declared nsr _) ->
let pfxr = fmtModName nsr (getNameFormat nsr (nameIdent r) disp)
in case cmpText (identText (nameIdent l)) pfxr of
EQ -> LT
cmp -> cmp
(Nothing,Just ogr) ->
case cmpText (identText (nameIdent l)) (fmtPref ogr) of
EQ -> LT
cmp -> cmp
cmpName xs ys = cmpIdent (nameIdent xs) (nameIdent ys)
cmpIdent xs ys = cmpText (identText xs) (identText ys)
--- let pfxl = fmtModName nsl (getNameFormat nsl (nameIdent l) disp)
fmtPref og = case getNameFormat og disp of
UnQualified -> ""
Qualified q -> modNameToText q
NotInScope -> Text.pack $ show $ pp (ogModule og)
-- Note that this assumes that `xs` is `l` and `ys` is `r`
cmpText xs ys =
case (Text.null xs, Text.null ys) of
@ -169,22 +165,17 @@ cmpNameDisplay disp l r =
| a == '_' = 1
| otherwise = 0
-- | Figure out how the name should be displayed, by referencing the display
-- function in the environment. NOTE: this function doesn't take into account
-- the need for parentheses.
ppName :: Name -> Doc
ppName Name { .. } =
case nInfo of
ppName nm =
case asOrigName nm of
Just og -> pp og
Nothing -> pp (nameIdent nm)
Declared m _ -> withNameDisp $ \disp ->
case getNameFormat m nIdent disp of
Qualified m' -> ppQual m' <.> pp nIdent
UnQualified -> pp nIdent
NotInScope -> ppQual m <.> pp nIdent -- XXX: only when not in scope?
ppQual mo = if mo == exprModName then empty else pp mo <.> text "::"
Parameter -> pp nIdent
instance PP Name where
ppPrec _ = ppPrefixName
@ -199,6 +190,7 @@ instance PPName Name where
ppPrefixName n @ Name { .. } = optParens (isInfixIdent nIdent) (ppName n)
-- | Pretty-print a name with its source location information.
ppLocName :: Name -> Doc
ppLocName n = pp Located { srcRange = nameLoc n, thing = n }
@ -209,6 +201,9 @@ nameUnique = nUnique
nameIdent :: Name -> Ident
nameIdent = nIdent
nameNamespace :: Name -> Namespace
nameNamespace = nNamespace
nameInfo :: Name -> NameInfo
nameInfo = nInfo
@ -218,22 +213,31 @@ nameLoc = nLoc
nameFixity :: Name -> Maybe Fixity
nameFixity = nFixity
-- | Primtiives must be in a top level module, at least for now.
asPrim :: Name -> Maybe PrimIdent
asPrim Name { .. } =
case nInfo of
Declared p _ -> Just $ PrimIdent p $ identText nIdent
_ -> Nothing
Declared (TopModule m) _ -> Just $ PrimIdent m $ identText nIdent
_ -> Nothing
toParamInstName :: Name -> Name
toParamInstName n =
case nInfo n of
Declared m s -> n { nInfo = Declared (paramInstModName m) s }
Declared m s -> n { nInfo = Declared (apPathRoot paramInstModName m) s }
Parameter -> n
asParamName :: Name -> Name
asParamName n = n { nInfo = Parameter }
asOrigName :: Name -> Maybe OrigName
asOrigName nm =
case nInfo nm of
Declared p _ -> Just OrigName { ogModule = p
, ogNamespace = nNamespace nm
, ogName = nIdent nm
Parameter -> Nothing
-- Name Supply -----------------------------------------------------------------
@ -321,15 +325,17 @@ nextUnique (Supply n) = s' `seq` (n,s')
-- Name Construction -----------------------------------------------------------
-- | Make a new name for a declaration.
mkDeclared :: ModName -> NameSource -> Ident -> Maybe Fixity -> Range -> Supply -> (Name,Supply)
mkDeclared m sys nIdent nFixity nLoc s =
mkDeclared ::
Namespace -> ModPath -> NameSource -> Ident -> Maybe Fixity -> Range ->
Supply -> (Name,Supply)
mkDeclared nNamespace m sys nIdent nFixity nLoc s =
let (nUnique,s') = nextUnique s
nInfo = Declared m sys
in (Name { .. }, s')
-- | Make a new parameter name.
mkParameter :: Ident -> Range -> Supply -> (Name,Supply)
mkParameter nIdent nLoc s =
mkParameter :: Namespace -> Ident -> Range -> Supply -> (Name,Supply)
mkParameter nNamespace nIdent nLoc s =
let (nUnique,s') = nextUnique s
nFixity = Nothing
in (Name { nInfo = Parameter, .. }, s')
@ -340,6 +346,7 @@ paramModRecParam = Name { nInfo = Parameter
, nIdent = packIdent "$modParams"
, nLoc = emptyRange
, nUnique = 0x01
, nNamespace = NSValue
-- Prim Maps -------------------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -15,23 +15,17 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.NamingEnv where
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.Parser.AST
import Cryptol.Parser.Name(isGeneratedName)
import Cryptol.Parser.Position
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe,mapMaybe,maybeToList)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Semigroup
import MonadLib (runId,Id)
import MonadLib (runId,Id,StateT,runStateT,lift,sets_,forM_)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq
@ -39,46 +33,61 @@ import Control.DeepSeq
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)
import Cryptol.Parser.AST
import Cryptol.Parser.Name(isGeneratedName)
import Cryptol.Parser.Position
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
-- Naming Environment ----------------------------------------------------------
-- | The 'NamingEnv' is used by the renamer to determine what
-- identifiers refer to.
data NamingEnv = NamingEnv { neExprs :: !(Map.Map PName [Name])
-- ^ Expr renaming environment
, neTypes :: !(Map.Map PName [Name])
-- ^ Type renaming environment
} deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
newtype NamingEnv = NamingEnv (Map Namespace (Map PName [Name]))
deriving (Show,Generic,NFData)
-- | Get the names in a given namespace
namespaceMap :: Namespace -> NamingEnv -> Map PName [Name]
namespaceMap ns (NamingEnv env) = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty ns env
-- | Resolve a name in the given namespace.
lookupNS :: Namespace -> PName -> NamingEnv -> [Name]
lookupNS ns x = Map.findWithDefault [] x . namespaceMap ns
-- | Return a list of value-level names to which this parsed name may refer.
lookupValNames :: PName -> NamingEnv -> [Name]
lookupValNames qn ro = Map.findWithDefault [] qn (neExprs ro)
lookupValNames = lookupNS NSValue
-- | Return a list of type-level names to which this parsed name may refer.
lookupTypeNames :: PName -> NamingEnv -> [Name]
lookupTypeNames qn ro = Map.findWithDefault [] qn (neTypes ro)
lookupTypeNames = lookupNS NSType
-- | Singleton renaming environment for the given namespace.
singletonNS :: Namespace -> PName -> Name -> NamingEnv
singletonNS ns pn n = NamingEnv (Map.singleton ns (Map.singleton pn [n]))
-- | Singleton expression renaming environment.
singletonE :: PName -> Name -> NamingEnv
singletonE = singletonNS NSValue
-- | Singleton type renaming environment.
singletonT :: PName -> Name -> NamingEnv
singletonT = singletonNS NSType
instance Semigroup NamingEnv where
l <> r =
NamingEnv { neExprs = Map.unionWith merge (neExprs l) (neExprs r)
, neTypes = Map.unionWith merge (neTypes l) (neTypes r) }
NamingEnv l <> NamingEnv r =
NamingEnv (Map.unionWith (Map.unionWith merge) l r)
instance Monoid NamingEnv where
mempty =
NamingEnv { neExprs = Map.empty
, neTypes = Map.empty }
mappend l r = l <> r
mconcat envs =
NamingEnv { neExprs = Map.unionsWith merge (map neExprs envs)
, neTypes = Map.unionsWith merge (map neTypes envs) }
mempty = NamingEnv Map.empty
{-# INLINE mempty #-}
{-# INLINE mappend #-}
{-# INLINE mconcat #-}
-- | Merge two name maps, collapsing cases where the entries are the same, and
@ -90,59 +99,53 @@ merge xs ys | xs == ys = xs
-- | Generate a mapping from 'PrimIdent' to 'Name' for a
-- given naming environment.
toPrimMap :: NamingEnv -> PrimMap
toPrimMap NamingEnv { .. } = PrimMap { .. }
toPrimMap env =
{ primDecls = fromNS NSValue
, primTypes = fromNS NSType
fromNS ns = Map.fromList
[ entry x | xs <- Map.elems (namespaceMap ns env), x <- xs ]
entry n = case asPrim n of
Just p -> (p,n)
Nothing -> panic "toPrimMap" [ "Not a declared name?"
, show n
primDecls = Map.fromList [ entry n | ns <- Map.elems neExprs, n <- ns ]
primTypes = Map.fromList [ entry n | ns <- Map.elems neTypes, n <- ns ]
-- | Generate a display format based on a naming environment.
toNameDisp :: NamingEnv -> NameDisp
toNameDisp NamingEnv { .. } = NameDisp display
toNameDisp env = NameDisp (`Map.lookup` names)
display mn ident = Map.lookup (mn,ident) names
-- only format declared names, as parameters don't need any special
-- formatting.
names = Map.fromList
$ [ mkEntry (mn, nameIdent n) pn | (pn,ns) <- Map.toList neExprs
, n <- ns
, Declared mn _ <- [nameInfo n] ]
++ [ mkEntry (mn, nameIdent n) pn | (pn,ns) <- Map.toList neTypes
, n <- ns
, Declared mn _ <- [nameInfo n] ]
mkEntry key pn = (key,fmt)
where fmt = case getModName pn of
Just ns -> Qualified ns
Nothing -> UnQualified
[ (og, qn)
| ns <- [ NSValue, NSType, NSModule ]
, (pn,xs) <- Map.toList (namespaceMap ns env)
, x <- xs
, og <- maybeToList (asOrigName x)
, let qn = case getModName pn of
Just q -> Qualified q
Nothing -> UnQualified
-- | Produce sets of visible names for types and declarations.
-- NOTE: if entries in the NamingEnv would have produced a name clash, they will
-- be omitted from the resulting sets.
visibleNames :: NamingEnv -> ({- types -} Set.Set Name
,{- decls -} Set.Set Name)
visibleNames NamingEnv { .. } = (types,decls)
-- NOTE: if entries in the NamingEnv would have produced a name clash,
-- they will be omitted from the resulting sets.
visibleNames :: NamingEnv -> Map Namespace (Set Name)
visibleNames (NamingEnv env) = Set.fromList . mapMaybe check . Map.elems <$> env
types = Set.fromList [ n | [n] <- Map.elems neTypes ]
decls = Set.fromList [ n | [n] <- Map.elems neExprs ]
check names =
case names of
[name] -> Just name
_ -> Nothing
-- | Qualify all symbols in a 'NamingEnv' with the given prefix.
qualify :: ModName -> NamingEnv -> NamingEnv
qualify pfx NamingEnv { .. } =
NamingEnv { neExprs = Map.mapKeys toQual neExprs
, neTypes = Map.mapKeys toQual neTypes
qualify pfx (NamingEnv env) = NamingEnv (Map.mapKeys toQual <$> env)
-- XXX we don't currently qualify fresh names
toQual (Qual _ n) = Qual pfx n
@ -150,53 +153,84 @@ qualify pfx NamingEnv { .. } =
toQual n@NewName{} = n
filterNames :: (PName -> Bool) -> NamingEnv -> NamingEnv
filterNames p NamingEnv { .. } =
NamingEnv { neExprs = Map.filterWithKey check neExprs
, neTypes = Map.filterWithKey check neTypes
check :: PName -> a -> Bool
check n _ = p n
filterNames p (NamingEnv env) = NamingEnv (Map.filterWithKey check <$> env)
where check n _ = p n
-- | Singleton type renaming environment.
singletonT :: PName -> Name -> NamingEnv
singletonT qn tn = mempty { neTypes = Map.singleton qn [tn] }
-- | Singleton expression renaming environment.
singletonE :: PName -> Name -> NamingEnv
singletonE qn en = mempty { neExprs = Map.singleton qn [en] }
-- | Like mappend, but when merging, prefer values on the lhs.
shadowing :: NamingEnv -> NamingEnv -> NamingEnv
shadowing l r = NamingEnv
{ neExprs = Map.union (neExprs l) (neExprs r)
, neTypes = Map.union (neTypes l) (neTypes r) }
shadowing (NamingEnv l) (NamingEnv r) = NamingEnv (Map.unionWith Map.union l r)
travNamingEnv :: Applicative f => (Name -> f Name) -> NamingEnv -> f NamingEnv
travNamingEnv f ne = NamingEnv <$> neExprs' <*> neTypes'
neExprs' = traverse (traverse f) (neExprs ne)
neTypes' = traverse (traverse f) (neTypes ne)
travNamingEnv f (NamingEnv mp) =
NamingEnv <$> traverse (traverse (traverse f)) mp
data InModule a = InModule !ModName a
{- | Do somethign in context. If `Nothing` than we are working with
a local declaration. Otherwise we are at the top-level of the
given module. -}
data InModule a = InModule (Maybe ModPath) a
deriving (Functor,Traversable,Foldable,Show)
-- | Generate a 'NamingEnv' using an explicit supply.
namingEnv' :: BindsNames a => a -> Supply -> (NamingEnv,Supply)
namingEnv' a supply = runId (runSupplyT supply (runBuild (namingEnv a)))
newTop :: FreshM m => ModName -> PName -> Maybe Fixity -> Range -> m Name
newTop ns thing fx rng = liftSupply (mkDeclared ns src (getIdent thing) fx rng)
newTop ::
FreshM m => Namespace -> ModPath -> PName -> Maybe Fixity -> Range -> m Name
newTop ns m thing fx rng =
liftSupply (mkDeclared ns m src (getIdent thing) fx rng)
where src = if isGeneratedName thing then SystemName else UserName
newLocal :: FreshM m => PName -> Range -> m Name
newLocal thing rng = liftSupply (mkParameter (getIdent thing) rng)
newLocal :: FreshM m => Namespace -> PName -> Range -> m Name
newLocal ns thing rng = liftSupply (mkParameter ns (getIdent thing) rng)
newtype BuildNamingEnv = BuildNamingEnv { runBuild :: SupplyT Id NamingEnv }
buildNamingEnv :: BuildNamingEnv -> Supply -> (NamingEnv,Supply)
buildNamingEnv b supply = runId $ runSupplyT supply $ runBuild b
-- | Generate a 'NamingEnv' using an explicit supply.
defsOf :: BindsNames a => a -> Supply -> (NamingEnv,Supply)
defsOf = buildNamingEnv . namingEnv
-- Collect definitions of nested modules
type NestedMods = Map Name NamingEnv
type CollectM = StateT NestedMods (SupplyT Id)
collectNestedModules ::
NamingEnv -> Module PName -> Supply -> (NestedMods, Supply)
collectNestedModules env m =
collectNestedModulesDecls env (thing (mName m)) (mDecls m)
collectNestedModulesDecls ::
NamingEnv -> ModName -> [TopDecl PName] -> Supply -> (NestedMods, Supply)
collectNestedModulesDecls env m ds sup = (mp,newS)
s0 = Map.empty
mpath = TopModule m
((_,mp),newS) = runId $ runSupplyT sup $ runStateT s0 $
collectNestedModulesDs mpath env ds
collectNestedModulesDs :: ModPath -> NamingEnv -> [TopDecl PName] -> CollectM ()
collectNestedModulesDs mpath env ds =
forM_ [ tlValue nm | DModule nm <- ds ] \(NestedModule nested) ->
do let pname = thing (mName nested)
name = case lookupNS NSModule pname env of
[n] -> n
_ -> panic "collectedNestedModulesDs"
[ "Missing/ambi definition for " ++ show pname ]
newEnv <- lift (runBuild (moduleDefs (Nested mpath (nameIdent name)) nested))
sets_ (Map.insert name newEnv)
let newMPath = Nested mpath (nameIdent name)
collectNestedModulesDs newMPath newEnv (mDecls nested)
instance Semigroup BuildNamingEnv where
BuildNamingEnv a <> BuildNamingEnv b = BuildNamingEnv $
do x <- a
@ -212,6 +246,10 @@ instance Monoid BuildNamingEnv where
do ns <- sequence (map runBuild bs)
return (mconcat ns)
-- | Things that define exported names.
class BindsNames a where
namingEnv :: a -> BuildNamingEnv
@ -235,12 +273,12 @@ instance BindsNames (Schema PName) where
{-# INLINE namingEnv #-}
-- | Interpret an import in the context of an interface, to produce a name
-- environment for the renamer, and a 'NameDisp' for pretty-printing.
interpImport :: Import {- ^ The import declarations -} ->
IfaceDecls {- ^ Declarations of imported module -} ->
-- | Adapt the things exported by something to the specific import/open.
interpImportEnv :: ImportG name {- ^ The import declarations -} ->
NamingEnv {- ^ All public things coming in -} ->
interpImport imp publicDecls = qualified
interpImportEnv imp public = qualified
-- optionally qualify names based on the import
@ -257,16 +295,21 @@ interpImport imp publicDecls = qualified
| otherwise = public
-- generate the initial environment from the public interface, where no names
-- are qualified
public = unqualifiedEnv publicDecls
-- | Interpret an import in the context of an interface, to produce a name
-- environment for the renamer, and a 'NameDisp' for pretty-printing.
interpImportIface :: Import {- ^ The import declarations -} ->
IfaceDecls {- ^ Declarations of imported module -} ->
interpImportIface imp = interpImportEnv imp . unqualifiedEnv
-- | Generate a naming environment from a declaration interface, where none of
-- the names are qualified.
unqualifiedEnv :: IfaceDecls -> NamingEnv
unqualifiedEnv IfaceDecls { .. } =
mconcat [ exprs, tySyns, ntTypes, absTys, ntExprs ]
mconcat [ exprs, tySyns, ntTypes, absTys, ntExprs, mods ]
toPName n = mkUnqual (nameIdent n)
@ -275,16 +318,17 @@ unqualifiedEnv IfaceDecls { .. } =
ntTypes = mconcat [ singletonT (toPName n) n | n <- Map.keys ifNewtypes ]
absTys = mconcat [ singletonT (toPName n) n | n <- Map.keys ifAbstractTypes ]
ntExprs = mconcat [ singletonE (toPName n) n | n <- Map.keys ifNewtypes ]
mods = mconcat [ singletonNS NSModule (toPName n) n
| n <- Map.keys ifModules ]
-- | Compute an unqualified naming environment, containing the various module
-- parameters.
modParamsNamingEnv :: IfaceParams -> NamingEnv
modParamsNamingEnv IfaceParams { .. } =
NamingEnv { neExprs = Map.fromList $ map fromFu $ Map.keys ifParamFuns
, neTypes = Map.fromList $ map fromTy $ Map.elems ifParamTypes
NamingEnv $ Map.fromList
[ (NSValue, Map.fromList $ map fromFu $ Map.keys ifParamFuns)
, (NSType, Map.fromList $ map fromTy $ Map.elems ifParamTypes)
toPName n = mkUnqual (nameIdent n)
@ -301,14 +345,16 @@ data ImportIface = ImportIface Import Iface
-- mapping only from unqualified names to qualified ones.
instance BindsNames ImportIface where
namingEnv (ImportIface imp Iface { .. }) = BuildNamingEnv $
return (interpImport imp ifPublic)
return (interpImportIface imp ifPublic)
{-# INLINE namingEnv #-}
-- | Introduce the name
instance BindsNames (InModule (Bind PName)) where
namingEnv (InModule ns b) = BuildNamingEnv $
namingEnv (InModule mb b) = BuildNamingEnv $
do let Located { .. } = bName b
n <- newTop ns thing (bFixity b) srcRange
n <- case mb of
Just m -> newTop NSValue m thing (bFixity b) srcRange
Nothing -> newLocal NSValue thing srcRange -- local fixitiies?
return (singletonE thing n)
@ -316,15 +362,18 @@ instance BindsNames (InModule (Bind PName)) where
instance BindsNames (TParam PName) where
namingEnv TParam { .. } = BuildNamingEnv $
do let range = fromMaybe emptyRange tpRange
n <- newLocal tpName range
n <- newLocal NSType tpName range
return (singletonT tpName n)
-- | The naming environment for a single module. This is the mapping from
-- unqualified names to fully qualified names with uniques.
instance BindsNames (Module PName) where
namingEnv Module { .. } = foldMap (namingEnv . InModule ns) mDecls
ns = thing mName
namingEnv m = moduleDefs (TopModule (thing (mName m))) m
moduleDefs :: ModPath -> ModuleG mname PName -> BuildNamingEnv
moduleDefs m Module { .. } = foldMap (namingEnv . InModule (Just m)) mDecls
instance BindsNames (InModule (TopDecl PName)) where
namingEnv (InModule ns td) =
@ -335,60 +384,70 @@ instance BindsNames (InModule (TopDecl PName)) where
DParameterType d -> namingEnv (InModule ns d)
DParameterConstraint {} -> mempty
DParameterFun d -> namingEnv (InModule ns d)
Include _ -> mempty
Include _ -> mempty
DImport {} -> mempty -- see 'openLoop' in the renamer
DModule m -> namingEnv (InModule ns (tlValue m))
instance BindsNames (InModule (NestedModule PName)) where
namingEnv (InModule ~(Just m) (NestedModule mdef)) = BuildNamingEnv $
do let pnmame = mName mdef
nm <- newTop NSModule m (thing pnmame) Nothing (srcRange pnmame)
pure (singletonNS NSModule (thing pnmame) nm)
instance BindsNames (InModule (PrimType PName)) where
namingEnv (InModule ns PrimType { .. }) =
namingEnv (InModule ~(Just m) PrimType { .. }) =
BuildNamingEnv $
do let Located { .. } = primTName
nm <- newTop ns thing primTFixity srcRange
nm <- newTop NSType m thing primTFixity srcRange
pure (singletonT thing nm)
instance BindsNames (InModule (ParameterFun PName)) where
namingEnv (InModule ns ParameterFun { .. }) = BuildNamingEnv $
namingEnv (InModule ~(Just ns) ParameterFun { .. }) = BuildNamingEnv $
do let Located { .. } = pfName
ntName <- newTop ns thing pfFixity srcRange
ntName <- newTop NSValue ns thing pfFixity srcRange
return (singletonE thing ntName)
instance BindsNames (InModule (ParameterType PName)) where
namingEnv (InModule ns ParameterType { .. }) = BuildNamingEnv $
namingEnv (InModule ~(Just ns) ParameterType { .. }) = BuildNamingEnv $
-- XXX: we don't seem to have a fixity environment at the type level
do let Located { .. } = ptName
ntName <- newTop ns thing Nothing srcRange
ntName <- newTop NSType ns thing Nothing srcRange
return (singletonT thing ntName)
-- NOTE: we use the same name at the type and expression level, as there's only
-- ever one name introduced in the declaration. The names are only ever used in
-- different namespaces, so there's no ambiguity.
instance BindsNames (InModule (Newtype PName)) where
namingEnv (InModule ns Newtype { .. }) = BuildNamingEnv $
namingEnv (InModule ~(Just ns) Newtype { .. }) = BuildNamingEnv $
do let Located { .. } = nName
ntName <- newTop ns thing Nothing srcRange
ntName <- newTop NSType ns thing Nothing srcRange
-- XXX: the name reuse here is sketchy
return (singletonT thing ntName `mappend` singletonE thing ntName)
-- | The naming environment for a single declaration.
instance BindsNames (InModule (Decl PName)) where
namingEnv (InModule pfx d) = case d of
DBind b -> BuildNamingEnv $
do n <- mkName (bName b) (bFixity b)
return (singletonE (thing (bName b)) n)
DBind b -> namingEnv (InModule pfx b)
DSignature ns _sig -> foldMap qualBind ns
DPragma ns _p -> foldMap qualBind ns
DType syn -> qualType (tsName syn) (tsFixity syn)
DProp syn -> qualType (psName syn) (psFixity syn)
DLocated d' _ -> namingEnv (InModule pfx d')
DPatBind _pat _e -> panic "ModuleSystem" ["Unexpected pattern binding"]
DFixity{} -> panic "ModuleSystem" ["Unexpected fixity declaration"]
DRec {} -> panic "namingEnv" [ "DRec" ]
DPatBind _pat _e -> panic "namingEnv" ["Unexpected pattern binding"]
DFixity{} -> panic "namingEnv" ["Unexpected fixity declaration"]
mkName ln fx = newTop pfx (thing ln) fx (srcRange ln)
mkName ns ln fx = case pfx of
Just m -> newTop ns m (thing ln) fx (srcRange ln)
Nothing -> newLocal ns (thing ln) (srcRange ln)
qualBind ln = BuildNamingEnv $
do n <- mkName ln Nothing
do n <- mkName NSValue ln Nothing
return (singletonE (thing ln) n)
qualType ln f = BuildNamingEnv $
do n <- mkName ln f
do n <- mkName NSType ln f
return (singletonT (thing ln) n)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
-- |
-- Module : Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer
-- Copyright : (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
{-# Language DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}
module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer.Error where
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.Parser.AST
import Cryptol.Parser.Position
import Cryptol.Parser.Selector(ppNestedSels)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
-- Errors ----------------------------------------------------------------------
data RenamerError
= MultipleSyms (Located PName) [Name]
-- ^ Multiple imported symbols contain this name
| UnboundName Namespace (Located PName)
-- ^ Some name not bound to any definition
| OverlappingSyms [Name]
-- ^ An environment has produced multiple overlapping symbols
| WrongNamespace Namespace Namespace (Located PName)
-- ^ expected, actual.
-- When a name is missing from the expected namespace, but exists in another
| FixityError (Located Name) Fixity (Located Name) Fixity
-- ^ When the fixity of two operators conflict
| InvalidConstraint (Type PName)
-- ^ When it's not possible to produce a Prop from a Type.
| MalformedBuiltin (Type PName) PName
-- ^ When a builtin type/type-function is used incorrectly.
| BoundReservedType PName (Maybe Range) Doc
-- ^ When a builtin type is named in a binder.
| OverlappingRecordUpdate (Located [Selector]) (Located [Selector])
-- ^ When record updates overlap (e.g., @{ r | x = e1, x.y = e2 }@)
| InvalidDependency [DepName]
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
-- We use this because parameter constrstaints have no names
data DepName = NamedThing Name
| ConstratintAt Range -- ^ identifed by location in source
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Generic,NFData)
instance PP RenamerError where
ppPrec _ e = case e of
MultipleSyms lqn qns ->
hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange lqn))
4 $ (text "Multiple definitions for symbol:" <+> pp (thing lqn))
$$ vcat (map ppLocName qns)
UnboundName ns lqn ->
hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange lqn))
4 (something <+> "not in scope:" <+> pp (thing lqn))
something = case ns of
NSValue -> "Value"
NSType -> "Type"
NSModule -> "Module"
OverlappingSyms qns ->
hang (text "[error]")
4 $ text "Overlapping symbols defined:"
$$ vcat (map ppLocName qns)
WrongNamespace expected actual lqn ->
hang ("[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange lqn ))
4 (fsep
[ "Expected a", sayNS expected, "named", quotes (pp (thing lqn))
, "but found a", sayNS actual, "instead"
, suggestion
sayNS ns = case ns of
NSValue -> "value"
NSType -> "type"
NSModule -> "module"
suggestion =
case (expected,actual) of
(NSValue,NSType) ->
"Did you mean `(" <.> pp (thing lqn) <.> text")?"
_ -> empty
FixityError o1 f1 o2 f2 ->
hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange o1) <+> text "and" <+> pp (srcRange o2))
4 (fsep [ text "The fixities of"
, nest 2 $ vcat
[ "" <+> pp (thing o1) <+> parens (pp f1)
, "" <+> pp (thing o2) <+> parens (pp f2) ]
, text "are not compatible."
, text "You may use explicit parentheses to disambiguate." ])
InvalidConstraint ty ->
hang (text "[error]" <+> maybe empty (\r -> text "at" <+> pp r) (getLoc ty))
4 (fsep [ pp ty, text "is not a valid constraint" ])
MalformedBuiltin ty pn ->
hang (text "[error]" <+> maybe empty (\r -> text "at" <+> pp r) (getLoc ty))
4 (fsep [ text "invalid use of built-in type", pp pn
, text "in type", pp ty ])
BoundReservedType n loc src ->
hang (text "[error]" <+> maybe empty (\r -> text "at" <+> pp r) loc)
4 (fsep [ text "built-in type", quotes (pp n), text "shadowed in", src ])
OverlappingRecordUpdate xs ys ->
hang "[error] Overlapping record updates:"
4 (vcat [ ppLab xs, ppLab ys ])
ppLab as = ppNestedSels (thing as) <+> "at" <+> pp (srcRange as)
InvalidDependency ds ->
"[error] Invalid recursive dependency:"
$$ nest 4 (vcat [ "" <+> pp x | x <- ds ])
instance PP DepName where
ppPrec _ d =
case d of
ConstratintAt r -> "constraint at" <+> pp r
NamedThing n ->
case nameNamespace n of
NSModule -> "submodule" <+> pp n
NSType -> "type" <+> pp n
NSValue -> pp n
-- Warnings --------------------------------------------------------------------
data RenamerWarning
= SymbolShadowed PName Name [Name]
| UnusedName Name
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
instance Eq RenamerWarning where
x == y = compare x y == EQ
-- used to determine in what order ot show things
instance Ord RenamerWarning where
compare w1 w2 =
case w1 of
SymbolShadowed x y _ ->
case w2 of
SymbolShadowed x' y' _ -> compare (byStart y,x) (byStart y',x')
_ -> LT
UnusedName x ->
case w2 of
UnusedName y -> compare (byStart x) (byStart y)
_ -> GT
byStart = from . nameLoc
instance PP RenamerWarning where
ppPrec _ (SymbolShadowed k x os) =
hang (text "[warning] at" <+> loc)
4 $ fsep [ "This binding for" <+> backticks (pp k)
, "shadows the existing binding" <.> plural
, text "at" ]
$$ vcat (map (pp . nameLoc) os)
plural | length os > 1 = char 's'
| otherwise = empty
loc = pp (nameLoc x)
ppPrec _ (UnusedName x) =
hang (text "[warning] at" <+> pp (nameLoc x))
4 (text "Unused name:" <+> pp x)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
-- |
-- Module : Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer
-- Copyright : (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
{-# Language RecordWildCards #-}
{-# Language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# Language BlockArguments #-}
module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer.Monad where
import Data.List(sort)
import Data.Set(Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Map.Strict ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Semigroup as S
import MonadLib hiding (mapM, mapM_)
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.NamingEnv
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface
import Cryptol.Parser.AST
import Cryptol.Parser.Position
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident(containsModule)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer.Error
-- | Indicates if a name is in a binding poisition or a use site
data NameType = NameBind | NameUse
-- | Information needed to do some renaming.
data RenamerInfo = RenamerInfo
{ renSupply :: Supply -- ^ Use to make new names
, renContext :: ModPath -- ^ We are renaming things in here
, renEnv :: NamingEnv -- ^ This is what's in scope
, renIfaces :: ModName -> Iface
newtype RenameM a = RenameM { unRenameM :: ReaderT RO (StateT RW Lift) a }
data RO = RO
{ roLoc :: Range
, roNames :: NamingEnv
, roIfaces :: ModName -> Iface
, roCurMod :: ModPath -- ^ Current module we are working on
, roNestedMods :: Map ModPath Name
data RW = RW
{ rwWarnings :: ![RenamerWarning]
, rwErrors :: !(Seq.Seq RenamerError)
, rwSupply :: !Supply
, rwNameUseCount :: !(Map Name Int)
-- ^ How many times did we refer to each name.
-- Used to generate warnings for unused definitions.
, rwCurrentDeps :: Set Name
-- ^ keeps track of names *used* by something.
-- see 'depsOf'
, rwDepGraph :: Map DepName (Set Name)
-- ^ keeps track of the dependencies for things.
-- see 'depsOf'
, rwExternalDeps :: !IfaceDecls
instance S.Semigroup a => S.Semigroup (RenameM a) where
{-# INLINE (<>) #-}
a <> b =
do x <- a
y <- b
return (x S.<> y)
instance (S.Semigroup a, Monoid a) => Monoid (RenameM a) where
{-# INLINE mempty #-}
mempty = return mempty
{-# INLINE mappend #-}
mappend = (S.<>)
instance Functor RenameM where
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
fmap f m = RenameM (fmap f (unRenameM m))
instance Applicative RenameM where
{-# INLINE pure #-}
pure x = RenameM (pure x)
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
l <*> r = RenameM (unRenameM l <*> unRenameM r)
instance Monad RenameM where
{-# INLINE return #-}
return x = RenameM (return x)
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
m >>= k = RenameM (unRenameM m >>= unRenameM . k)
instance FreshM RenameM where
liftSupply f = RenameM $ sets $ \ RW { .. } ->
let (a,s') = f rwSupply
rw' = RW { rwSupply = s', .. }
in a `seq` rw' `seq` (a, rw')
runRenamer :: RenamerInfo -> RenameM a
-> ( Either [RenamerError] (a,Supply)
, [RenamerWarning]
runRenamer info m = (res, warns)
warns = sort (rwWarnings rw ++ warnUnused (renContext info) (renEnv info) rw)
(a,rw) = runM (unRenameM m) ro
RW { rwErrors = Seq.empty
, rwWarnings = []
, rwSupply = renSupply info
, rwNameUseCount = Map.empty
, rwExternalDeps = mempty
, rwCurrentDeps = Set.empty
, rwDepGraph = Map.empty
ro = RO { roLoc = emptyRange
, roNames = renEnv info
, roIfaces = renIfaces info
, roCurMod = renContext info
, roNestedMods = Map.empty
res | Seq.null (rwErrors rw) = Right (a,rwSupply rw)
| otherwise = Left (F.toList (rwErrors rw))
setCurMod :: ModPath -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
setCurMod mpath (RenameM m) =
RenameM $ mapReader (\ro -> ro { roCurMod = mpath }) m
getCurMod :: RenameM ModPath
getCurMod = RenameM $ asks roCurMod
setNestedModule :: Map ModPath Name -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
setNestedModule mp (RenameM m) =
RenameM $ mapReader (\ro -> ro { roNestedMods = mp }) m
nestedModuleOrig :: ModPath -> RenameM (Maybe Name)
nestedModuleOrig x = RenameM (asks (Map.lookup x . roNestedMods))
-- | Record an error. XXX: use a better name
record :: RenamerError -> RenameM ()
record f = RenameM $
do RW { .. } <- get
set RW { rwErrors = rwErrors Seq.|> f, .. }
collectIfaceDeps :: RenameM a -> RenameM (IfaceDecls,a)
collectIfaceDeps (RenameM m) =
do ds <- sets \s -> (rwExternalDeps s, s { rwExternalDeps = mempty })
a <- m
ds' <- sets \s -> (rwExternalDeps s, s { rwExternalDeps = ds })
pure (ds',a)
-- | Rename something. All name uses in the sub-computation are assumed
-- to be dependenices of the thing.
depsOf :: DepName -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
depsOf x (RenameM m) = RenameM
do ds <- sets \rw -> (rwCurrentDeps rw, rw { rwCurrentDeps = Set.empty })
a <- m
sets_ \rw ->
rw { rwCurrentDeps = Set.union (rwCurrentDeps rw) ds
, rwDepGraph = Map.insert x (rwCurrentDeps rw) (rwDepGraph rw)
pure a
-- | This is used when renaming a group of things. The result contains
-- dependencies between names defines and the group, and is intended to
-- be used to order the group members in dependency order.
depGroup :: RenameM a -> RenameM (a, Map DepName (Set Name))
depGroup (RenameM m) = RenameM
do ds <- sets \rw -> (rwDepGraph rw, rw { rwDepGraph = Map.empty })
a <- m
ds1 <- sets \rw -> (rwDepGraph rw, rw { rwDepGraph = ds })
pure (a,ds1)
-- | Get the source range for wahtever we are currently renaming.
curLoc :: RenameM Range
curLoc = RenameM (roLoc `fmap` ask)
-- | Annotate something with the current range.
located :: a -> RenameM (Located a)
located thing =
do srcRange <- curLoc
return Located { .. }
-- | Do the given computation using the source code range from `loc` if any.
withLoc :: HasLoc loc => loc -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
withLoc loc m = RenameM $ case getLoc loc of
Just range -> do
ro <- ask
local ro { roLoc = range } (unRenameM m)
Nothing -> unRenameM m
-- | Shadow the current naming environment with some more names.
shadowNames :: BindsNames env => env -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
shadowNames = shadowNames' CheckAll
data EnvCheck = CheckAll -- ^ Check for overlap and shadowing
| CheckOverlap -- ^ Only check for overlap
| CheckNone -- ^ Don't check the environment
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | Shadow the current naming environment with some more names.
shadowNames' :: BindsNames env => EnvCheck -> env -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
shadowNames' check names m = do
do env <- liftSupply (defsOf names)
RenameM $
do ro <- ask
env' <- sets (checkEnv check env (roNames ro))
let ro' = ro { roNames = env' `shadowing` roNames ro }
local ro' (unRenameM m)
-- | Generate warnings when the left environment shadows things defined in
-- the right. Additionally, generate errors when two names overlap in the
-- left environment.
checkEnv :: EnvCheck -> NamingEnv -> NamingEnv -> RW -> (NamingEnv,RW)
checkEnv check (NamingEnv lenv) r rw0
| check == CheckNone = (newEnv,rw0)
| otherwise = (newEnv,rwFin)
newEnv = NamingEnv newMap
(rwFin,newMap) = Map.mapAccumWithKey doNS rw0 lenv
doNS rw ns = Map.mapAccumWithKey (step ns) rw
step ns acc k xs = (acc', [head xs])
acc' = acc
{ rwWarnings =
if check == CheckAll
then case Map.lookup k (namespaceMap ns r) of
Just os | [x] <- xs
, let os' = filter (/=x) os
, not (null os') ->
SymbolShadowed k x os' : rwWarnings acc
_ -> rwWarnings acc
else rwWarnings acc
, rwErrors = rwErrors acc Seq.>< containsOverlap xs
-- | Check the RHS of a single name rewrite for conflicting sources.
containsOverlap :: [Name] -> Seq.Seq RenamerError
containsOverlap [_] = Seq.empty
containsOverlap [] = panic "Renamer" ["Invalid naming environment"]
containsOverlap ns = Seq.singleton (OverlappingSyms ns)
recordUse :: Name -> RenameM ()
recordUse x = RenameM $ sets_ $ \rw ->
rw { rwNameUseCount = Map.insertWith (+) x 1 (rwNameUseCount rw) }
{- NOTE: we don't distinguish between bindings and uses here, because
the situation is complicated by the pattern signatures where the first
"use" site is actually the bindin site. Instead we just count them all, and
something is considered unused if it is used only once (i.e, just the
binding site) -}
-- | Mark something as a dependenicy. This is similar but different from
-- `recordUse`, in particular:
-- * We only recurd use sites, not bindings
-- * We record all namespaces, not just types
-- * We only keep track of actual uses mentioned in the code.
-- Otoh, `recordUse` also considers exported entities to be used.
-- * If we depend on a name in a nested submodule, we also add a
-- dependency on the submodule
addDep :: Name -> RenameM ()
addDep x =
do cur <- getCurMod
deps <- case nameInfo x of
Declared m _ | cur `containsModule` m ->
do mb <- nestedModuleOrig m
pure case mb of
Just y -> Set.fromList [x,y]
Nothing -> Set.singleton x
_ -> pure (Set.singleton x)
RenameM $
sets_ \rw -> rw { rwCurrentDeps = Set.union deps (rwCurrentDeps rw) }
warnUnused :: ModPath -> NamingEnv -> RW -> [RenamerWarning]
warnUnused m0 env rw =
map warn
$ Map.keys
$ Map.filterWithKey keep
$ rwNameUseCount rw
warn x = UnusedName x
keep nm count = count == 1 && isLocal nm
oldNames = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty NSType (visibleNames env)
isLocal nm = case nameInfo nm of
Declared m sys -> sys == UserName &&
m == m0 && nm `Set.notMember` oldNames
Parameter -> True
-- | Get the exported declarations in a module
lookupImport :: Import -> RenameM IfaceDecls
lookupImport imp = RenameM $
do getIf <- roIfaces <$> ask
let ifs = ifPublic (getIf (iModule imp))
sets_ \s -> s { rwExternalDeps = ifs <> rwExternalDeps s }
pure ifs

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap(RecordMap)
import Paths_cryptol
{- state 196 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts.
{- state 202 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts.
`_` identifier conflicts with `_` in record update.
We have `_` as an identifier for the cases where we parse types as
expressions, for example `[ 12 .. _ ]`.
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ import Paths_cryptol
'type' { Located $$ (Token (KW KW_type ) _)}
'newtype' { Located $$ (Token (KW KW_newtype) _)}
'module' { Located $$ (Token (KW KW_module ) _)}
'submodule' { Located $$ (Token (KW KW_submodule ) _)}
'where' { Located $$ (Token (KW KW_where ) _)}
'let' { Located $$ (Token (KW KW_let ) _)}
'if' { Located $$ (Token (KW KW_if ) _)}
@ -158,27 +159,27 @@ import Paths_cryptol
vmodule :: { Module PName }
: 'module' modName 'where' 'v{' vmod_body 'v}' { mkModule $2 $5 }
| 'module' modName '=' modName 'where' 'v{' vmod_body 'v}'
{ mkModuleInstance $2 $4 $7 }
| 'v{' vmod_body 'v}' { mkAnonymousModule $2 }
vmodule :: { Module PName }
: 'module' module_def { $2 }
| 'v{' vmod_body 'v}' { mkAnonymousModule $2 }
vmod_body :: { ([Located Import], [TopDecl PName]) }
: vimports 'v;' vtop_decls { (reverse $1, reverse $3) }
| vimports ';' vtop_decls { (reverse $1, reverse $3) }
| vimports { (reverse $1, []) }
| vtop_decls { ([], reverse $1) }
| {- empty -} { ([], []) }
vimports :: { [Located Import] }
: vimports 'v;' import { $3 : $1 }
| vimports ';' import { $3 : $1 }
| import { [$1] }
module_def :: { Module PName }
: modName 'where'
'v{' vmod_body 'v}' { mkModule $1 $4 }
| modName '=' modName 'where'
'v{' vmod_body 'v}' { mkModuleInstance $1 $3 $6 }
vmod_body :: { [TopDecl PName] }
: vtop_decls { reverse $1 }
| {- empty -} { [] }
-- XXX replace rComb with uses of at
import :: { Located Import }
: 'import' modName mbAs mbImportSpec
import :: { Located (ImportG (ImpName PName)) }
: 'import' impName mbAs mbImportSpec
{ Located { srcRange = rComb $1
$ fromMaybe (srcRange $2)
$ msum [ fmap srcRange $4
@ -191,6 +192,11 @@ import :: { Located Import }
} }
impName :: { Located (ImpName PName) }
: 'submodule' qname { ImpNested `fmap` $2 }
| modName { ImpTop `fmap` $1 }
mbAs :: { Maybe (Located ModName) }
: 'as' modName { Just $2 }
| {- empty -} { Nothing }
@ -242,6 +248,9 @@ vtop_decl :: { [TopDecl PName] }
| prim_bind { $1 }
| private_decls { $1 }
| parameter_decls { $1 }
| mbDoc 'submodule'
module_def {% ((:[]) . exportModule $1) `fmap` mkNested $3 }
| import { [DImport $1] }
top_decl :: { [TopDecl PName] }
: decl { [Decl (TopLevel {tlExport = Public, tlValue = $1 })] }
@ -303,6 +312,7 @@ decl :: { Decl PName }
, bInfix = True
, bFixity = Nothing
, bDoc = Nothing
, bExport = Public
} }
| 'type' name '=' type {% at ($1,$4) `fmap` mkTySyn $2 [] $4 }

View File

@ -37,7 +37,10 @@ module Cryptol.Parser.AST
, psFixity
-- * Declarations
, Module(..)
, Module
, ModuleG(..)
, mImports
, mSubmoduleImports
, Program(..)
, TopDecl(..)
, Decl(..)
@ -50,11 +53,12 @@ module Cryptol.Parser.AST
, Pragma(..)
, ExportType(..)
, TopLevel(..)
, Import(..), ImportSpec(..)
, Import, ImportG(..), ImportSpec(..), ImpName(..)
, Newtype(..)
, PrimType(..)
, ParameterType(..)
, ParameterFun(..)
, NestedModule(..)
-- * Interactive
, ReplInput(..)
@ -119,14 +123,38 @@ newtype Program name = Program [TopDecl name]
deriving (Show)
-- | A parsed module.
data Module name = Module
{ mName :: Located ModName -- ^ Name of the module
data ModuleG mname name = Module
{ mName :: Located mname -- ^ Name of the module
, mInstance :: !(Maybe (Located ModName)) -- ^ Functor to instantiate
-- (if this is a functor instnaces)
, mImports :: [Located Import] -- ^ Imports for the module
-- , mImports :: [Located Import] -- ^ Imports for the module
, mDecls :: [TopDecl name] -- ^ Declartions for the module
} deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
mImports :: ModuleG mname name -> [ Located Import ]
mImports m =
[ li { thing = i { iModule = n } }
| DImport li <- mDecls m
, let i = thing li
, ImpTop n <- [iModule i]
mSubmoduleImports :: ModuleG mname name -> [ Located (ImportG name) ]
mSubmoduleImports m =
[ li { thing = i { iModule = n } }
| DImport li <- mDecls m
, let i = thing li
, ImpNested n <- [iModule i]
type Module = ModuleG ModName
newtype NestedModule name = NestedModule (ModuleG name name)
deriving (Show,Generic,NFData)
modRange :: Module name -> Range
modRange m = rCombs $ catMaybes
@ -146,12 +174,21 @@ data TopDecl name =
| DParameterConstraint [Located (Prop name)]
-- ^ @parameter type constraint (fin T)@
| DParameterFun (ParameterFun name) -- ^ @parameter someVal : [256]@
| DModule (TopLevel (NestedModule name)) -- ^ Nested module
| DImport (Located (ImportG (ImpName name))) -- ^ An import declaration
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
data ImpName name =
ImpTop ModName
| ImpNested name
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
data Decl name = DSignature [Located name] (Schema name)
| DFixity !Fixity [Located name]
| DPragma [Located name] Pragma
| DBind (Bind name)
| DRec [Bind name]
-- ^ A group of recursive bindings, introduced by the renamer.
| DPatBind (Pattern name) (Expr name)
| DType (TySyn name)
| DProp (PropSyn name)
@ -178,16 +215,15 @@ data ParameterFun name = ParameterFun
-- | An import declaration.
data Import = Import { iModule :: !ModName
, iAs :: Maybe ModName
, iSpec :: Maybe ImportSpec
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)
data ImportG mname = Import
{ iModule :: !mname
, iAs :: Maybe ModName
, iSpec :: Maybe ImportSpec
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)
type Import = ImportG ModName
-- | The list of names following an import.
-- INVARIANT: All of the 'Name' entries in the list are expected to be
-- unqualified names; the 'QName' or 'NewName' constructors should not be
-- present.
data ImportSpec = Hiding [Ident]
| Only [Ident]
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)
@ -234,6 +270,7 @@ data Bind name = Bind
, bPragmas :: [Pragma] -- ^ Optional pragmas
, bMono :: Bool -- ^ Is this a monomorphic binding
, bDoc :: Maybe Text -- ^ Optional doc string
, bExport :: !ExportType
} deriving (Eq, Generic, NFData, Functor, Show)
type LBindDef = Located (BindDef PName)
@ -482,14 +519,17 @@ instance HasLoc a => HasLoc (TopLevel a) where
getLoc = getLoc . tlValue
instance HasLoc (TopDecl name) where
getLoc td = case td of
Decl tld -> getLoc tld
DPrimType pt -> getLoc pt
TDNewtype n -> getLoc n
Include lfp -> getLoc lfp
DParameterType d -> getLoc d
DParameterFun d -> getLoc d
DParameterConstraint d -> getLoc d
getLoc td =
case td of
Decl tld -> getLoc tld
DPrimType pt -> getLoc pt
TDNewtype n -> getLoc n
Include lfp -> getLoc lfp
DParameterType d -> getLoc d
DParameterFun d -> getLoc d
DParameterConstraint d -> getLoc d
DModule d -> getLoc d
DImport d -> getLoc d
instance HasLoc (PrimType name) where
getLoc pt = Just (rComb (srcRange (primTName pt)) (srcRange (primTKind pt)))
@ -500,7 +540,7 @@ instance HasLoc (ParameterType name) where
instance HasLoc (ParameterFun name) where
getLoc a = getLoc (pfName a)
instance HasLoc (Module name) where
instance HasLoc (ModuleG mname name) where
getLoc m
| null locs = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (rCombs locs)
@ -510,6 +550,9 @@ instance HasLoc (Module name) where
, getLoc (mDecls m)
instance HasLoc (NestedModule name) where
getLoc (NestedModule m) = getLoc m
instance HasLoc (Newtype name) where
getLoc n
| null locs = Nothing
@ -537,10 +580,24 @@ ppNamed s x = ppL (name x) <+> text s <+> pp (value x)
ppNamed' :: PP a => String -> (Ident, (Range, a)) -> Doc
ppNamed' s (i,(_,v)) = pp i <+> text s <+> pp v
instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (Module name) where
ppPrec _ m = text "module" <+> ppL (mName m) <+> text "where"
$$ vcat (map ppL (mImports m))
$$ vcat (map pp (mDecls m))
instance (Show name, PPName mname, PPName name) => PP (ModuleG mname name) where
ppPrec _ = ppModule 0
ppModule :: (Show name, PPName mname, PPName name) =>
Int -> ModuleG mname name -> Doc
ppModule n m =
text "module" <+> ppL (mName m) <+> text "where" $$ nest n body
body = vcat (map ppL (mImports m))
$$ vcat (map pp (mDecls m))
instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (NestedModule name) where
ppPrec _ (NestedModule m) = ppModule 2 m
instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (Program name) where
ppPrec _ (Program ds) = vcat (map pp ds)
@ -556,10 +613,12 @@ instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (TopDecl name) where
DParameterType d -> pp d
DParameterConstraint d ->
"parameter" <+> "type" <+> "constraint" <+> prop
where prop = case map pp d of
where prop = case map (pp . thing) d of
[x] -> x
[] -> "()"
xs -> parens (hsep (punctuate comma xs))
DModule d -> pp d
DImport i -> pp (thing i)
instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (PrimType name) where
ppPrec _ pt =
@ -580,6 +639,7 @@ instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (Decl name) where
DSignature xs s -> commaSep (map ppL xs) <+> text ":" <+> pp s
DPatBind p e -> pp p <+> text "=" <+> pp e
DBind b -> ppPrec n b
DRec bs -> "recursive" $$ nest 2 (vcat (map (ppPrec n) bs))
DFixity f ns -> ppFixity f ns
DPragma xs p -> ppPragma xs p
DType ts -> ppPrec n ts
@ -596,13 +656,19 @@ instance PPName name => PP (Newtype name) where
[ text "newtype", ppL (nName nt), hsep (map pp (nParams nt)), char '='
, braces (commaSep (map (ppNamed' ":") (displayFields (nBody nt)))) ]
instance PP Import where
instance PP mname => PP (ImportG mname) where
ppPrec _ d = text "import" <+> sep [ pp (iModule d), mbAs, mbSpec ]
mbAs = maybe empty (\ name -> text "as" <+> pp name ) (iAs d)
mbSpec = maybe empty pp (iSpec d)
instance PP name => PP (ImpName name) where
ppPrec _ nm =
case nm of
ImpTop x -> pp x
ImpNested x -> "submodule" <+> pp x
instance PP ImportSpec where
ppPrec _ s = case s of
Hiding names -> text "hiding" <+> parens (commaSep (map pp names))
@ -915,13 +981,15 @@ instance (NoPos a, NoPos b) => NoPos (a,b) where
instance NoPos (Program name) where
noPos (Program x) = Program (noPos x)
instance NoPos (Module name) where
instance NoPos (ModuleG mname name) where
noPos m = Module { mName = mName m
, mInstance = mInstance m
, mImports = noPos (mImports m)
, mDecls = noPos (mDecls m)
instance NoPos (NestedModule name) where
noPos (NestedModule m) = NestedModule (noPos m)
instance NoPos (TopDecl name) where
noPos decl =
case decl of
@ -932,6 +1000,9 @@ instance NoPos (TopDecl name) where
DParameterFun d -> DParameterFun (noPos d)
DParameterType d -> DParameterType (noPos d)
DParameterConstraint d -> DParameterConstraint (noPos d)
DModule d -> DModule (noPos d)
DImport d -> DImport (noPos d)
instance NoPos (PrimType name) where
noPos x = x
@ -953,6 +1024,7 @@ instance NoPos (Decl name) where
DPatBind x y -> DPatBind (noPos x) (noPos y)
DFixity f ns -> DFixity f (noPos ns)
DBind x -> DBind (noPos x)
DRec bs -> DRec (map noPos bs)
DType x -> DType (noPos x)
DProp x -> DProp (noPos x)
DLocated x _ -> noPos x
@ -973,6 +1045,7 @@ instance NoPos (Bind name) where
, bPragmas = noPos (bPragmas x)
, bMono = bMono x
, bDoc = bDoc x
, bExport = bExport x
instance NoPos Pragma where

View File

@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ $white+ { emit $ White Space }
"private" { emit $ KW KW_private }
"include" { emit $ KW KW_include }
"module" { emit $ KW KW_module }
"submodule" { emit $ KW KW_submodule }
"newtype" { emit $ KW KW_newtype }
"pragma" { emit $ KW KW_pragma }
"property" { emit $ KW KW_property }

View File

@ -487,6 +487,7 @@ data TokenKW = KW_else
| KW_max
| KW_min
| KW_module
| KW_submodule
| KW_newtype
| KW_pragma
| KW_property

View File

@ -9,7 +9,19 @@
-- This module defines the scoping rules for value- and type-level
-- names in Cryptol.
module Cryptol.Parser.Names where
module Cryptol.Parser.Names
( tnamesNT
, tnamesT
, tnamesC
, namesD
, tnamesD
, namesB
, namesP
, boundNames
, boundNamesSet
) where
import Cryptol.Parser.AST
import Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap
@ -17,7 +29,6 @@ import Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- | The names defined by a newtype.
tnamesNT :: Newtype name -> ([Located name], ())
tnamesNT x = ([ nName x ], ())
@ -34,6 +45,8 @@ namesD :: Ord name => Decl name -> ([Located name], Set name)
namesD decl =
case decl of
DBind b -> namesB b
DRec bs -> let (xs,ys) = unzip (map namesB bs)
in (concat xs, Set.unions ys) -- remove binders?
DPatBind p e -> (namesP p, namesE e)
DSignature {} -> ([],Set.empty)
DFixity{} -> ([],Set.empty)
@ -42,25 +55,10 @@ namesD decl =
DProp {} -> ([],Set.empty)
DLocated d _ -> namesD d
-- | The names defined and used by a single declarations in such a way
-- that they cannot be duplicated in a file. For example, it is fine
-- to use @x@ on the RHS of two bindings, but not on the LHS of two
-- type signatures.
allNamesD :: Ord name => Decl name -> [Located name]
allNamesD decl =
case decl of
DBind b -> fst (namesB b)
DPatBind p _ -> namesP p
DSignature ns _ -> ns
DFixity _ ns -> ns
DPragma ns _ -> ns
DType ts -> [tsName ts]
DProp ps -> [psName ps]
DLocated d _ -> allNamesD d
-- | The names defined and used by a single binding.
namesB :: Ord name => Bind name -> ([Located name], Set name)
namesB b = ([bName b], boundLNames (namesPs (bParams b)) (namesDef (thing (bDef b))))
namesB b =
([bName b], boundLNames (namesPs (bParams b)) (namesDef (thing (bDef b))))
namesDef :: Ord name => BindDef name -> Set name
@ -164,6 +162,7 @@ tnamesD decl =
DFixity {} -> ([], Set.empty)
DPragma {} -> ([], Set.empty)
DBind b -> ([], tnamesB b)
DRec bs -> ([], Set.unions (map tnamesB bs))
DPatBind _ e -> ([], tnamesE e)
DLocated d _ -> tnamesD d
DType (TySyn n _ ps t)

View File

@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ collectErrors f ts = do
return rs
-- | Remove includes from a module.
noIncludeModule :: Module PName -> NoIncM (Module PName)
noIncludeModule :: ModuleG mname PName -> NoIncM (ModuleG mname PName)
noIncludeModule m = update `fmap` collectErrors noIncTopDecl (mDecls m)
update tds = m { mDecls = concat tds }
@ -174,13 +174,19 @@ noIncludeProgram (Program tds) =
-- reference.
noIncTopDecl :: TopDecl PName -> NoIncM [TopDecl PName]
noIncTopDecl td = case td of
Decl _ -> return [td]
Decl _ -> pure [td]
DPrimType {} -> pure [td]
TDNewtype _-> return [td]
DParameterType {} -> return [td]
DParameterConstraint {} -> return [td]
DParameterFun {} -> return [td]
TDNewtype _-> pure [td]
DParameterType {} -> pure [td]
DParameterConstraint {} -> pure [td]
DParameterFun {} -> pure [td]
Include lf -> resolveInclude lf
DModule tl ->
case tlValue tl of
NestedModule m ->
do m1 <- noIncludeModule m
pure [ DModule tl { tlValue = NestedModule m1 } ]
DImport {} -> pure [td]
-- | Resolve the file referenced by a include into a list of top-level
-- declarations.

View File

@ -44,18 +44,23 @@ instance RemovePatterns (Program PName) where
instance RemovePatterns (Expr PName) where
removePatterns e = runNoPatM (noPatE e)
instance RemovePatterns (Module PName) where
instance RemovePatterns (ModuleG mname PName) where
removePatterns m = runNoPatM (noPatModule m)
instance RemovePatterns [Decl PName] where
removePatterns ds = runNoPatM (noPatDs ds)
instance RemovePatterns (NestedModule PName) where
removePatterns (NestedModule m) = (NestedModule m1,errs)
where (m1,errs) = removePatterns m
simpleBind :: Located PName -> Expr PName -> Bind PName
simpleBind x e = Bind { bName = x, bParams = []
, bDef = at e (Located emptyRange (DExpr e))
, bSignature = Nothing, bPragmas = []
, bMono = True, bInfix = False, bFixity = Nothing
, bDoc = Nothing
, bExport = Public
sel :: Pattern PName -> PName -> Selector -> Bind PName
@ -226,6 +231,7 @@ noMatchD decl =
DBind b -> do b1 <- noMatchB b
return [DBind b1]
DRec {} -> panic "noMatchD" [ "DRec" ]
DPatBind p e -> do (p',bs) <- noPat p
let (x,ts) = splitSimpleP p'
@ -240,6 +246,7 @@ noMatchD decl =
, bInfix = False
, bFixity = Nothing
, bDoc = Nothing
, bExport = Public
} : map DBind bs
DType {} -> return [decl]
DProp {} -> return [decl]
@ -323,7 +330,7 @@ noPatTopDs tds =
noPatProg :: Program PName -> NoPatM (Program PName)
noPatProg (Program topDs) = Program <$> noPatTopDs topDs
noPatModule :: Module PName -> NoPatM (Module PName)
noPatModule :: ModuleG mname PName -> NoPatM (ModuleG mname PName)
noPatModule m =
do ds1 <- noPatTopDs (mDecls m)
return m { mDecls = ds1 }
@ -385,6 +392,13 @@ annotTopDs tds =
TDNewtype {} -> (d :) <$> annotTopDs ds
Include {} -> (d :) <$> annotTopDs ds
DModule m ->
case removePatterns (tlValue m) of
(m1,errs) -> do lift (mapM_ recordError errs)
(DModule m { tlValue = m1 } :) <$> annotTopDs ds
DImport {} -> (d :) <$> annotTopDs ds
[] -> return []
@ -403,6 +417,7 @@ annotD :: Decl PName -> ExceptionT () (StateT AnnotMap NoPatM) (Decl PName)
annotD decl =
case decl of
DBind b -> DBind <$> lift (annotB b)
DRec {} -> panic "annotD" [ "DRec" ]
DSignature {} -> raise ()
DFixity{} -> raise ()
DPragma {} -> raise ()
@ -524,6 +539,7 @@ toDocs TopLevel { .. }
DSignature ns _ -> [ (thing n, [txt]) | n <- ns ]
DFixity _ ns -> [ (thing n, [txt]) | n <- ns ]
DBind b -> [ (thing (bName b), [txt]) ]
DRec {} -> panic "toDocs" [ "DRec" ]
DLocated d _ -> go txt d
DPatBind p _ -> [ (thing n, [txt]) | n <- namesP p ]

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import Cryptol.Parser.Lexer
import Cryptol.Parser.LexerUtils(SelectorType(..))
import Cryptol.Parser.Position
import Cryptol.Parser.Utils (translateExprToNumT,widthIdent)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident(packModName)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident(packModName,packIdent,modNameChunks)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic
import Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap
@ -433,6 +433,11 @@ exportNewtype e d n = TDNewtype TopLevel { tlExport = e
, tlDoc = d
, tlValue = n }
exportModule :: Maybe (Located Text) -> NestedModule PName -> TopDecl PName
exportModule mbDoc m = DModule TopLevel { tlExport = Public
, tlDoc = mbDoc
, tlValue = m }
mkParFun :: Maybe (Located Text) ->
Located PName ->
Schema PName ->
@ -464,7 +469,9 @@ changeExport e = map change
change (Decl d) = Decl d { tlExport = e }
change (DPrimType t) = DPrimType t { tlExport = e }
change (TDNewtype n) = TDNewtype n { tlExport = e }
change (DModule m) = DModule m { tlExport = e }
change td@Include{} = td
change td@DImport{} = td
change (DParameterType {}) = panic "changeExport" ["private type parameter?"]
change (DParameterFun {}) = panic "changeExport" ["private value parameter?"]
change (DParameterConstraint {}) =
@ -534,6 +541,7 @@ mkProperty f ps e = DBind Bind { bName = f
, bInfix = False
, bFixity = Nothing
, bDoc = Nothing
, bExport = Public
-- NOTE: The lists of patterns are reversed!
@ -549,6 +557,7 @@ mkIndexedDecl f (ps, ixs) e =
, bInfix = False
, bFixity = Nothing
, bDoc = Nothing
, bExport = Public
rhs :: Expr PName
@ -588,6 +597,7 @@ mkPrimDecl mbDoc ln sig =
, bInfix = isInfixIdent (getIdent (thing ln))
, bFixity = Nothing
, bDoc = Nothing
, bExport = Public
, exportDecl Nothing Public
$ DSignature [ln] sig
@ -737,18 +747,24 @@ mkProp ty =
err = errorMessage r ["Invalid constraint"]
-- | Make an ordinary module
mkModule :: Located ModName ->
([Located Import], [TopDecl PName]) ->
Module PName
mkModule nm (is,ds) = Module { mName = nm
, mInstance = Nothing
, mImports = is
, mDecls = ds
mkModule :: Located ModName -> [TopDecl PName] -> Module PName
mkModule nm ds = Module { mName = nm
, mInstance = Nothing
, mDecls = ds
mkNested :: Module PName -> ParseM (NestedModule PName)
mkNested m =
case modNameChunks (thing nm) of
[c] -> pure (NestedModule m { mName = nm { thing = mkUnqual (packIdent c)}})
_ -> errorMessage r
["Nested modules names should be a simple identifier."]
nm = mName m
r = srcRange nm
-- | Make an unnamed module---gets the name @Main@.
mkAnonymousModule :: ([Located Import], [TopDecl PName]) ->
Module PName
mkAnonymousModule :: [TopDecl PName] -> Module PName
mkAnonymousModule = mkModule Located { srcRange = emptyRange
, thing = mkModName [T.pack "Main"]
@ -756,12 +772,11 @@ mkAnonymousModule = mkModule Located { srcRange = emptyRange
-- | Make a module which defines a functor instance.
mkModuleInstance :: Located ModName ->
Located ModName ->
([Located Import], [TopDecl PName]) ->
[TopDecl PName] ->
Module PName
mkModuleInstance nm fun (is,ds) =
mkModuleInstance nm fun ds =
Module { mName = nm
, mInstance = Just fun
, mImports = is
, mDecls = ds

View File

@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Cryptol.Parser.Position where
@ -22,7 +25,8 @@ import Control.DeepSeq
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
data Located a = Located { srcRange :: !Range, thing :: !a }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, NFData)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, NFData
, Functor, Foldable, Traversable )
data Position = Position { line :: !Int, col :: !Int }
@ -65,8 +69,6 @@ rCombMaybe (Just x) (Just y) = Just (rComb x y)
rCombs :: [Range] -> Range
rCombs = foldl1 rComb
instance Functor Located where
fmap f l = l { thing = f (thing l) }

View File

@ -1172,6 +1172,7 @@ browseCmd input = do
disp = M.mctxNameDisp fe
provV = M.mctxValueProvenance fe
provT = M.mctxTypeProvenace fe
provM = M.mctxModProvenace fe
let f &&& g = \x -> f x && g x
@ -1180,20 +1181,43 @@ browseCmd input = do
_ -> True
inSet s x = x `Set.member` s
let (visibleTypes,visibleDecls) = M.visibleNames names
let visNames = M.visibleNames names
visibleTypes = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty M.NSType visNames
visibleDecls = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty M.NSValue visNames
visibleMods = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty M.NSModule visNames
restricted = if null mnames then const True else hasAnyModName mnames
visibleType = isUser &&& restricted &&& inSet visibleTypes
visibleDecl = isUser &&& restricted &&& inSet visibleDecls
visibleMod = isUser &&& restricted &&& inSet visibleMods
browseMParams visibleType visibleDecl params disp
browseMods visibleMod provM iface disp
browseTSyns visibleType provT iface disp
browsePrimTys visibleType provT iface disp
browseNewtypes visibleType provT iface disp
browseVars visibleDecl provV iface disp
browseMods :: (T.Name -> Bool) -> Map T.Name M.DeclProvenance ->
M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> REPL ()
browseMods isVisible prov M.IfaceDecls { .. } names =
ppSection (Map.elems ifModules)
Section { secName = "Modules"
, secEntryName = M.ifModName
, secProvenance = prov
, secDisp = names
, secPP = ppM
, secVisible = isVisible
ppM m = pp (M.ifModName m)
-- XXX: can print a lot more information about the moduels, but
-- might be better to do that with a separate command
browseMParams :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> (M.Name -> Bool) ->
M.IfaceParams -> NameDisp -> REPL ()
browseMParams visT visD M.IfaceParams { .. } names =
@ -1596,10 +1620,12 @@ handleCtrlC a = do rPutStrLn "Ctrl-C"
-- Utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- XXX: browsing nested modules?
hasAnyModName :: [M.ModName] -> M.Name -> Bool
hasAnyModName mnames n =
case M.nameInfo n of
M.Declared m _ -> m `elem` mnames
M.Declared (M.TopModule m) _ -> m `elem` mnames
M.Declared (M.Nested p _) _ -> M.topModuleFor p `elem` mnames
M.Parameter -> False

View File

@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ validEvalContext a =
badName nm bs =
case M.nameInfo nm of
M.Declared m _
M.Declared (M.TopModule m) _ -- XXX: can we focus nested modules?
| M.isLoadedParamMod m (M.meLoadedModules me) -> Set.insert nm bs
_ -> bs
@ -547,14 +547,14 @@ getFocusedEnv = M.focusedEnv <$> getModuleEnv
getExprNames :: REPL [String]
getExprNames =
do fNames <- M.mctxNames <$> getFocusedEnv
return (map (show . pp) (Map.keys (M.neExprs fNames)))
return (map (show . pp) (Map.keys (M.namespaceMap M.NSValue fNames)))
-- | Get visible type signature names.
-- This is used for command line completition.
getTypeNames :: REPL [String]
getTypeNames =
do fNames <- M.mctxNames <$> getFocusedEnv
return (map (show . pp) (Map.keys (M.neTypes fNames)))
return (map (show . pp) (Map.keys (M.namespaceMap M.NSType fNames)))
-- | Return a list of property names, sorted by position in the file.
getPropertyNames :: REPL ([(M.Name,M.IfaceDecl)],NameDisp)
@ -595,7 +595,8 @@ uniqify :: M.Name -> REPL M.Name
uniqify name =
case M.nameInfo name of
M.Declared ns s ->
M.liftSupply (M.mkDeclared ns s (M.nameIdent name) (M.nameFixity name) (M.nameLoc name))
M.liftSupply (M.mkDeclared (M.nameNamespace name)
ns s (M.nameIdent name) (M.nameFixity name) (M.nameLoc name))
M.Parameter ->
panic "[REPL] uniqify" ["tried to uniqify a parameter: " ++ pretty name]
@ -615,7 +616,8 @@ uniqify name =
-- the "<interactive>" namespace.
freshName :: I.Ident -> M.NameSource -> REPL M.Name
freshName i sys =
M.liftSupply (M.mkDeclared I.interactiveName sys i Nothing emptyRange)
M.liftSupply (M.mkDeclared I.NSValue mpath sys i Nothing emptyRange)
where mpath = M.TopModule I.interactiveName
-- User Environment Interaction ------------------------------------------------

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@ -79,11 +79,11 @@
module Cryptol.Transform.MonoValues (rewModule) where
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.Parser.Position (emptyRange)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST hiding (splitTApp) -- XXX: just use this one
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.TypeMap
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (ModName)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident(Namespace(..))
import Data.List(sortBy,groupBy)
import Data.Either(partitionEithers)
import Data.Map (Map)
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ instance TrieMap RewMap' (Name,[Type],Int) where
-- | Note that this assumes that this pass will be run only once for each
-- module, otherwise we will get name collisions.
rewModule :: Supply -> Module -> (Module,Supply)
rewModule s m = runM body (mName m) s
rewModule s m = runM body (TopModule (mName m)) s
body = do ds <- mapM (rewDeclGroup emptyTM) (mDecls m)
return m { mDecls = ds }
@ -140,13 +140,13 @@ rewModule s m = runM body (mName m) s
type M = ReaderT RO (SupplyT Id)
type RO = ModName
type RO = ModPath
-- | Produce a fresh top-level name.
newName :: M Name
newName =
do ns <- ask
liftSupply (mkDeclared ns SystemName "$mono" Nothing emptyRange)
liftSupply (mkDeclared NSValue ns SystemName "$mono" Nothing emptyRange)
newTopOrLocalName :: M Name
newTopOrLocalName = newName

View File

@ -242,9 +242,10 @@ destETAbs = go []
freshName :: Name -> [Type] -> SpecM Name
freshName n _ =
case nameInfo n of
Declared ns s -> liftSupply (mkDeclared ns s ident fx loc)
Parameter -> liftSupply (mkParameter ident loc)
Declared m s -> liftSupply (mkDeclared ns m s ident fx loc)
Parameter -> liftSupply (mkParameter ns ident loc)
ns = nameNamespace n
fx = nameFixity n
ident = nameIdent n
loc = nameLoc n

View File

@ -28,11 +28,10 @@ module Cryptol.TypeCheck
) where
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(Range,emptyRange)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Depends (FromDecl)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Error
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad
( runInferM
@ -41,16 +40,19 @@ import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad
, NameSeeds
, nameSeeds
, lookupVar
, newLocalScope, endLocalScope
, newModuleScope, addParamType, addParameterConstraints
, endModuleInstance
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Infer (inferModule, inferBinds, inferDs)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.InferTypes(VarType(..), SolverConfig(..))
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solve(proveModuleTopLevel)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.CheckModuleInstance(checkModuleInstance)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad(withParamType,withParameterConstraints)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP(WithNames(..),NameMap)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (exprModName,packIdent)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Infer (inferModule, inferBinds, checkTopDecls)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.InferTypes(VarType(..), SolverConfig(..))
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solve(proveModuleTopLevel)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.CheckModuleInstance(checkModuleInstance)
-- import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad(withParamType,withParameterConstraints)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP(WithNames(..),NameMap)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (exprModName,packIdent,Namespace(..))
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
@ -59,17 +61,20 @@ tcModule m inp = runInferM inp (inferModule m)
-- | Check a module instantiation, assuming that the functor has already
-- been checked.
-- XXX: This will change
tcModuleInst :: Module {- ^ functor -} ->
P.Module Name {- params -} ->
P.Module Name {- ^ params -} ->
InferInput {- ^ TC settings -} ->
IO (InferOutput Module) {- ^ new version of instance -}
tcModuleInst func m inp = runInferM inp
$ do x <- inferModule m
flip (foldr withParamType) (mParamTypes x) $
withParameterConstraints (mParamConstraints x) $
do y <- checkModuleInstance func x
pure y
tcModuleInst func m inp = runInferM inp $
do x <- inferModule m
newModuleScope (mName func) [] mempty
mapM_ addParamType (mParamTypes x)
addParameterConstraints (mParamConstraints x)
y <- checkModuleInstance func x
pure y
tcExpr :: P.Expr Name -> InferInput -> IO (InferOutput (Expr,Schema))
tcExpr e0 inp = runInferM inp
@ -92,8 +97,9 @@ tcExpr e0 inp = runInferM inp
, show e'
, show t
_ -> do fresh <- liftSupply (mkDeclared exprModName SystemName
(packIdent "(expression)") Nothing loc)
_ -> do fresh <- liftSupply $
mkDeclared NSValue (TopModule exprModName) SystemName
(packIdent "(expression)") Nothing loc
res <- inferBinds True False
[ P.Bind
{ P.bName = P.Located { P.srcRange = loc, P.thing = fresh }
@ -105,6 +111,7 @@ tcExpr e0 inp = runInferM inp
, P.bInfix = False
, P.bFixity = Nothing
, P.bDoc = Nothing
, P.bExport = Public
} ]
case res of
@ -119,10 +126,12 @@ tcExpr e0 inp = runInferM inp
: map show res
tcDecls :: FromDecl d => [d] -> InferInput -> IO (InferOutput [DeclGroup])
tcDecls ds inp = runInferM inp $ inferDs ds $ \dgs -> do
return dgs
tcDecls :: [P.TopDecl Name] -> InferInput -> IO (InferOutput [DeclGroup])
tcDecls ds inp = runInferM inp $
do newLocalScope
checkTopDecls ds
ppWarning :: (Range,Warning) -> Doc
ppWarning (r,w) = text "[warning] at" <+> pp r <.> colon $$ nest 2 (pp w)

View File

@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ module Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
, Name()
, TFun(..)
, Selector(..)
, Import(..)
, Import, ImportG(..)
, ImportSpec(..)
, ExportType(..)
, ExportSpec(..), isExportedBind, isExportedType
, ExportSpec(..), isExportedBind, isExportedType, isExported
, Pragma(..)
, Fixity(..)
, PrimMap(..)
@ -30,10 +30,12 @@ module Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(Located,Range,HasLoc(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Exports(ExportSpec(..)
, isExportedBind, isExportedType)
, isExportedBind, isExportedType, isExported)
import Cryptol.Parser.AST ( Selector(..),Pragma(..)
, Import(..), ImportSpec(..), ExportType(..)
, Import
, ImportG(..), ImportSpec(..), ExportType(..)
, Fixity(..))
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident,isInfixIdent,ModName,PrimIdent,prelPrim)
import Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap
@ -50,57 +52,59 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
-- | A Cryptol module.
data Module = Module { mName :: !ModName
, mExports :: ExportSpec Name
, mImports :: [Import]
data ModuleG mname =
Module { mName :: !mname
, mExports :: ExportSpec Name
, mImports :: [Import]
, mTySyns :: Map Name TySyn
-- ^ This is just the type-level type synonyms
-- of a module.
{-| Interfaces of submodules, including functors.
This is only the directly nested modules.
Info about more nested modules is in the
corresponding interface. -}
, mSubModules :: Map Name (IfaceG Name)
, mNewtypes :: Map Name Newtype
, mPrimTypes :: Map Name AbstractType
-- params, if functor
, mParamTypes :: Map Name ModTParam
, mParamConstraints :: [Located Prop]
, mParamFuns :: Map Name ModVParam
-- Declarations, including everything from non-functor
-- submodules
, mTySyns :: Map Name TySyn
, mNewtypes :: Map Name Newtype
, mPrimTypes :: Map Name AbstractType
, mDecls :: [DeclGroup]
, mFunctors :: Map Name (ModuleG Name)
} deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
emptyModule :: mname -> ModuleG mname
emptyModule nm =
{ mName = nm
, mExports = mempty
, mImports = []
, mSubModules = mempty
, mParamTypes = mempty
, mParamConstraints = mempty
, mParamFuns = mempty
, mTySyns = mempty
, mNewtypes = mempty
, mPrimTypes = mempty
, mDecls = mempty
, mFunctors = mempty
type Module = ModuleG ModName
-- | Is this a parameterized module?
isParametrizedModule :: Module -> Bool
isParametrizedModule :: ModuleG mname -> Bool
isParametrizedModule m = not (null (mParamTypes m) &&
null (mParamConstraints m) &&
null (mParamFuns m))
-- | A type parameter of a module.
data ModTParam = ModTParam
{ mtpName :: Name
, mtpKind :: Kind
, mtpNumber :: !Int -- ^ The number of the parameter in the module
-- This is used when we move parameters from the module
-- level to individual declarations
-- (type synonyms in particular)
, mtpDoc :: Maybe Text
} deriving (Show,Generic,NFData)
mtpParam :: ModTParam -> TParam
mtpParam mtp = TParam { tpUnique = nameUnique (mtpName mtp)
, tpKind = mtpKind mtp
, tpFlav = TPModParam (mtpName mtp)
, tpInfo = desc
where desc = TVarInfo { tvarDesc = TVFromModParam (mtpName mtp)
, tvarSource = nameLoc (mtpName mtp)
-- | A value parameter of a module.
data ModVParam = ModVParam
{ mvpName :: Name
, mvpType :: Schema
, mvpDoc :: Maybe Text
, mvpFixity :: Maybe Fixity
} deriving (Show,Generic,NFData)
data Expr = EList [Expr] Type -- ^ List value (with type of elements)
| ETuple [Expr] -- ^ Tuple value
@ -369,10 +373,10 @@ instance PP (WithNames DeclDef) where
instance PP Decl where
ppPrec = ppWithNamesPrec IntMap.empty
instance PP Module where
instance PP n => PP (ModuleG n) where
ppPrec = ppWithNamesPrec IntMap.empty
instance PP (WithNames Module) where
instance PP n => PP (WithNames (ModuleG n)) where
ppPrec _ (WithNames Module { .. } nm) =
text "module" <+> pp mName $$
-- XXX: Print exports?

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.CheckModuleInstance (checkModuleInstance) where
import Data.Map ( Map )
@ -20,7 +21,12 @@ import Cryptol.Utils.Panic
checkModuleInstance :: Module {- ^ type-checked functor -} ->
Module {- ^ type-checked instance -} ->
InferM Module -- ^ Instantiated module
checkModuleInstance func inst =
checkModuleInstance func inst
| not (null (mSubModules func) && null (mSubModules inst)) =
do recordError $ TemporaryError
"Cannot combine nested modules with old-style parameterized modules"
pure func -- doesn't matter?
| otherwise =
do tMap <- checkTyParams func inst
vMap <- checkValParams func tMap inst
(ctrs, m) <- instantiateModule func (mName inst) tMap vMap
@ -43,6 +49,9 @@ checkModuleInstance func inst =
, mParamConstraints = mParamConstraints inst
, mParamFuns = mParamFuns inst
, mDecls = mDecls inst ++ mDecls m
, mSubModules = mempty
, mFunctors = mempty
-- | Check that the type parameters of the functors all have appropriate
@ -179,6 +188,7 @@ makeValParamDef x sDef pDef =
, P.bPragmas = []
, P.bMono = False
, P.bDoc = Nothing
, P.bExport = Public
loc a = P.Located { P.srcRange = nameLoc x, P.thing = a }

View File

@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-- |
-- Module : Cryptol.TypeCheck.Depends
-- Copyright : (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Depends where
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (Name)
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(Range, Located(..), thing)
import Cryptol.Parser.Names (namesB, tnamesT, tnamesC,
boundNamesSet, boundNames)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad( InferM, getTVars )
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Error(Error(..))
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap(recordElements)
import Data.List(sortBy, groupBy)
import Data.Function(on)
import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe)
import Data.Graph.SCC(stronglyConnComp)
import Data.Graph (SCC(..))
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import MonadLib (ExceptionT, runExceptionT, raise)
data TyDecl =
TS (P.TySyn Name) (Maybe Text) -- ^ Type synonym
| NT (P.Newtype Name) (Maybe Text) -- ^ Newtype
| AT (P.ParameterType Name) (Maybe Text) -- ^ Parameter type
| PS (P.PropSyn Name) (Maybe Text) -- ^ Property synonym
| PT (P.PrimType Name) (Maybe Text) -- ^ A primitive/abstract typee
deriving Show
setDocString :: Maybe Text -> TyDecl -> TyDecl
setDocString x d =
case d of
TS a _ -> TS a x
PS a _ -> PS a x
NT a _ -> NT a x
AT a _ -> AT a x
PT a _ -> PT a x
-- | Check for duplicate and recursive type synonyms.
-- Returns the type-synonyms in dependency order.
orderTyDecls :: [TyDecl] -> InferM (Either Error [TyDecl])
orderTyDecls ts =
do vs <- getTVars
ds <- combine $ map (toMap vs) ts
let ordered = mkScc [ (t,[x],deps)
| (x,(t,deps)) <- Map.toList ( thing ds) ]
runExceptionT (concat `fmap` mapM check ordered)
toMap vs ty@(PT p _) =
let x = P.primTName p
(as,cs) = P.primTCts p
in ( thing x
, x { thing = (ty, Set.toList $
boundNamesSet vs $
boundNames (map P.tpName as) $
Set.unions $
map tnamesC cs
toMap _ ty@(AT a _) =
let x = P.ptName a
in ( thing x, x { thing = (ty, []) } )
toMap vs ty@(NT (P.Newtype x as fs) _) =
( thing x
, x { thing = (ty, Set.toList $
boundNamesSet vs $
boundNames (map P.tpName as) $
Set.unions $
map (tnamesT . snd) (recordElements fs)
toMap vs ty@(TS (P.TySyn x _ as t) _) =
(thing x
, x { thing = (ty, Set.toList $
boundNamesSet vs $
boundNames (map P.tpName as) $
tnamesT t
toMap vs ty@(PS (P.PropSyn x _ as ps) _) =
(thing x
, x { thing = (ty, Set.toList $
boundNamesSet vs $
boundNames (map P.tpName as) $
Set.unions $
map tnamesC ps
getN (TS x _) = thing (P.tsName x)
getN (PS x _) = thing (P.psName x)
getN (NT x _) = thing (P.nName x)
getN (AT x _) = thing (P.ptName x)
getN (PT x _) = thing (P.primTName x)
check :: SCC TyDecl -> ExceptionT Error InferM [TyDecl]
check (AcyclicSCC x) = return [x]
-- We don't support any recursion, for now.
-- We could support recursion between newtypes, or newtypes and tysysn.
check (CyclicSCC xs) = raise (RecursiveTypeDecls (map getN xs))
-- | Associate type signatures with bindings and order bindings by dependency.
orderBinds :: [P.Bind Name] -> [SCC (P.Bind Name)]
orderBinds bs = mkScc [ (b, map thing defs, Set.toList uses)
| b <- bs
, let (defs,uses) = namesB b
class FromDecl d where
toBind :: d -> Maybe (P.Bind Name)
toParamFun :: d -> Maybe (P.ParameterFun Name)
toParamConstraints :: d -> [P.Located (P.Prop Name)]
toTyDecl :: d -> Maybe TyDecl
isTopDecl :: d -> Bool
instance FromDecl (P.TopDecl Name) where
toBind (P.Decl x) = toBind (P.tlValue x)
toBind _ = Nothing
toParamFun (P.DParameterFun d) = Just d
toParamFun _ = Nothing
toParamConstraints (P.DParameterConstraint xs) = xs
toParamConstraints _ = []
toTyDecl (P.DPrimType p) = Just (PT (P.tlValue p) (thing <$> P.tlDoc p))
toTyDecl (P.DParameterType d) = Just (AT d (P.ptDoc d))
toTyDecl (P.TDNewtype d) = Just (NT (P.tlValue d) (thing <$> P.tlDoc d))
toTyDecl (P.Decl x) = setDocString (thing <$> P.tlDoc x)
<$> toTyDecl (P.tlValue x)
toTyDecl _ = Nothing
isTopDecl _ = True
instance FromDecl (P.Decl Name) where
toBind (P.DLocated d _) = toBind d
toBind (P.DBind b) = return b
toBind _ = Nothing
toParamFun _ = Nothing
toParamConstraints _ = []
toTyDecl (P.DLocated d _) = toTyDecl d
toTyDecl (P.DType x) = Just (TS x Nothing)
toTyDecl (P.DProp x) = Just (PS x Nothing)
toTyDecl _ = Nothing
isTopDecl _ = False
{- | Given a list of declarations, annoted with (i) the names that they
define, and (ii) the names that they use, we compute a list of strongly
connected components of the declarations. The SCCs are in dependency order. -}
mkScc :: [(a,[Name],[Name])] -> [SCC a]
mkScc ents = stronglyConnComp $ zipWith mkGr keys ents
keys = [ 0 :: Integer .. ]
mkGr i (x,_,uses) = (x,i,mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` nodeMap) uses)
-- Maps names to node ids.
nodeMap = Map.fromList $ concat $ zipWith mkNode keys ents
mkNode i (_,defs,_) = [ (d,i) | d <- defs ]
{- | Combine a bunch of definitions into a single map. Here we check
that each name is defined only onces. -}
combineMaps :: [Map Name (Located a)] -> InferM (Map Name (Located a))
combineMaps ms = if null bad then return (Map.unions ms)
else panic "combineMaps" $ "Multiple definitions"
: map show bad
bad = do m <- ms
duplicates [ a { thing = x } | (x,a) <- Map.toList m ]
{- | Combine a bunch of definitions into a single map. Here we check
that each name is defined only onces. -}
combine :: [(Name, Located a)] -> InferM (Map Name (Located a))
combine m = if null bad then return (Map.fromList m)
else panic "combine" $ "Multiple definitions"
: map show bad
bad = duplicates [ a { thing = x } | (x,a) <- m ]
-- | Identify multiple occurances of something.
duplicates :: Ord a => [Located a] -> [(a,[Range])]
duplicates = mapMaybe multiple
. groupBy ((==) `on` thing)
. sortBy (compare `on` thing)
multiple xs@(x : _ : _) = Just (thing x, map srcRange xs)
multiple _ = Nothing

View File

@ -139,6 +139,12 @@ data Error = KindMismatch (Maybe TypeSource) Kind Kind
| TypeShadowing String Name String
| MissingModTParam (Located Ident)
| MissingModVParam (Located Ident)
| TemporaryError Doc
-- ^ This is for errors that don't fit other cateogories.
-- We should not use it much, and is generally to be used
-- for transient errors, which are due to incomplete
-- implementation.
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
-- | When we have multiple errors on the same location, we show only the
@ -147,6 +153,10 @@ errorImportance :: Error -> Int
errorImportance err =
case err of
BareTypeApp -> 11 -- basically a parse error
TemporaryError {} -> 11
-- show these as usually means the user used something that doesn't work
KindMismatch {} -> 10
TyVarWithParams {} -> 9
TypeMismatch {} -> 8
@ -236,6 +246,8 @@ instance TVars Error where
MissingModTParam {} -> err
MissingModVParam {} -> err
TemporaryError {} -> err
instance FVS Error where
fvs err =
@ -269,6 +281,8 @@ instance FVS Error where
MissingModTParam {} -> Set.empty
MissingModVParam {} -> Set.empty
TemporaryError {} -> Set.empty
instance PP Warning where
ppPrec = ppWithNamesPrec IntMap.empty
@ -436,9 +450,7 @@ instance PP (WithNames Error) where
MissingModVParam x ->
"Missing definition for value parameter" <+> quotes (pp (thing x))
TemporaryError doc -> doc
bullets xs = vcat [ "" <+> d | d <- xs ]

View File

@ -13,16 +13,18 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Infer
( checkE
, checkSigB
, inferModule
, inferBinds
, inferDs
, checkTopDecls
import Data.Text(Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
@ -41,7 +43,6 @@ import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Kind(checkType,checkSchema,checkTySyn,
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Instantiate
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Depends
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst (listSubst,apSubst,(@@),isEmptySubst)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
@ -50,43 +51,24 @@ import Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List(foldl',sortBy)
import Data.List(foldl',sortBy,groupBy)
import Data.Either(partitionEithers)
import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe,isJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe(isJust, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.List(partition)
import Data.Graph(SCC(..))
import Data.Ratio(numerator,denominator)
import Data.Traversable(forM)
import Control.Monad(zipWithM,unless,foldM)
import Data.Function(on)
import Control.Monad(zipWithM,unless,foldM,forM_)
inferModule :: P.Module Name -> InferM Module
inferModule m =
inferDs (P.mDecls m) $ \ds1 ->
do proveModuleTopLevel
ts <- getTSyns
nts <- getNewtypes
ats <- getAbstractTypes
pTs <- getParamTypes
pCs <- getParamConstraints
pFuns <- getParamFuns
return Module { mName = thing (P.mName m)
, mExports = P.modExports m
, mImports = map thing (P.mImports m)
, mTySyns = Map.mapMaybe onlyLocal ts
, mNewtypes = Map.mapMaybe onlyLocal nts
, mPrimTypes = Map.mapMaybe onlyLocal ats
, mParamTypes = pTs
, mParamConstraints = pCs
, mParamFuns = pFuns
, mDecls = ds1
onlyLocal (IsLocal, x) = Just x
onlyLocal (IsExternal, _) = Nothing
do newModuleScope (thing (P.mName m)) (map thing (P.mImports m))
(P.modExports m)
checkTopDecls (P.mDecls m)
-- | Construct a Prelude primitive in the parsed AST.
mkPrim :: String -> InferM (P.Expr Name)
@ -164,9 +146,8 @@ appTys expr ts tGoal =
-- Here is an example of why this might be useful:
-- f ` { x = T } where type T = ...
P.EWhere e ds ->
inferDs ds $ \ds1 -> do e1 <- appTys e ts tGoal
return (EWhere e1 ds1)
-- XXX: Is there a scoping issue here? I think not, but check.
do (e1,ds1) <- checkLocalDecls ds (appTys e ts tGoal)
pure (EWhere e1 ds1)
P.ELocated e r ->
do e' <- inRange r (appTys e ts tGoal)
@ -349,6 +330,23 @@ checkE expr tGoal =
ds <- combineMaps dss
e' <- withMonoTypes ds (checkE e (WithSource a TypeOfSeqElement))
return (EComp len a e' mss')
-- the renamer should have made these checks already?
combineMaps ms = if null bad
then return (Map.unions ms)
else panic "combineMaps" $ "Multiple definitions"
: map show bad
bad = do m <- ms
duplicates [ a { thing = x } | (x,a) <- Map.toList m ]
duplicates = mapMaybe multiple
. groupBy ((==) `on` thing)
. sortBy (compare `on` thing)
multiple xs@(x : _ : _) = Just (thing x, map srcRange xs)
multiple _ = Nothing
P.EAppT e fs -> appTys e (map uncheckedTypeArg fs) tGoal
@ -366,8 +364,8 @@ checkE expr tGoal =
return (EIf e1' e2' e3')
P.EWhere e ds ->
inferDs ds $ \ds1 -> do e1 <- checkE e tGoal
return (EWhere e1 ds1)
do (e1,ds1) <- checkLocalDecls ds (checkE e tGoal)
pure (EWhere e1 ds1)
P.ETyped e t ->
do tSig <- checkTypeOfKind t KType
@ -406,7 +404,7 @@ checkRecUpd mb fs tGoal =
-- { _ | fs } ~~> \r -> { r | fs }
Nothing ->
do r <- newParamName (packIdent "r")
do r <- newParamName NSValue (packIdent "r")
let p = P.PVar Located { srcRange = nameLoc r, thing = r }
fe = P.EFun P.emptyFunDesc [p] (P.EUpd (Just (P.EVar r)) fs)
checkE fe tGoal
@ -432,7 +430,7 @@ checkRecUpd mb fs tGoal =
v1 <- checkE v (WithSource (tFun ft ft) src)
-- XXX: ^ may be used a different src?
d <- newHasGoal s (twsType tGoal) ft
tmp <- newParamName (packIdent "rf")
tmp <- newParamName NSValue (packIdent "rf")
let e' = EVar tmp
pure $ hasDoSet d e' (EApp v1 (hasDoSelect d e'))
@ -581,10 +579,11 @@ checkHasType inferredType tGoal =
checkFun ::
P.FunDesc Name -> [P.Pattern Name] -> P.Expr Name -> TypeWithSource -> InferM Expr
P.FunDesc Name -> [P.Pattern Name] ->
P.Expr Name -> TypeWithSource -> InferM Expr
checkFun _ [] e tGoal = checkE e tGoal
checkFun (P.FunDesc fun offset) ps e tGoal =
inNewScope $
do let descs = [ TypeOfArg (ArgDescr fun (Just n)) | n <- [ 1 + offset .. ] ]
(tys,tRes) <- expectFun fun (length ps) tGoal
@ -965,68 +964,104 @@ checkSigB b (Forall as asmps0 t0, validSchema) = case thing (P.bDef b) of
, dDoc = P.bDoc b
inferDs :: FromDecl d => [d] -> ([DeclGroup] -> InferM a) -> InferM a
inferDs ds continue = either onErr checkTyDecls =<< orderTyDecls (mapMaybe toTyDecl ds)
checkLocalDecls :: [P.Decl Name] -> InferM a -> InferM (a,[DeclGroup])
checkLocalDecls ds0 k =
do newLocalScope
forM_ ds0 \d -> checkDecl False d Nothing
a <- k
ds <- endLocalScope
pure (a,ds)
checkTopDecls :: [P.TopDecl Name] -> InferM ()
checkTopDecls = mapM_ checkTopDecl
onErr err = recordError err >> continue []
checkTopDecl decl =
case decl of
P.Decl tl -> checkDecl True (P.tlValue tl) (thing <$> P.tlDoc tl)
isTopLevel = isTopDecl (head ds)
P.TDNewtype tl ->
do t <- checkNewtype (P.tlValue tl) (thing <$> P.tlDoc tl)
addNewtype t
checkTyDecls (AT t mbD : ts) =
do t1 <- checkParameterType t mbD
withParamType t1 (checkTyDecls ts)
P.DPrimType tl ->
do t <- checkPrimType (P.tlValue tl) (thing <$> P.tlDoc tl)
addPrimType t
checkTyDecls (TS t mbD : ts) =
do t1 <- checkTySyn t mbD
withTySyn t1 (checkTyDecls ts)
P.DParameterType ty ->
do t <- checkParameterType ty (P.ptDoc ty)
addParamType t
checkTyDecls (PS t mbD : ts) =
do t1 <- checkPropSyn t mbD
withTySyn t1 (checkTyDecls ts)
P.DParameterConstraint cs ->
do cs1 <- checkParameterConstraints cs
addParameterConstraints cs1
checkTyDecls (NT t mbD : ts) =
do t1 <- checkNewtype t mbD
withNewtype t1 (checkTyDecls ts)
P.DParameterFun pf ->
do x <- checkParameterFun pf
addParamFun x
checkTyDecls (PT p mbD : ts) =
do p1 <- checkPrimType p mbD
withPrimType p1 (checkTyDecls ts)
P.DModule tl ->
do let P.NestedModule m = P.tlValue tl
newSubmoduleScope (thing (P.mName m)) (map thing (P.mImports m))
(P.modExports m)
checkTopDecls (P.mDecls m)
-- We checked all type synonyms, now continue with value-level definitions:
checkTyDecls [] =
do cs <- checkParameterConstraints (concatMap toParamConstraints ds)
withParameterConstraints cs $
do xs <- mapM checkParameterFun (mapMaybe toParamFun ds)
withParamFuns xs $ checkBinds [] $ orderBinds $ mapMaybe toBind ds
P.DImport {} -> pure ()
P.Include {} -> panic "checkTopDecl" [ "Unexpected `inlude`" ]
checkParameterFun x =
do (s,gs) <- checkSchema NoWildCards (P.pfSchema x)
su <- proveImplication (Just (thing (P.pfName x)))
(sVars s) (sProps s) gs
unless (isEmptySubst su) $
panic "checkParameterFun" ["Subst not empty??"]
let n = thing (P.pfName x)
return ModVParam { mvpName = n
, mvpType = s
, mvpDoc = P.pfDoc x
, mvpFixity = P.pfFixity x
checkDecl :: Bool -> P.Decl Name -> Maybe Text -> InferM ()
checkDecl isTopLevel d mbDoc =
case d of
checkBinds decls (CyclicSCC bs : more) =
do bs1 <- inferBinds isTopLevel True bs
foldr (\b m -> withVar (dName b) (dSignature b) m)
(checkBinds (Recursive bs1 : decls) more)
P.DBind c ->
do ~[b] <- inferBinds isTopLevel False [c]
addDecls (NonRecursive b)
P.DRec bs ->
do bs1 <- inferBinds isTopLevel True bs
addDecls (Recursive bs1)
P.DType t ->
do t1 <- checkTySyn t mbDoc
addTySyn t1
P.DProp t ->
do t1 <- checkPropSyn t mbDoc
addTySyn t1
P.DLocated d' r -> inRange r (checkDecl isTopLevel d' mbDoc)
P.DSignature {} -> bad "DSignature"
P.DFixity {} -> bad "DFixity"
P.DPragma {} -> bad "DPragma"
P.DPatBind {} -> bad "DPatBind"
bad x = panic "checkDecl" [x]
checkParameterFun :: P.ParameterFun Name -> InferM ModVParam
checkParameterFun x =
do (s,gs) <- checkSchema NoWildCards (P.pfSchema x)
su <- proveImplication (Just (thing (P.pfName x)))
(sVars s) (sProps s) gs
unless (isEmptySubst su) $
panic "checkParameterFun" ["Subst not empty??"]
let n = thing (P.pfName x)
return ModVParam { mvpName = n
, mvpType = s
, mvpDoc = P.pfDoc x
, mvpFixity = P.pfFixity x
checkBinds decls (AcyclicSCC c : more) =
do ~[b] <- inferBinds isTopLevel False [c]
withVar (dName b) (dSignature b) $
checkBinds (NonRecursive b : decls) more
-- We are done with all value-level definitions.
-- Now continue with anything that's in scope of the declarations.
checkBinds decls [] = continue (reverse decls)
tcPanic :: String -> [String] -> a
tcPanic l msg = panic ("[TypeCheck] " ++ l) msg

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Interface where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident(Namespace(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
mkIfaceDecl :: Decl -> IfaceDecl
mkIfaceDecl d = IfaceDecl
{ ifDeclName = dName d
, ifDeclSig = dSignature d
, ifDeclPragmas = dPragmas d
, ifDeclInfix = dInfix d
, ifDeclFixity = dFixity d
, ifDeclDoc = dDoc d
-- | Generate an Iface from a typechecked module.
genIface :: ModuleG mname -> IfaceG mname
genIface m = Iface
{ ifModName = mName m
, ifPublic = IfaceDecls
{ ifTySyns = tsPub
, ifNewtypes = ntPub
, ifAbstractTypes = atPub
, ifDecls = dPub
, ifModules = mPub
, ifPrivate = IfaceDecls
{ ifTySyns = tsPriv
, ifNewtypes = ntPriv
, ifAbstractTypes = atPriv
, ifDecls = dPriv
, ifModules = mPriv
, ifParams = IfaceParams
{ ifParamTypes = mParamTypes m
, ifParamConstraints = mParamConstraints m
, ifParamFuns = mParamFuns m
(tsPub,tsPriv) =
Map.partitionWithKey (\ qn _ -> qn `isExportedType` mExports m )
(mTySyns m)
(ntPub,ntPriv) =
Map.partitionWithKey (\ qn _ -> qn `isExportedType` mExports m )
(mNewtypes m)
(atPub,atPriv) =
Map.partitionWithKey (\qn _ -> qn `isExportedType` mExports m)
(mPrimTypes m)
(dPub,dPriv) =
Map.partitionWithKey (\ qn _ -> qn `isExportedBind` mExports m)
$ Map.fromList [ (qn,mkIfaceDecl d) | dg <- mDecls m
, d <- groupDecls dg
, let qn = dName d
(mPub,mPriv) =
Map.partitionWithKey (\ qn _ -> isExported NSModule qn (mExports m))
$ mSubModules m

View File

@ -13,30 +13,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad
( module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad
, module Cryptol.TypeCheck.InferTypes
) where
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
, nameInfo, NameInfo(..),NameSource(..))
import Cryptol.Parser.Position
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Unify(mgu, runResult, UnificationError(..))
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.InferTypes
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Error( Warning(..),Error(..)
, cleanupErrors, computeFreeVarNames
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.SimpleSolver as Simple
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.SMT as SMT
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP(NameMap)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP(pp, (<+>), text,commaSep,brackets)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident(Ident)
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import qualified Control.Applicative as A
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
import Control.Monad.Fix(MonadFix(..))
@ -45,14 +27,35 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.List(find, foldl')
import Data.List.NonEmpty(NonEmpty((:|)))
import Data.Semigroup(sconcat)
import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe,fromMaybe)
import MonadLib hiding (mapM)
import Data.IORef
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq
import MonadLib hiding (mapM)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
, nameInfo, NameInfo(..),NameSource(..))
import Cryptol.Parser.Position
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Interface(genIface)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Unify(mgu, runResult, UnificationError(..))
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.InferTypes
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Error( Warning(..),Error(..)
, cleanupErrors, computeFreeVarNames
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.SimpleSolver as Simple
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.SMT as SMT
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP(NameMap)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP(pp, (<+>), text,commaSep,brackets)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident(Ident,Namespace(..))
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
-- | Information needed for type inference.
data InferInput = InferInput
@ -119,16 +122,21 @@ bumpCounter = do RO { .. } <- IM ask
runInferM :: TVars a => InferInput -> InferM a -> IO (InferOutput a)
runInferM info (IM m) =
do counter <- newIORef 0
rec ro <- return RO { iRange = inpRange info
, iVars = ExtVar (inpVars info)
, iTVars = []
, iTSyns = fmap mkExternal (inpTSyns info)
, iNewtypes = fmap mkExternal (inpNewtypes info)
, iAbstractTypes = mkExternal <$> inpAbstractTypes info
, iParamTypes = inpParamTypes info
, iParamFuns = inpParamFuns info
, iParamConstraints = inpParamConstraints info
let env = ExtVar (inpVars info)
<> (ExtVar . newtypeConType) (inpNewtypes info)
rec ro <- return RO { iRange = inpRange info
, iVars = env
, iExtScope = (emptyModule ExternalScope)
{ mTySyns = inpTSyns info
, mNewtypes = inpNewtypes info
, mPrimTypes = inpAbstractTypes info
, mParamTypes = inpParamTypes info
, mParamFuns = inpParamFuns info
, mParamConstraints = inpParamConstraints info
, iTVars = []
, iSolvedHasLazy = iSolvedHas finalRW -- RECURSION
, iMonoBinds = inpMonoBinds info
, iCallStacks = inpCallStacks info
@ -168,7 +176,6 @@ runInferM info (IM m) =
in pure (InferFailed (computeFreeVarNames ws es1) ws es1)
mkExternal x = (IsExternal, x)
rw = RW { iErrors = []
, iWarnings = []
, iSubst = emptySubst
@ -181,6 +188,9 @@ runInferM info (IM m) =
, iSolvedHas = Map.empty
, iSupply = inpSupply info
, iScope = []
, iBindTypes = mempty
@ -191,38 +201,31 @@ runInferM info (IM m) =
newtype InferM a = IM { unIM :: ReaderT RO (StateT RW IO) a }
data DefLoc = IsLocal | IsExternal
data ScopeName = ExternalScope
| LocalScope
| SubModule Name
| MTopModule P.ModName
-- | Read-only component of the monad.
data RO = RO
{ iRange :: Range -- ^ Source code being analysed
, iVars :: Map Name VarType -- ^ Type of variable that are in scope
{ iRange :: Range -- ^ Source code being analysed
, iVars :: Map Name VarType
-- ^ Type of variable that are in scope
-- These are only parameters vars that are in recursive component we
-- are checking at the moment. If a var is not there, keep looking in
-- the 'iScope'
{- NOTE: We assume no shadowing between these two, so it does not matter
where we look first. Similarly, we assume no shadowing with
the existential type variable (in RW). See 'checkTShadowing'. -}
, iTVars :: [TParam] -- ^ Type variable that are in scope
, iTSyns :: Map Name (DefLoc, TySyn) -- ^ Type synonyms that are in scope
, iNewtypes :: Map Name (DefLoc, Newtype)
-- ^ Newtype declarations in scope
-- NOTE: type synonyms take precedence over newtype. The reason is
-- that we can define local type synonyms, but not local newtypes.
-- So, either a type-synonym shadows a newtype, or it was declared
-- at the top-level, but then there can't be a newtype with the
-- same name (this should be caught by the renamer).
, iAbstractTypes :: Map Name (DefLoc, AbstractType)
, iTVars :: [TParam] -- ^ Type variable that are in scope
, iParamTypes :: Map Name ModTParam
-- ^ Parameter types
, iParamConstraints :: [Located Prop]
-- ^ Constraints on the type parameters
, iParamFuns :: Map Name ModVParam
-- ^ Parameter functions
, iExtScope :: ModuleG ScopeName
-- ^ These are things we know about, but are not part of the
-- modules we are currently constructing.
-- XXX: this sould probably be an interface
-- ^ Information about top-level declarations in modules under
-- construction, most nested first.
, iSolvedHasLazy :: Map Int HasGoalSln
-- ^ NOTE: This field is lazy in an important way! It is the
@ -278,9 +281,17 @@ data RW = RW
{- ^ Tuple/record projection constraints. The 'Int' is the "name"
of the constraint, used so that we can name its solution properly. -}
, iScope :: ![ModuleG ScopeName]
-- ^ Nested scopes we are currently checking, most nested first.
, iBindTypes :: !(Map Name Schema)
-- ^ Types of variables that we know about. We don't worry about scoping
-- here because we assume the bindings all have different names.
, iSupply :: !Supply
instance Functor InferM where
fmap f (IM m) = IM (fmap f m)
@ -452,10 +463,10 @@ solveHasGoal n e =
-- | Generate a fresh variable name to be used in a local binding.
newParamName :: Ident -> InferM Name
newParamName x =
newParamName :: Namespace -> Ident -> InferM Name
newParamName ns x =
do r <- curRange
liftSupply (mkParameter x r)
liftSupply (mkParameter ns x r)
newName :: (NameSeeds -> (a , NameSeeds)) -> InferM a
newName upd = IM $ sets $ \s -> let (x,seeds) = upd (iNameSeeds s)
@ -634,17 +645,13 @@ lookupVar :: Name -> InferM VarType
lookupVar x =
do mb <- IM $ asks $ Map.lookup x . iVars
case mb of
Just t -> return t
Just a -> pure a
Nothing ->
do mbNT <- lookupNewtype x
case mbNT of
Just nt -> return (ExtVar (newtypeConType nt))
Nothing ->
do mbParamFun <- lookupParamFun x
case mbParamFun of
Just pf -> return (ExtVar (mvpType pf))
Nothing -> panic "lookupVar" [ "Undefined type variable"
, show x]
do mb1 <- Map.lookup x . iBindTypes <$> IM get
case mb1 of
Just a -> pure (ExtVar a)
Nothing -> panic "lookupVar" [ "Undefined vairable"
, show x ]
-- | Lookup a type variable. Return `Nothing` if there is no such variable
-- in scope, in which case we must be dealing with a type constant.
@ -654,14 +661,14 @@ lookupTParam x = IM $ asks $ find this . iTVars
-- | Lookup the definition of a type synonym.
lookupTSyn :: Name -> InferM (Maybe TySyn)
lookupTSyn x = fmap (fmap snd . Map.lookup x) getTSyns
lookupTSyn x = Map.lookup x <$> getTSyns
-- | Lookup the definition of a newtype
lookupNewtype :: Name -> InferM (Maybe Newtype)
lookupNewtype x = fmap (fmap snd . Map.lookup x) getNewtypes
lookupNewtype x = Map.lookup x <$> getNewtypes
lookupAbstractType :: Name -> InferM (Maybe AbstractType)
lookupAbstractType x = fmap (fmap snd . Map.lookup x) getAbstractTypes
lookupAbstractType x = Map.lookup x <$> getAbstractTypes
-- | Lookup the kind of a parameter type
lookupParamType :: Name -> InferM (Maybe ModTParam)
@ -693,28 +700,28 @@ existVar x k =
-- | Returns the type synonyms that are currently in scope.
getTSyns :: InferM (Map Name (DefLoc,TySyn))
getTSyns = IM $ asks iTSyns
getTSyns :: InferM (Map Name TySyn)
getTSyns = getScope mTySyns
-- | Returns the newtype declarations that are in scope.
getNewtypes :: InferM (Map Name (DefLoc,Newtype))
getNewtypes = IM $ asks iNewtypes
getNewtypes :: InferM (Map Name Newtype)
getNewtypes = getScope mNewtypes
-- | Returns the abstract type declarations that are in scope.
getAbstractTypes :: InferM (Map Name (DefLoc,AbstractType))
getAbstractTypes = IM $ asks iAbstractTypes
getAbstractTypes :: InferM (Map Name AbstractType)
getAbstractTypes = getScope mPrimTypes
-- | Returns the parameter functions declarations
getParamFuns :: InferM (Map Name ModVParam)
getParamFuns = IM $ asks iParamFuns
getParamFuns = getScope mParamFuns
-- | Returns the abstract function declarations
getParamTypes :: InferM (Map Name ModTParam)
getParamTypes = IM $ asks iParamTypes
getParamTypes = getScope mParamTypes
-- | Constraints on the module's parameters.
getParamConstraints :: InferM [Located Prop]
getParamConstraints = IM $ asks iParamConstraints
getParamConstraints = getScope mParamConstraints
-- | Get the set of bound type variables that are in scope.
getTVars :: InferM (Set Name)
@ -724,8 +731,8 @@ getTVars = IM $ asks $ Set.fromList . mapMaybe tpName . iTVars
getBoundInScope :: InferM (Set TParam)
getBoundInScope =
do ro <- IM ask
let params = Set.fromList (map mtpParam (Map.elems (iParamTypes ro)))
bound = Set.fromList (iTVars ro)
params <- Set.fromList . map mtpParam . Map.elems <$> getParamTypes
let bound = Set.fromList (iTVars ro)
return $! Set.union params bound
-- | Retrieve the value of the `mono-binds` option.
@ -740,12 +747,14 @@ because it is confusing. As a bonus, in the implementation we don't
need to worry about where we lookup things (i.e., in the variable or
type synonym environment. -}
-- XXX: this should be done in renamer
checkTShadowing :: String -> Name -> InferM ()
checkTShadowing this new =
do ro <- IM ask
do tsyns <- getTSyns
ro <- IM ask
rw <- IM get
let shadowed =
do _ <- Map.lookup new (iTSyns ro)
do _ <- Map.lookup new tsyns
return "type synonym"
do guard (new `elem` mapMaybe tpName (iTVars ro))
@ -760,7 +769,6 @@ checkTShadowing this new =
recordError (TypeShadowing this new that)
-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given type parameter in scope.
withTParam :: TParam -> InferM a -> InferM a
withTParam p (IM m) =
@ -772,31 +780,148 @@ withTParam p (IM m) =
withTParams :: [TParam] -> InferM a -> InferM a
withTParams ps m = foldr withTParam m ps
-- | Execute the given computation in a new top scope.
-- The sub-computation would typically be validating a module.
newScope :: ScopeName -> InferM ()
newScope nm = IM $ sets_ \rw -> rw { iScope = emptyModule nm : iScope rw }
newLocalScope :: InferM ()
newLocalScope = newScope LocalScope
newSubmoduleScope :: Name -> [Import] -> ExportSpec Name -> InferM ()
newSubmoduleScope x is e =
do newScope (SubModule x)
updScope \m -> m { mImports = is, mExports = e }
newModuleScope :: P.ModName -> [Import] -> ExportSpec Name -> InferM ()
newModuleScope x is e =
do newScope (MTopModule x)
updScope \m -> m { mImports = is, mExports = e }
-- | Update the current scope (first in the list). Assumes there is one.
updScope :: (ModuleG ScopeName -> ModuleG ScopeName) -> InferM ()
updScope f = IM $ sets_ \rw -> rw { iScope = upd (iScope rw) }
upd r =
case r of
[] -> panic "updTopScope" [ "No top scope" ]
s : more -> f s : more
endLocalScope :: InferM [DeclGroup]
endLocalScope =
IM $ sets \rw ->
case iScope rw of
x : xs | LocalScope <- mName x ->
(reverse (mDecls x), rw { iScope = xs })
-- ^ This ignores local type synonyms... Where should we put them?
_ -> panic "endLocalScope" ["Missing local scope"]
endSubmodule :: InferM ()
endSubmodule =
IM $ sets_ \rw ->
case iScope rw of
x@Module { mName = SubModule m } : y : more -> rw { iScope = z : more }
x1 = x { mName = m }
iface = genIface x1
me = if isParametrizedModule x1 then Map.singleton m x1 else mempty
z = y { mImports = mImports x ++ mImports y -- just for deps
, mSubModules = Map.insert m iface (mSubModules y)
, mTySyns = mTySyns x <> mTySyns y
, mNewtypes = mNewtypes x <> mNewtypes y
, mPrimTypes = mPrimTypes x <> mPrimTypes y
, mDecls = mDecls x <> mDecls y
, mFunctors = me <> mFunctors x <> mFunctors y
_ -> panic "endSubmodule" [ "Not a submodule" ]
endModule :: InferM Module
endModule =
IM $ sets \rw ->
case iScope rw of
[ x ] | MTopModule m <- mName x ->
( x { mName = m, mDecls = reverse (mDecls x) }
, rw { iScope = [] }
_ -> panic "endModule" [ "Not a single top module" ]
endModuleInstance :: InferM ()
endModuleInstance =
IM $ sets_ \rw ->
case iScope rw of
[ x ] | MTopModule _ <- mName x -> rw { iScope = [] }
_ -> panic "endModuleInstance" [ "Not single top module" ]
-- | Get an environment combining all nested scopes.
getScope :: Semigroup a => (ModuleG ScopeName -> a) -> InferM a
getScope f =
do ro <- IM ask
rw <- IM get
pure (sconcat (f (iExtScope ro) :| map f (iScope rw)))
addDecls :: DeclGroup -> InferM ()
addDecls ds =
do updScope \r -> r { mDecls = ds : mDecls r }
IM $ sets_ \rw -> rw { iBindTypes = new rw }
add d = Map.insert (dName d) (dSignature d)
new rw = foldr add (iBindTypes rw) (groupDecls ds)
-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given type-synonym in scope.
withTySyn :: TySyn -> InferM a -> InferM a
withTySyn t (IM m) =
addTySyn :: TySyn -> InferM ()
addTySyn t =
do let x = tsName t
checkTShadowing "synonym" x
IM $ mapReader (\r -> r { iTSyns = Map.insert x (IsLocal,t) (iTSyns r) }) m
updScope \r -> r { mTySyns = Map.insert x t (mTySyns r) }
withNewtype :: Newtype -> InferM a -> InferM a
withNewtype t (IM m) =
IM $ mapReader
(\r -> r { iNewtypes = Map.insert (ntName t) (IsLocal,t)
(iNewtypes r) }) m
addNewtype :: Newtype -> InferM ()
addNewtype t =
do updScope \r -> r { mNewtypes = Map.insert (ntName t) t (mNewtypes r) }
IM $ sets_ \rw -> rw { iBindTypes = Map.insert (ntName t)
(newtypeConType t)
(iBindTypes rw) }
withPrimType :: AbstractType -> InferM a -> InferM a
withPrimType t (IM m) =
IM $ mapReader
(\r -> r { iAbstractTypes = Map.insert (atName t) (IsLocal,t)
(iAbstractTypes r) }) m
addPrimType :: AbstractType -> InferM ()
addPrimType t =
updScope \r ->
r { mPrimTypes = Map.insert (atName t) t (mPrimTypes r) }
addParamType :: ModTParam -> InferM ()
addParamType a =
updScope \r -> r { mParamTypes = Map.insert (mtpName a) a (mParamTypes r) }
-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given abstract function in scope.
addParamFun :: ModVParam -> InferM ()
addParamFun x =
do updScope \r -> r { mParamFuns = Map.insert (mvpName x) x (mParamFuns r) }
IM $ sets_ \rw -> rw { iBindTypes = Map.insert (mvpName x) (mvpType x)
(iBindTypes rw) }
-- | Add some assumptions for an entire module
addParameterConstraints :: [Located Prop] -> InferM ()
addParameterConstraints ps =
updScope \r -> r { mParamConstraints = ps ++ mParamConstraints r }
withParamType :: ModTParam -> InferM a -> InferM a
withParamType a (IM m) =
IM $ mapReader
(\r -> r { iParamTypes = Map.insert (mtpName a) a (iParamTypes r) })
-- | Perform the given computation in a new scope (i.e., the subcomputation
-- may use existential type variables). This is a different kind of scope
-- from the nested modules one.
inNewScope :: InferM a -> InferM a
inNewScope m =
do curScopes <- iExistTVars <$> IM get
IM $ sets_ $ \s -> s { iExistTVars = Map.empty : curScopes }
a <- m
IM $ sets_ $ \s -> s { iExistTVars = curScopes }
return a
-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given variable in scope.
withVarType :: Name -> VarType -> InferM a -> InferM a
@ -809,19 +934,6 @@ withVarTypes xs m = foldr (uncurry withVarType) m xs
withVar :: Name -> Schema -> InferM a -> InferM a
withVar x s = withVarType x (ExtVar s)
-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given abstract function in scope.
withParamFuns :: [ModVParam] -> InferM a -> InferM a
withParamFuns xs (IM m) =
IM $ mapReader (\r -> r { iParamFuns = foldr add (iParamFuns r) xs }) m
add x = Map.insert (mvpName x) x
-- | Add some assumptions for an entire module
withParameterConstraints :: [Located Prop] -> InferM a -> InferM a
withParameterConstraints ps (IM m) =
IM $ mapReader (\r -> r { iParamConstraints = ps ++ iParamConstraints r }) m
-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given variables in scope.
withMonoType :: (Name,Located Type) -> InferM a -> InferM a
withMonoType (x,lt) = withVar x (Forall [] [] (thing lt))
@ -830,25 +942,6 @@ withMonoType (x,lt) = withVar x (Forall [] [] (thing lt))
withMonoTypes :: Map Name (Located Type) -> InferM a -> InferM a
withMonoTypes xs m = foldr withMonoType m (Map.toList xs)
-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given type synonyms
-- and variables in scope.
withDecls :: ([TySyn], Map Name Schema) -> InferM a -> InferM a
withDecls (ts,vs) m = foldr withTySyn (foldr add m (Map.toList vs)) ts
add (x,t) = withVar x t
-- | Perform the given computation in a new scope (i.e., the subcomputation
-- may use existential type variables).
inNewScope :: InferM a -> InferM a
inNewScope m =
do curScopes <- iExistTVars <$> IM get
IM $ sets_ $ \s -> s { iExistTVars = Map.empty : curScopes }
a <- m
IM $ sets_ $ \s -> s { iExistTVars = curScopes }
return a
-- Kind checking

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad( InferM, unify, newGoals
, newParamName
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst (listParamSubst, apSubst)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident, packIdent)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident, packIdent,Namespace(..))
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap
@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ mkSelSln s outerT innerT =
-- xs.s ~~> [ x.s | x <- xs ]
-- { xs | s = ys } ~~> [ { x | s = y } | x <- xs | y <- ys ]
liftSeq len el =
do x1 <- newParamName (packIdent "x")
x2 <- newParamName (packIdent "x")
y2 <- newParamName (packIdent "y")
do x1 <- newParamName NSValue (packIdent "x")
x2 <- newParamName NSValue (packIdent "x")
y2 <- newParamName NSValue (packIdent "y")
case tNoUser innerT of
TCon _ [_,eli] ->
do d <- mkSelSln s el eli
@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ mkSelSln s outerT innerT =
-- f.s ~~> \x -> (f x).s
-- { f | s = g } ~~> \x -> { f x | s = g x }
liftFun t1 t2 =
do x1 <- newParamName (packIdent "x")
x2 <- newParamName (packIdent "x")
do x1 <- newParamName NSValue (packIdent "x")
x2 <- newParamName NSValue (packIdent "x")
case tNoUser innerT of
TCon _ [_,inT] ->
do d <- mkSelSln s t2 inT

View File

@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ builtInType :: M.Name -> Maybe TCon
builtInType nm =
case M.nameInfo nm of
M.Declared m _
| m == preludeName -> Map.lookup (M.nameIdent nm) builtInTypes
| m == floatName -> Map.lookup (M.nameIdent nm) builtInFloat
| m == arrayName -> Map.lookup (M.nameIdent nm) builtInArray
| m == M.TopModule preludeName -> Map.lookup (M.nameIdent nm) builtInTypes
| m == M.TopModule floatName -> Map.lookup (M.nameIdent nm) builtInFloat
| m == M.TopModule arrayName -> Map.lookup (M.nameIdent nm) builtInArray
_ -> Nothing

View File

@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
{-# Language FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# Language PatternGuards #-}
{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-| This module contains types related to typechecking and the output of the
typechecker. In particular, it should contain the types needed by
interface files (see 'Crytpol.ModuleSystem.Interface'), which are (kind of)
the output of the typechker.
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Type
( module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Type
, module Cryptol.TypeCheck.TCon
@ -32,6 +37,38 @@ import Prelude
infix 4 =#=, >==
infixr 5 `tFun`
-- | A type parameter of a module.
data ModTParam = ModTParam
{ mtpName :: Name
, mtpKind :: Kind
, mtpNumber :: !Int -- ^ The number of the parameter in the module
-- This is used when we move parameters from the module
-- level to individual declarations
-- (type synonyms in particular)
, mtpDoc :: Maybe Text
} deriving (Show,Generic,NFData)
mtpParam :: ModTParam -> TParam
mtpParam mtp = TParam { tpUnique = nameUnique (mtpName mtp)
, tpKind = mtpKind mtp
, tpFlav = TPModParam (mtpName mtp)
, tpInfo = desc
where desc = TVarInfo { tvarDesc = TVFromModParam (mtpName mtp)
, tvarSource = nameLoc (mtpName mtp)
-- | A value parameter of a module.
data ModVParam = ModVParam
{ mvpName :: Name
, mvpType :: Schema
, mvpDoc :: Maybe Text
, mvpFixity :: Maybe Fixity
} deriving (Show,Generic,NFData)
-- | The types of polymorphic values.
@ -957,9 +994,8 @@ instance PP (WithNames Type) where
TUser c ts t ->
withNameDisp $ \disp ->
case nameInfo c of
Declared m _
| NotInScope <- getNameFormat m (nameIdent c) disp ->
case asOrigName c of
Just og | NotInScope <- getNameFormat og disp ->
go prec t -- unfold type synonym if not in scope
_ ->
case ts of
@ -1076,7 +1112,7 @@ pickTVarName k src uni =
TypeParamInstPos f n -> mk (sh f ++ "_" ++ show n)
DefinitionOf x ->
case nameInfo x of
Declared m SystemName | m == exprModName -> mk "it"
Declared m SystemName | m == TopModule exprModName -> mk "it"
_ -> using x
LenOfCompGen -> mk "n"
GeneratorOfListComp -> "seq"

View File

@ -7,10 +7,16 @@
-- Portability : portable
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
module Cryptol.Utils.Ident
( -- * Module names
, apPathRoot
, containsModule
, topModuleFor
, ModName
, modNameToText
, textToModName
, modNameChunks
@ -41,6 +47,13 @@ module Cryptol.Utils.Ident
, identText
, modParamIdent
-- * Namespaces
, Namespace(..)
, allNamespaces
-- * Original names
, OrigName(..)
-- * Identifiers for primitives
, PrimIdent(..)
, prelPrim
@ -52,13 +65,54 @@ module Cryptol.Utils.Ident
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Data.List (unfoldr,isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
-- | Module names are just text.
-- | Namespaces for names
data Namespace = NSValue | NSType | NSModule
deriving (Generic,Show,NFData,Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded)
allNamespaces :: [Namespace]
allNamespaces = [ minBound .. maxBound ]
-- | Idnetifies a possibly nested module
data ModPath = TopModule ModName
| Nested ModPath Ident
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Generic,NFData)
apPathRoot :: (ModName -> ModName) -> ModPath -> ModPath
apPathRoot f path =
case path of
TopModule m -> TopModule (f m)
Nested p q -> Nested (apPathRoot f p) q
topModuleFor :: ModPath -> ModName
topModuleFor m =
case m of
TopModule x -> x
Nested p _ -> topModuleFor p
containsModule :: ModPath -> ModPath -> Bool
p1 `containsModule` p2 = m1 == m2 && reverse xs `isPrefixOf` reverse ys
(m1,xs) = toList p1
(m2,ys) = toList p2
toList p =
case p of
TopModule a -> (a, [])
Nested b i -> (a, i:bs)
where (a,bs) = toList b
-- | Top-level Module names are just text.
data ModName = ModName T.Text
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Generic)
@ -137,6 +191,15 @@ exprModName :: ModName
exprModName = packModName ["<expr>"]
-- | Identifies an entitiy
data OrigName = OrigName
{ ogNamespace :: Namespace
, ogModule :: ModPath
, ogName :: Ident
} deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Generic,NFData)
-- | Identifiers, along with a flag that indicates whether or not they're infix

View File

@ -66,14 +66,14 @@ Getting a value of 'Nothing' from the NameDisp function indicates
that the display has no opinion on how this name should be displayed,
and some other display should be tried out. -}
data NameDisp = EmptyNameDisp
| NameDisp (ModName -> Ident -> Maybe NameFormat)
| NameDisp (OrigName -> Maybe NameFormat)
deriving (Generic, NFData)
instance Show NameDisp where
show _ = "<NameDisp>"
instance S.Semigroup NameDisp where
NameDisp f <> NameDisp g = NameDisp (\m n -> f m n `mplus` g m n)
NameDisp f <> NameDisp g = NameDisp (\n -> f n `mplus` g n)
EmptyNameDisp <> EmptyNameDisp = EmptyNameDisp
EmptyNameDisp <> x = x
x <> _ = x
@ -88,21 +88,13 @@ data NameFormat = UnQualified
deriving (Show)
-- | Never qualify names from this module.
neverQualifyMod :: ModName -> NameDisp
neverQualifyMod mn = NameDisp $ \ mn' _ ->
if mn == mn' then Just UnQualified
else Nothing
alwaysQualify :: NameDisp
alwaysQualify = NameDisp $ \ mn _ -> Just (Qualified mn)
neverQualifyMod :: ModPath -> NameDisp
neverQualifyMod mn = NameDisp $ \n ->
if ogModule n == mn then Just UnQualified else Nothing
neverQualify :: NameDisp
neverQualify = NameDisp $ \ _ _ -> Just UnQualified
neverQualify = NameDisp $ \ _ -> Just UnQualified
fmtModName :: ModName -> NameFormat -> T.Text
fmtModName _ UnQualified = T.empty
fmtModName _ (Qualified mn) = modNameToText mn
fmtModName mn NotInScope = modNameToText mn
-- | Compose two naming environments, preferring names from the left
-- environment.
@ -111,9 +103,9 @@ extend = mappend
-- | Get the format for a name. When 'Nothing' is returned, the name is not
-- currently in scope.
getNameFormat :: ModName -> Ident -> NameDisp -> NameFormat
getNameFormat m i (NameDisp f) = fromMaybe NotInScope (f m i)
getNameFormat _ _ EmptyNameDisp = NotInScope
getNameFormat :: OrigName -> NameDisp -> NameFormat
getNameFormat m (NameDisp f) = fromMaybe NotInScope (f m)
getNameFormat _ EmptyNameDisp = NotInScope
-- | Produce a document in the context of the current 'NameDisp'.
withNameDisp :: (NameDisp -> Doc) -> Doc
@ -163,6 +155,11 @@ class PP a => PPName a where
-- | Print a name as an infix operator: @a + b@
ppInfixName :: a -> Doc
instance PPName ModName where
ppNameFixity _ = Nothing
ppPrefixName = pp
ppInfixName = pp
pp :: PP a => a -> Doc
pp = ppPrec 0
@ -325,6 +322,7 @@ instance PP Ident where
instance PP ModName where
ppPrec _ = text . T.unpack . modNameToText
instance PP Assoc where
ppPrec _ LeftAssoc = text "left-associative"
ppPrec _ RightAssoc = text "right-associative"
@ -333,3 +331,31 @@ instance PP Assoc where
instance PP Fixity where
ppPrec _ (Fixity assoc level) =
text "precedence" <+> int level <.> comma <+> pp assoc
instance PP ModPath where
ppPrec _ p =
case p of
TopModule m -> pp m
Nested q t -> pp q <.> "::" <.> pp t
instance PP OrigName where
ppPrec _ og =
withNameDisp $ \disp ->
case getNameFormat og disp of
UnQualified -> pp (ogName og)
Qualified m -> ppQual (TopModule m) (pp (ogName og))
NotInScope -> ppQual (ogModule og) (pp (ogName og))
ppQual mo x =
case mo of
TopModule m
| m == exprModName -> x
| otherwise -> pp m <.> "::" <.> x
Nested m y -> ppQual m (pp y <.> "::" <.> x)
instance PP Namespace where
ppPrec _ ns =
case ns of
NSValue -> "/*value*/"
NSType -> "/*type*/"
NSModule -> "/*module*/"

View File

@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ Loading module Cryptol
Loading module AES
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module ChaCha20
[warning] at Unused name: b
[warning] at
Unused name: b
[warning] at
This binding for `cypherText` shadows the existing binding at
[warning] at
This binding for `AeadAAD` shadows the existing binding at
[warning] at Unused name: b
[warning] at
Unused name: b
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cipher
Loading module Cryptol

View File

@ -2,6 +2,5 @@ Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module binarytree
[error] at issue1040.cry:1:1--6:36:
Recursive type declarations:
[error] Invalid recursive dependency:
• type binarytree::Tree

View File

@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ Loading module Cryptol
This binding for `x` shadows the existing binding at
(\(x, y) x -> x) : {a, b, c} (a, b) -> c -> c
[warning] at issue567.icry:4:16--4:17
This binding for `y` shadows the existing binding at
[warning] at issue567.icry:4:13--4:14
This binding for `x` shadows the existing binding at
[warning] at issue567.icry:4:16--4:17
This binding for `y` shadows the existing binding at
(\(x, y) (x, y) -> x) : {a, b, c, d} (a, b) -> (c, d) -> c
[warning] at issue567.icry:5:8--5:9
This binding for `x` shadows the existing binding at

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Loading module Main
[error] at issue723.cry:7:5--7:19:
Failed to validate user-specified signature.
in the definition of 'Main::g', at issue723.cry:7:5--7:6,
in the definition of 'g', at issue723.cry:7:5--7:6,
we need to show that
for any type k

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module T1 where
submodule A where
x = 0x02
y = x

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
:load T1.cry

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module T1
[error] at T1.cry:6:5--6:6 Value not in scope: x

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module T1 where
submodule A where
x = 0x02
import submodule A
y = x

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
:load T2.icry
:t x
:t y

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Parse error at T2.icry:1:1,
unexpected: :
expected: a declaration
[error] at T2.icry:2:4--2:5 Value not in scope: x
[error] at T2.icry:3:4--3:5 Value not in scope: y
[error] at T2.icry:4:1--4:2 Value not in scope: x
[error] at T2.icry:5:1--5:2 Value not in scope: y

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module T3 where
import submodule A
x = y
submodule A where
y = x

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
:load T3.cry

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module T3
[error] Invalid recursive dependency:
• T3::x
• submodule T3::A

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module T4 where
x = 0x02
submodule A where
y = x
import submodule A
z = y

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
:load T4.cry

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module T4

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module T5 where
import T4
import submodule A
a = x

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
:load T5.cry
:browse T4
:browse T5

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module T4
Loading module T5
From T4
From T4
x : [8]
z : [8]
a : [8]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module T6 where
import T4 as X
import submodule X::A

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
:load T6.cry
:browse T6
:browse T4

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module T4
Loading module T6
From T4
From T4
X::x : [8]
X::z : [8]

View File

@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test01::a : {n, a} (fin n) => [n]a -> [2 * n]a
test01::a = \{n, a} (fin n) (x : [n]a) ->
test01::f n x
f n x
/* Not recursive */
test01::f : {m} [m]a -> [n + m]a
test01::f = \{m} (y : [m]a) -> (Cryptol::#) n m a <> x y
f : {m} [m]a -> [n + m]a
f = \{m} (y : [m]a) -> (Cryptol::#) n m a <> x y
@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test01::a : {n, a} (fin n) => [n]a -> [2 * n]a
test01::a = \{n, a} (fin n) (x : [n]a) ->
test01::f x
f x
/* Not recursive */
test01::f : [n]a -> [2 * n]a
test01::f = \ (y : [n]a) -> (Cryptol::#) n n a <> x y
f : [n]a -> [2 * n]a
f = \ (y : [n]a) -> (Cryptol::#) n n a <> x y

View File

@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test02::test : {a, b} a -> b
test02::test = \{a, b} (a : a) ->
test02::f b a
f b a
/* Recursive */
test02::f : {c} a -> c
test02::f = \{c} (x : a) -> test02::g c a
test02::g : {c} a -> c
test02::g = \{c} (x : a) -> test02::f c x
f : {c} a -> c
f = \{c} (x : a) -> g c a
g : {c} a -> c
g = \{c} (x : a) -> f c x
@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test02::test : {a, b} b -> a
test02::test = \{a, b} (a : b) ->
test02::f a
f a
/* Recursive */
test02::f : b -> a
test02::f = \ (x : b) -> test02::g a
test02::g : b -> a
test02::g = \ (x : b) -> test02::f x
f : b -> a
f = \ (x : b) -> g a
g : b -> a
g = \ (x : b) -> f x

View File

@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test03::test : {a} (fin a, a >= width a) => [a]
test03::test = \{a} (fin a, a >= width a) ->
test03::foo [a] <>
foo [a] <>
/* Not recursive */
test03::foo : {b} (Literal a b) => b
test03::foo = \{b} (Literal a b) -> Cryptol::number a b <>
foo : {b} (Literal a b) => b
foo = \{b} (Literal a b) -> Cryptol::number a b <>
@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test03::test : {a} (fin a, a >= width a) => [a]
test03::test = \{a} (fin a, a >= width a) ->
/* Not recursive */
test03::foo : [a]
test03::foo = Cryptol::number a [a] <>
foo : [a]
foo = Cryptol::number a [a] <>

View File

@ -6,18 +6,18 @@ import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test04::test : {a, b} (Literal 10 b) => a -> ((a, ()), (a, b))
test04::test = \{a, b} (Literal 10 b) (a : a) ->
(test04::f () (), test04::f b (Cryptol::number 10 b <>))
(f () (), f b (Cryptol::number 10 b <>))
/* Not recursive */
test04::f : {c} c -> (a, c)
test04::f = \{c} (x : c) -> (a, x)
f : {c} c -> (a, c)
f = \{c} (x : c) -> (a, x)
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module test04
[error] at test04.cry:1:1--5:14:
[error] at test04.cry:3:1--5:14:
• `10` is not a valid literal of type `()`
arising from
use of literal or demoted expression

View File

@ -19,24 +19,24 @@ test05::test = \{n, a, b} (Zero b, Literal 10 a) (a : [n]b) ->
Cryptol::number 10 a <>
/* Not recursive */
test05::foo : [10]
test05::foo = Cryptol::number 10 [10] <>
foo : [10]
foo = Cryptol::number 10 [10] <>
/* Not recursive */
test05::f : {m} (fin m) => [n + m]b
test05::f = \{m} (fin m) ->
test05::bar m <>
/* Not recursive */
test05::foo : [n]b
test05::foo = a
/* Not recursive */
test05::bar : {i} (fin i) => [i + n]b
test05::bar = \{i} (fin i) ->
(Cryptol::#) i n b <> (Cryptol::zero ([i]b) <>) test05::foo
f : {m} (fin m) => [n + m]b
f = \{m} (fin m) ->
bar m <>
/* Not recursive */
foo : [n]b
foo = a
/* Not recursive */
bar : {i} (fin i) => [i + n]b
bar = \{i} (fin i) ->
(Cryptol::#) i n b <> (Cryptol::zero ([i]b) <>) foo

View File

@ -6,15 +6,15 @@ import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test06::test : {a} (Zero a) => a -> a
test06::test = \{a} (Zero a) (a : a) ->
/* Not recursive */
test06::foo : a
test06::foo = Cryptol::zero a <>
foo : a
foo = Cryptol::zero a <>
/* Not recursive */
test06::bar : a
test06::bar = test06::foo
bar : a
bar = foo
@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test06::test : {a} (Zero a) => a -> a
test06::test = \{a} (Zero a) (a : a) ->
/* Not recursive */
test06::foo : a
test06::foo = Cryptol::zero a <>
foo : a
foo = Cryptol::zero a <>
/* Not recursive */
test06::bar : a
test06::bar = test06::foo
bar : a
bar = foo

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Showing a specific instance of polymorphic result:
* Using 'Integer' for the type of '<interactive>::x'
* Using 'Integer' for the type of 'x'
Showing a specific instance of polymorphic result:
* Using 'Integer' for the type of '<interactive>::x'
* Using 'Integer' for the type of 'x'
[1, 2]
Showing a specific instance of polymorphic result:
* Using 'Integer' for the type of '<interactive>::x'
* Using 'Integer' for the type of '<interactive>::y'
* Using 'Integer' for the type of 'x'
* Using 'Integer' for the type of 'y'
{x = 1, y = 2}
Showing a specific instance of polymorphic result:
* Using 'Integer' for type of 0th tuple field

View File

@ -11,30 +11,30 @@ where
/* Not recursive */
specialize::f : (Bit, Bit) -> (Bit, Bit)
specialize::f = \ (__p1 : (Bit, Bit)) ->
(specialize::x, specialize::y)
(x, y)
/* Not recursive */
specialize::y : Bit
specialize::y = __p1 .1 /* of 2 */
y : Bit
y = __p1 .1 /* of 2 */
/* Not recursive */
specialize::x : Bit
specialize::x = __p1 .0 /* of 2 */
x : Bit
x = __p1 .0 /* of 2 */
/* Not recursive */
specialize::top : (Bit, Bit) -> (Bit, Bit)
specialize::top = \ (__p0 : (Bit, Bit)) ->
specialize::f (specialize::x, specialize::y)
specialize::f (x, y)
/* Not recursive */
specialize::y : Bit
specialize::y = __p0 .1 /* of 2 */
y : Bit
y = __p0 .1 /* of 2 */
/* Not recursive */
specialize::x : Bit
specialize::x = __p0 .0 /* of 2 */
x : Bit
x = __p0 .0 /* of 2 */

View File

@ -51,9 +51,8 @@ Loading module Main
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
[error] at :1:1--1:11:
Recursive type declarations:
[error] Invalid recursive dependency:
• type Main::T
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main